The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, August 29, 1914, The Patriot, Page 4, Image 4

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Si danno istruzioni in contabilita', calligrafia, ste
nografia, dattilografia esu branche d'inglese. Le
|| zioni di sera edi giorno. Domandate il nostro cata-1
logo. Le nostre circolari vi daranno tutte le spiega
zioni che volete sapere.
Il nostro Collegio e' sito al secondo piano del
nuovo Y. M. C. A. Telefono Bell TI K.
Adesso viene (a finale cerica delia GRANDIOSA VENDITA DEL MULINO, che
noi abbiamo mai avuta. Per questo snccesso noi vi ringraziamo.
Quel che ci rimane in negozio viene per questa occasione venduto A PREZZI 0
Per apprezzare il valore, la finezza ela bellezza * Queste veste assortiti che noi abbiamo in ma
di queste vesti ed anche l'astortimento, voi dovete gaz/ino. le offriamo per una frazione della meta'
ispezionarle. Vengono fatte su vari modelli. Prezzo sul prezzo reale. Occasione unica. Prezzo
speciale 1 speciale
Una vetrina piena di Veste e Giacchetti
Tutte le Signore d'lndiana parlano di questa famosa mostra di Giacchette e Veste che fino a poco tempo
fa sono state vendute a $lO e che ora, in occasione di questa grande liquidazione, possiamo metterle in
vendi a a s li
Queste Veste lavabili a prezzo di concorrenza, Non esageriamo col dire che queste Vesti sono
sono adattatissime per quelle signore che desiderano veramente "graziose,, poiché' .lo abbiamo sentito
una buona vesta per le faccende domestiche. Fino ripetere più' volte da molte signore che si sono fer
ad ora le abbiamo vendute a $2.49, ora possiamo mate ad ammirarle nel nostro negozic. Vendute
venderle o sino a $1.69, oggi
99 c
Grande Vendita nella Galleria sotterranea
Tovaglie di lino valutate 39c ora 25c Retine per lumi a gas in tutte le forme 6J/£c
Lenzuolespeciali misura 81x90 06c Lenzuole "Standard,, 39 c
Lucidi per le scarpe le Sveglie "American,, garantite 49c
Rocchetti di filo in tutti i colori 3J4c Fadali da donna 39c
Spazzolini per denti da sc, lOc, 19c, 25c Coperte da letto, bianche 69c
Acqua "Samtol,, da toilette 19c Giacchetti per casa 29c
Fiammiferi, una dozzina di scatole 5c Peroxlgeno e Idrogeno 16dz 9 C
Gomma (Chewing-Gum) da 5c al pacchetto ora 2Giarrettiere per bambini g c
Apertura! FABBRICA DI PRIMA QUALITÀ' Affrettatevi
ore 8 ■ ■■ e comprare
sri al BON-TON g,s s
sino alle 10 P.m. MIGLIOR NEGOZIO D'INDIANA j sottostante I
Si spedisce denaro in V Tratte, vaglia,
parte del ftfl ; \ tutte le citta' del nion-Jb"
eoli la massima ; T do. dando il migliore^^
£o su tutte le linee l'E uri )}pa Amer ic a Cen-^^
Rondata nel 1876 T
y Capitale versato e Surplus $440.000 d
ti' INTERESSI 4 oio A!
■V 4*
'|Sotto la protezione dello Stato della Pennsylvania ]
Biciclette, revolvera, fucili,
lampadine per miniere,
si riparano con la
massima sollecitudine
ed esattezza. Prezzi miti.
N. 12 Norttl 9IH SI. INDIANA, PA.
• 'C'g'g'gg'Cg'g'ggCg *M
|j Finimenti ★ Selle ★ Collailj
j|j * Coperte ★ Jjj
m ★ Incerate per cavalli ★ M
| Si eseguiscono Riparazioni il Selle ecc. jji
g Philadelphia St. INDIANA, PA. g
mmm mamr-
G. E. Simpson, M. D.
H. B. Neal, M. D.
Ore d'ufficio:
dali' 1 alle 3 e dalle 7 alle 9 p. m.
Telefoni: Bell-Loeal
59 S. 9th St. INDIANA, PA.
Il Dentista
Dott. H. E. Ruffner
si pregia avvertire tutti gli
italiani, che il suo ufficio sito
al numero 42, South 7th st.,
Indiana,Pa., e' fornito di tutto
l'occorrente per poter eseguire
qualsiasi operazione ai denti.
Egli garentisce che i suoi
prezzi sono bassi, ed il servizio
e' ottimo. RUE PATRIOT
published weekly by
Office: Marshall Bldg. Indiana. Pa.
F. BIAMONTE, Manager
F. SMITH, English Editor
<X. PALERMO, Italian Editor.
One year $2.00
Six months . . . . $1.25
One Copy 5c
Questions li o M Hi lid Knmr.
D. Have you read the Constitution
of the United States?
R. Yes.
D. What form of Government is
R. Republican.
D. What is the Constitution of the
United States?
R. It is the fundamental law of this
D. Who makes the laws of the
United States ?
R. The Congress.
D. What does Congress consist of?
R. Senate and House of Representa
D. Who is the chief executive of the
Unitecf States ?
R. President.
D. For how long is the President of
the United States elected?
R. 4 years.
D. Who takes the place of the Presi
dent in case he dies?
R. The Vice President.
D. What is his name ?
R. Thomas R. Marshall.
D. By whom is the President of the
United States elected?
R. By the electors.
D. By whom are the electors
elected ?
R. By the people.
D. Who makes the li ws for the
State of Pennsylvania?
R. The Legislature.
D. What does the Legislature con
sist of?
R. Senate and Assembly.
D. How many States in the Union?
R. 48.
D. When was the Declaration of
Independence signed?
R. July 4, 1776.
D. By whom was it written?
R. Thomas Jefferson.
D. Which is the capital of the
United States?
R. Washington.
D. Which is the Capital of the State
of Pennsylvania?
it. Harrisburg.
D. How many Senators has each
This Wfis In Denmark.
An Englishman having business to a
certain Danish town arrived at the
railway station. He inquired of a
group of men standing near the way
to the house he wanted, whereupon
one of them offered to go with him
and show him. With recollections of
what such a service meant in Eng
land he said. "I don't want a guide."
"But surely you asked us to show you
the way," said one of them. "Yes, but
I don't want a guide." "My dear sir,
I am not a guide; I am the bishop."
A Doleful Mood.
The proprietor of a Paris cafe no
ticed that after he had refused to give
his pianist an increase of salary the
number of his customers dwindled
rapidly. It was only when all but
one diner had deserted him that he
discovered that the pianist had beeu
Inflicting Chopin's "Funeral March"
on the audience nightly. The pianist,
who was proceeded against in the Law
courts and was fined 5 francs, pleaded
that he played according to the mood
he felt in after his request had beea
Watered Stock.
"Pa. what do they put water to
stocks for?" "To soak investors with,
mv son."—Boston Transcript
State in the United States Senate?
R. Two.
D. By whom are they elected?
R. By the people.
D. For how long ?
R. 6 years.
D. How many representatives are
there ?
R. According to the population one
to every 30,000.
D. For how long are they elected?
R. 2 years.
D. How many electoral votes has
the State of Pennsylvania?
R. 34.
D. Who is the chief executive of
the State of Pennsylvania?
R. The Governor.
D. For how iong is he elected ?
R. 4 years.
D. Who is the Governor?
R. Tener.
D. Do you believe in organized gov
R. Yes.
D. Are you opposed to organized
government ?
R. No.
D. Are you an anarchist?
R. No.
D. What is an anarchist?
R. A person who does not believe in
organized government.
D. Are you a bigamist or poliga
mist ?
R. No.
D. What is a bigamist or poliga
R. One who believes in having more
than one wife.
D. Do you belong to any secret So
ciety who teach to disbelieve in or
ganized government?
R. No.
D. Have you ever violated any laws
of the United States?
R. No.
D. Who makes the ordinances for
the City?
R. The Board of Aldermen.
D. Do you intend to remain per
manently in the U. S.?
R. Yes.
Better for you to live by life's
crossways, clean, pure, honored and
loved for the goodness of your heart,
than to sit in the seat of a king when
that throne must be bought at the
price of honor. —Edgar D. Vin
The Little Thing Counted.
The Pastor (dining with the family)—
Ah, yes. Brother Smithers. It is the lit
tle things of this life that count! Lit
tle Willie (in a loud whisper)— Maw.
that's the sixth biscuit he's took.—Ex
Curious Bunfish.
The marine sunfish (Mola moia) Is
one of the strangest creatures known,
haying its body lopped off Just behind
its perpendicular dorsal and anal fins,
and being as high as long. With a tiny
mouth, an even stranger part of its
structure is its diminutive spinal cord,
which measures considerably less than
an Inch in a flsh a yard long. A speci
men of this species taken off the coast
of southern California was ten feet
one inch in length and nearly eleven
feet In height.
Doing Her Beet Anyway.
"Tn India brides of twelve are not
"I don't expect to equal that record,"
said the belle, "but so far I've been
the fiancee of six."—Louisville Courier-
K any Iktle word of nunc
May make a life the brighter,
H any little song of mine
May make a heart the lighter,
God help me speak the little word
And take my bit of singing
And drop it in some lonely vale
To set the echoes ringing!
A Dictionary Pillow.
I once know a woman who wrote
books, a woman who was very learned
in the matter of French and Latin
and German and Greek Often when
her nights were dark and dreadful and
sleepless, she would lie awake aud
think of words—what language they
were derived from and what their
original meanings had l>eeu. She told
me that it was a great source of pleas
ure to her and kept her from growing
nervous when she felt wide awake.
Often through the cliill gray dawn I.
too, lie awake and think about words
to keep myself from the unpleasant
imaginings that sometimes haunt me
in the nighttime.—Christian Herald.
No Fresh Air Fo" Him.
No doctor would ever have made
Lord Brampton— best remembered as
Sir Heury Hawkins—subscribe to the
new theory that it is beneficial to sit
in a draft "Few people had a greater
objection to fresh air than Hawkins."
writes J. A. Foote. K. C. "At one time
he had a sort of movable sentry box
constructed for his use in court lu or
der to prevent any possibility of a
draft. He once expressed his prefer
ence for suffocation rather than chill
on the ground that it was a slower
death.—London Standard.
When a Hedgehog Awakes.
When a hibernating hedgehog awak
ens it rapidly warms itself up. Wheth
er this is done automatically or wheth
er it is due to the awakening animal
! "pulling itself together" seems to be
a moot point. The fact is that the
animal rapidly warms itself up. The
chemistry of this is a rapid combus
tion of glycogen along with a small or
moderate quantity of fat. There seems
no doubt that the important fuel which
so rapidly makes the fire of life burn ,
j up is glycogen: the fat Is only sub
sidiary. It must be noticed that in
the hedgehog the awakening and the
warming up are two distinct though
associated processes, for the anjmal
may be awake at a lower temperature.
Joyful Punishment,
Noticing oue of her small boys nib
bling at some luncheon In school one
day the teacher called the culprit to
the desk. "You know," she began
sternly, "that you must not eat during
lesson hours! Now as a punishment
you must stand here In front of the
class and eat every bit of it."
The small boy did as he was bid. a
curious grin overspreading his face.
The teacher misunderstood that grin
| until the last scrap had disappeared,
| when fiom the class a smalt voice
j wailed lu tearful accents:
\ "Please, teacher, that wasn't his
' lunch he was eatin'; it was mine."—La
dies' Home Journal.
Besides his five or six consummate
works, which by universal consent are
practically above criticism. It may be
said that Goethe's songs are the best
in the world. He is the greutest of
all literary critics, and in subtle and
almndant observation of human life
and in the number Hud vulue of his
wise remarks and pregnant sentences
he is one of the greatest writers of all
time. Goethe may le classed as one
of the "greatest men."—New York
A letter written by ltev. Samuel F.
Smith, author of "America." giving the
circumstances of the writing of that
anthem, says that the work "was stim
ulated into being by a collection of
German music books, brought to this
country by Mr. Wood bridge and hand
ed to me by Mr. Mason with the re
quest that I would adapt any of the
pieces that struck me as favorably to
English words. It is not a translation,
though in German the words were pa
triotic. it was first sung at a chil
dren's Fourth of July celebration in
Park Street church. Boston, in 1832 oc
1833." Dr. Smith states that Lowell
Mason was his chief encourager.
Flies' Eggs.
Eggs of files are so small that you
must use a microscope in order to see
their real peculiarities. Each female
fly lays on the average of 150 eggs.
For her cradle she selects a heap of
garbage or refuse. The eggs hatch
into minute maggots. In five days the
maggots turn into little chrysalids. or
pupae, shaped like miniatur? beans.
Within another five days these give
birth to flies, which develop with
amazing rapidity into adult Insects,
and then the mischief begins.
Black Headed Grosbeak.
The black headed grosbeak of the
west takes the place of the rosebreast
in the east and, like it. is a fine song
ster. It feeds on cherries, apricots and
other fruits aud does some damage to
green peas and beans, but It is so ac
tive a foe of certain horticultural pests
that we can afford to overlook its
fault*. For eecb quart of fruit con
sumed It destroys in actual bulk more
than one and a half quarts of black
olive scales and one quart of flower
beetles, besides a generous quantity of
codling moth pupae and cankerworms.
Modern Ideals.
The Grouch—Ten reels and just one
man killed—and you call this a play!
—New York Post.