6 I Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010 Z, o TII K D UI.V Collegian Elizabeth Murphy Editor in Chief Kelsey Thompson Business Manager About the Collegian: The Daily Collegian and The Weekly Collegian are pub lished by Collegian Inc., an independent, nonprofit cor poration with a board of directors composed of stu dents, faculty and profes sionals. Pennsylvania State University students write and edit both papers and solicit advertising for them. During the fall and spring semes ters as well as the second six-week summer session, The Daily Collegian publish es Monday through Friday. Issues are distributed by mail to other Penn State campuses and subscribers. Complaints: News and edi torial complaints should be presented to the editor. Business and advertising complaints should be pre sented to the business man ager. Who we are The Daily Collegian’s edito rial opinion is determined by its Board of Opinion, with the editor holding final responsibility. The letters and columns expressed on the editorial pages are not necessarily those of The Daily Collegian or Collegian Inc. Collegian Inc., publish ers of The Daily Collegian and related publications, is a separate corporate institu tion from Penn State. Members are: Lexi Bel culfine, Caitlin Burnham, Paul Casella, Kevin Cirilli, Beth Ann Downey, Amanda Elser, Ash- . ley Gold, Stephen Hennessey. I Allison Jackovitz, Andrew Met calf. Nate Mink. Elizabeth Murphy. Laura Nichols, Michael Oplinger, Edgar Ramirez. Heather Schmelzlen, Caitlin Sellers. Laurie Stern. Katie Sullivan. Jessica Uzar. Aubrey Whelan. Alex Weisler, Somer Wiggins, Steph Witt and Chris Zook. Letters We want to hear your com-, ments on our coverage.’ editorial decisions and the Penn State community. ■ E-mail collegianletters@psu.edu ■ Online www.psucollegian.com ■ Postal mail/ln person 123 S. Burrowes St. State College, PA 16801 Letters should be about 200 words. Student letters should include class year, majoT and campus. Letters from alumni should include year of graduation. All writers should provide their address and phone number for verification. Letters should be signed by no more than two peo ple. Members of organiza tions must include their titles if the topic they write about is connected with the aim of their groups. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters. The Collegian cannot guaran tee publication of all let ters it receives. Letters chosen also run on The Daily Collegian Online and may be selected for publi cation in The Weekly Colle gian. All letters become property of Collegian Inc. No alcohol in dorms a good step The university has decided to prohibit all alcohol in residence halls starting in the 2011-2012 academic year, even for those who are 21. Prohibiting alcohol in on campus residence halls is a great step for- ward taken by the univer sity to combat the prob lems of underage and excessive drinking. Minimizing the interac tion in the dorms between those of age who have access to alcohol and those who are underage and do not will help limit /J£j wwwcaglecartof^Tl Holiday cheer is good for everyone By Amanda Elser There are very few things that I love more than the holidays. My favorite movie is “Babes in Toyland” (the Drew Barrymore ver sion), my favorite drink is hot apple cider with cinnamon, my favorite Pandora sta tion is White MY OPINION Christmas and if Bing Crosby was my grandfather I wouldn’t be that strongly opposed. Point is, everything about the Christmas season is shinier, brighter and happier, but even I have to admit the excess of good tidings. It started when the day after Thanksgiving I was in the gro cery store with my mom and I heard a customer say “Merry Christmas” to the deli lady. I actually did a double take. Though everyone gets into the holiday spirit come November, the actual big day was about a month away. As much as I hate to admit it, we are a product of commercial ism and big businesses making a profit over exploiting a holiday, turning a grouping of holidays into a two-month long shopping season. So for my last column of the access to alcohol. Also, attempting to cur tail the excessive binge drinking that can happen in dorms will cut down on the amount of drinks any underage student could start his or her night with. The university has pre sented a noble goal that should be pursued vigor ously. They should pres ent real consequences that will make underage students think twice about drinking heavily in the dorms. Giving an exception to White Course apartments ■I- \ \ 1 W» semester I am going to remind all of you of the true spirit of Christmas (don’t worry, I am not going to get all Catholic school girl on you). The Christmas season isn’t about gifts, as a childhood spent watching “The Grinch that Stole Christmas” taught me. It’s not about the decorations or 24 hour Christmas radio stations (though they do add a festive flare). It’s about spreading cheer and love. There is a reason why movies set during the holidays are usu ally so successful everyone is a tidbit more vulnerable come December. It is suddenly social ly acceptable to believe in hope and wishes (I never said I wasn’t going to get corny). And though it may be a Hallmark enhanced holiday, so what? If you spend a little money to bring joy to someone else let the businesses make money. I quite frankly enjoy the YouThbe videos of kids freaking out over a video game or a doll. Those five minutes of opening the gift you have wanted all year is pure bliss and I wish I could have bottled it up and saved it for a rainy day. I know people say that exces sive gifts are sending the wrong message about Christmas, but even the simplest thing can mean the world of difference. My mother grew up in Italy and she will tell me every year is understandable, because there are rarely underage students housed there, whereas in the resi dence halls there are mostly underage students. It won’t stop excessive drinking in its tracks, but it is a step in the right direction. And for a university fac ing a consistent drinking problem, taking a stance against alcohol as a whole is a wise move. We believe they are being put in place for the greater good of the stu dent population. BIPARTISAN / SHIP! until I die about the time she only got a pincushion for Christmas. Yes, a red pincush ion, for sewing. That was her one gift from “Babbo Natale.” She tells me this story so that I am grateful for everything I get on Christmas Day (including the clementine at the bottom of my stocking). The funny thing is, I cannot even tell you how many plastic toys have gotten thrown away, but her pincushion has been used for every rip and tear in a favorite dress or hem on a brand new pair of pants. That is the personification of the Christmas spirit. It is tradi tion and gratitude mixed with family and friends. So don’t be a grump this sea son. If you’re one of those people that can’t stand Christmas music until December 25 then don’t feel the need to pass on your hatred. Smile at someone passing you on the street Hold the door open for someone a few steps behind. Drop in some of your spare change to those lovely bell ringers on the corner of College Avenue and Allen Street And if you don’t want to do it for your Christmas, try doing it for someone else’s. Amanda Bser is a senior majoring in journalism and is the The Daily Colle gian’s Thursday columnist Her e-mail is aleso4s@psu.edu. The Daily Collegian Alcohol will remain in dorms No matter what the administration does, there will always be alcohol in the dorms. Students will always find some way to get it, and the university can do barely any thing about it. I understand that they are dying to stray away from the idea of a “party school,” but simply banning alcohol in residence areas will not solve the prob lem. They banned alcohol previously for students under the age of 21, and yet there have still been incidents reported in the residence halls. This policy will be difficult to enforce, and won’t totally solve the prob lem at all. Sean Flynn junior-health policy and administration Disparity inherent in genders As I mentioned in my previous letter, the article “PSU addresses disparities" made several good points including the different percentages (as opposed to number) of men and women receiving tenures. I agree, that should be addressed. In fact, I at no point discounted a single point made in the initial article, I simply wrote about a differ ent point within the topic of equality. That being said I at no point, as Liz Campo accused in the letter ‘Disparity- not mothers’ fault,” supposed any specific rea son for the tenure disparity. I was trying to make the point that the numbers them selves don’t always tell the whole story. I assume you’re not suggesting that 100 job openings should be filled with 50 women and 50 men regardless of if there is 4:1 or 1:4 ratio of men's to women's applica tions. Still, the cause of the application dif ference, as “PSU addresses disparities" suggests (and I never refuted), should be resolved at the source, not faked at the hir ing table. Ideally, applications would contain only initials or ID numbers: no names or gen ders, which will eliminate that factor entire ly. Why is it that there are significantly more women than men who go into college interested in elementary education” I can’t prove that it is due to interest dif ferences, but it would make sense. In almost every other species on the planet, it is a mother’s instinct to take care of her young. Is it so unfathomable that women may be more programmed toward child care than men? And I never suggested that a man would miss his child's birth due to work, but somehow I don't see myself tak ing turns to stay home and breastfeed my children. Mike Kaiserian senior-mechanical engineering CAN YOU DIG IT? Rose reflects on success With the Big Ten having the most NCAA Tournament success of any con ference through the first two rounds, we asked Penn State coach Russ Rose on Tuesday afternoon his thoughts on how the conference has fared. “I think the fact that there is six teams remaining is a reflection of the quality of teams and players and coach es that exist in the conference," Rose said. “There’s also four left from the Big 12 and there’s also four left from the Pac 10. Some people want to point out that it’s teams from the BCS conferences. And I think you can make an argument for that but I don’t think that's what it's all about because Hawaii has won national championships and Long Beach State has won national titles and there was a time that Utah State was one of the great teams in college volley ball...’' Jake Kaplan Women's volleyball reporter Band keeps tune for team Penn State coach Russ Rose usually points out the flaws of his team after each match, win or lose. But no matter what happens during home matches, there’s usually one group Rose is always happy with: the band. Gregory Drane, assistant director of athletic bands, is responsible for build ing up the Pride of the Lions volleyball pep band to what it is today. I sat down with Drane a few weeks ago to talk about his job at Penn State. Here's what he had to say: Q: How do you determine what to play and when to play it? Drane: “Quite frankly, our main job is supporting our team, so I try to choose songs that may help to get the crowd behind the team at different times. At different times, we’re just being the entertainment for the crowds.” “A lot of the times that is dependent upon what is going on at that event. We’re pretty flexible as far as that is concerned. There are particular things that are traditional. For instance, being at a football game, after the third quar ter everybody is waiting to hear ‘Hey Baby.’ “And quite frankly, at a volleyball match after the intermission, when the volleyball team comes back out to warm up, they also expect to hear ‘Hey Baby’ as well. So, there are certain things that are tradition, that we’ve plugged into certain spots where there’s an expecta tion for the crowd to hear particular songs at particular times...” Ryan Loy Women's volleyball reporter Read more of The Daily Collegian's blogs at psucolleglan.com/blogs.
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