RTS 14 I TUESDAY, Nov. 30, 2010 .t.LBUIVI REVIEW `Cannibal' Reviewed by Lindsay Cryer COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER As evidenced in her latest album, the apex of Kesha's life will probably not be experiencing morning hours like Puff Daddy or engaging in oral hygiene with a bottle of whiskey. The singer/rapper known for party hits such as "Tik Tok" and "Blah Blah Blah" released her second album "Cannibal" last Monday, which was pre ceded by single "We R Who We R" And just a fair warning: This review has been writ ten assuming everyone loves glitter-infested "sing song rapping" like me. The album opens with song - Cannibal, - an addicting track featuring tribal drums, a Jeffrey Dahmer reference and some pretty weird lyrics. Despite some of Kesha's outrageous personal touches on the song, the chorus will instantly become one of . ( 6 , --. ),.- , t . - 4,'.,4 ..... 4, - P . -, . , .....I Coartesy of amazon.co your favorite things to shout down Beaver Avenue. The song about a topic that is so wrong will actually feel so right. The second track "We R Who We R" has already made its way onto the party playlists of college students across America, and rightfully so. Anything about "going hard," dancing and taking over the world is set to be an insta-hit. Lyrically, "Grow a Pear" is a riot and musically, "The Harold Song" provides a reprieve from party hard-hits with a slower song where Kesha actually - gasp - sings. As hard as it is to say anything bad about this pop chart princess-gone-wrong, it must be stated that a few of the tracks just don't cut it. In "Sleaz," the lyrics are pretty dumb, and the beat isn't quite as party-ready as the majority of her other songs. "C U Next Tuesday" also sounds far too much like a bad concoction of a girl band, desperate lyrics and elevator music. At first. "Crazy Beautiful Life" also sounds a bit annoying and reminds you of every other pop song you've heard. My advice is to listen to the song again. It sounds better after a few plays. Four words: Give Kesha a chance. She may be dirty and her big hair may be full with more than just secrets, but she really has brought some thing to the Top 40 charts that hasn't been brought in a while some just plain fun music. Ketha's got some hits up her bedazzled sleeves. Grade: B+ Download: "Cannibal," "We R Who We R," "Blow" To e-mail reporter: Ibcl46@psu.edu `Decision Points' Reviewed by Hannah Rishel COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER When I picked up George W. Bush's "Decision Points" I decided to go into it with an open mind. Regardless of my personal feelings for Bush, his memoir leaves something to be desired. This is mostly because Bush is trying to write history before it's published in textbooks. He wants his memoir to "serve as a resource for anyone studying this period of American history," he writes in the book. If I had to study this period of American history for a class, I would hope to use a less biased source. Basically, he wants to make himself likeable to the people who criticized him during his presidency, and he wants to justify what he did in office. For example: "The prob lem was not that I made the wrong decisions. It was that I took too long to decide," Bush writes of Hurricane Katrina. Courtesy of amazon.com I understand that he's attempting to humanize himself, but this won't change peoples' opinion of him, which I assume was his goal of this book Bush takes the opportunity to address his pro life stance in the book He writes that seeing the fetus of his mother's miscarriage in a jar was what caused his negative thoughts toward abor tion. This part of the book is graphic, but I respect that Bush cites a reason for his beliefs. In another controversial move, Bush states his stance on waterboarding. Whether or not this procedure of simulated drowning is considered torture is up to debate, but for Bush there's no argument it's not. "We gained valuable information to protect the country, and it was the right thing to do, as far as I'm concerned," he writes. While waterboarding is legal, one has to won der if it's the moral thing to do. I don't think this memoir is the place to address that issue. But I liked the structure of the memoir. It was n't chronological, but weaved his pre-presidency life into each chapter. Each chapter focuses on a major decision he made during his two terms. Of all the insights Bush gives the reader, the most disturbing is that the "worst moment" of his presidency was Kanye West calling him a racist not 9/11, not Hurricane Katrina, but a fleeting comment from a celebrity I don't know what it's like to be president, but people will undoubtedly criticize you. But I'd take a comment over thousands of deaths. Learning the president's thoughts is interest ing in theory, but I didn't gain anything by reading "Decision Points." I don't regret the time I spent reading it; I just feel like it was missing that spe cial something. Grade: C- To e-mail reporter: hmrso27@osu.edu ALAS, POOR DOBBY Potter movie best yet Reviewed by Hannah Mabel COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER The "Harry Potter" movies in gener al haven't met my expectations. True, "The Sorcerer's Stone" took my 12- year-old breath away, but as a big fan of the books I was always disappointed that they omitted some of my favorite scenes and fines. Of course I know that they can't include everything from the novels, but there are things they omitted that added to the plot the back story of Harry's father and his friends being the creators of the Marauders Map for one. But "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I," the penultimate film of the series, surpassed my low expec tations and became my favorite "Harry Ettter" movie, mostly because it's the most true to the noveL "The Deathly Hallows" picks up where "The Half Blood Prince" left off. Harty (Daniel Radcliffe), with his faith ful friends Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson), has decid ed to leave Hogwarts to go find and destroy Horcruxes— bits of Voldemort's (Ralph Fiennes) soul that he's magicked into important objects that are the key to defeating him. The idea to split the novel into two movies was a fantastic one. There is no way the entire story could be crammed into three hours. But I was surprised where they ended part one well into the second half of the novel. I'm slightly worried about "Deathly Hallows: Part II" being all action, but Fl! have to wait until July 15, 2011 to Kanye CD fresh, good Reviewed by Josh Bollinger COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER Kanye West is back, and he's brought a refreshing style of hip-hop that draws from many musical genres. West's album "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" was released Nov. 22 and is a classic testament to West's ever changing style of music. His earlier albums are more hip-hop oriented SOL than his last effort, "808 s & Heartbreak," which is synth pop heavy "Twisted Fantasy" is a mix of the best of both worlds. Along with the style of his last album came one of the worst developments and trends to ever hit rap the Auto- Tune feature. Not all Auto Tome is bad, but there's a line artists all too often cross. It can complement music well when used tastefully, but when artists overuse the feature it drives me to the point of insanity and leaves me won dering what else there is to listen to. Too much Auto Tome and not enough rapping ruined West's last album. Though Auto Tome is still present in his new album, it's not nearly as prominently used as it was on his last one and when it's used, more often than not, it's in good taste. Thankfully, West is mostly rapping in his songs again. On the album, he raps with his signature drawl and smooth flow that can touch on every tone from calm to upbeat. Every actor in the film brought his or her best performance yet. I've never been a big fan of Watson's acting skills, but she proved me wrong during the scene where Ron gets hurt. While I was well aware that Ron would pull through the injury, her frantic yells and tears actually made me feel nervous. As always, Grint brought humor and heart to the trio, but he showed his range when one of Voldemort's Horcruxes made him believe Harry and Hermione were in love. And Radcliffe was practically perfect in the scene when his friends use Polyjuice Potion to make themselves doubles of him to confuse Voldemort. He had the challenge of playing Ron, Hermione and the others pretending to be Harry. I also loved the scene where Harry is preparing to leave his aunt and uncle's house forever and steps into the closet under the stairs, which served as his bedroom for the first eleven years of his life. While the trio carried the majority of the movie, the other actors in the film shined as well. Helena Bonham Carter reprised her deliciously evil role of Bellatrix Lestrange and the despera tion and fear oozed from Jason Isaacs' Lucius Malfoy. Sadly Snape (Alan Rickman) had only a brief role in this film, but I'm quite excited to see his larger role in part two. The movie wasn't completely per fect, though. I was terribly confused at the ran dom dance Harry and Hermione share To get the full experience of West's genius on this record, I strongly rec ommend listening to it from beginning to end. I listened to "Twisted Fantasy" while traveling and it made time fly. West oozes compositional prowess. He's able to write catchy songs, and to make each one sound different. Moments after the first beat of the album dropped with "Twisted Fantasy" I found myself grooving to its bumping rhythm and up-beat hook. West has an uncanny ability to talc; text schi bier = Po! takes same sic songs • porates orchestrz drops that bring his music to new level, stylisticall: separatinf him from his model musical counter parts. West's lyrical tht also separ him from rappers of scene to& rhymes an refined ani ally referee THE DAILY COLLEGIAN after they have a falling out with Ron on their quest for Horcuxes. I knew Hermione was going to end up with Ron by the third book, so to see a scene where she and Harry are shar ing an almost romantic moment does n't make any sense to me. Plus why waste precious minutes of the movie with a scene that adds noth ing to the plot and makes a casual fan of the series think there's a spark of romance between Harry and Hermione? I was also a little put off by the addi tion of Bill Weasley (Domhnall Gleeson) and Mundungus Fletcher (Andy Linden) to the film. Both charac ters appeared earlier on in the books, but were cut out of the films. But because they were needed for the plot they were both shoved into the movie, somewhat awkwardly. But besides these issues, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I" was a good adaptation of an even bet ter book. Grade: A- To e-mail reporter hmrso27@psu.edu modern and important issues instead of the typical "get money" attitude of most rappers. You don't have to look very far if you want proof of West's unique rapping, as the songs on "'heisted Fantasy" fea tures artists like Kid Cudi, Jay-Z, Rick Ross and Nicki Minaj. - Monster" has a heavy beat, and the constant changing of vocalists gives the track a new life each time some one else chimes in. My personal favorite is Nicki Minaj, who rants with a Rasta-flair. gable track on the album New Dress," which incor 'nces of R&B with a line and laid-back, rolling proves to be the perfect w West's flowing delivery. if the album generally mood of most of the ;pecially for the song Jay." Clocking in at more nine minutes long, ' , way" starts with an , sustained piano intro initially evokes a very :ary and depressed feeling we the chord progression • a sharp corner and Is up with a beautiful and ;lying resolution. wall this album is a -needed return to West's Lai style and shows why ' one of the top acts in d: "Monster" and I reporter: 0526710psu.edu