The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, September 26, 1914, The Patriot, Image 1

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VOLUME I —No. 8.
Zeppelin Makes Raid on Ostend - Germans Pound Verdun Fortresses
French Claim Kaiser has Lost j
30,000 Men Assaulting Stronghold
\ _ ___ " j
Photo by American Press Association.
former Hamburg-America<n liner renamed the Red <Cr®ss recently sailed from New York with 120 nurses and
thirty doctors who will care for the wounded in Europe.
OSTEND, Sept. 25. —Hundreds
of the Ostends tied from here to
day in terror following a raid by
a German Zeppelin airship that
cdropped three bombs in the
southeastern part of the city last
{night. Panic prevail* everywhere
an order has been issued to
livtm no lights later than 8:00
< '(ilw*k at night hereafter.
N© extensive damage was done
iby the aerial bombardment, which
is hetiecwd here to be the German
reply to the challenge of the
British aviators who flew to Dues
seldorf and dropped bombs on the
Bickendorf aerodrome, headquar
ters of the Rtiine Zeppelin squad
Zeppelin Fleet to Attack
English Warships, Is Report
LONDON, Sept. 25. —In giving
out the reports of the Zeppelin
raid on Ostend, the press bureau
made no comment on the report
that a great fleet of Zeppelins had
been concentrated along the North
sea with the intention of attack
ing the British fleet in conjunc-
tion with the German warships at
BERLIN, Sept. 25—Official an
nouncement has been made today
that siege guns have been taken
from Metz to bombard Verdun and
the strong French forts in the vi
cinity of that stronghold.
''The French are striving to
prevent the arrival of these guns"
says the official statement, "but
they are steadily approaching
nearer. The reduction of Verdun
cannot be averted when they
reach a position where they can
be operated with full effect.
"Our smaller guns continue
their bombardment of the Verdun-
Toul line with good effect.
"The field engagements in
France during the 24 hours ended
at midnight have been desultory
affairs without any important de
velopments. AYe hold our posi-
tions, there being no appreciable
change in the lines.
"The situation in Belgium and
the eastern war theater is un
Kaiaer Is Seriously
111 at the Front,
Says Hague Report
THE HAGUE, Sept. 25.—Re
ports declared to come from a re
liable souree state that Emperor
William of Germany is seriously
ill at the headquarters of the gen
eral staff in Luxemburg and that
a specialist has been summoned
from Berlin to care for him.
The Kaiser's illness is said to
have begun with a cold he caught
when he visited soldiers in the
trenches during a heavy rain to
speak words of cheer to them and
was himself drenched. The cold
aggravated the ear affliction from
which he has suffered for many
years, according to reports receiv
ed here, and as the physicians of
the Red Cross were unable to give
him relief, a specialist was called.
It is said that the emperor is;
suffering from severe fits of cough
ing that prevent him from get- j
ting any sleep.
PARIS. Sept. 25.—Reliable re
ports reaching Paris today which
have not yet been officially con
tinned, state that the Germans lost
30,000 men in assaults against the
forts at Verdun, 10,000 of these
being killed and 20.000 wounded.
The Germans, it is said, sustain-
Ed the heaviest losses in fighting
which has followed sorties of the
French army from the forts sur
rounding the city.
The forts are keeping up a hea
vy artillery fire in reply to the
German bombardment.
Paris, Sept. 25.—Two separate
engagements of great magnitude
are raging today upon the great
French battle front, with fighting
centering upon the German r ; gh<
flushed to the firing line to support
the exhausted soldiers who have
been under fire continually for
more than a month.
It is understood that the British
reinforcements are being placed
along the Oise and Aisne tosnp
port both the left flank and the
center of the allies.
The thirteenth day of this
epochal conflict found the French
troops still pressing vigorously
against the army of General von
Kluck, in their efforts to encircle
the German right and crush it or
force it back.
Fresh Troops for the Allies.
Fresh British troops have been
landed in France and are being
Hank, from Roisei to the Aisne.
and around the forts at Verdun at
thee astern end of the line.
•In the center, around Rheims,
the situation remains practically
unchanged with a desultory artil
lery duel in progress.
A New Football Captain
A new football captain will have
to be elected at Kiski. on account
of Fred Brilges not returning to
school. Kiski lost a number of
their best players and will have to
build practically a new team. The
new material looks promising,
however, and it is expected that
the coaches will be able to put a
fast team in the field.
Normal Football Notes
Several of Normal's most prom
ising candidates are on the injured
list. The injuries are of such a
nature that it is doubtful whether
Coaches Smith and Talbot will be
able to present their best lineup
before mid-season.
Pettier, who showed up so wgU
On end the first of last season was
in uniform Wednesday evening
for the first time in two weeks. He
will probably be seen with the
team today, when they go up
against Clearfield High School.
Siemons, star tackle on last
year's team, was given a trv-out
at fullback and performed credit
Louis Sotto, of Havana. Cuba,
has arrived at Indiana to enroll as
a student at the Normal.
i John AY. Stewart, of Cambridge.
: 0.. a former resident of this place,
is here on a short business visit.
More Indiana men leaving for
Ann Arbor are: Todd Bell, Wil
liam Fulton, Stanley Books, Earl
Heekman and Leon Aletzer.
AI iss Margaret Seott has return
ed to her home in Cresson, after a
i visit with her sister, Mrs. J. Lisle
I Galbreath. of Water street.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hazlett, of
Beatrice, Neb., and Air. Frank Al
corn. of Bavenna, 0., are guests
in the home of Airs. J. Leslie Haz
lett, 011 Church street.
Air. and Airs. Frank Bell and
their daughter. Lena, of Butler,
j motored to Indiana from New
j City, and are spending a
few days in the home of Air. and
Mrs. L. F. Sutter, of Philadelphia
Air. and Airs. Edward Hare and
their daughter, Helen; Airs. Pat
rick Burns and Earl Downing, of
Pittsburg, motored to Indiana, on
Sunday and were the guests for
two days of Airs. Burns' daugh
ter, Airs. John E. Hasinger, of!
Wayne avenue.
Mrs. Columbus McCoy, of South
Fifth street, accompanied her son,
W. E. McCoy, to the latter's home
in Pittsburg. Wednesday. Mr. Mc-
Coy will join his wife later and
they will visit in Sharpsburg and
Johnstown before returning to In
Disabled Machine and
Lost His Pocketbook
V illiam Bush, wife and daugh
ters, Mrs. Annie Stiteler and Miss
Kffie Bush, all of Trade City, and
John C. Stear, of North Point, mo
tored to Johnstown last Saturday
and while returning home Sunday
their ear broke down near Brush
valley and the party was compell
ed to hire a rig to convey the mem
bers and the crippled machine to
Indiana, where the car was repair
ed. While endeavoring to fix the
machine along the road Mr. Stear
discovered that he had lost his
pocketboook containing $6l, and
although a diligent search was
made that night and the next day.
the lost money was not found.
Three New Citizens in Town.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Freeh, of
Washington street, are the very
proud parents of triplets had ar
rived within an hour Friday even
ing. A little girl, weighing
pounds, was the first arrival; then
came a boy weighing 7 1 /! pounds
and lastly came another boy that
weighed a trifle over 6% pounds.
The triplets are all healthy and
along with the mother are getting
along famously.
Dog Finds Human Foot.
A dog belonging to Otis Wag
ner, of Clyde, this county, Tues
day evening brought home a hu
man foot and it is believed to be a
portion of the body of aged Mrs.
Mary Clause, who disappeared
from her home near Clyde several
weeks ago. The search for the
woman had been abandoned, but
the new clue afforded has stirred
the people to renewed action and
a large number have been making
another search of the woods. Up
tc a late hour no additional clues
LaC been obtained.
After a deliberation of five
hours the jury in the ease of the
Commonwealth vs. Ulissi Ridolfi
charged with the murder of a
fellow countryman, Monday after
noon at 5 o'clock, returned a ver
dict of "not guilty."
The verdict came as a surprise,
for almost everyone looked for a
verdict of at least manslaughter.
The jury, however, probably tak
ing the stand that if he was not
guilty of first degree murder, he
was not guilty at all, and the ver
dict of "not guilty" was subse
quently returned.
When Ridolfii was told that he
was cleared of the crime he smiled
but when he was taken back to
his cell to get his belongings he
broke down and cried for several
minutes before he could master
his emotion. The prisoners in the
jail were equally affected upon
learning of Ridolfi's acquittal and
congratulated the man.
Ridolfii took the stand that he
had killed the man in self defense
and his lawyers, Attorneys Sam
uel Cunningham and George Feit.
evidently convinced the jury of
that fact. Ridolfi left the jail for
his home in Carneytown about
r> :30 o 'clock.
Fire Destroyed Bence Hall at Dix-
Fire, between 11 and 12 o'clock
Thursday evening completely de
stroyed Bence's Hall on Bence
street, Dixonville, entailing a loss
of near $1,500. The cause of the
fire is unknown.
Two foreigners returning from
their work at the mines saw the
tlames issuing from the second
• story windows and turned in the
[alarm. Dixonville has an excel
lent volunteer fire company, and
within a few minutes the fire
fighters were on the scene, but the
flames had gained too much head
way and the company devoted
their efforts to saving the proper
ty of the Conner heirs directly
next door. The weather boarding
on the Conner house was .badly
scorched, but did not ignite.
The loss 011 the Bence Hall is
partially covered by insurance in
the Thompson Agency of Indiana.
The hall was used as a meeting
place for a number of societies and
public gatherings.
Coming Farmers' Institutes.
S. C. George, of West Lebanon,
chairman of farmers' institutes for
Indiana county, has arranged the
places and dates for the meetings
to be held the latter part of Feb
ruary and the first and second
weeks of March. There will be five
institutes this year and one of
them will be held at Indiana on
March 1 and 2. The places and
dates of the institutes follow: Ho
mer City, February 26 and 27:
Indiana. March 1 and 2; Heilwood
March 3 and J; Trade City, March
5 and 6; Ambrose, March 8 and 9.
The state speakers who will be
here for the various meetings are
L. W. Lighty, Sheldon W. Funk.
W. M. Patton and C. M. Barnitz.
Ambulatory to Open.
Invitations were issued Wed
nesday morning for the formal op
ening of the Ambulatory at the
Normal school. The Ambulatory
surrounds the present Recreation
Hall in the John Sutton building
and is a beautiful addition to the
building. Appropriate exercises
"Tie $2OO due Paul Azzara' be
cause lie arrested two Italians lat
er convicted of murder in the first
degree, won't linger in the posses
sion of the clever Haruesboro con
tractor and amateur detective,'*
says the Johnstown Democrat.
'* Whether he has conscientious
scruples against accepting the
money of this sort Azzara' does
not say, but he does say that of
the $2OO, half will go to the Min
ers hospital in Spangler and the
remainder to the church of which
he is a member."
''Some months ago there was a
"hold-up" near Barnesboro and a
man was killed. The next day.
a Sunday, Azzara found Thomas
( ieherilla and Tony Raguso on a
train on the C. & C. division, not
far from Carrolltown road, lie
placed them under arrest. Some
hours before Capt. Clymer of the
P. R. R. police force, and Chief
Kinney, a Cresson policeman, had
arrested Joe Marturani as he
slid from a coal train in the Cres
son yard."
Paolo Azzara' is very popular
ii this county and during the time
since he was appointed detective,
as an amateur, he has done some
remarkable work.
New Hospital to Be Open Nov. 1.
The new hospital, which for the
last three months has been under
construction, is to be open to re
ceive patients about November 1.
Many physicians have been cu
rious as to who will secure the first
six months' position. The commit
tee concluded recently to appoint
I)r. F. F. Moore, of Lucerne, for
the specified period.
New Glass Plant at Punxy.
The new Weightnian glass bot-
tle plant at Punxsutawney started
up last week. The plant will em
ploy 175 men and boys, their pay
'being $6,500 every two weeks.
They will make all kinds of drug
gists' bottle supplies from the
smallest bottle to the 8-gallon car
Admitted to the Bar.
James L. Jack, Esq., is now the
official title of one of Indiana's
j prominent young residents, he
having satisfactorily passed* the
I State Board Examinations and is
admitted to practice law in Penn
sylvania. Mr. Jack is a son of ex
| Congressman S. M. Jack.
Indiana Will Get New Bakery
A baking company, of Taren
tuni, last week bought a lot on
Oak street, near Fourth, from An
draw Laurent. They will erect a
large bakery and will make such
bread as is used by Italians, Hun
garians and the Jewish people of
Indiana and the neighboring coal
t< wns.
Indiana's Insane Patients.
So far this year 11 persons have
been adjudged insane in Indiana
county and are now inmates of one
or the other of the state institu
tions. This number is greater than
the commitments noted for the en
tire year of 1913.
Supervisors to Meet
The officers of the Indiana Coun
jty Supervisors' Association have
called a meeting to be held at the
Court House on Tuesday morn
ing, October 6, at 10:30 o'clock.
Important business is to be tran
sacted and every supervisor in the
county is urged to be present. J..
W. Woodend is president of the
organization, and W. W. Hopkins