Local DJ heats up airwaves By Katy Lindenmuth COLLEGIAN STAFF WRITER kellss@psu.edu Thanks to certain overused catchphrase from that blonde lir bugger Par' Hilton, pretty much anything can be deemed "hot" these „;. But is there as such thing as too hot? The answer is yes. And his name is Scotty Too Hottie. Technically, Scott Deßourke is an on-air personality at local radio station WGMR-FM (101.1), The Revolution 101. But you probably know him better as "that dude on the radio who gives away beer and pizza ... dude." First thing's first: Where the heck did that name come from? "I don't really know what it means," said Deßourke, who on this particular day offset his "rugged" pierced-lip-and-T-shirt look with a way-cool tweed jack et. "I think it's a joke, because I'm quote unquote 'unattrac tive.' " Seriously though, Deßourke says, he only considers himself "Scotty Too Hottie" when he's on the air. So if you see him out in public you can usually find him at the bars resist the urge to shout any variation of his nickname. "Some of my friends see me and scream it," he said. "It was kinda cool at first, but now, real ly, it's not." After graduating last spring with a degree in telecommuni cation, Deßourke scored a sales and promotions internship at The Revolution. When the gig was up in August, it was either find a "real" job or return home to Media "I asked [my. bosses at the station] if they wanted me to kinda stick around and hang out up here, or go home," Deßourke said. "They said to stay up here. I didn't care either way. I didn't really want to move back home." Since then, he has garnered a bunch of other impressive sounding titles, including direc tor of public service announce ments and assistant production director. But to his listeners, his most important duty is giving away free stuff every afternoon; a Don Corleone's pizza between 3 and 4 p.m., and a 12-pack of Coors Light between 4 and 6 p.m. The Revolution intern Joe Ammerman (junior-telecommu- nications), who works with Deßourke every Friday, said people who call in can expect a good laugh. "He usually goofs around with them, and it's just a good time," Ammerman said. "Sometimes his friends call in and he'll put them on the air." And sometimes, to Deßourke's dismay, it's the young'ns that call in. "I try to be nice," he said. "I've been punished for being too mean to callers. Over winter break, do you know how many little girls who are 14 call in and request Green Day? Every hour they call in. You start to recog nize their voices after a while." Not particularly a fan of the teenybopper crowd, Deßourke prefers alternative rock bands like My Chemical Romance and Boys Night Out. But he's trying to be open minded. "I like everything," he said. "This format is not my favorite stuff, but you kinda learn to tune it out." Besides, the upbeat hits that The Revolution plays make for some spectacular dancing opportunities. "Scott is a kick-ass dancer," said Jim Logrando, the station's music director and a friend of Deßourke. "He's got some moves; he dances wherever he gets the chance. Anytime some Jackson 5 comes on, he busts it out. He's like a closet dance maniac." Aside from being the next Mikey J, Deßourke said his dream job is to tour with a yet to-be-formed band. "But I couldn't do that forev er," he continued thoughtfully. "I'd do that until I turn 28, I guess. Then I'd get my own radio station and play whatever I want. It would be the awe somest radio station ever. I'd play Warren G's Vltegulate,l definitely." For now, though, he'll stick with what he's good at. "Scott is a very accomplished thumb wrestler," Logrando said. "He has amazing dexterity. He'll be like, `Gimme your hand,' and grabs it so hard you fall down on your knees." Deßourke boasted of his thumb wrestling skills. "I'm actually undefeated for my lifetime," Deßourke said. "I openly accept challenges from anyone." But remember: If you take him up on the offer, please, just call him "Scott." Michael Ghourdjiai Scotty 2 Hottle (Scott Deßourke), a Revolution 101 1/1, contemplates why people think he is too hot Q&A with Scotty Too Hottie ■ What do you think of Brit ney Spears? "I think she's hot, but other than that ... Uh 'Toxic' is good )7 ■ What about JoJo? "The name of her latest song is `Not That IGnda Girl.'Um, she's 14? Well if you're 14, I would hope you're not that kinda girl." ■ Do you ever go on Theface book? "I hear of it, but I don't know. It kinda weirds me out. I'd rather just talk to face-to-face, not screen-to-screen." ■ What all do you have pierced? "Just my lip. I used to have my septum pierced. One time, I woke up at a party and it was gone. I found it in my sheets." ■ Do you ever tell people who call in to win prizes that they didn't get it when they really did? "No comment." ■ Everyone wants to know: Who are you "too bottle" for? "I would say all the ladies, probably." ■ OK, but seriously, do you consider yourself "too bottle?" "You know it!"