4 Mutande da uomo $2.00 s-—---——————————* Assortimento di mutande CT ( \A MC' Grande assortimento di maglie e 111 L\ i\ yj I / / \ \v) Paletot per signora $5.00 giacche. Mutande unite per donna, finis- pnrriiir Olirri 11 r Paletot per signora SIO.OO sime al paio 50c e SI.OO SPECIALE SPECIALE Facciamo l'ultimo sacrificio per Tutte le qualità' di calzette in vendere tutte le vesti di stagione. Paletot l K ' r ragazzi da SI.OO cotone e lana. Noi venderemo queste vesti a 0 *' K me"a' prezzo. Dobbiamo venderle ■ 1 Camicie da lavoro per uomo ad ogni modo far posto alla Poplin di seta, largo 3G ine. alla merce in arrivo. I prezzi che noi yarda SI.OO. Cravatte per donna. Esteso as- .. , . , ~ 1 pratichiamo per la vendita di que- sortimonto. g^e rl uran o per tutta la setti- Messaline larghe 3G ine. la yajda mana. Valigie, borse e bauli. SI.OO. Grande assortimento di scarpe Vesti colorate o bianche da ti. 50 "diorama *2.50, *3.50 e *5.00 Serge pura lana, 36 ine. largo, ora 98c alla - varda 50c • Cipria finissima. Tutte le vesti vaiutate SG.OO, Crepe di lana. 36 in.,la yarda 50c. , Mussolino e flanellette. $7.50,18,50 e SIO.OO, debbono assolutamente vendersi . i „ „ m Crepe seta e lana, la yarda 75c. Impermeabili per donna e per SI.QB ' uomo. Adesso e' il tempo di prendere ~ , , , ~_ n ._ __ 1 1 Coperte colorate SI.OO e $2. 00. Tappezzeria.da camera. una veste lavabile per un prezzo —— irrisorio. A'enite a comprare e vi , Coperte tutta lana $0.25 e G. 50. Assortimento di corsetti. convincerete. Grande assortimento di scarpe. Assortimento di stolte. Ritagli di seta, alla yarda SI.OO. Generi alimentari nel basamento. OT A VTO' Venite a visitare i nostri magaz- Oi^V-/1\ W Usate la "Western Cream Flonr,, 7 ini al sacco $1.70. PROSSIME PARTENZE direttamente per Napoli e Palermo "SAN GIOVANNI 14 Ottobre 1914 "SAN GUGLIELMO,, 20 Ottobre 1914 "SAN GIORGIO 20 Novembre 1914 zzzzzzzzzzzz Adattamenti e servizi di terza classe insuperabili :z=zzzzzzziz zzzzz Eleganti e comode cabine di prima e seconda classe - Cabine di lusso zzzzz: Per l'acquisto di biglietti rivolgersi a FRANCESCO BIAMONTE - Marshall Building, Stanza n. 12 - INDIANA, PA. TIPOGRAFIA DEL "PATRIOTA,; Marshall Bldg. Indiana, Pa. o " I II I I I ■! I * * * * * Il Si ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ li SI ESEGUISCONO LAVORI DI STAMPA CON LA MASSIMA SOLLECITUDINE ED ESATTEZZA 1 CIRCOLARI • STATUTI • CARTE INTESTATE J MANIFESTI - RUSTF - STATFMFNTS f J PARTECIPAZIONI DI NOZZE ? I BIGLIETTI 'DA UISITA - BILL HEAPS BUSINESS CAROS - PROGRAMMI, ed altro i j! # i; ;i i; !; $ $ i; i: $5 ìè)^ ji $ j: $ $ Caratteri moderni nuovissimi i The Patriot Publishing Co. INDIANA, PA. WOUNDED BRITISH SOLDIERS IN FRANCE Photo by American Press Association. Sees Lost Brother in Belgian Picture Oharleroi, Pa., Sept. 24— R. Ver- j klereen, a wealthy dairyman, dis covered the whereabouts of a younger brother gone several years and for whom he had spent much money for searches. Verklereen was looking at pic ti i3s of Belgian soldiers in action when ho recognized his brother. : The troops were partly covered ivitli straw and waiting for the I Germans to approach close enough before opening fire. The regiment. ii was noted, was near Lieare. Mrs. Borland Sells Property. Sold through the agency of Jno. McConnell, the Mrs. Markula A. Borland property on North Tenth j street to John C. Wells. fors 2000.! The new owner gets possession atj - I once. WANTED —3 furnished rooms; for yovJig at this < Lin 01 iittteis Remaining uncalled for in the. Indiana office September 19: J. P. Bradley, Edd Hease. Clyde Hippie, W. H. King, Mrs. Blanche Long, Mrs. Vm. Long. John Ly ciiek. Mrs. 0. 11. Miller, Mrs. AATn. Mitchell, R. B. Stewart, Carl Swift AVm. 11. Thomas. Aliss Margaret Tulk, Alis*s Martha McCreary. J. AV. McCnllough, AVm. 11. Walker, Airs. C. AViliiams, AV. A. Williams* Mildied ..'oodward. . THE PATRIOT TUB PATRIOT published weekly by THE PATRIOT PUBLISHING CO. Office: Marshall Bldg. Indiana, Pa. F. BIAMONTE, Manager & Editor F. SMITH, English Editor B. "COLETTI, Italian Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year $2.00 Six months . . . . $1.25 One Copy 5c QUESTIONS THAT A GOOD CITIZEN SHOULD KNOW. D. Have you read the Constitution j of the United States? R. Yes. D. What form of Government is this ? R. Republican. D. What is the Constitution of the > United States? IR. It is the fundamental law of this . country. D. Who makes the laws of the ; United States? R. The Congress. D. What does Congress consist of? R. Senate and House of Representa tives. D. Who is the chief executive of the ! United States ? R. President. D. For how long is the President of j the United States elected? I j R. 4 years. U. Who takes the place of the Presi -1 dent in case he dies? R. The Vice President. D. What is his name ? R. Thomas R. Marshall. | D. By whom is the I'resident of the " United States elected? & j R. By the electors. D. By whom are the electors elected ? R. By the people. D. Who makes the kws for the State of Pennsylvania? R. The Legislature. D. What does the Legislature con sist of? i R. Senate and Assemblv. D. How many States in the Union ? | H. 48. D. When was the Declaration of . Independence signed ? I R. July 4, 1776. D. By whom was it written? R. Thomas Jefferson. D. Which is the capital of the United States? R. Washington. D. Which is the Capital of the State of Pennsylvania ? R. Harrisburg. D. How many Senators has each State in the United States Senate? R. Two. D. By whom are they elected? R. By the people. D. For how long ? R. 6 years. D. How many representatives are there? £ R. According to the population one to every 30,000. D. For how long are they elected? R. 2 years. D. How many electoral votes has the State of Pennsylvania? R. 34. D. Who is the chief executive of the State of Pennsylvania? R. The Governor. D. For how long is he elected ? R. 4 years. D. Who is the Governor? R. Tener. D. Do you believe in organized gov ernment ? R. Yes. D. Are you opposed to organized government ? R. No. D. Are you an anarchist? R. No. D. What is an anarchist? R. A person who does not believe in organized government. D. Are you a bigamist or poliga mist? R. No. D. What is a bigamist or poliga- < mist? j R. One who believes in having more " than one wife. D. Do you belong to any secret So ciety who teach to disbelieve in or '■ ganized government ? R. No. D. Have you ever violated any laws • | of the United States ? R. No. D. Who makes the ordinances for the City ? R. The Board of Aldermen. D. Do you intend to remain per manently in the U. S.? | R. Yes. WANTED —Boy to learn print- j ing trade; must be aetive. In- j | j quire at tkis office. l|