The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 29, 2010, Image 7

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Students to host wellness event at White Building
By Alyssa Bender
Six Penn State students want
their peers to learn how to stay
healthy in college.
The students, members of
EDTHP 234 H (Leadership
Jumpstart), will host Fitness
Palooza on Sunday afternoon in
the White Building.
From 1 to 4 p.m., attendees can
participate in a variety of events,
including six 20-minute demos
from Penn State Fitness, Penn
State strength and Korean
Karate, as well as a panel discus
sion and an apple-eating contest.
assist in Pa.
By Joe Mondak and Peter Jackson
Democratic President Bill
Clinton and rising stars in the
Republican Party were among
the political luminaries flocking to
Pennsylvania on Thursday to
campaign for candidates just
days before voters decide high
profile races for governor and
U.S. Senate.
Clinton hopscotched from ral
lies in Erie to Bethlehem to
Norristown to campaign for sev
eral of Pennsylvania's many
embattled Democratic candi
dates, among them U.S. Rep.
Kathy Dahlkemper, congression
al challenger John Callahan and
gubernatorial nominee Dan
In Norristown, Clinton told
more than 200 people at an after
noon rally that Democratic con
trol in Washington next year will
deliver a faster economic recov
ery than if Republicans take con
trol of Congress.
Speaking to more than 300 peo
ple in an Erie International
Airport hangar earlier, Clinton
repeated the warning he has
relayed at scores of political
events nationwide. Republicans
want voters to get angry and
blame high unemployment and
deficits on Democrats to usher in
"I'm most excited about being
able to incorporate physical
health, nutritional health and
mental health in an entertaining
way," group member Kelsey
Baumes (freshman- biobehavioral
health) said.
Every student who attends the
event will be given a raffle ticket
just for showing up. Two students
will win a $75 gift certificate from
Rapid Transit Sports .
Participating organizations
include the Penn State Outing
Club, Dance Dance Maniacs and
Sustainable Agriculture Club,
among others.
Group members said they are
Bill Clinton is introduced during a campaign rally Thursday
a GOP that derailed the economy
in the first place back into power,
he said.
- The more I got out here, the
more concerned I became that
the American people were going
to vote out of anger and frustra
tion and anxiety ... and get exactly
what they do not want, which is
what normally what happens
when you make poor decisions
when you're mad," Clinton said.
Some Republican candidates
are leading their Democratic foes
in Pennsylvania polls, as they ride
a wave of discontent over jobless
ness and Democratic President
Barack Obama, chief among
them Senate GOP nominee Pat
Toomey, speaking to a small
lunchtime crowd gathered out
side the Lackawanna County
Courthouse in Scranton, urged
supporters not to let up in the
final stretch and to persuade
friends and family to vote
"I think on Nov. 2 we're going to
begin the process of taking back
our country, restoring the kind of
prosperity that we can have, that
we should have," Toomey said.
"We've got to get off the track
they're on in Washington. We've
got the most liberal elected gov
ernment in the' history of the
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glad to have the chance to organ
ize and run this event for their
Brendan Tomoschuk (fresh
man-division of undergraduate
studies) said he hopes every stu
dent takes something away from
the activities.
A few small changes could have
significant long-term effects, he
He said he thinks it's important
for students to know fitness isn't
necessarily something that
requires taking two hours out of
an already-busy schedule.
- Kids can't change their minds
overnight," group member Joe
Republic and they're trying to
transform America into some
thing like a European-style wel
fare state.-
Clinton, perhaps the
Democrats' biggest political star
right now, was to head to south
eastern Pennsylvania for five
events, capped by a nighttime
rally at Temple University with
Senate hopeful Joe Sestak.
On Thursday afternoon in the
Philadelphia suburb of King of
Prussia, two Republican gover
nors Haley Barbour of
Mississippi and Bob McDonnell
of Virginia were to speak at a
rally for the party's gubernatorial
candidate Torn Corbett.
Two other Republican gover
nors Chris Christie of New
Jersey and Tim Pawlenty of
Minnesota -- planned to join
Barbour or. Friday morning to
stump for Corbett and Toomey at
two small airports in southeast
ern Penns - l. ania.
Obama is expected to arrive
Saturday to fire up Democratic
voters at a Philadelphia rally
scheduled to attract thousands.
On Monday first lady Michelle
Obama will headline a rally in
Philadelphia as well, where the
city's large population of black
voters is considered crucial to
Democratic victories.
$4 Select Appetizers
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Stucynski (freshman-biochem
istry) said.
But he said he hopes the day's
events will start to change the way
students think about fitness if only
in a small way.
The group will also have flyers
available with information on gen
eral health, weight loss trends and
quick tips for staying healthy.
Tomoschuk said he hopes a few
hundred students join in on the
Group members said they
would like to hold the event again
next year despite it no longer
being a requirement for class.
"If we're successful enough,
Pumpkin size affected
by summer weather
This summer's weather may
cause consumers to find that
their jack-o-lanterns are smaller
Ass , )ciateJP , ,s: E
-- but that actually means this
year's pumpkins are healthier, a
Penn State horticulture specialist
- This season's pumpkins are
about 25 percent smaller," said
Mike Orzolek, professor of veg
etable crops in the College of
Agricultural Sciences. - The size
differences will be especially
noticeable in the larger pump
kins. A pumpkin that is usually
around 20 pounds could be
around 15 pounds. -
Orzolek, who has been working
with pumpkins and other veg
etable crops for about 30 years.
said he blames the smaller
pumpkins sizes on the hot, dry
weather Pennsylvania experi
enced this summer, especially
during the months of June and
July where little rain fall was
Since most people plant pump
kins in mid-to late June, the dry
weather came while the pump
kins were just developing, he
said. He also said that pumpkin
sizes will vary in different areas of
Pennsylvania depending on how
much rainfall or irrigation the
crops received.
"Pumpkins are about 85 per
cent water, and since we didn't
see that much rainfall, many of
the pumpkins didn't size up
because of the lack of water," he
$2 Drafts
By Cassandra Wiggins
$2 House Wines
$2 Bottled Beers
$2 Liquors - Margaritas,
Captain & Cokes, LITs,
House Martinis and more!
FRIDAY, Ocr. 29, 2010 I 7
we'd love to do it again,"
Tomoschuk said.
To e-mail reporter
If you go
What Fitness Palooza event
When: Sunday, Oct. 31 from 1
to 4 p.m.
Where: 126 White Building
Details: Event includes demon
strations, prizes, activities and
a gift card raffle. The event is
free and open to all students.
said. "The exception was the peo
ple who had irrigation. They tend
ed to have larger pumpkins, but it
still was certainly a stressful
event for pumpkin production."
Despite the smaller sizes, the
quality of the pumpkins is much
better this year due to lack of dis
ease, Orzolek said.
"Consumers should expect a
lot more green stems on their
pumpkins this year," he said. "A
green stem is a sign of a healthy
pumpkin, while a brown stem is a
sign of disease. Green stems will
stay strong and brown stems
break off."
Sarah Saimbi (freshman-biolo
gy) said she noticed healthier
pumpkins this year "Most the
time when you go to get a pump
kin, you see a lot of diseased or
rotting pumpkins in the patch.
But, I noticed a lot of pumpkins
this year seemed to be the pic
ture of health."
And Orzelek said people want
healthier, albeit smaller pump
kins the Pennsylvania pump
kin market, while slower in rural
areas, will still see high demand,
especially in metropolitan areas.
Melissa Ricciutti (freshman
elementary education) agrees
with Orzolek's assessment.
"When I went home to
Philadelphia two weeks ago,
there were pumpkins on every
one's doorstep," Ricciutti said.
"Granted, [the pumpkins] were
not big enough to take Cinderella
to the ball, but they were good
enough to make me and them