The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, August 15, 1914, The Patriot, Page 2, Image 2

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Britain's Sea Fighters Equal
to Those ot Tripie Alliance.
While Servia Has None on Boundary
Between the Two Countries— Ship
For Ship, Germany, Italy and Austria
Can Muster Same Tcnnage, but Eng
land Excels In Training.
The Danube river, which forms the
boundary between Servia and Austria
affords room for maneuvering a re
apectable fleet. but Servia has never
put an armed vessel oo the river- Aus
tria, pu the other hand, fnis long maiu-
a JJotiHa on the upper Danube
and withiu iTie last two years—
the last two Balkan wars revealed
Servla's military strength-she has in
creased her naval forces on the river,
m ■ - -y . ■ ■% .. -*-
She has in commission on the Dan
übe six little monitors and two more
building. None of them amount to
mucb in fighting value as against oth
er ships, but on the Dunube and
against shore butteries or field artil
lery they would prove formidable.
When it comes to a comparison of
the navies of the triple alliance and
the triple entente, the figures come
mucb nearer to a balance. In the
tripie alliance the most formidable
naval power is Germany. The Ger
man fleet can send to sea seventeeu
battleships or battle cruisers of the
Dreadnought class.
Besides this first fleet, Germany can
still show a second line In Kserve of
twenty other battleships, all built In
the last twenty years. Many of these,
however, need not be taken seriously
In the first place they are not all, by
any means, In full commission, and
there Is no doubt that It would B4&e
weeks of hard work, at least, to git
them all ready for sea.
In the second place, until less than
ten years ago. Germany maintained
the remarkable policy of arming none
of her ships with guns of more than
nine inch caliber, and all these ships
belong to that period.
The second naval power of the triple
alliance Is Italy. She can send out a
powerful and homogeneous squadron
of four Dreadnoughts, which would
have to be reckoned with in any sea
With this one contribution, however,
Italy's bolt is shot. She has eight old
battleships, which although probably,
gun for gun, better ships than Ger
many's twenty old ships, are open to
much the same criticism.
Austria, numerically, is stronger than
Italy in fighting ships, but their qual
ity is not comparable. She can bring
into action two ships of the Dread
nought class and three others. Besides
these she has three more which class
with Germany's and Italy's secondary
England's Mighty Fleet.
Against these three fleets for the
triple entente the backbone, if not
practically the entire opposing force.
Is in England's war fleet. England
has ready for action thirty battleships
of the Dreadnought or super-Dread
nought type, besides ten others which,
like the Lord Nelson and Agamemnon
class but little below the Dreadnought
• The ships carry four twelve-inch
guns, therefore they are classed below
the Dreadnoughts. But they carry lib
less than ten 9.2 inch, which make
them far superior to any other battle
ship not of Dreadnought rating now
afloat. -
' Besides, England has thirty-eight
smaller and older battleships, which
outclass the twenty older ships of Ger
many. Of armored cruisers England
has sixteen to Germany's three, Italy's
four and Austria's uoue.
France, the second member of the
entente, in battleships can show but
two Dreaduoughts, but she has nine
ships of the Justice. St Louis and
similar classes, all worthy to be class
ed. say, with the Connecticut and
twelve old craft which could in emer
gency be hauled out to the firing line.
France has also fifteen armored cruis
ers, and these, though perhaps not of
tremendous fighting value, are really
fine ships.
The Russian fleet need hardly be
taken seriously, though she has four
battleships--on paper—one of which
might be extricated from tbe dockyard
in time to fire a shot at an enemy
This brings the question down to the
really Important basis of comparison
morale. training, discipline and fight
ing eftieiency.
There Is no discounting the thorough
ness with which the German fleet has
been drilled. In personnel the Aus
trian fleet is heavily handicapped by
one circumstance —the Austrian Ger
man is no sailorman and never was
The Hun is no better. As a conse
quence the Austrian fleet is manned en
tirely by Italians and Dalmatians, with
the Dalmatian in overwhelming ma
Now, the Dalmatian, while a good
sailorman, racially is a Serb. He is
pure Slav, with as little love for the
Germans as any of his race. He is
Serb in language, sympathies and very
largely 1n religion. It is likely to be an
anxious question for Austria with how
much spirit the men of her fleet may
go into this war.
Makes Another Dasperate Effort
to Pierce Their front
Germans Move Toward Brussels and
Namur and Are Confronted by Army
of 350,000 Men Thrown Across Their
Path —Desperate Fighting Ensues as
Vanguard# Meet —Great Britain and
Austria May Declare War Today.
London, Aug. 13. —This morning a
great curtain of secrecy shuts fro?a
view the great field of battle in Ee
rope. So tense and critical is the
situation that no war office dare give
out a word of information for fear ot j
jeopardizing the success of their arm.-. •
One fact stands out clearly—that '
up to this time, so far 5s known, the
Germans have not succeeded in pen
etrating the French line of defense
except at Longwy, and there they
were driven back after a temporary
success. —^—>
That Great Britain and Austria will
today throw down the gauntlet of war
as a result of the massing of Austrian
troops near the border of Germany
and Switzerland, menacing the French
army in Alsace, is expected here.
The German kaiser has more than
1,000,000 men, composing the greater
number of his twenty-six army corps,
massed between Luxemburg and Liege,
To oppose them as many more French
and their British and Belgian allies
are in the field.
The heaviest fighting took place
north of Liege, when the German army
of the Meuse moved both toward Brus
sels and Namur in a last desperate
effort to break through the barrier of
allies for a dash on Paris.
A combined aruiy of 350.000 umn
was thrown across their path. Furious
battles took place as the vanguards j
met. At Tongres, north of Liege, a
fierce artillery fight was heard fifteen
miles away. At Tielmont the Belgians
blocked the German march and fought
furiously to protect Brussels, their j
capital. It was reported that 80,000
Germans had invested Namur, a forti
fied city, rivaling Liege in the strength
of its defenses.
The battle lines of the allies in
Belgium are stretched from Louvain,
the Belgian army headquarters ten
miles from Bruss< Is, in a southeaster
ly direction byway of Tirlemont to
Namur, and from Namur on to Dinant
to the south and thence to Givet, 1
where the Meuse crosses the Franco-
Belgian border.
Here the outposts of the allies which
are defending Belgium are in touch
with the oui posts of the French army,
whose line extends to the south
hrough Mezieres to the strong Freni ii
ortress of Verdun. S- A: r
The German army of the Meuse, a
part of which stormed at the forts of
Liege for days without success, lias
cinhed that fortress to the north and
south and is advancing toward Brus
sels, but between it and Brussels is
the battle line of the^allies.
The great. German line, taking in the ,
three armies co-operating against
France, begins to the north of Liege,
circles to the rear of the forts of that '
ity aed on the southern bank of the' 1
Meuse approaches to near Namur. i
it turns south, following the course I
of the 'Meuse, then turns to the south
east when east of Dinant and runs
down to Longwy and the junction of
the Belgian, France and Luxemburg
borders, it then continues in a simi
lar direction to Tliionville, Metz,
Strassburg and on down to Neu Brei
sach, the last three points in Alsace-
Lorraine. The French army which has
invaded these "lost provinces" faces
the southern part of the German line.
The Belgian legation in London lias
received no news from the front for
twenty-four hours.
It is believed that this official si
lence indicates that the two great ar
mies, one moving eastward and made
up of the forces of France, Belgium |
and Great Britain, and the other the
three German armies of the Meuse,
the Moselle and the Rhine, have met
in at least one place. It is believed the !
center of this battle is on the plains
between Liege and Namur.
A Belgian staff officer who has just
arrived in London said that the silence
of the war offices of the several coun
tries involved probably would not be
broken for some time. Ht, too, ex
pressed the same belief that already
was held in London —the belief that
a great and decisive battle has begun.
So far as details were concerned this
Belgian officer confined himself to say
ing that the main Belgian army was
moving on Louvain and Liege to join
the French.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 13.—The Rus j
sian troops have defeated the Germans
who were atttmpting to recapture
Berlin, Aug. 13. It is announced
semiofficially that the Germans near
Mulhausen captured ten French offi
cers and 613 men.
Canal to Open Saturday.
Washington, Aug. 13. —The Panama
canal will be opened formally on
Saturday, despite the European war.
-Ass£B-- "4gqj9Bl
It is with this miwtern^ imt>lrnnt I
of warfare rather than 4 with foerj
own airships that Germany ftgrttfjsfi
the aerial fleets of , her enemies, I
Tha machine is capable of attaining |
a speed of,sixty miles ian hutrr
is & good match for'' the bomb
throwing air craft of the* enemy.
Vienna, Aug. 13. —An effective block
ade of the Montenegrin coast has been
established by the Austro-Hungarian
fleet, according to an official announce
The Roumanian legation here denied
the report that Roumania was about to
join the triple alliance.
Seoul, Korea, Aug. 13.—Germans ar
riving here from Vladivostok report
that several Russian cruisers, ten tor
pedo boats and eight submarines are
engaged in mining the harbor of Vlad
San Francisco, Aug. 13. —The Ger
man cruiser Liepsic is in the harbor
here. The British sloop of war Alger
ine was sighted off the California
coast. x
Athens, Aug. 13. —The German cruis
ers Goeben and Breslau have entered
the Dardanelles.
Liner Lusitania's Turbines Work
Badly In Crossing Ocean.
Liverpool, Aug, 13. —The Lusitania
arrived here after a slow trip. It is
reported tie turbines were tampered
with. One day out of port something
went wrong with one turbine and th"
vessel was not able to make more than
twenty knots. . . '
-c m " "***
Eight hours later she sighted a
cruiser which refused to answer sig
nals. It is believed she was a German.
The Lusitania immediately changed
her course, crowded on steam and
raced to the south. The cruiser gave
chase and there was great excitement
aboard, but luckily a fog came up and
the Lusitania was" able to escape.
HZ~" 1 —
New Pottery Will Employ 200.
Carrollton, 0., Aug. 13. —Plans are
being worked out for the erection of a
six-kiln pottery here this year by A. E.
and M, F. Albright, who were formerly
engaged in the pottery business in
East Liverpool, Sebring and this place.
More than 300 workmen will be em
ployed. with a monthly payroll of not
less than $B,OOO. A public subscription
of $50,000 has been made to insure ths
erection of the pottery, which will be
the second built here.
Tanneries Affected by Conflict.
Kane. Pa., Aug. 13. —Sheffield is the
first town in this section to feel the
effects of the European war. The three
large tanneries there owned by the
Elk Tanning company started operat
ing on half time owing to the scarcity
of hides caused by the placing of an
embargo upon foreign shipments.
"Word also was received of an advance
of 2 cents a pound on sole leather.
Dinner Is Postponed.
Paris, Aug. 13. —The Matin states
that Kaiser Wilhelm was so confident
of the success of the German army
marching against the French that he
had invited a number of officers to
dine with him on Aug. 11 in a well
known restaurant here. It is unnec
essary to comment that the dinner
party has been indefinitely postponed.
Scouts and Master Drown.
Toledo. 0., Aug. 13. —James B. Ecker.
aged twenty-six years, boy scout mas
ter; Glenwood Albert, aged seventeen
years, and John Graves, aged sixteen
years, boy scouts, were drowned in
Lake Erie, thirteen miles from Toledo,
last night. They were drowned while
rescuing a small boy.
Recall at Fairmont. W. Va.
Fairmont, W. Va.. Aug. 13. —A pe
tition for the recall of the city com
missioners has been filed with the
city clerk.
Garmans Fierce French Lint
Gut Are Driven Back
German Army of the Moselle Pene
trated French Line Near Longw)
and Montmedy, But Were Final!)
Driven Back and Lost Ground Recov
ered Another Attempt Will Bt
Wade Near Verdun. " „
Paris, Aug. 13.—The nearest ap
proach to a real battle in which the
French army has been engaged or
curred at Longwy, when llie Germane
forming a portion of the army of the
Moselle attempted to pierce the lint
of the French defense. Thy gained s
temporary advantage, but were latei
with ffieat loss. Tin
French also admit severe Jesses.
A regiment, of dragoons
front die a?rection_ of Liege and whe
attempted to surprise the Belgians ai
Aineffe, in the province of Liege
Were driven off, leaving 153 dead and
102 prisoners.
Uhlans have taken upwards of $4OO,
000 from the bank at Hasselt, capita
of the province of Limburg, Belgium
It was officially stated that all the
German soldiers who penetrated
France in the departments of the
Meuse and Meurth-Ti-Moselle have
been driven back across the border.
It is evident that the real battle
which will decide the late of this lat
est attemot of the kaiser to invade
France is yet to come and in the mean
time the strict censorship absolute!)
masks all movements of tither army
It is believed that the object of the
German advance is the gap in the first
line of French defenses north of Vet
A Rome dispatch says the Messag
gero publishes a message from Basel
Switzerland, stating that the German
infantry regiments were annihilated
during the battle with the French
troops at Mulliausen.
The German regiments mentioned
are the Eighth Baden infantry reg:
ment No. 16, which was stationed at
Lalir in Baden, and the Fourth Prince
William's Baden infantry regiment No
112, stationed at Mulliausen.
The commander of the Twenty-ninth
division attached to the Fourteenth
army corps, whose headquarters we"
at Freiburg, is said to have been slain
Another dispatch from Rome say:
the Corriere d'ltalia publishes a tele
gram from T he frontier stating that an
Austrian cavalry brigade has been ex
terminated on the Austro-Russiat
The Austrian cavalrymen are said
to have attacked the Cossacks, who
were accompanied by artillery. They
were unable to hold their own an 1
tried to get back across the frontier
but rain . had fallen and men and
horses were caught in the marse;
ground and shot down until not a ma
remained alive. ~
The newspaper Corriere Delia Sera
at Rome states that the Montenegrin
troops have captured Scutari.
The Exchange Telegraph's corre
spondent at Nish, Servia, says a com
bined Servian and Montenegrin inva
sion of Bosnia from Plevlje, northwest
of Novibazar, has begun in three col
umns. General Radomir Patnik, chief
of the Servian general staff, being ill,
General Yankovitch of the Servian
army has taken supreme command o
the forces. • ■
A Central News dispatch from Nish.
Servia, says Prince George of Serv'a
was wounded while watching the Au
trian bombardment of Belgrade. The
prince was standing on the walls of
the fortress when a fragment of shell
struck him on the head and rendered
him unconscious. The wound is said
not to be dangerous.
1 Germans Organize League.
Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 13. "The
League of 1914," an organization of
German-Americans. was completed
here today. Its purpose is "for the ob
ject of obtaining fair and unbiased
presentation in the press of facts as
they develop from time to time in
connection with the terrible war now
raging in Europe and of obtaining
funds to be used in helping the suf
ferers living in Germany."
Another New Pottery.
Sebring. 0., Aug. 13. —By the stock
holders of the French China company
increasing the capital stock of that
corporation, the erection of a new siv
kiln potetry here has been assured.
With this plant in operation there will
be six potteries here, with about six.y
kilns capacity, making the town the
largest independent pottery center out
side of the East Liverpool district.
German Savings to Go First.
Berlin. Aug. 13. —It was officially an
nounced here that Germany's financial
difficulties have been overcome, but
that a war loan must be raised. The
savings of the German people, exceed
ing $7,500,000, will be taken first. A
moratorium will not be declared.
They Prefer Peace and Luiet.
New York. Aug. 13.— Since orders
were issued for mobilization of the re
serves of the foreign countries the ap
plications for naturalization papers
fcave increased more tbaa 89 par cant.
The Big Policeman |
i "I'm very tired." said Uncle Sam.
"The way I see things go.
Here for an age I've been on post
In fighting Mexico,
To keep it from a war with us.
And, should cause come to pass.
To warn all Europe that it must
Keep off the Monroe grass
"Then when I'm pushed to mind all tfc : .3
Comes news that more's to do;
That Haiti's yelling for the cop
To stop a coup or two.
And then, the climax swift to cap,
I plunge in more distress—
From San Domingo speeds the call
Of police S O. S.
"With these small nations 1 have time*
My patience sore they rub.
I feel I'd like to take a stand
And let 'em have my club.
But I am here to keep the peace.
These nations' work to do.
For I'm the big and kindly cop
They bring their troubles to."
—Baltimore American.
Former Congressman Took a Lesson
From the Turkeys and Chickens.
Is a representative in congress re
lated in any way to a t'owl? asks the
Washington Star. - -
i The differences are manifold and ob
i; vlous, it adds, and yet—and yet-
Former Representative George W
Cromer of the Fifth Indiana district
could not eat. Campaign lunches and
tepid banquets had worked their will
with him.
Some men under the circumstances
take to golf. Others, like the historian
Carlyle. walk. Mr. Cromer ate sand.
Morning, evening, noon and uight
the statesman would go to his private
sand pile, armed with a tablespoon
and wearing a look of gritty deberuii
Anxious friends came to him.
"This is all very well." tbey said
"But you are overdoing this. You are
l burying yourself alive, and. at that,
you are not doing it right An iu
terment should be from the outside and
not from the inside."
Mr. Cromer said nothing, but went
right on absorbing his daily ration of
| sand.
All this was a year ago. Graduallv
the statesman began to perk up. True
his friends protested that his hair was
somewhat more sandy and he was
more gritty than he had been before,
but these alterations did not mar him
His digestion returned. On the theory
that after sand you can eat anything,
he found ham and cabbage as barm
lessly nutritious as boiled milk.
The flush of health returned to his
cheek, and when he was cured be ex
"The turkeys and chickens can eat
sand without deleterious effects. If
they can, why not I?"
Shooting of Editor Calmette Due tc
His Campaign Against Ex-Premier.
The Caillaux case, the most celebrat
ed French trial since the Dreyfus case
and which resulted in the acquittal of
Mine. Henriette Caillaux, wife of Jo
seph Caillaux. the ex-premier and ex
minister of finance, began on the even
ing of March 10, when Gaston Cal
mette. editor of the Paris Figaro, was
shot in his office by Mme. Caillaux
He died a few hours later. The shoot
Ing was the consequence of a newspa
per campaign waged by Calmette
against Caillaux.
Caillaux was premier in 1011. holding
office during the Morocco crisis, and
resigning in January. 1012. on account
of popular dissatisfaction at the s<>r
tlement made with Germany at that
t time.
Calmette's attacks charged, among
other things, that Caillaux had used
his influence to delay the trial of the
swindler, Henri Rochette. in 1008, so
as to give him time to escape to Mexico
and that as minister of finance he had
promised to certain claimants against
the government $1,200,000 on condition
that they subscribe 80 per cent of that
sum to the Radical campaign fund. It
is said that Calmette had various let
ters in bis possession charging that
, Caillaux was a tool of Germany in the
Morocco crisis which he had not yet
published at the time of his death.
i Officers Will Use Vials of Deadly Fluid
if Captured by Servians.
Count Alexander Salm-Hoogstraeten.
lieutenant in the Thirteenth dragoons,
an Austrian cavalry regiment, on the
eve of leaving New York for Austria
to join his regiment, said that the of
ficers of the Austrian army are to be
supplied with small vials of poison,
which, if they are captured by the
- Servians, will be used to destroy them
• selves rather than undergo the lndig
' nities which they will suffer at the
' hands of their enemies.
' Austria has 3.500.000 men ready for
- field duty before issuing a second call
to arms. If other foreign powers are
Involved in the war the Austrians in
America will charter steamships and
| leave to fight for their country.
Feather In Babe's Neck.
1 For days the baby boy of Mr. and
Mrs. John Hamilton of Norwich. N. Y..
L refused to eat and acted strangely
Physicians were unable to discover the
trouble. Mrs. Hamilton finally noticed
a bunch on the baby's neck. She
1 lanced it and pulled out a feather. It
evidently bad been swallowed by the
child and caught in the throat, finnlh
' working itself oul through the tissue*
Religious Worker Writes of Es
cape From Chinese Bandits.
House Occupied by His and Other
Families Searched, but All Foreign.
Ladies Remained Hidden In a Closet-
Government Does Little to Suppress.,
the Robbers.
■ -*t
M. B. Birrel. who is a missionary in
Cliinu and whose family resides iu
Washington, has sent friends and ac
quaintances there as well as the Wasit
ington Star accounts Appearing in the
Chinese newspapers which give. Mr.
Birrel says, "an Idea of the dangers
and privations which so many are fac
ing through jhe utter neglect of the
j present rulers in Chfutf. i ' £he accounts.
, deal particularly with the recent ac
tivities of White Wolf, the bandit
Mr. Birrel represents the Christian
, Missionary <mia nee at Wuchang, in the
province of Hupeh, China. He says:
"The inclosed clipping from the Cen
tral China Tost is of a letter from
Minchow from William Christie, one
of our missionaries. The rulers
China had tens of thousands of troops
with which to flood south Chins last
year, and are holding it under the heel
of military rule, hut they do not seenn
to have the heart to put down the rotv
bers who traverse province after prov
ince and ravage so cruelly. It should
be possible, at borne, to stir up among
Chinese a feeling of shame, which
seems to be about the only way of
j moving those at Peking to do any
thing.'* V
Failed to Protect City.
The clipping to which Mr. feirrel ab
ludes Is as follows:
Minchow, Kansu, May 27.
The Lord has called upon us to- take-
Joyfully the spoilings of our goods.
White Wolf reached Minchow on
May 20. The officials attempted to
protect the city, but failed. There was
a sharp fight on the city wall and near
the north gate for about fifteen min
utes. On the Wolf's side one was
killed and a few on the Minchow side.
After the retreat of the Minchow sol
diers the robbers came into the city
and began shooting down all kinds of
people. They reached the yamen. but
the officials had made their escape
Then they began the hunt for horses.
They came to our place and 1 gave
them the two poorest, but tboy de
manded the two best. Band after band
came to our place asking for this and
that I could only give them what
i they asked for up till dark. Other
bands had come into our premises, but
I nad been able to reason with them
and keep them from wholesale plun
However, after dark two other bands
of very wicked men came to our place
and demanded women. They began to
search with two large lanterns and
got two native women, one a servant
and one the wife of an evangelist
They searched the foreign house from
top to bottom for our ladies, but in the
infinite wisdom of God they were not
seen, having hidden in a closet in the
attic The.v were much chagrined and
threatened to shoot me dead several
After the last party left I knew there
was no time to lose, as they would
soon return. The city swarmed with
them—there must have been from 10.-
000 to 20.000—50. taking Hazel from
her bed. the ladies-Mrs. Christie, Mis
ses Mackimon and Haupberg—and I
left the house. We each took a rug
for protection. It was impossible to
take anything else with us. We es
caped over a wall and most fortunately
met with our two evangelists. They
said that the north gate was open, and
by it we made our escape and walked
toward the hills in the southwest.
Took Refuge In a Forest.
At cockcrow we reached a small
farmhouse, where our evangelist had a
friend. After a meal of barley flour
here, and after a rest, proceeded and
came to a large village where there
was a forest. In this we took refuge.
Hundreds had already done so. That
afternoon some of the robbers came
to the village in search of horses. We
could hear their voices and their shots.
Then they left and near sunset another
band came, surrounded the woods and
fired shots into it from all sides. We
thought our end had come, for we lay
near the top of the wood. But it began
to get dark, and the shots to go farther
and farther away.
That night we left the wood under
the guidance of a hunter who knew
every path. He led us during the
pitch dark night to a place of safety—
a little hut in a lonely valley.
Hearing that the last of the robbers
had left Minchow. we returned to the •
city footsore and weary. Our dwelling
house and all our belongings, as well
as those of the two ladies, were burn
ed to ashes, but the church and street
chapel were saved, also our servants'
quarters and stables.
Red Army Trousers to Go.
The death warrant for the French)
aoldiers' red trousers has been signed.
In future the army of the republic will
go to war clothed in a neutral shade of
gray-bine, which, it is asserted, will
make the wearers invisible to tibe en
emy at 500 yards Instead as at present*
being plainly discernible at 1,5500 yards..