THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Witness testifies in N.H. machete trial By Lynne Tuohy ASSOCIATED PRESS NASHUA, N.H. A teenager accused of hacking a New Hampshire mother to death during a home invasion and severely injur mg her young daughter wanted to break into houses, kill their occupants and eat the victims, a witness testified Thursday. Steven Spader, 18, was obsessed with killing people in the weeks before the grue some attack that ended with the death of Kimberly Cates in the hamlet of Mont Vernon, according to the testimony of Quinn Glover, who was at the scene. Spader wanted to break into homes, kill the occupants, stay overnight, roast and eat the victims, and stage their bodies for the media, Glover said. He talked at one point about putting the heads of his victims on stakes, he said. Immediately after the attacks, Spader was "euphoric, excited." Glover said. "He seemed like he had just gotten off a roller coaster," he said. "He came out with the machete covered in blood and hair" As Glover testified, Spader stared at him with his fingers pressed in front of him his standard pose during the four days of the trial so far. As the lawyers talked to the judge at the bench at one point, Spader loudly cracked his knuckles while staring at Glover, who stared back. Spader is charged with murder, attempt ed murder and other felonies in the death of Cates and the injuries to her now 12- year-old daughter, Jaimie, who told police she survived the attack by feigning death. Glover has pleaded guilty to robbery, burglary and conspiracy. He agreed to cooperate with the state in exchange for a 20-year prison sentence. Several hours before the attacks, Glover said, Spader had sent him a text message telling him they needed to complete the goals of their brotherhood, the Disciples of Destruction. Indonesia death toll tops 400 By Kristen Gelineau ASSOCIATED PRESS MENTAWAI ISLANDS, Indonesia The fisherman was jolted awake by the powerful earthquake and ran with his screaming neighbors to high ground. He said they watched as the sea first receded and then came roaring back "like a big wall" that swept away their entire village. "Suddenly trees, houses and all things in the village were sucked into the sea and nothing was left," Joni Sageru recalled Thursday in one of the first survivor accounts of this week's tsunami that slammed into islands off western Indonesia. The death toll rose to 370 as officials found more bodies, although hundreds of people remained missing. Harmensyah, head of the West Sumatra provincial disas ter management center, said rescue teams "believe many, many of the bodies were swept to sea." Along with the 33 people killed by a vol cano that erupted Tuesday more than 800 miles (1,300 kilometers) to the east in cen tral Java, the number of dead from the twin disasters has now topped 400. Mount Merapi began rumbling again Thursday after a lull that allowed mourners to hold a mass burial for its victims. There were no reports of new injuries or damage. The catastrophes struck within 24 hours in different parts of the seismically active country, severely testing Indonesia's emer gency response network. Aid workers trickling into the remote region found giant chunks of coral and rocks in places where homes once stood. Huge swaths of land were submerged. Swollen corpses dotted roads and beaches. In a rare bright spot, an 18-month-old baby was found alive Wednesday in a clump of trees on Pagai Selatan the same island where the 30-year-old Sageru lived. Relief coordinator Harmensyah said a 10-year-old boy found the toddler whose parents are both dead. More than 100 survivors crowded a makeshift medical center in the main town of Sikakap on Pagai Utara one of the Police: Abducted Mich. girl's death was homicide NEWPORT, Mich. Authorities believe a man accused of sexually assaulting a 15- year-old girl abducted the girl from her home on the morning she was to testify against him and killed her later that day before killing himself. Raymond R. Bush, 38, of Newport, who had a tattoo of the girl's name on the back of his neck, was scheduled to appear Wednesday in 80th District Court, where he was charged with two counts of third degree criminal sexual conduct, authori ties said. Instead, they say he abducted Taylor E. Manley from her father's home near Evart, in a rural area of Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula. State police issued an Amber Alert for the girl, and their bodies were found Wednesday evening in Bush's minivan in a cemetery about 170 miles southeast of where she disappeared. - I'm devastated," said Ciare County Prosecutor Michelle Ambrozaitis, whose office was handling the sexual assault case. "She was just a vibrant young woman. She had a lot of spunk and a lot of promise. It's senseless." NATIO\ Glover said Spader and co-defendants Christopher Gribble and Billy Marks origi nally targeted the house next door to the Cates home but ruled it out as too big just minutes before the home invasion. After they broke in, Glover said, the four approached a closed bedroom door with weapons out. He said Spader and Gribble were in the lead, Spader with a machete, Gribble with a knife. Glover said that when the screams started, he turned around and covered his ears. Prosecutor Peter Hinckley asked him why. "I walked away because I wanted to walk away from the situation," Glover said. "I didn't take anything that was said prior seriously. That was my mistake." Then the attack began in earnest, he said. "They were terrified. I heard cries for help, begging, 'no, no,"' Glover testified. "I heard screams and cries. I heard, Jairnie, run! Please don't do it, — he said. He said he did not see the attacks but entered the room afterward. He said he saw Jaimie crumpled on the floor, tangled in the curtains covering a sliding glass door. "I thought for sure she was dead" Glover said. Defense attorneys have asked questions of other witnesses about a Samurai sword. Glover said that he owns one. but that it was under his mattress in his Amherst home at the time of the attacks. Glover said he had an open knife with him at the house. At home, he said, he would tuck it inside "the ripped back of my teddy bear" Marks has agreed to testify against Spader and Gribble, whose trial is slated for February. A fifth defendant, Autumn Savoy, pleaded guilty to hindering the pros ecution and conspiracy in exchange for a 5- to 19-year sentence. He is also expected to testify against Spader. Marks has yet to enter a plea, but the state did drop a first-degree murder charge. The death toll is rising after a tsunami in Indonesia this week. four main islands in the Mentawai chain located between Sumatra and the Indian Ocean. Some still wept for lost loved ones as they lay on straw mats or sat on the floor, waiting for medics to treat injuries such as cuts and broken limbs. Outside, some res cuers wore face masks as they wrapped corpses in black body bags. Officials say a multimillion-dollar tsuna mi warning system that uses buoys to detect sudden changes in water levels broke down a month ago because it was not being properly maintained. The system was installed after a monster 2004 quake and tsunami that killed 230,000 people in a dozen countries. A German official at the project disputed there was a breakdown, saying Monday's 7.7-magnitude quake's epicenter was too close to the Mentawai islands for residents to get the warning before the killer wave hit. "The early warning system worked very well it can be verified," said Joern Lauterjung, head of the German-Indonesia Tsunami Early Warning Project for the Potsdam-based GeoForschungs Zentrum. He added that only one sensor of 300 had not been working and said that had no effect on the system's operation. The deaths were being investigated as a possible murder-suicide, said State Police Detective Sgt. George D. Pratt in Reed City, near where Taylor disappeared. Bush and Taylor both died from .22-cal iber gunshot wounds to the head, and Taylor also was shot in the chest, police said. Bush's death was ruled a suicide, while Taylor's was a homicide, the Wayne County medical examiner's office said. Bush's ex-girlfriend told investigators he called her late Wednesday morning and said he fatally shot Taylor and planned to kill himself, Pratt said. Bush later stopped at the ex-girlfriend's home in Newport, where she saw a young woman's body in the van, Pratt said. The woman called police after getting the first call and after seeing Bush. An arrest warrant was issued after Bush failed to appear in court, Ciare County Sheriff John Wilson said. State police issued the alert on Wednesday morning, saying she had been kidnapped from the Reed City area and Bush was a suspect. 0 R L 1...) FREE tickets and a chance meet - Dane Cook! - - 1% . • . 4 .. ';l7,srmsArita.r.weem-j • i i-awaskusig— fesE.FkL , -. 7, I L - P r 0 114 .1 11 1 / 6 7 : t Come prepared to give "yotti• he one minute impression of Cook. The Bryce Jordan Center will filpi and post the top performances their Facebook page The winner will be determined by the highest number of "likec" received on the video. 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