MOORE HOTEL % Il primato per le films e fotografie Indiane. - Teatro e Cinematografo. - La più* grande, la più' comoda, la più' confortabile Sala della Contea d'lndiana. - La casa ove si mostrano \ le films a pieno giorno. - Qui si producono i più' famosi Attori di Europa. Sotto la direzione del J-aa i a itv iv x KAISER DEFIES -4 UNITED POWER OF SIX NATIONS —— Declares War on England ans John Bull Strikes Back FLEET ORDERED TO ATTACK •'Capture or Destroy Enemy" Is Mes sage Flashed to Waiting Fleet Ir. North Sea as Soon as Momentous Decision Is Reached—Over Half a Billion Voted by Parliament For War Purposes. Germany and Austria-Hungary are now fighting Servia, Russia, France, England, Belgium and Montenegro. It is probable that Japan will join the fray and then the odds will be seven powers against two. A report of a great naval engage ment between English and German fleets in the North sea is momentarily expected. I —„... _ The world stands aghast at the ac tion of the German emperor in seem ing to challenge the whole world to mortal combat. If, he had not invad ed Belgium, a neutral state whose iu tegrity England is bound to defend, it is possible that England would have ffemained neutral. The die is cast and the odds seem to be heavily against the powers who brought on the war—Austria-Hungary and Germany. London, Aug. 5. —Great Britain de clared war on Great Britain last night and at about the same time Germany declared war on Great Britain. Immediately this message was sent by the British admiralty to the great British fleet in the North sea: "Great Britain declares war on Ger many. Capture or destroy the enemy. It was reported that a great naval battle was already on. King George declared the mobilization of the army and parliament had voted $5-5,000,000 for emergency purposes. Germany declared war on Belgium and German artillery began shelling Liege and Namur,.two of the impor-j taut cities in Belgium last night. This action followed a second ultimatum sent by Germany to the small coast kingdom saying that Germany would be compelled to use force of arms j ftgainst Belgium because the latter re | fused to give Germany permission tc violate the Belgian neutrality. Ger man troops at once advanced near V'erviere, Belgium. Germany declared war on France and one of her armies of invasion op | erating from Metz has crossed the frontier at Mars et Tour. The French fortress of Longwy is besieged, ac j cording to reports, and with three j German columns already in the prov ! ince of Meurthe et Moselle, prepara tions are being made to attack Nancy ■ Germany repeated her call upon j Italy to support her, but the latter again refused and still maintains her neutrality. Sweden has declared her neutrality | in the European conflict and is mobil izing her forces to defend her neutral ity. It is reported that a German army has invaded the Dutch province of Limburg and that steps are being tak en by the Netherlands to uphold her neutrality, even to cutting the dykes pnd flooding the country. The British government's declara tion of war is as follows: "The government is informed that Germany declared war against this country at 7 p. m. today, when the British ambassador was handed his passports. A state of war, therefore, exists between Germany and this j country as from 7 p. m. Aug. 4." Immediately a wireless was flashed i to the vessels of the British fleet noti- j fyiug the commanders of the various vessels of the declaration of war by Great Britain. A personal message by King George to the fleet was also flashed in which j j he expressed confidence that it would j repeat the glories of the navv and protect the British empire in its hour of peril. A report reached here that the Brit ish and German fleets were engaged off the Scottish coast and that a nun - ber of wounded from the fleet had been brought ashore at Cromarty. King George's telegram to the Rus sian emperor in a final effort to avoid war and the emperor's reply have been made public. The king, express ing the opinion that there had been some misunderstanding to lead to the breaking off of negotiations, said: "I make a personal appeal to you to remove the misapprehension and leave open the ground for negotiations for possible peace." The Russian emperor replied that he would have accepted the proposals had not Germany declared war. "Germany," says the emperor, showed no disposition to mediate and her preparations and those of Austria made it imperative that Russia should mobilize, but I gave most categorica.- assurances to the German emperoi ithat the Russian troops wcuia not move so long as the negotiations con tinued." Tlk reply concludes: "I trust that your country a*ill not ATE ANDWAS SAD Vet It Was a Dish For Which He Had Yearned For Years. A TRAGEDY IN GASTRONOMY. Bouillabaisse as Sung by Thackeray and as Served In a Famous Mar seilles Resort Proved Very Different Propositions to an English Epicure. We all know that famous poem ol I Thackeray's which begins. A street there is in Paris famous ; For which no rime our language yields. and goes on to tell of the tavern where i the genial Tit marsh in the days when he was a Paris correspondent "ate and drank the bouillabaisse" As a result of that delightful poem tens of thousands of Englishmen have yearned to eat bouillabaisse. Thacke ray puts it so beautifully! The steam ing dish of stewed fish that he con jures up in his iines—how appetizing it seems! 1 know that it was quite early in my teens when 1 first read that poem, and from that moment there j was formed in my mind a firm resolve 1 to eat some day of bouillabaisse. My opportunity came not long age when f visited Marseilles. It was j nearly half past 9 when I sat down in the dining room of the hotel. "There is no bouillabaisse on the ' menu." 1 said severely to the maitre d'botel. "I have come to Marseilles specially to eat it." He replied that it j was not a specialty of the house, but that it could always be prepared. How long would it take? Twenty-five min utes, perhaps a little longer. "But 1 think monsieur would find it rather heavy at such a late hour." He was uot encouraging, this maitre d'hotel. I did not accept for a moment his suggestion that bouillabaisse was too heavy a dish for half past 9 at night. Thackeray had not talked about j heaviness. But twenty-five minutes! j I ordered an omelet. At midnight, walking down the fa ' mous Cannebiere, back to the hotel, i I was hailed by a familiar voice. It was j that of a friend whom I had not seen ; for a long time. Gratefully I grasped : his hand and told him that I intended to eat bouillabaisse as soon as possible And my respect for him was consider ably enhanced when he told me that be had eaten some that very afternoon, an hour after his arrival in Mar seilles. Here was the true spirit, and I related to him. with some bitterness, my experience with the maitre d'Lotel "Well, it is rather heavy stuff." he said. But I brushed this aside, and we arranged to meet at lunch on the mor row, when I should have the best that Marseilles could give me. .There, are, as everybody knows,, two ! places at Nfarseilles for Uouillabaisse- Pascal's and Basso's, on the Vieu; Port. We decided on Basso's, j "Bouillabaisse," I said laconically, j paid no attention to what my frien< i ordered. No other dish interested me But in a minute or so a curious look ing mess was set down before him. "What's that stuff you're going t< #at?" 1 asked "That's bouillabaisse," he said, "bul it's not mine." I started This bouillabaisse, this cu rious looking stuff, with indigestibU looking lumps of fish floating in a bil ious and oily saffron liquid! I know not what 1 had expected bouillabaisse j to be, but it certainly was not this. There was a piece of fish which I rec ognized as eel, and I loathe eels. The j broad tail of another and unknown fish stuck up out of the opaque liquid. But it was the yellow liquid Itself which repelied. It shouted biliousness, and the smell of saffron that arose with the steam made me feel ill. Oh, Thack eray! I pecked at the eel—or it may have i been a lamprey—explored the various other fish, tasted gingerly of the thick saffron liquid on one of the pieces of toast that floated in it. But mine was J no palute for bouillabaisse. 1 made ; the waiter take the mess away and bring lamb cutlets. But 1 had tasted of bouillabaisse and was uot to forget it All day long the terrible taste of saffron remained with me. Nothing would shift it; not Mar seilles tea, nor many golden bocks, nor dinner. In fact, the bouillabaisse of lunch spoiled the dinner. And at mid night, in a cafe on the Cannebiere, my friend confided a secret to me. "When we fell in with each other just twenty four hours ago," he said, "I was suf fering just as you are now. The hor rible taste of saffron had remained ob stinately with me ever since lunch and has not quite gone even yet. But you told me you bad come to Marseilles to sat bouillabaisse, and I knew nothing I could say would dissuade you. But no doubt the bitterness of this moment will fade away, and as time passes you will teli your friends in England how excellent is ibe real bouillabaisse if only you have it in Marseilles." "Never! i would die first!" I ex claimed firmly.—London Standard. Africa's Pygmy Antelopes. The pygmy antelope of the Gold Coast of Africa is the smallest of cud chewing animals. It stands about ten inches high at the withers—that is. abom a high as a fox terrier The male has minute horns that run straight back in the line of the forehead. The pygmy anteiope was described in 1705 by the Dutch traveler Bosman. who, in his "Description of Guinea, *' says that it is called the "king of the harts" by the natives. By EngS*b writers it is often called the "royal antelope." i Do Gne thins at a time and the big things first - Lincoln. .. . i " GERMANS LOSE THOUSANDS IN • FIGHT AT LIEGE it ■ e Belgians Repulse All Attacks !; on Their Fortifications e ; AVIATORS FEATURE FIGHTING Q Stubborn Resistance of Belgians to Passage of German Forces Through ) That Country Into France Defeats Kaiser's Plan to Strike Quick Blow at French Capital—Greatest Battle ? In History Expected Soon. | Brussels (V T ia Paris), Aug. 6.—Sev -5 eral thousand dead and wounded *is ? the toll paid by the German army of ' the Meuse for its attack on Liege. I The Belgians made an heroic defense, > repulsing the Germans after heavy i and continuous fighting. The fortified position of Liege had to support the general shock of the German attack. The Belgian forts re sisted the advance fiercely and did : not suffer. One Belgian squadron at tacked and drove back six German squadrons. Eight hundred wounded Germans are being transferred to the city of Liege, where they will be cared for. Crossing the border at Dalhem, 100,- j 000 strong, the German army burned Vise and Argentau, killing the resist ing populace. The Sixth, Seventh and Tenth corps converged upon which is heavily fortified, only to be repulsed. Belgians further checked | the German advance by burning the bridges and diverting one corps iu Holland. London, Aug. 6. Piecing together the disjointed dispatches, reports, ru mors and brief official statements, it appears this morning that the Ger man invasion of France has been re tarded by the desperate character of the resistance encountered. The col umn which is endeavoring to force a passage into France through Belgium has encountered unexpeeetd reverses in the vicinity of Liege, while the other German army, operating in the neighborhood of the French border fortress oi belfort, has had little suc cess in foil ing the French line of de ' fense. The Gerjrian war plans evidently heart of France before the army could an moDiiizcd to oppose tlie advance. If that really was the German plaa then a principal feature of the Kai ser's plan of campaign has failed. The French, taking advantage of the unexpected resistance of the Belgians have had ample time to luring up their army and are now in a position to op pose their full strength to the German 1 forces. Fighting on the defensive and in their own country, it would see tit at this time that the French ought to , be able to bring their utmost strength to bear. It may be several days before a great battle is fought, as both sides are maneuvering for position to gain, an advantage in what promises to be 1 one of the greatest, if not the great est, battle the world ever saw. A mob destroyed at the German em bassy at St. Petersburg. A dispatch to Amsterdam from Mae stricht says: "Sharp fighting on the Belgian fron tier continues. The sound of heavy guns is distinctly heard here. The •moke of the battle is visible from the church steeples. "A number of aeroplanes and a diri gible balloon flew over Maestricht. "German horses which evidently had •tampeded galloped into the town and were captured." The Belgian war office in Brussels announced last night that fierce fight ing had occurred in the environs oi* Liege and that so far as the Belgians, were concerned the situation is excel lent. I "The Germans," the announcement says, "were driven back by a heroic attack made by a Belgian mixed bri gade, which already had earned for it self the highest honors. No German who passed the fort survived." A German aviator flying over the battlefield at Liege, Belgium, was rid dled with bullets and fell to the earth and was killed. The Bosporus has been closed by the Turkish government to the pass age of warships, thus bottling up the Russian fleet in the Black sea. A naval action was in progress in the North sea, according to the Standard, which adds that this news was confirmed by a high authority, who, however, said the action was not of decisive importance. "There is reason to believe that one of Germany's objects in the present war is to acquire the French colonics and that as the price of British neu trality the kaiser was prepared to promise that no French territory iu Europe should be annexed in case of a German victory. Great Britain de clined to lend itself to the betrayal of France," Sir Edward Grey stated. "In its intense desire for peace Great Brit ain went to almost unprecedented lengths to offer Germany a chance to avert war on honorable terms. Ger many did not avail herself of the op portunity, but acted in such a mannar
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