— The Daily Collegian Wednesday, Aug. 27, 1997 orth Korean ambassador flees Egypt for asylum in U.S. WASHINGTON, D.C. North Korea's ambassador to Egypt defected to the United States, apparently the highest-ranked diplomat from the secretive com munist Asian country to take refuge here. The prize could be valuable information on North Korean missiles. Chang Sung Gil defected along with his brother Chang Sung Ho, a diplomat on a trade mission to AP Photo Paris, the State Department announced yesterday. Both were North Korean Ambassador to Egypt Chang Sung Gil was granted granted asylum, and their families political asylum by the United States after recently defecting here. The defected with them, said depart- U.S. State Department announced the defection yesterday. ment spokesman James P. Rubin. Liquor board, city team up to prevent liquor store theft By STEVE FARR Associated Press Writer PHILADELPHIA Nancy Huggins was glad to hear that police may be stopping by the liquor store she runs in West Philadel phia. She wished they could stay longer. "I want somebody here with me," Ms. Huggins said yesterday. "If he could sit on my lap I'd be happy." Ms. Huggins' store is one of 12 state-run Wine and Spirits Shoppes robbed in Philadelphia so far this year. Five have been robbed twice. The city of Philadelphia had 13 liquor P RE (NA R E d) •Word/Data Processors • Typists • Receptionists •Bookkeepers • LegaVMedicaVExec Secretaries • General Office Staff •Assemblers & More • 'ior temp & temp-to-perm positions) /HIGHEST PAY IVACAT:ON BENEFITS /REFERRAL PAY /FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE /PERSONAL ATTENTION CALL TODAY . . . WORK TOMORROW! 234-6662 502 East College Avenue WE HAVE THE BEST TEMPORARIES IN TOWN! I` l 9 Ml 5 "CNIS 000'S OF ;CHOIC ES 411444 Pink Floyd stores robberies all of last year. In response, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has contracted with the city to pay uniformed, off-duty officers over time wages to patrol vulnerable liquor stores and drop in for security checks. "This is an intolerable situation," board Chairman John E. Jones 111 said at a news conference in Ms. Huggins' Market Street store. "We are convinced that if we don't do this, somebody's going to get hurt." Mayor Edward G. Rendell declined to say how many officers would be involved or where and when they will be working. "That's up to the people who commit The ki‘c-Hotel (jot Cookies.' By BARRY SCHWEID AP Diplomatic Writer crimes to figure out," he said. But Jones said the liquor board will spend "hundreds of thousands of dollars" on the program, which began Monday night. Nobody was hurt Aug. 16 when armed robbers burst into Ms. Huggins' store, faced down the lone, unarmed guard and made off with hundreds of dollars. A manager quit afterward, said Ms Huggins, who was on vacation at the time "They took his wallet." William Kirby, 64, had that Saturday off Robbers looking for a big score from and didn't quit, although he said he might her liquor store are likely to be disappoint if he gets caught in the middle of another ed, Ms. Huggins said. Most of the store's holdup. money is kept in a drop safe that can only You want America's HOTTEST looks for Fall Formals!!! Look at State College's COOLEST store - KAUFMAN'S GlAkddlitg Vokfd East College Near the Nittany Mall . (814) 234-2882 • OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 DAY ME FISHBOWL DE THE HUB 9AM-7PM WED.-THURS. 9AM-SPM FRI. 8Y HUB - OFFICE OF UNION PROGRAMS flateline The ambassador had, at a mini mum, a bird's eye view of North Korean missile transactions in the Middle East. Iran received most of the tech nology, a source of concern for the United States and Israel, a senior U.S. official said yesterday. North Korea also sent technology to Syria and Egypt and is a major supplier in other areas of the world, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. Today marks a third round of U.S. negotiations with North Korea to try to curb its missile sales and a buildup. The Clinton administra tion was deciding whether to sus pend trade with an Egyptian com pany for dealing with North Korea, He was in the store when it was robbed a few years ago. He doesn't remember how many bandits there were. "I couldn't even tell you, i was so scared," Kirby said. "My wife got on me because I came to work the next day." Gunmen are just another job hazard for Ms. Huggins, 49, who took over the store in November. In her 25 years with the state system, she's been present at five rob beries. one of the officials claimed Rubin, the State Department spokesman, gave few details on the defections and asylum. "Cases of this nature are very sensitive to concerns involving the people, and their interests are always very sensitive," he said. Chang Sung Gil left his post in Cairo and almost simultaneously his brother left his assignment with a North Korean trade mission in Paris. Egyptian government sources said in Cairo that Chang was flown out on Monday using a false name and American travel document. His defection was the first by a senior diplomat from the commu nist state. At the Pentagon, Navy Capt. Michael Doubleday declined to answer whether the U.S. military had provided any assistance to the defectors, such as providing trans portation to the United States. According to U.S. and South Korean officials, North Korea can produce 150 Soviet-designed Scud missiles a year and has sold 370 to Arab countries. Three days of talks on North Korea's spread of nuclear technolo gy were to open this morning at the U.S. mission to the United Nations in New York. "We don't believe this will have any effect on the missile talks," Rubin said, nor on preliminary peace talks planned next month. be opened with a key from the bank. And if they're caught, the liquor control board promises no mercy. Pennsylvania's minimum sentence for armed robbery is five years in prison. Outside of Philadelphia, only two of the state's 655 Wine and Spirits Shoppes have been robbed this year, both in Chester County. The liquor board has tightened security in Philadelphia before. Two years ago, the city's 85 state stores added surveillance cameras, panic buttons and drop safes. Last year, police patrols were stepped up at a handful of West Philadelphia stores. Photographs 'GeST SH OW EVeßif Sandra Bullock.