VOLUME I. Cannons' Roar xX Heard Along 250-Mile Line Hurl Twenty Army Corps Across Line LONDON, Aug. 21. —(Censored by British Censor) —The Central News correspondent in Rome says an official account from St. Pet ersburg reports that a Russian army composed of 2d army corps will carry out the invasion of Prussia under the direction of Grand Duke Nicholas. The Russian advance in East Prussia apparently stretches over a front of 60 miles between Stall uponen and Lyck, but the Rus sian invaders have not yet gained much German ground. Little is heard of the Austrian operations at present. THE WAR TODAY. Great battle between German armies and allied forces begun along a front of 250 miles, 2,500,- 000 men taking part. ■ Biitish and French waships bombarded and greatly damaged Cattnro, an Austrian seaport, on Wednesday. Lilian, the Russian Baltic sea port. was badly damaged during its two hours' bombardment by a German fleet. The inhabitants were panic-stricken. Cerman warships arc reported! to have destroyed the harbor i works at Hango, Finland. Japan is making active prepa rations in view of the approach ing expiration on Sunday of the! time limit of her ultimatum to I Germany. A final call to arms affecting all j able-bodied men from 20 to 42 years old has been issued by the, Austrian government. Russia hurls 20 army corps un- Bis Fiis oi Mown An overheated stove in the base ment of the Catholic church,- a frame structure, at Nictown, yesterday eve ning completely destroyed the build ing. The flames spread to the newly erected Catholic church, adjoining, and that too was completely destroy ed. The loss is estimated at $45, 000. Hon lo Hove o Large Hall The Mutul Aid Society of Christo pher Columbs, which was recently for med; will build a hall 50 x 70 feet in Center township. The hall is to be completed by the later part of Sept ember. The Formica s baud of that place j will use the hall for concert pract- i icing. Local Birl is Tennis Ctiompion By her splendid playing with Thomas Watkins at Dußois last week , Miss Joy Douglass, of South Ninth Street, is now the Western Pennsyl vania Tennis Champion in mixed Doubles. Miss Douglass brought a beautiful cup home with her as a re sult of her prowess with the racquet. B. B. I P. linns in I Bi) 111 II Mi. Oyer one hundred couples were on the floor of the new Caneva Hall at Creek Side last Monday Evening. The dance was held for the ben efit of the Firemen's Association. Craven's Orchestra, of this place, furnished the music, and refresh ments of various kinds was served. NO. 3. rier Giand Duke- Nicholas into Prussia. Montenegrins successfully re pulse attack of Austrians. Namur lias been partially in vested. Fire opened by German artillery. A war tax of $40,000.00 has been levied on Brussels by t lie German general. PARIS, Aug. 21.—(Censored by French Censor) —With the roar of battle reverberating along a front of over 250 miles and with 2.500.000 men engaged in deadly combat, the great fight to decide the fate of the four nations strug gling for supremacy on historic; Belgian soil has begun, according to statements made by eminent French military critics today. It is undoubtedly the German strategists' intention to break i with their main army into France' by the Brussels road and try to push through to Paris. On the German left, where th ree Austrian army corps are said to have reinforced them, the battle is developing over a front of nearly 40 miles. An impentrable curtain has been drawn over the operations in the center of the battle line, where the main French army is co-operating in the fighting. Belgium is now the theater of the most formidable shock in his tory, the duration of which es capes prophecy. The great ar miss of Germans and Austrians on one side, and the allied troops of Belgium, France and Great Britain, on the other, are nov locked in a death struggle which may alter the entire map of Eu rope. wild Could Noi Mi WfjlWli DOCI The famous wizard which appear ed last Monday night on the platform of the Chautaqua, after inviting for a few minutes some one of the aud ience to see the spirits, Dr. Truitt of this place, sprung up and marched up to the platform. The wizard ask the dentist, "are you married" "When lam at home" replied the doctor The doctors hands then where tied on his hack, and he was made to enter the clothed, mys terious room. After a few minutes the screems and the playing of hells was heard. The doctor was then taken out in a very curious manner, a fed toque pulled over his head and sev eral bells belted around his waist. The Indianans certainly en joyed themselves at this appeareuce. This morning the doctor was ask ed if he actualy had seen the spirits "no he said -I did not, but 1 amalwav try to go where there are spirits, and the reason I went up there was to shake hands with the spirits." p. i i io m t BHHILEY Fll Ancterson Co., of Altoona, been awarded the contract for the laying of a spur of the Pennsylvania railroad from Homer City, up Yellow Creek, a distance of six miles. The new road will be built to tap the coal fielijl in Brushvally township, former ly known as the Dean interests, but now under the management of the Indiana Improvement company. mil HUES' POPE f POPE PIUS X. ON THE, THRONE. Grief Over European Slaughter Hastens end of aged Pontiff CRISIS WAS VERY SUDDEN ROME. Aug. 20.—Pope Piuz X | died at 1 :20 o'clock this morning, j lie has been ill for several days, but alarming symptoms did not develop until Wednesday morn- Throughout the day Drs. Mar eliifava and Amici devoted their utmost energies to stimulating i their patient and keeping him j alive. The cardinals were noti | tied of the pope's grave condition j and some of them who entered the sick room describe the impressive j and heart-rending scenes, especi- I ally when the pontiff, rousing himself from time to time, spoke. | Once he said : "In ancient times the pope by a word might have stayed the slaughter, but now he is im ! potent.'' Prayers were said by thousands ! and the bells of the churches j sounded when the sacrament was exposed upon all the altars. When j the court learned of the pope's concern there was the deepest concern. King Victor Emmanuel personally informed Queen Ile j lena and the news was com muni , cated to the queen mother. Extreme unction was adminis tered by Mgr. Zampini. sacristan to his holiness, amid a most touch ! ing scene. The sisters of the pope and his niece were overcome with grief. Cardinal Merry del Yal knelt by the side of his bed. where j other cardinals joined him, the members of the household inton ing prayers. INDIANA. PA. SATURDAY. AUGUST 22, P.14 The dying pope, in a moment of lucidity, said: "Now I begin to think as the end is approaching that Almighty in His inexhaustible goodness wishes to spare me the horrors Eu rope is undergoing.'' Fatal Grief Over War. Grief over the war in Europe , caused the pope much depression 'from the first outbreak, and seve ral days ago symptoms appeared 'of the old bronchial affection from ! which the pontiff had suffered in times past. On Tuesday Dr. Marchiafava announced that the pope was suf , fering from a simple cold and that possibly complete rest for a week would restore him to his usual health. The bronchial eon j dition spread however and Wed nesday it was announced that the Pope s condition was serious. A bulletin issued at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, signed by Drs. Marchiafava and Amiei gave the following explanation: "The pope's condition grew worse during the night. This was due to the diffusion of the. bron chitis to the lower lobe of the left lung. Symptoms of heart weak ness became so threatening at 10:30 o'clock this morning that it was believed the pontiff's life t was endangered. At 1 :30 p. m. the symptoms were slightly im proved. but still grave. The tem perature is now 103.1; pulse, un ven at 130; respiration, 50." A mono- Our Friends Mr ! K \\ lis. n, <>t' \V ,-t Water r i. A\ Mting f rinds in Columbia. Ohio. Mr and Mrs. Jose| it Shearer, of Water street, have ret uracil from a sojourn at Atlantic City. Rev. IV. anb Mrs. Lewis Hay. of j South Sixth street, left yesterday for j an outing at RidgCvievr Park. The Rev. L>r. Jeremiah R Work, of Tarkio Mo., is visiting in the home of his and sister-in-laV, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. \\ ork. on Kast Water st. Mr. Speedv has returned to Yand , ergrift after spending Sunday with his parents on South Seventh street. Mrs. Widowson and family have ret urned home after enjoying a couple weeks outing in the country. Mr. Hicks of South Seventh street is enjoying his two weeks vacation. The Knights of Malta lodge held ; their anual picnic at the Blackliek bluff Thursday August 20. Miss. Stella Vogel who has been ■ visiting relatives in Punxsutawnev. returnedhome Sunday. Mrs. Stewart of Wilkinshurg has rented the new Blair house on Wayne Ave. and after September 1. she will make this her future home. Mr. John Miller of Wayne Avenue | metered to Blairsville Sunday for ded | cation of the Cnited Preebyteriani I Church. Mr.George Fiscus left Thursday f<>r a couple of days visit in Kittanning j during the fair. Mr- and Mrs. 1.. Galbreath of Wat er Street and Mr. H. D. Galbreath motored to Apollo last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James McGregor of Church Street spent Sunday with her! son-in-law and daughter of Coral. Mrs. William Philips of Pliiladel-I phi la Street was a business visitor in ! Pbittsburg Monday. Captain McLain of South Fifth St. was in Pittsburg on business and j later went to see his wife and daughter; who are visiting in Hubbard Ohio Miss. Myers of Philadelphia Street returned home after a short visit at lledgeview Park. Mrs. Ida Evans and Mrs. M. M. Ellwood of Blairsville are visiting Mrs. Hicks on .South Seventh Street. Attorney S. M. Jack and family mor ted to Punxsutawney Sunday. Miss. Getrude Mickey left Thurs day for a couple days visit with her sister in Latrobe. Mrs. H.Campbell of Locust Street, was a business visitor in Blairsville yesterday. .Silas Streams and Harry Powers, two of Indiana's estimable young men are spending their vacation in Atlan tic City. They wern't sure, but they may spend a day or two in New- York City before returning home. Edgar Sprankle, of Grant street, is spending the week with relatives in Dußois, Falls Creek and Ridgway. Mr. and Mrs. "W. J. Eicher. of Church aud Eleventh streets.arc vis iting in the home of Meade McHenry in Creekside. Mrs. A. 0. Wineman and her dau ghter, Martha, of West Church street are visiting with friends in Blairsville and vicinity for a few days. THE PRESENT. We should be blessed if we lived in the present always and took advantage of every accident that befell us, like the grass which confesses the influence of the slight est dew that talis on it, and did not spend our time in atoning for neglect of past opportunities, which wr call dome our duty. —Thoreau. A Comparison. "Why is n clock like a pretty and vain yonng lady?** "I fall to see any resemblance Why ?"* "Because it is all face and figure, has no bend to speftk of. is hard to stop when once it is wound op and has a striking way of calling atten tion to itself every hour of the day."- London Tit-Bits. Murderous Attack By a Jail Inmate Rosso Interviewd "I am sorry of what I have done; but I was provoked,. He said. Michele Rosso, of Heilwood, who, last Wednesday morning attack ed Luther Blouse, a jail inmate, and cut hiiu in several places ov his body with a sharp spoon tells his story. 1 was standing near my cell do or. when Blose was talking to some girls outside of the cell; he said to me to get out front were he was tal king and 1 did; the next time he came around I said to him. excuse me but 1 do not want you to come in my cell anymore. While I was repea ting this. Blose said that lie was not afraid of me and went on swearing, lie came in my cell after this three ,or four times loking me in an angry manner, but 1 said nothing. :t the evening the watchman Cramer told me to go to cell No. 4, 1 was just about to go, when Blose came and gave me a smart push." We asked him if he attacked the first man who opened his cell Wednesday morning. " No, I did not. When 1 cainfc out from that cell, 1 went back to my own room, and there is where it all happened." "What happened?" we asked. "Blouse had it in for me," he wanted to fight me and he quickly posed with his closed fists, 1 could not fight and having in my hand a shar pen spoon, I commenced to strike." Wat use had you for that kind of a knife?" we asked. "1 had it sharpe ned to cut fruits with. " He then hung his head down, and after an interval he straightened up and said, " I am sorry of what I have done but I was provoked to do so. Rosso is lit years old and has been in thiscoutry for nearly <> years. He is a Southerner and naturally of a quick temperament. He is now living on bread and water should this kind of food been ingorced and had the contact with the inmaacs been prohibited, chances are the stabbing may not have occorred. Overstocked. Madge as the oldest of a family of girls has evidently heard and taken to heart the disappointment of her par ents over the excessive femininity al lotted by the generous fates to the family quiver. When recently the fifth little daugh ter was born Madge was playing iu the garden with one of her sisters and. as a neighbor considered, was decided ly rough with the child. "Madge, don't treat your little sister so," remonstrated the neighbor. "You might kill her." "Well, if I did." was the cool re sponse. "there's plenty more In the house."—Philadelphia Ledger. Our First Music Masters. Birds were our first music masters. Authorities on harmony have written volumes in search of the origin of the minor scale. If they had turned to the birds they might have discovered It without any search whatever. In every English copse the cuckoo (who has but two notes at his command* elngs a perfect minor third downward. Listen to our wood thrush's melody! His cluster of three notes forms a per fect minor chord. Four hundred years before Christ. Aristophanes wrote a play entitled "The Birds." which was produced at Harvard a few years ago. the vocal parr Udug set to music by John K Paine.—Suburban Life. jam's Shore Line. We have rather a long shore line to survey. According to trend it is 1 .- 000 miles long, but when it is meas ured go as to include the shore line of all v large islands, bays, sounds and estuaries within tidal range it be comes upward of 40,000 miles.—W. J. Showalter in National Geographic Mag azine. A Pirate. "So Jack's married. Did he marry for beauty?" "No. booty."—Boston Transcript. Installments. "I>o your neighbors the Barkers own their piano?" "One octave of iL"— Life. . „ FIVE CENTS