I FRIDAY, SEPT. 10, 2010 z 0 Tilt DAIL\ Collegian Elizabeth Murphy Editor in Chief Kelsey Thompson Busines Manager About the Collegian: The Daily Collegian and The Weekly Collegian are pub lished by Collegian Inc., an independent, nonprofit cor poration with a board of directors composed of stu dents, faculty and profes sionals. Pennsylvania State University students write and edit both papers and solicit advertising for them. During the fall and spring semes ters as well as the second six-week summer session, The Daily Collegian publish es Monday through Friday. Issues are distributed by mail to other Penn State campuses and subscribers. Complaints: News and edi torial complaints should be presented to the editor. Business and advertising complaints should be pre sented to the business man ager. Who we are The Daily Collegian's edito rial opinion is determined by its Board of Opinion, with the editor holding final responsibility. The letters and columns expressed on the editorial pages are not necessarily those of The Daily Collegian or Collegian Inc. Collegian Inc., publish ers of The Daily Collegian and related publications, is a separate corporate institu tion from Penn State. Members are: Lexi Bel culfine, Caitlin Bumham, Paul Casella, Kevin Cinlli, Beth Ann Downey, Amanda Elser, Zachary Feldman, Ashley Gold, Stephen Hennessey, Allison Jackovitz, Kevin Kline, Samantha Kramer, Bill Landis, Andrew Metcalf, Nate Mink, Elizabeth Murphy, Laura Nichols, Michael Oplinger, Edgar Ramirez, Heather Schmelzlen, Caitlin Sellers, Laurie Stern, Katie Sullivan, Jessica Uzar, Aubrey Whelan, Alex Weisler, Somer Wiggins, Steph Witt and Chris Zook. Letters We want to hear your com ments on our coverage, editorial detisions and the Penn State community. E-mail■ collegianletters@psu.edu ■ Online www.psucollegian.com ■ Postal mall/In person 123 S. Burrowes St. University Park, PA 16801 Letters should be about 200 words. Student letters should include class year, major and campus. Letters from alumni should include year of graduation. All writers should provide their address and phone number for verification. Letters should be signed by no more than two peo ple. Members of organiza tions must include their titles if the topic they write about is connected with the aim of their groups. The Collegian reserves the right to edit letters. The Collegian cannot guaran tee publication of all let ters it receives. Letters chosen also run on The Daily Collegian Online and may be selected for publi cation in The Weekly Colle gian. All letters' become property of Collegian Inc. EDITORIAL: RENAMING OF El JoePa field will give just honors Penn State alumnus Warren Armstrong recently met with univer sity officials about renam ing Beaver Stadium after long-time football coach and philanthropist, Joe Paterno. Armstrong would like to see the stadium name changed before JoePa retires. The university said it will consider all options, but no decision has been made. We agree with Arm strong that the best way to honor this individual would be to rename the stadium after Paterno 9via. Ski& e(ikkins gior - (Rog nit, Tiefr, GUEST COLUMNIST Student borough council member will help town and gown relations By Christian Ragland Cevil Rights Leader A. Phillip Randolph once said, "a community is democratic only when the hum blest and weak est person can enjoy the high- lib : est civil, eco nomic and social rights - 4 that the biggest and most pow erful possess" MY OPINION I am pretty sure many of you have heard about your student government fighting to incorpo rate a non-voting student mem ber on the State College Borough Council. Some of you may ask what the point of hav ing this position is. My answer is very simple: a body of students who make up the majority of a community needs a student representative on the council. Before I go any further, I would like to mention that dur ing my time as a leader in the University Park Undergraduate Association, the borough offi cials have been extremely help ful and supportive in numerous ways. This past year, UPUA has made tremendous strides in developing a positive and effec tive working relationship with the council. The two entities have worked with each other on several initiatives, clearly dis playing the importance of con sistent communication. With that being said, as your student body president, I believe the next step with enhancing a legendary representa tive of college football. We respect Paterno as an educator and mentor to thousands of students throughout his many years at Penn State, but the man his built his lega cy on the football field. That is where he should be immortalized. The 82-year-old coach has dedicated his time, effort, money and spirit to Penn State, making this school a place to be proud of. His commitment to edu cation, philanthropy, team spirit and humility embody what Penn State - , A 1 w i the vision of a great town-and gown relationship is by adding this student member to the council. Students play very intricate roles in the enrichment of the State College community. We provide service, leadership and economic benefits to the com munity as students. Having a non-voting student member on the council legitimizes the importance of the student voice. Now, some people have sug gested that students should just run for a seat on the council. Yes, that's an option as well. Matter of fact, I strongly encour age students to run for office in the council if that is a conven ient option for you. There have been some students who have run for council, but unfortunate ly have not been successful. My main issue with encouraging students to run for council is that being a part of council is a four year commitment. If many of you are like myself, we will go on to hold future careers or academic plans after our years at Penn State. You see, when I graduate, I am look ing forward to applying the lead ership skills and education that I have attained from Penn State in my own personal community. Therefore, running for council does not quite fit for me, and I'm sure that goes for many stu dents. So how can we compliment the borough council with the student voice if running for council can be extremely incon venient for us as students? Well, again, this is where a non-voting student member to the borough council will play a role. We want AVER STADIUM strives to be about. Coach Paterno has served this university loy ally and faithfully for the past 50 years, and his legacy is something that must be celebrated, soon er rather than later. Paterno is a humble and a low-key man who proba bly doesn't want to draw time and attention away from the current football season. But with JoePa coming up on his 400th win, the end of this potentially monumental football sea son would be the ideal time to honor him this way. to work with the council and the borough officials on finding a way to incorporate a year-long representative with a student voice. We are not the first school to ever try to push for this resource. Some of our Big Ten counterparts have non-voting student members on their municipality councils as well as other schools outside of our con ference. With this specific student voice on the council, we will now have a greater opportunity to work side by side on issues that affect the borough, such as safe ty, housing and the further development of the town and gown. Allowing a non-voting stu dent member on the council will also further exhibit that we as students are truly stakeholders in the community In essence, when UPUA Vice President Colleen Smith and I ran for these positions, we ran with a vision of finding concrete ways to continue to positively enhance the town-gown rela tions. With concrete initiatives to uphold these relationships, such as a non-voting student member, relations will always be on the forefront of student and student leader's yearly agendas. So if you see the importance of enhancing the student voice in the community through a non-voting student member, please join us as we move for ward with this initiative. Christian Ragland is a senior major ing in political science and is the pres ident of UPUA. His e-mail is cdrso63@psu.edu ' .f LETTERS Pluto's demotion was not supported by ail astronomers In response to Wecinerlay's article "Professors research atmospheres of plan ets light-years away - saying that some people are - reeling from the loss of Pluto" is inaccurate and a public disservice, as it is portraying one side in an ongoing debate as fact, which is not the case. The International Astronomical Union (lAU) demotion of Pluto was done by only 4 percent of its members, most of whom are not planetary scientists. It was opposed in a formal petition by hundreds of profession al astronomers led by Dr. Alan Stern, prin cipal investigator of the New Horizons mis sion to Pluto for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). One of the leading scholars of Pluto in the world, Stern continues to refer to Pluio as a planet in his regular New Horizons updates. Pluto as a planet is no!'cis: because in spite of what the lAU may have intended in 2006, there is no consensus ,in - lor) , astronomers in favor of its decision. Astronomers who agree with Sturn and the petition signatories reject the notion !hat a planet must "clear its orhir hold to a simpler definition that „Irly non self-lumineu sphereid:ll star. Dwarf planets :u f_ ~01) term was coined h stc.n f . third class of trials and jovim, It is irrespon , :io!( f'll t` time portra - ml2. :1,( , " tf done deal \\ her: time, please do nrt debatr and , Quran burning i'.l:.*l - .‘,ls rights and violence i;ii ; , :i teligions AS Ail ^• th,,,-' religion :;, I mean thk pe;tuetnl ryt!s ists haw tilt'. This is eTrt.i: Western re'i , l Hitchens %.,n;rs erant, allied, to ra,isilr ::1(1 • : arid bigotry, invested in ignw7inee and hostile to free inqull - y, conteinpl;;:7 coercive toward chli,il,--; However repugii.) actions. He:. Tem. ,l() tional right to burn as tug he wishes. Al :uggc•.l;: are not keeping with t!ie To be sure. Rtw. idiot, but as much I like to f.4llafe in the outrage. am I one of con cerned that we have if, '' ' C!' wards in condemnation of his actions stop the faithful from killing pcopil for burning a book? I ask that we all think about that. One David Guetta love I'd say that David Guetta ttp, favorite singer right not%. n't even sing his hits th‘ produces them. His are now. They're in dohs. trats !J! l a : , ra dio and, even more spe(.diclll - :,. - through my aparttnc ,- ,1 moment. He's 13r0:)5,Thl tusioil o f hip-hop, techno I'm obsessed... A word from q:-i' , -.,/itats It's Thurs,iay for the visitors This week' play man Eli Gold. .\.l an 6 1 ,cuss the history of the rivalry ihe e.:ifeflls of Mark Ingram and ); : y el oossi bly being on!. and ' , Robert Bok1(11 Students, staff share picks Following are all the nicks for the week one NFL games fi - cir, each of our guests. Here is the quick rundoxkil of the people ho will ui , rlieiNif ein this year-long contest: Christian Ragland - IjPI_TA president Brad Pataky - Penn State wrestler (this spot will rotate among Penn State athletes) Alex Cohen - Paternoville president Zack Krieger - Executive director of Student Programming Association. Jack Gashi - Senior student (this spot will rotate among Penn State stu dents) Jim Regan - Nittany Lion Fund presi dent Steve Hennessey - Daily Collegian sports editor Bill Landis - Daily Collegian sports copy chief Paul Casella - Daily Collegian assis tant sports editor Read more of The Daily Collegians Hogs at psucolleglan.com/blogs ' Vk :iTes- rnfelc N _,ei,nj 11:_,J. 111101 iii(. h',. ) : U- =Ea _:'risii lent Saaiirs Abdul Carter Cias.s of 2007 1.)( , ' Lindsay Cryer puorter vv. 1.