I Friday, Aug. 6, 2010 ‘Charlie St. Cloud’ Reviewed by Kathleen Loughran COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER I was prepared for the waterworks. Being someone who cries at basically any emo tionally jerking movie. I fully expected that my mascara would run down my face. And for once. I was ok with it. Before seeing “Charlie St. Cloud." the only two things I knew about it w'as that it was rumored to be an extremely sad movie and that Zac Efron was the star. Onlv one of those rumors * * Ccurtesv of lmdb.com was true apparently my preparation was unnecessary because the tears never came. Though the movie wasn't all sunshine and but terflies. it definitely wasn't as tragic as I expected it to be. In the movie. Efron's character. Charlie, is about to head off to Stanford University on a sail ing scholarship. The summer before Charlie leaves for college, he promises to practicep laying baseball with his little brother Sam so that Sam can make the team. But at the start of the summer, the two are in a car accident, and only Charlie survives. By no means am I trying to downplay the death of Sam. but because he frequently visits Charlie after his death, it didn't seem like Sam actuallv ever died. As a character. Sam was allowed the ability to fully develop, giving viewers the opportunity to see the close, sweet relationship that Charlie and Sam shared. Probably the most heartbreaking part of the movie is what Charlie gives up because of his loss. Instead of going to Stanford. Charlie perpetual lv defers. He gives up sailing and works in a graveyard. And at sundown every day. Charlie meets Sam for practice. In a sense, it seems more like Charlie is the one who died in the car crash, as opposed to his little brother. Until he meets Tess Carroll, who shares his similar love of sailing. As their relationship grows. Charlie is slowly able to let go of the tragic events in his past. But the movie does dare to be different than a typical love story' because there is an unexpected twist. Though the writers tried to be original with the twist, overall "Charlie St. Cloud" retains the for mulaic romantic story line with a nice, happy ending. It's a movie to watch if you want to see a sappy, heartwarming chick-flick, but you have to be in the right mood. Frankly, if you're not in the right mood. "Charlie St. Cloud" is just going to be a boring and lackluster movie. Grade: B To e-mail reporter: krlslo6@psu.edu ‘Every Last One’ Reviewed by Megan Rogers COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER "Every Last One" will keep you intrigued until the very last page. Earned novelist and journalist Anna Quindlen 1 does what she does best throwing real-life, relateable characters into intense situa tions with thought provoking results in her latest novel, \ “Every Last One." I '' ■ * The novel follows the lives of an average suburban family mom, dad, oldest daughter Ruby and twins Alex and Max. They have the “usual" subur ban issues: marital problems, teenage angst and high school crises. But “Every Last One" infuses some fresh life into the plot lines. \u»w Oum * King novel complicated, dense MTV threw eight caricatures of Italian AnuTK'an "guidos” cits a way of liio. mil a racial slur" according to The Situation' into a run down shori' house m \cw Jersev. and we all know what happened nc\! Infidelity Fist pumping Snooki pet tine punched m the face. After season one. the Jersey Shore" east became H list celebrities complete with Twitter accounts that rival actual celebrities. The show has made w aves across the nation even Obama took notice w ith his tax on tannine beds, according to tlic show's sell proclaimed "guidette” Snooki Comments like that arc the reason l waieli the show F.vcnthing The Situation says is eomodic gold Famous for his routine ot gym. tannins:, laundry” or (ITL. the real humor behind The Situation is the hubris he constantly flaunts The girls on the show are just as crazy Angelina is back and five min ules alter saying "hi” to The Situation and Pauly P. she's already hinting at the possibility of a hookup with either ot the two tor both' ('lassv. It doesn't help that the other girls hate Angelina One tion m the cab among the girls The girls are cursing and swinging i maybe because Angeliua doesn't have a nickname yet"'. Cut to the guys' cab: silence The juxtaposition was perfect The only normal cast member seems to be Yinny As the youngest cast member, audiences might have expected him to be the craziest, but he was barely present in season one. The cast of “Jersey Shore" know they're famous. Hopefully that fame doesn't lead to the cast getting recog nized in public the cast has no prob lem acting like idiots on their own Also, the cast members hale each other The entire state of New Jersey hates them Italian Americans hate the "guido" stereotype they peipetuate. Other "guides” hale that they're not on MTV Hut does evciyonc watch the Yes they do It's a sexy, alcohol fueled train wreck broadcast on national TV every week how can you not watch'.’ tirade: A (for hilarity'. 1) (for intelligence' scenes trom the premiere was the aileron Thk Daily Collkgian lii <> mail reporter: .a .