2 I Thursday, Dec. 9,2010 Sports commenator speaks to students Sports commentator Leah Secondo held an intimate talk with students Wednesday afternoon about life after gradua tion and how to make a living as a journalist. Students from the College of Communications attended the talk with Secondo in the Poster Auditorium of Patemo Library. Since 1992, Secondo has been a freelance sports journalist and broadcaster for several television networks, including the Big Ten Network, CBS College Sports and ESPNU. To read the full story, visit psucollegian.com. Fraternity hosts underprivileged kids Theta Delta Chi Philanthropy Chairman Trevor Cowser announced the appearance of a special guest at the fraterni ty's annual Christmas party for underprivileged kids Santa Claus was coming. TDC partnered with the sisters of Sigma Kappa to throw their annual Christmas party for the children. The children, who are part of the Bellefonte Youth Center program, grinned as they high-lived a fraternity member dressed up as Santa Claus. The program helps children who come from low-income families and have little time to spend with their parents, pro gram manager Penny Homer said. To read the full story, visit psucoUegiaii.com. Symphonic and Concert Bands to perform Penn Staters have the chance to be transported to differ ent eras in far-off lands tonight, by students taking their final performing a concert. The Symphonic and Concert Bands will perform a variety of pieces from German, American and British composers at 8 tonight at the Eisenhower Auditorium. "The concert has some very eclectic pieces, ranging from different time periods and countries," said Dennis Glocke, conductor for the Symphonic Band. Glocke said the concert will be a great study break for stu dents because they can come and listen to various kinds of music. To read the full story, visit psucollegian.com. Giuseppe Palmese of Drexel University will speak on “Functional Thermosetting Polymers’’ at 10 a.m. in 102 Chemistry Building. The event is hosted by Michael Janik of the Department of Engineering. Contact 814-863-9366 for more information. The event is free and open to the public. Mark Asta of the Materials Science and Engineering Department at The University of California will give a presenta tion entitled “Applications of First-Principles Methods to Impact Materials Design” at 10:10 a.m. in 26 Hosier Building, The event is hosted by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. Call 814-865-4992 for more information. The event is free and open to the public. Mihran Papikan of Penn State will give a presentation called “On the Arithmetic of Modular-Curves-Over-Function Fields” at 11:15 a.m. in 106 McAllister Building in an event hosted by the Department of Mathematics. Call 814-865-7527 for more infor mation. The event is free and open to the public. Marylyn Ritchie of Vanderbilt University will speak on “Beyond Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS): Integrating Transcriptome, Proteome, and Pathway Data in the Genetic Dissection of Complex Traits" at 4 p.m. in 100 Life Sciences Building (Berg Auditorium). The event is hosted by Scott Selleck of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Call 814-867-4373 for more information. The event is free and open to the public. Kevin Furlong of Penn State will give a lecture entitled "Christchurch Earthquake: 2010” at 4 p.m. in 541 Deike Building. The event is hosted by the Department of Geosciences. Call 814-865-7965 for more information. The event is free and open to the public. Jeremy Levy of the University of Pittsburgh will speak on “Oxide Nanoelectronics’’ at 4 p.m. in 117 Osmond Laboratory. The event is hosted by Nitin Samarth of the Department of Physics. Call 814-863-0136 for more information. The event is free and open to the public. Axel Munk of Georg-August University in Germany will discuss “Statistical Multiscale Analysis: From Biomembranes to Biomolecular Microscopy" at 4 p.m. in 201 Thomas Building in an event hosted by the Department of Statistics. Call 814-865- 1348 for more information. Follow us on Twitter for up-to-the-moment news. www.twitter.com/dailycoliegian Collegian Collegian Inc. James Building. 123 S. Burrowes St.. State College, PA 16801-3882 The Daily Collegian Online, which can be found at www.psucollegian.coin. is updat ed daily with the information published in the print edition. It also contains expand ed coverage, longer versions of some stories and letters, Web-only features and pre vious stories from our archives. Our site features full News and Business division list ings and e-mail addresses. News Division News. Opinions, Arts and Entertainment, Sports, Photo, Graphics. The Daily Collegian Online and The Weekly Collegian Phone: (814) 865-1828 ■ noon to midnight Sunday; 10 a.m. to midnight Monday to Thursday Business Division Advertising, circulation, accounting and classifieds Phone: (814) 865-2531 Fax: (814) 865-3848 ■ 8 a m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Editor in Chief Elizabeth Murphy Managing Editor Alex Weisler Opinion Page Editor Beth Ann Downey Web Editor Andrew Metcalf Arts Editor Lexi Belculfine Arts Chief Chris Zook Venues Chief Somer Wiggins Campus Editor Kevin Cirilli Campus Chief Ashley Gold Metro Editor Laura Nichols Metro Chief Laurie Stem Copy Desk Chief/Asst Copy Desk Chief Aubrey Whelan/Allison Jackovitz Copy/Wire Editors Caitlin Burnham, Samantha Kramer, Edgar Ramirez, Caitlin Sellers Sports Editor Steve Hennessey Sports Chief Paul Casella Football Editor Nate Mink Sports Copy Desk Chief/Asst Sports Copy Desk Ch1#f.....8i1l Landis/Kevin Kline Sports Copy/Wire Editor 2ack Feldman/Adam Bittner Visual Editor Heather Schmelzlen Photo Editor Steph Witt Business Manager Advertising Manager Sales Managers Customer Service Manager Assistant Customer Service Managers layout Manager Creative Manager Assistant Creative Manager. Promotions Manager Address $2OlO Collegian Inc. On the World Wide Web Fax: (814) 863-1126 Board of Editors Board of Managers Kelsey Thompson Chase Vickery .Tom DePinto, Hank Sherwood .Alissa Nemzer .Sara Chroman, Ben Gasbarre Stephanie Haas Anna Chau Danielle Meyers Jamie Leder WaClilini** Today; Tonight: Tomorrow: ▼ V talllvl • Hl* 28 Low 15 £■■£’ High 34 IFC holds last meeting of semester At its last meeting of the fall semester Wednesday night, the Interfraternity Council officially passed the policies created over the past few months such as the alcohol-free formal recruitment policy and implemented them into the bylaws for the spring semester. “Basically, by doing this, it makes the policies more concrete for carrying into the future,” Interfraternity Council President Max Wendkos said. Also included in the bylaws for spring is a new recruitment proce dure. At the request of chapter presi dents, the recruitment process next semester will be shortened. Because of the shortened process, there will be additional information requested during recruitment by the fraternities in order to get to know potential pledges better. Those who go through recruit ment will be asked to give their hometown, high school, and stu dent organizations or positions Meyer From Page 1. focus on family and my other inter ests away from the sidelines,” Meyer said in his opening state ment. He took the Florida job in 2005 after an extremely successful tenure at Utah, which culminated in an undefeated 2004 season and a Fiesta Bowl victory against Pittsburgh. Meyer, whose 7-5 record this sea son is his worst as a coach, won two national titles in six seasons at Florida, while amassing a 64-15 record. In his career, he won three national coach of the year awards. “Good things come to an end sometimes,” Florida Athletic Director Jeremy Fbley said. “That’s what happens in this world, and we’ve been blessed for six years to have this guy coaching this team, being part of this university.” Foley said Florida will “move ahead very, very quickly,” but said no coaching search has begun yet. He hopes to have a candidate Dancers From Page 1 they prepare basketball routines and for the National Dance Alliance Competition in Daytona Beach, Fla., Pollack said. The team ranked third nationally last spring. The Lionettes recently created a holiday-themed routine to be per formed at basketball games over winter break, incorporating blue and white Santa hats and even a daring swing-ballroom dance move. One of the dancers, Karley Chism, said she thinks it is a cute dance. “I think I’m most excited to per form the holiday dance,” Chism (senior-English) said. “I can’t wait to dance with everyone in the basket ball setting. It’s much more intimate and fun for us.” Pollack expressed concern over psucol legian.com UPUA From Page 1. enhances the classes that will be available, extends The Princeton Review program at Penn State and gives students more opportunities. Cannon (senior-finance) said The Princeton Review seemed very enthusiastic and willing to cooper ate with UPUA. “Both Kaplan and The Princeton Review looked like excellent pro grams. Neither would have been a poor choice,” Cannon said. “But The Wedding From Page 1. Shedd said. “All the staff members were here and the ideas just kept going and going.” Some theatrical elements of the wedding include sending out movie tickets as invitations to guests, spelling out the couple’s names on the marquee and placing the cou ple’s photo on movie posters. Untraditional aspects of the wed ding —like the inability to have a sit down dinner made Frank a little nervous. But he realized the uncom mon set-up of the space would be conducive to the party atmosphere the couple wants to create. “We’re envisioning food upstairs and downstairs, and people moving and talking and mingling,” Frank said. The couple will get married on the stage, and once the two return for the reception, everyone will be invited to dance on stage while oth ers watch from the audience or the LOCAL By Vera Greene COLLEGIAN STAF WRITER “Everything goes along with value-based recruitment. If these guys are going to be our brothers, we want to know them well.” they were involved with in the past, as well as given the option of nam ing references and submitting a personal statement. “Everything kind of goes along with value-based recruitment," Wendkos (senior- psychology and marketing) said. “If these guys are going to be our brothers, we want to know them well.” It was also decided that there will not be a recniitment fee for spring semester. Wendkos said since there is enough money to subsidize expenses that recruitment fees are usually put toward, the executive board didn’t feel the need to enact one for next semester. “My advice to the next exec board is to see if it’s actually bene ficial to have a recruitment fee. They should conduct research to see if it’s actually a smart idea," he “We stop keeping score, but for them it’s a grind. I think you’ll see fewer and fewere coaches coaching eight to 10 years, let alone 45 years.” pinned down in less than three weeks. “We’re not gonna go too fast," Foley said. “You gotta hire the right person. With the job that Urban’s left here, we’ll have a large number of candidates.” Mick Hubert, Florida’s play-by play announcer since 1989, said he isn’t surprised Meyer opted to retire, pointing to the increased pressure on college football coach es. After Meyer’s decision last sea son, Hubert said he felt it was just a matter of time before Meyer decid ed to call it quits for good. Hubert said not every program can have a Joe Paterno-like figure at the helm. “For us as fans there’s a period with no games, but for [coaches] the season never ends,” Hubert said. “It’s the little things that count.” Marisa Pollack Lionettes co-captain the speed of the holiday dance s kick line, but otherwise is equally excited for this routine and others to come. “We just have to focus on tech nique. It’s the little things that count,” Pollack said. ‘Lines are so important. And even the small things, like head snaps, make a dance look that much cleaner." Basketball games also allow the dancers to focus more on technical parts of their performances, such as higher leaps and sharper turns. Lionette co-captain Caroline Molloy said she enjoys the opportu nities of the basketball setting. “We are definitely able to make our dances more technical since it's Princeton Review had a lot more time spent in class for it instead of online, which is really what were here for.” Academic Affairs Committee Chairwoman Courtney Lennartz said after a lot of discussion with both companies, she was happy with the assembly’s decision. “The Princeton Review offered the most to students at the lowest cost,” Lennartz (sophomore-health policy administration) said. “That’s obviously important to students.” The Princeton Review agreed to balcony. The couple also hopes to hire a local band. Frank and Gerber both met at Lock Haven University as freshmen in 2004. It was one of the first few days of school and Gerber didn’t have enough change to get a snack out of a vending machine. Frank offered his future fiance the money, and the relationship evolved from there, Gerber said. Even though they did not attend Penn State, the State College area and the State Theatre has been a backdrop for their relationship. “State College is really the closest place we can go to see a play or a concert,” said Frank, who grew up in Bellefonte and would often spend his high school days walking down College Avenue. “A lot of times we’ll go on dates in State College kind of as an adventure.” Gerber said she is surprised how smoothly eveiything has worked out for the wedding so for. And she said her guests all seem pleased with the unique venue. The Daily Collegian Extended forecast campusweettterservte6.com Courtesy of Campus Weather Seivice Max Wendkos outgoing Interfraternity Council president said. “Sometimes the fee elimi nates possible great guys and brothers.” Also during the meeting, the Vice President for Communications position was expanded. Since there were some issues of miscommunication throughout the semester, vice president for com munications Dan Cartwright said the person in his position next semester will act as a liaison for student organizations. “A lot of time student groups don't know who to go to and who to talk to," Cartwright (senior-energy, business and finance) said. “But now they are all going to be directed to the VP of Communications. It'll make things more organized.” To e-mail reporter: vhgsoo3@psu.edu University of Florida play-by-play announcer “We stop keeping score, but for them it’s a grind. I think you’ll see fewer and fewer coaches coaching eight to 10 years, let alone 45 years.” As for how the retirement will affect his final game, Hubert said the Gators will play with plenty of emotion, looking to get Meyer a vic tory “If Urban wasn’t coaching his last game they'd want to win,” Hubert said. "This will only serve for the guys to want to win even more.” Meyer, however, sees it differently. He has one last order of business in his tenure at Florida, and it involves his seniors. "Send them out winners against Penn State,” Meyer said. To e-mail reporter: ajcs23B@psu.edu a wooden, smooth floor,” Molloy (senior-public relations) said. “We have the ability to do more turns and leaps. It’s definitely more dance-y, and that's important because it’s what we re here for." To execute their high kicks, fast turns and nimble leaps, the team has a rigorous rehearsal and work out schedule. They have three-hour practices on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, along with 7 a.m. work outs on Tuesday to work on tech nique and fitness. The team is also required to do two lifting and two cardio sessions each week. All of that time is not counting weekly performances, which occur several times per week during basketball season. “It s a privilege to perform at these major sporting events, and we don't take that lightly," Sherburne said. create easy payment option for stu dents. financial assistance and award a scholarship for every 15 students enrolled in any of the courses. All that's left to do, Ragland (sen ior-political science) said, is to let students know about the program. “We’ll be starting a full campaign to get the word out, like reaching out to organizations and advertising,” Ragland said. “This is too good of a service for students not to know about.” To e-mail reporter: arss474@psu.edu “They’re all ecstatic because we’re going to have a great time,” she said. “They thought it was something we could definitely pull off." Frank said he worries it may be difficult to break some guests’ pre conceived notions of what a wed ding is supposed to be. But he said most weddings he has seen have been pretty boring. “There’s the downtime between the ceremony and the reception. And you get a dried-out piece of chicken and a DJ and everyone run ning into each other,” Frank said. “That’s not how we operate.” Ultimately, by not following all the “typical” protocols and procedures, Frank said he thinks the State Theatre will provide a great place for an unforgettable wedding. “It’s a wedding. You do it once,” he said. “So you might as well do some thing that’s totally awesome and something that you want” To e-mail reporter ImlsolB@psu.edu Mike Hubert
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