The patriot. (Indiana, Pa.) 1914-1955, August 15, 1914, The Patriot, Image 1

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    VOLUME I. — N0.2.
To John Griffins Stewart
of Loch Haven, Pa.
At a luncheon given by Miss Laura
Elkin at the home of her parents,
Judge and Mrs. John P. Elkin, of this
place, Wednesday afternoon, her
engagement to John Griffins Stewart,
of Lock Haven, Pa., was announced.
The guests at the luncheon were
Miss Ruth Rickert, qf Millersburg;
Miss Andrews, of Easton, N. J.; Miss
Catherine Law, of Pittsburgh, and
Misses Alice Taylor, Caroline Guthrie,
Mary Sutton, Minnie Rinn, Helen
Keepers, Anna Wagle, Edna Bell, Ed
na Marlin, Vera Simpson, Gay Grif
fith, Ruelba Lewis, Anna May Wat
son, and Helen and Marie Hetrick;
Mrs. Armstrong, sister of Miss Elkin,
Mrs. Wayne Rigg, Mrs. Ralph Moor
head, Mrs. Audley Mahcr, aud Mrs.
Robert Sutton, all of this place.
The color scheme was .pink and
white, the tables were decorated with
gladiolas and roses, with green trim
mings. All through the house the col
or scheme was carried out and the
porch was beautifully decorated, beau
tiful house plants adding to the at
tractiveness of the color scheme.
Miss Elkin is the youngest daughter
of Judge and Mrs. Elkin, and is a
very popular leader in society here.
She attended Washington Seminary,
where she made many friends.
Mr. Stewart is a son of Dr. T. B.
Stewart, of Lock Haven and is a
prominent member of society of that
place. He is a student in the Dentist
ry department of the University of
Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.
Anions Our Friends
Mrs. 8. J. Telford, Miss Norah
Apjle and Miss Maided Watson,
of this plaee, went to Mont Alto,
Pa., Tuesday to attend the gradu
ation exercises of the State Pores
try School.
Miss Dorothy Winton, of Wa
ter street, left Wednesday for Port
Marion, Pa.
Miss Margaret Scott, of Cressou,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lisle
Gal breath, of Water street.
D wight Gal breath, manager #f
the Frederick Co., went to Pitts
burg yesterday on business.
('has. Margiotti, of Pnuxsutaw
ney, formerly student at Normal,
is visiting friends here. He expeets
* to finish law this year in the I'ni
versity of Pennsylvania.
Mr. 11. Kleinstub and family, of
Creekside. motored to Steuben- j
ville, 0., last Sunday, returning I
here last night.
Mr. and Mrs. Elder Peelor and
their son, Murray, of this place,
have returned home from a week's
motoring trip to Chautauqua, Con
neaitt, Erie and Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. J.. C. Watson, of
Church street, returned from Co
lumbus, Ohio, this morning. Mrs.
Watson has been ill, but she is do
ing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Longwill and
son have returned from a visit to Buf
falo and Niagara Falls.
Mrs. William McGregor, of North
Sixth street, is confined to her home
on account of illness.
Mrs. Earl Rigg and her son, James,
have returned to their home in Wash
ington, Pa., after a six weeks' visit
with the former's parents, Squire and
Mrs. James A. Crossman, of Oakland
avenue. v
Mrs. S. T. Zener, of Pittsburgh, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. Martha
J. Orr, of Philadelphia street.
Mrs. Harry White, Jr., is visiting
her father, J. C. McQuigg, of Pana,
Mr. Harry Lutz, of Altoona, is here
with the baseball team.
Indiana Collegians visit Windber
for the fourth game of ball tomorrow.
J. Wood Clark and Senator Fisher
are in the East for a few days.
Mrs. W. M. Peffer, of Johnstown, a
former resident of this place, is visit
ing friends here.
Mrs. Mary Loughry and Mrs. Ber
tha North, of Punxsutawney, are vis- i
iting Mrs. Rees, of town.
Mr. J. W. Miller, Mrs. Noble Miller
and Mr. Sam Borland have returned
from an automobile trip.
Improvements are moving for
ward rapidly in building the new
ambulatory, which will be in con
nection with the Recreation Hall;
it promises to be the finest thing
of its kind in the state.
It is not probable that the addi
tion to the girls' dormitory will
be completed for use at the open
ing of the fall term beginning Sep
tember Bth; however, the man
agement is putting forth all its
efforts to have the new ambula
tory with its eomponing improve
ments on the old Recreation Ila 11
completed shortly after the open
ing of school.
Proud of Battle Axe.
In the office of Dr. Ruffner on
South Seventh street, lays a wood
en battle axe. seven feet high.
Joseph R. Ruffner, father of Dr.
Ruffner. used it to drlil during the
war of "61" with Company A,
260 Pennsylvania Volunteers,
at that time Grant township, of
this county, was the headquarters.
Mr. Ruffner is very proud of
this now harmless weapon.
Indiana County Postmasters Recently
Postmasters have been appointed in
this county as follows: Edri, Oliver J.
Sherley, vice Julia F. Ralston, resign
ed; Ernest, Sarah Buntin, vice Wil
liam Reed; Huff, Frank Clawson, vice
Thomas A. Clawson; Plumville, Ed
win L. Snyder, vice William E. Bow
ser. The following Indiana county
postmasters have been reappointed:
Clarksburg, William A. Hart; Dill
town, Gaorge H. Stephens; Graceton,
Chester M. Lingle; Parkwood, Thos.
W. Carahna; West Lebanon, William
W. Coulter.
tftairsvltla Enamel Plant Resumes
W T ork.
The Blairsville Enamel Ware com
pany resumed operations yesterday
morning following a reorganization
Tuesday afternoon and about 125 men
who quit work one week ago returned
to their posts. Some financial difficul
ties resulted in a strike, but the mat
ter has been amicably adjusted. The
company reorganized by electing the
following directors: George McGarry,
of Johnstown, and Edward C. Bowers,
E. S. Gilmore, F. M. Graff, F. D. Cook,
C. M. Kennedy, and H. L. Taylor, all
of Blairsville. Mr. Bowers was elect
ed president.
Will Rebuild Property at Once.
The buildings destroyed by fire at
Wehrum Saturday afternoon are to be
rebuilt by the Lackawanna Coal and
Coke company at once.
It is announced that a temporary
washery will replace the one destroy
ed and that a temporary shed will be
built to serve as a binn room until new
buildings can be erected.
The new buildings will be modern
in every detail and will be larger than
the former ones. The two structures
burned Saturday were valued at $lOO,-
000 and it is likely that the new build
ings will cost almost double that sum.
Scores of the miners were put to
work on Monday morning clearing up
the debris and getting the ground in
shape for the erection of the new
It is believed that no serious delay
will be suffered as a result of the fire
and that the mines will be in opera
tion inside of a week.
The Lackawanna has a large num
ber of orders waiting to be filled.
New Nlotiograph and Other Noveltys
Today the theatre which has beco
me ~The Pitt" is not as it was some
time ago. It can now be called a mo
dern theatre: we see things there that
previous management would never
have dreamed of seeing.
The interior is not only painted
with various colors; but remedied as
To avoid the intermission a large
motiograph has been installed and pi
tures are made to run continiously on
the new mirroroid screen.
The new indirect electric light sys
tem is a novelty.
The orchestra which plays every
Tuesday evening with the Million
Dollar mistery is very exeelent.
Italy has mobilized great frontier army
GENEVA, Switzerland (via Paris) Aug. 13.
Italy has mobilized between 2(JjO,OOOand 250,000 troops on
the Swiss and Austrian frontie
All the high passes over the A
above Zermatt, are strongly lit
there and exchange their impr
Capture Thousands of French <
Says Berlin Direct Wireless.
BERLIN, Aug. 13.—(8y Direct
Wireless from Xauen. Germany, to
the Coldschmidt Wireless Com
pany's Station at Tuekerton, X.
J.) —The German troops took 120
French officers ami 1.11.0 French
soldiers prisoners in the fighting
at Meulhausen. Alsace. They also
captured four French cannon.
Another 1,000 French officers
and men were taken prisoners by
the Germans in the fight near
German soil is now entirely
cleared of French troops.
AMSTERDAM, via London.
Aug. 13. — (This Cable Censored
by British Censor). —Fighting in
the neighborhood of the Belgian
town of Tongres. to the north of
Liege, was resumed today, accord
ing to the correspondent of the
Telegraph at Maestricht, who
says that after a quiet night an
artillery duel was recommenced
this morning in that direction..
A German force proceeding in
the direction of Eghesee. to the
north of Namur, was attacked and
repulsed this morning by the Bel
gian troops. The Germans suffer
ed severe casualties. The Belgians
captured a number of machine
guns mounted on motor ears.
The Belgian cavalry division
this morning took up the offensive
against the Germans, who were de
feated in yesterday's battle at
Haelen. with the object, it is be
lieved. of picking up the dead and
wounded and collecting the aban-
The Patriot desires to express to the Press and
Citizens of Indiana County its appreciation and thanks
for the kindly and appreciative reception of its initial
number and for the many expressions of encourage
ment and good will. It shall be the ambition of its
editors aud managers to make each subsequent num
ber of the paper more worthy of this kindly welcome
to the journalistic arena.
The town authorities started some
thing Wednesday which should be pro
ductive of good results, when they
cleared Main street, of all loafers on
steps and "the crow's nest," White's
stone fence. For the past few months
the town loafers have congregated on
steps and every available place where
they could sit down and throw re
marks at passers by, several instances
of women being insulted having been
brought to the notice of the officers.
In fact it was getting so bad that wo
men were compelled to go out of their
way to pass these loafers or hear in
sulting remarks. Wednesday night the
police made a raid on the loafers and
they will continue until the habit is
broken. Many people who live along
the street and people who have busi
ness houses and stores, complain of
finding the pavement in front of their
properties "beautifully" decorated
with tobacco juice each morning. The
habit of spitting on the pavement is
very objectional and it might be a
good plan for the officers to start a
"war" on this menace.
An Engagement.
Announcement of the engagement
of Miss Helen Church, daughter of
Mrs. Cora Church, of Parker, Pa., to
Robert McCoy, Jr., of Cushing, Okla.,
formerly a Pittsburgh resident, has
been made. Mr. McCoy is a graduate
of Shadyside Academy, Pittsburgh,
and Amherst College. Miss Church is
a student at the Indiana Normal and
will graduate next year.
TS as a precautionary mesure.
Lips, such as the Theoduie.
tfld and Italian patrols meet
•essions of the war.
t ,'
doiied material'of war.
% No German surprise was expect
ed-and there are no reasons to fear
any German cavalry movements on
Brussels from the south, all roads
i< ading to the capital being guard
ed by the Belgian army and the
si vie guard.
, LONDON. Aug. 13. —(This Ca
blc Censored by British Censor)
Jn the North Sea. which* the Brit
ishment government says may be
strewn with mines, the main
squadrons of British battleships
are still out, but their position is
not publicly known. Neither is
the location of the main German
Reports from Dover, at the
Astern entrance to the English
Channel, say heavy cannonading,
lasting an hour, was heard this
morning coming from the direc
tion of the North Sea.
The Austro-Huiigarian fleet,
owing to the declaration of war by
Great Britain, together with that
of Germany, is said to be in the
Adriatic, where it was recently oc
cupied in blockading the Monte
negrin coats. The British squad
ron in the Mediterranean is strong
and has the support there of al
most the entire French fleet.
A special dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph from Paris says
the German cruisers Goeben and
Breslau arrived in the Dardanelles
following their purchase by Tur
key. flying the Turkish flag. The
dispatch adds that the German fit
tings of the cruisers had been
R. & P. Coal & Iron Co. Gets Big Or
der—Now Working Full Time.
The R. & P. Coal and Iron Com
pany have received a gigantic coal or
der consigned to the Grand Trunk
railway in Canada and believed to be
for the Russian or English govern
All the mines of the R. & P. com
pany in this vicinity are working full
time this week to fill the order for 75,-
, 000 tons of coal, which makes a total
1 \
or 1,500 cars.
Tfie purchase is made for the Grand
Trunk from the R. & P. C. & 1., but it
i is believed that the coal will be car
ried on that road to the extreme west
ern terminal and ferried across the
Behring sea.
Man Dead for 22 Years Predicted War
For This Year.
Towanda, Pa., Aug. 12. —While [
looking over books belonging to the
family, George Fletcher, of Gillett,
: near here, found an old Bible in the ,
handwriting of his father, William ,
Fletcher, a prophecy which says in
part: "In the year 1914 there will be
wars 'in every corner of the earth."
i William Fletcher, who wrote the'
prophecy, was a great Bible student
and a learned man. He based his
prophecy on calculations made from
a study of the Bible. He has been
dead almost 22 years.
Many other prophecies have just
been discovered in the Bible, yellow
( with age.
Indiana Collegians to
have a Booster Day
The management of the Indiana
Collegians has decided on a Booster's
Day next Friday, August 21, for the
benefit of the Baseball team. A com
mittee was appointed to see all the
proprietors of stores and business
places and have them close at 3:30
that afternoon. After gping through
the town this morning every business
man in town was asked to close up
and with the exception of one or two
all gave their approval of the plan.
The committee has arranged for a
parade and the band will play and a
general good time is expected. Tht
fast Windber team, which has defeat
ed the Collegians twice, will be the
attraction on the ball field. Windber
is anxious to win. They will bring a
large crowd of rooters with them to
cheer their team's efforts. The game
will be called at 3:30 and as the stores
will be closed, a large crowd is ex
Man Fights a Bear
T. C. Shugarts, formerly of Rich
mond, this county, but now at Wal
laceton, Va., sends the following ac
count of a fight with a bear in the
Dismal Swamp of Virginia, to the
Marion Center Independent.
"One of my foremen, Mr. Dillon,
and myself were out looking over
some timber last week and encounter
ed a large black bear that tipped the
scales at 300 pounds, which gave us a
hurry-up fight for about fifteen min
utes. All we had to fight with was a
32 calibre Smith & Weston revolver
and a small pocket knife. While we
made every shot count the bear start
ed to chase Mr. Dillon around a large
juniper stump, while I was shooting
him. But he had good wind like one
of C. E. Richardson's race horses. I
shot him eight times, but at last we
had to catch him and cut his throat
to kill him, he being about played
out at this time. To prove our story
to the people down here, we got a
couple more fellows and they helped
us take the carcass to the log train,
five miles distant, where we trans
ferred it to Wallaceton and had a bear
roast that night. We remarked after
wards that if we met any more bears,
all we wanted was a 301 Savage gun
and that would be the end of the bear
I ——————
John Forsythe.
John Forsythe, aged about 80 years,
died at his home on Railroad avenue,
this morning at 5 o'clock. Death was
due to a complication of diseases, fol
lowing a stroke of paralysis. He was
a veteran of the Civil war, being a
member of Company D, 6th Regiment,
Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. He
was born in Butler county in 1834 and
was a life-long member of the Re
formed Presbyterian church. He is
survived by his wife and the following
children: James R., of Gaston, Ore.;
Mrs. J. R. Lytle, of Indiana; Martha
8., a nurse at Wilkinsburg, and John,
Wilda, Margaret and Ida, at home;
also one sister, Mrs. Sara J. Shorts, of
East End, Pittsburgh, ar.d three grand
children. Funeral services will be
held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Interment will be made in Greenwood
Aged Dayton Woman Dies.
Mrs. Jacob Uplinger aged 85 years,
died at her home in Dayton, Tuesday,
August 11th, 1914. Mrs. Uplinger is
survived by two sons and two daugh
ters. The funeral services were held
Thursday afternoon.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 14.—A Russia*
force has captured Sokal, Austrian
Galicia Inflicting heavy casualties on
the garrison.
Beaufort, N. C., Aug. 14.—A Ger
man warship ia cruising off the coast
Copenhagen, Aug. 14.—About 1,000
Americans sailed from here today for
New York on the Scandinavian-Amer
ican steamer Oscar 11.
Queen oi Holland Prepares
Army to Res st Invasion
Photo toy Amorteaa Frees AnocUtlaa.
Paris, Aug. 14.—An official account
of the Gorman repulse at Pont-a-Mous
aon says the French captured nine
German officers and 1.000 wounded and
a battery of machine guns and sur
prised and annihilated the Tweaty
first Baden dragoon regiment.
The first German prisoners passed
through Paris on their way to Poiters.
The men were mostly Uhlans.
The Dutch government officially
gave the French government renewed
assurance of its neutrality in the pres
ent conflict and of its firm intention
to make It respected.
Dispatches from Conetantinopio
deny that the German cruisers Goebea
and Breslau have lowered the Ger
man flag and that their crews have
gone ashore. Editorial opinion in the
French newspapers scoffs at the va
lidity of the so-called sale of the cruis
ers to Turkey.
London, Aug. 14. —The report that
the American ambassador has left Ber
lin for Holland is viewed as a sugges
tion that Germany is goading America
by interfering with American dis
The British government notified the
Austrian ambassador that a state of
war between Great Britain and Austria
had existed since midnight Wednes
Earl Kitchener, British secretary of
state for war, notified the press that
any newspaper publishing news of na
val or military movements except that
issued by the official bureau would be
Washington, Aug. 14. —Six passen
ger carrying steamships controlled by
the United States government will be
sent to bring back Americans.
It is expected that with the return
to Washington today of Charge d'Af
faires Von Haimshusen of the Ger
man embassy the state department
will render its decision in regard to
the radio embargo and censorship
against which the Gerfnan government
has protested.
The American consulate at Liege,
Belgium, "has been exposed to fire
since hostilities began," the American
minister reported to the state depart
ment from Brussels.
Rome, Aug. 14.—A Nish (Serria)
dispatch to the Messerago says: "The
Balkan states, despite appeals made
to them by Kaiser Wilhelm, propose
to reconstitute an alliance to support
Racial sympathy throughout the
Balkans would be drawn strongly lee
ward Russia on account of the over
whelming number of Slavs that in
habit that region. Servia and Mon
tengro are already fighting on the
Russian side.
New York, Ang. 14.—A rumor wa3
current on the Maritime exchange that
a flotilla of seventeen German torpedo
boats had sunk a whole squadron of
seven English dreadnoughts off the
Humber. . - -