The Daily Collegian Doonesbury Pardon My Planet Non Sequitur I DW0...1 mx> To fIY IT wet V&. OJNK IT miMT i\m WR B°W <^NK A&AIH? wcm'o TUOT MPPEN 9 'pej' .g. Rhymes with Orange I'll never FORGET \ HY YEARS IN MIDLIFE SCIENCE, GUTGENEALDSY , is now ny Pas?ion. L THe CIGNIMG I CAUSE THAT'S IM KARZAI! HB'P POSSIBLE, NEVER HBARP BOSE-1 OF ME! OR MY 6AYETTTO MONEY! HIM PER- w mietmce KND&XPECT\M' K PlffCßtNiT / ■ OUTCOME 9 NV ™ JtFv r,i * ?Si jj a UU..MW WELL, I WW TUPU&W WRE. TOE it fAI&WT GW Wto TO)W°W FWEO\T &ETTM\ To Fan 7 I TOM 6 '—-j- A : SS3 COMICS & CRO REAU.Y EASY-HE ANPHOIU HAP A PIP YOU BEAM. KNOUIIT \ uiasac- TUALLY JW J , HUH? \ \ i TUfc Vb DEFINITION of INANITY, >T *v \ jk.-?* r . ■* f 3~ jC', iS by Garry Trudeau A AND AN ACCENT! beard, a thick foreign HOW UN- ACCENT! ,, — N USUAL tS by Vic Lee by Wiley CM.L6 rr TP£ VIRTUE. oF BEIN' yPE.g.^TEMT by Hilary Price •i SWORD ACROSS 1 Prepared for pie, as apples 6 Skirt fold 11 1,150, to Brutus 14 Speed skater __ Anton Ohno 15 Get-up-and-go 16 Author Levin 17 What cats and bats do 18 Procter & Gamble laundry product 20 Earl Grey et al. 21 ‘The loneliest number." in a song 22 Nickel or cadmium 23 The works 24 Favorite 25 Simian 27 Keep America Beautiful concerns 30 Lawyers' charges 31 Craft that can be rolled 32 "As ye sow, so shall ye . " 34 Country rtes. 35 New England 68 Critter that can follow the ends of this puzzle's five longest answers storm 39 Bruin legend Bobby 42 Rank below marquis 43 Nutritious beans 47 Razz 49 Space particles 52 Asks to the party 54 King of France 55 9-Down adviser 56 Kentucky county named for a 10 Herb in a trailblazer 57 It follows Wed. 58 Stride 59 Beach Boys album with bees and flowers on the cover 62 Beyond the fringe 63 Columnist Buchwald 64 Alleviated 65 mix: hiker's fare 66 Snake sound 67 Wipe out bouquet garni 11 Toothpaste comparison word 12 Cried like a raven 13 Like anarchy 19 Note to 21 Across, in verse 24 "Orange' tea grade 25 A long time 26 130-minute H.S. exam 28 Beach lover's goal 29 Eurasian range Tuesday, Dec. 7, 2010 I 13 By Mark Bickham 1 NPR auto show 2 Hamlet's love 3 Writer's payment 4 Shady bunch? 5 Anonymous John 6 Destination in a two-part route 7 "Many splendored thing' of song 8 Comic Philips 9 30-day mo. ic)2010 Tribune Media Services. Inc. 33 Joe of "Good Fellas" 36 Senate contest 37 God with arrows 38 Staff associate? 39 Lake Superior natives 40 Some Impressionist paintings 41 Sickens 44 Mexican peninsula 45 Bayer product 12/7/10 46 Majestic 48 Melon exterior 50 Villainous literary alter ego 51 Promise to pay 53 Little laugh 57 Golfer's pocketful 58 Spiritual guide 60 Stick in the lake? 61 Govt, hush-hush org. 62 Bettor's hangout, briefly