I THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 2010 Giants take Game 1 By Ben Walker ASSOCIATED PRESS The San Francisco Giants turned the World Series opener into an extra long round of batting practice against Cliff Lee and the Texas Rangers. Freddy Sanchez sprayed balls oown the lines. Cody Ross and .~ Hutt hit line drives up the middle. Juan Uribe launched a shot far, far over the wall. So much for the unbeatable Mr. Lee. The Giants battered him and the bullpen. with Sanchez hitting Soccer From Page 8 the ref and delaying the game on a free kick Braga's goal was his second in the last two games and broke a Ave-game shutout run held by 'enn and the senior said the way he ball traveled through the air ' Aped it go in. The ball was going up then it do‘vn really quick and it confused the keeper a little bit," Braga said. Penn State goalkeeper Brendan Birmingham used his 6-foot-5 frame to contend with Penn's set pieces and came up with several late saves that prevented the Quakers from re-tying the game. Warming said Birmingham strug gled with his kicldng game, but the coach added in the end, a keeper's main job is to keep the ball out of the net, which Birmingham did. After one half, the Lions led the shot margin 7-4, but the Quakers had the only attempt on net. Penn State didn't get its first shot on net Football c;nn Page 8 '-;crolling's team once again enters a game against the Lions with a 5-2 record. but at 1-2 in the Big Ten. both teams need a win to help their bowl résumés. Though the Lions enter at 4-3 and hold the same 1-2 conference record. both teams are trying to get back on This year's game is kind of a test of who's trying to get back on top. and who's going to avoid a big loss," Michigan play-by-play :innouncer Frank Beckmann said. The teams have lthid of had :-;.isons and the game means similar things for them.- The Wolverines have lost their last two games and are coming off a bye week where, much like Penn State did during its bye week two weeks ago. they returned to focus ing on fundamentals. Trying to get the players to egnmp atter losing to Michigan State and lowa on Homecoming is a challenge Rich Rodriguez's group faces. Much like the 5-2 start last sea son. the Wolverines are trying to Hoosiers rtom Page 8 Indiana enters the game mired In a tetiell eason, sitting at 5-10 1 overall and just 1-6-0 in the Big Ten. What the Hoosiers have in their favor, though, is a 3-2 come from-behind win over lowa last Sunday. Tribbett said that win could give Indiana an extra burst of confi doing into tonight's game. anti it's something the Lions need to be aware of. While Indiana's record doesn't three doubles and keying a six-run burst in an 11-7 romp Wedne , ckly night that looked even more lop sided. What shaped up as a pitchers' duel between Tim Lincecum and San Francisco Lee quickly dete riorated into a rout. Be the end. the Rangers played like the Te World Series rookies they are they i; errors. lan Kinsler took a en turn around first manager Ron Washin2 have waited too late to i;:!1 until early tht .0-1 • senior co-cAptatn ‘r.o had a saved P , .! • Ben Berg. "We had the shots it, 'f• half, we just couldn't goal." Braga said. W‘• trying. we didn't ••hangt• • '1:i• from the first hail was just keep trylng :or; s• ing. we knew the Mg." Penn State is ott t.• when it travels to Ltu,t . ".• the time off gives the ;: recover. Because of Hertzog will have to co :! out, as will Braga to ing five yellow cards ti,i "It's the first tune t t have five day I,ft Braga said. "It's going to he 2.04 • recover especially with overtimes we had the games. it s to be L: to rest and get sonic I; back." To e-mo! reif - ,0.-- adrso79. figure out the direetieL season. Both teani-; travel to Columbus is State, but neither lean: afford to look that tar a conference schedule - I dont even Michigan's ni!cord back Evan Rovster said At this point e\ er\ qi• to win every game and ' ' bowl eligible. ,(J have the same sense we have." Michigan and Penn State It stir ly enter the rivain . game witii least one team holding oot of competing for the BiL, but this year is an exceoi With both learns half of the conference. 1),. right guard Stefen said he's aware of the V,ok record but doesn't warn think of the gat chance for his team ti season If von look ;,1 it ! put a little yourseit: Wisniew:lJ that presure you make more tnit:tkt To e reporter. aass22o ee.s look good on paper. coach Erica Wakll to Hoosiers do presen! "They've got a Cu;o players up tap. Rath and the colainth,i lOrianicai Velasquet. good finishing cr. said. "I do think they've he:. unlucky with a few of heir I'm expecting a good sitli , • Aside from Tribbett said Lara left back. utter, attack and ;Oil ht• a p! defense has to v,atch ,J!it Last year. Penn '-;1. Volleyball Frcm Pare 8 rri): . f. sent our country at these Championship." A I )urhani, N.C., native, Hodge named the 2009 co-Honda Brodk, rick Cup Award winner for the best female collegiate athlete in all -.:Tiorts. The 6-foot-3 outside liitter finished her tenure in iappti Valley with 2,142 kills and ed 11,:-r team to a 142-5 record w All-American seasons. ' 4 , vho hails from Leland, Olie of the best setters in Lion history and finished fourth in school histo -: ith 5.799 assists. Hr id t's,Pry four years. the which begins ia:: ends Nov 14. is set to across five Japanese tour teams are pools \kith the top pool advancing to • ound. The t". 5.. 3,e - ers u-ed on more of hio:diy than Just the let; to work on our !: because v.e something that j.i , t weekend." put his players drills hopinE, to , i(..ahtv back. ....a been expand battles emphit up and sustain \ when pushed to ire a familial kers The OA t CI of in both Ihe ,“'HA National quarterfinals - in-, notching a victo !. - ymembers not take the come tonight. -..'.,, i ..a s a nti Fortt tallied i I ~.J\•;•cl 1 n rough a brf 11ht hand that : • 'he week before ' remained out tight. largely State defen-e : , c1 this season. j)~tl\ers .ia\. manner iM.I . to stay in , hid his time for Maim a starting 1,r1n2 redshirted or EIMER head down , r. - f• it he t2et , , tht - poi in;lit ralasanti as a 1.,112,11)1e,, second-half ,n 4 ,lin , ,t Temple - enion and other-. Ind lighting out. ;_t jitlipld , :r Christine 20al Alfst4all hard totr2,lit n;,1•111 vt hen botti plays US. ;_ave us a fight: . Vroin past year. they are going to the\ 're at tilt ,it, ‹tandme,s c , ‘ Loing to give know that lie hadnt u'd think_ it's great that [Hodge and Glass] are in the position they're in. They get a chance to represent their country" which is the No. 2 -etd in the tournament behind brazil. starts in Pool C and will match up against Cuba. .;- , rmany. Kazakhstan. Thy:.:,, I and Croatia with jai round matches !p an think• I liat Hodge and position that State coach Rl,!- • They get their countr, pionship th l4pi the PTS 1 '.'l( t '- been preaching the same up mentally prepared, we shouk 1,1 - oblem i tonight] or Friday" Tim O'Brien 1 e r , „, , tho'n . fli 'tt.•:~ `-t i lli ,1 ;c 11l iili! nd N'l/41,11 lii t'' . I , • (1' \ 1), ; 0 Lion, to Start - Into NVitit • ct)..o-ht ;t }4tiod may THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Russ Rose women's volleyball coach ter Nicole Fawcett , whose senior season was in 2008, was also on that team, but did not make the roster for the upcoming champi onship. Christa Harmotto, a former Penn State middle hitter gradu ated the same year as Fawcett, has also been involved with the national team but did not make the final cut. in tile ('(''in "You're excited about the fact that two of your players made the final trip," Rose said, "but you feel for the two of your players that didn't get so lucky to go on the trip, as well." i 't e Ipail reporter: jyksl42@psu.edu as a measuring stick for his team. ;real teams are judged by their ability to bounce back after a had weekend, - Polidor said. The systems will take care of themselves, we have to come out mentally prepared and stay out of t he penalty box.- OYBrien knows what his team k capable of and is expecting the Flames to shortly find out. tl week we have been preaching the same things, - he -. 1; we show up mentally pre pared. we shouldn't have a prob lem !tonight' or Friday'' •eporter gjgso44@psu.edu ears for this o make plays." colasanti attributes Massaro :ind the defensive line as a reason \\A - 1y he leads the conference in tackles per game. He said the defensive line taking up blocks irom opposing offensive linemen iillows him to do his job without Unev'll need a joint effort this v, - eekend when Michigan guar e: back Denard Robinson, the i 1; ion leading rusher, comes to Colasanti: who said every iletender must stick to his assign ment in order to contain Robinson. hopes the defense will do the talking. I've waited three years for !his opportunity;" said Colasanti playing this season. "I just try make plays.- reporter bjmsl46@psu.edu avvr the next two games. But tonight, the Lions can't worry about how tired they are. InAead they will be focused on >ettine a necessary win. -- We know it doesn't matter who we have beaten and who they have beaten. who we've lost to or who they've lost to, 'tonight' Penn State and Indiana show up, - hinroig said. "It's going to be whoever wants it more and who e er is really going to bring it and 2o at the other team and show that they want to win the game.- =ME e mil reporter: adrso79@psu.edu Icers' forward Chris Colasanti Penn State hnebacker