Authors deny Osborne's allegations By TOM VINT AP Sports Writer LINCOLN, Neb. A Sports Illus trated magazine writer has denied alle gations by Nebraska Coach Tom Osborne that he and the author of a book on Nebraska football offered a former player payment for information damag ing to the program. Osborne told reporters in a news con ference Saturday that former Corn husker Nate Mason was led to believe former Sports Illustrated writer Armen Keteyian would pay him for information regarding illegal payments or drug use involving Cornhusker Heisman Trophy winner Mike Rozier. Keteyian wrote the book, "Big Red Confidential: Inside Nebraska Foot ball," which detailed several allegations involving Rozier and other former Nebraska players. Keteyian, in a telephone interview Saturday, denied Osborne's allegations of payments offered to Mason when Keteyian and fellow Sports Illustrated reporter Martin Dardis interviewed Mason in 1986. Mason was Rozier's World Cup flare-up causes controversy By The Associated Press RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil While officials from Brazil and Chile traded accusations yesterday, soc cer's governing body made no decision on Brazil's con troversial 1-0 victory in a World Cup qualifier. With 22 minutes left in the game on Sunday at Mar acana Stadium, a fireworks rocket thrown from the crowd of 160,000 landed near Chile goalkeeper Roberto Rojas. Players and team officials surrounded Rojas and he was taken off the field covered with what appeared to be blood. Brazil officials said the injury was either faked or self-inflicted. Chile walked off the field after the incident and Bra zil was given a 1-0 victory by referee Juan Carlos Loustau of Argentina. "I am absolutely certain he was not hit," Dr. Lidio Toledo of the Brazilian team said. "I also can guar antee that the red liquid they said was blood was just Mercurochrome. The flare that fell is for signalling and is not explosive." O Globo, a Rio de Janeiro newspaper, published a front-page photo showing the flare landing behind Rojas and the goalkeeper beginning to fall backwards. And much much more - WEEKLY MEETINGS LIST The following is a list of Student Organization Budget Committee sponsored groups which are having an organizational meeting this week: Organization Name Date Time Place Event AIKIDO CLUB 9/6 7:00 IM WREST RM PRACTICE ALLIANCE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 9/6 7:00 FRIZZELL RM FELLOWSHIP ALPHA PHI OMEGA 9/6 7:30 209 S HDEV GENERAL MTG BYZANTINE CATH. MINISTRY 9/7 7:00 EISENHOWR CHAP MEETING 9/10 1:00 EISENHOWR CHAP DIVINE LITURGY COLLEGIATE 4-H CLUB 9/5 7:00 301 AG ADMIN IST MTG CYCLING CLUB 9R 8:30 50 WHITE BLDG MEETING FREE UNIVERSITY 9/8 6:00 223 HUB MTG GERMAN CLUB 9/5 7:00 302 WILLARD ORGANIZATIONAL GRADUATE STUDENT ASSOC. 9/5 7:15 101 KERN ASSEMBLY MTG - 9/6 3:30 112 KERN THESIS WRKSHOP 9/7 7:30 101 KERN CAREER DEV & PLMT 9/7 8:45 FISHER PLAZA FREE MOVIE 9/8 5:00 101 KERN WINE & CHEESE JUDO CLUB 9/6 7:30 REC WREST RM JUDO MICROBIOLOGY CLUB 9/7 7:00 111 WARTIK LAB ORGANIZATIONAL OMICRON NU 9/6 7:00 HEND-LIVING CTR INMATION/S PHI CHI THETA 9/6 6:30 265 WILLARD GENERAL PHI UPSILON OMICRON 9/6 7:00 HEND-LIVING CTR INITIATIONS PS BIOCHEMISTRY SOCIETY 9/7 7:45 101 ALTHOUSE ORGANIZATIONAL PS MATH CLUB 9/6 7:30 102 MCALUSTER FACTORING LG#S PS MODEL RAILROAD CLUB 9/8 7:00 S-5 HUB GENERAL PS WRITERS CLUB 9/6 6:30 101 OSMOND ORGANIZATIONAL USG SUPREME COURT 9/10 7:00 227 HUB GENERAL MTG REMEMBER, THIS LIST WILL APPEAR ON MONDAYS. Interested in having your organization appear in the Weekly Meetings List? Stop by Room 211 or 217 HUB for details. roommate for three years at Nebraska. "I certainly did not or neither did Armen in any interviews I had with Nate Mason or anybody else there offer any money, inducements or whatever, or I didn't hint at it or convey 'tin any fashion," Dardis said in a telephone interview yesterday. "As I told Nate Mason on the tape, the only thing I was concerned with was the truth." "I believe it's a calculated act on coach Osborne's part to discredit me and the book," Keteyian said in a tele phone interview from Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Osborne said Saturday that the book's claims of illegal payments and cocaine use by Rozier at Nebraska failed to include comment from Rozier's room mate. Osborne said Mason called him after the interview and said it was implied that he would be paid for an interview about Rozier but when Mason said he hadn't seen Rozier do cocaine or receive illegal payments, Keteyian the another person ( Dardis ), said they wouldn't pay him for the interview. `But he felt the message was loud and Rojas' wife, Maria de los Angeles, denied the charge that it was staged yesterday during an interview with reporters in Santiago, Chile. "Such a ridiculous allegation doesn't even deserve an answer," she said. "I would like to show them my husband's playing shirt, which was thick with blood." Chilean officials said he sustained a 1 1 / 4 -inch cut that needed five stitches to close. "He's doing fine, but the doctors ordered him to stay ip bed for at least three days," his wife said. Rojas was examined in the dressing room Sunday by Brazilian doctors. They said he had a cut on his forehead but no other injuries. "We can affirm there was no burn and no explo sion," said Dr. Talvane de Morals. Sergio Stoppel, president of the Chilean Soccer Con federation, said Chile would ask FIFA to order the game replayed. "The television pictures we have seen have not been enough for us to evaluate the seriousness of the inci dent," FIFA general secretary Joseph Blatter said yesterday. "That is why we are awaiting the referee's report and the report of our two match commissioners to tell us more. I would particularly like to know, for example, why the match did not continue." clear that what they were going to do was pay him if he would say Rozier used these things," Osborne said of his talk with Mason. Dardis, who still works for Sports Illustrated, said the claim was "ridicu lous" and he defended himself and Keteyian. "I worked with Armen about three years and I always felt he was straight up and have conveyed that to other peo ple about his attitude," Dardis said. "I feel very strong about people's rights and protecting the innocent. There's numerous, numerous things that never get printed that we find . . . because it either couldn't be proven or it wasn't strong enough or we didn't have enough sources. We may have fully felt that it happened but we said we can't do this or if this is all we've got we've got to for get it. I wasn't certainly unfair in any thing I did at Nebraska, or didn't feel that way." Dardis said he and Keteyian had taped the interview with Mason and had kept the tapes. Calls by The Associated Press to Mason's telephone number provided the MEN'S VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS for returning players, recruits, and walk-ons Tuesday, Sept. 6 6:00 PM South Gym of Rec Hall Anyone interested in a workstudy or volunteer position as a manager or statistician should attend Nebraska media by Osborne have not been answered. The AP's attempts to reach Rozier through his agent, brother Bill Rozier, have been unsuccessful. Osborne said he wasn't completely displeased with the book. He said Keteyian and a 1986 NCAA investigation have failed to implicate the coaching staff or administration in any wrong doing at Nebraska. He also said he believed Keteyian had done a conscien tious, if unbalanced job of reporting about Nebraska football. He said he believed the slant was to turn up negatives about a program con sidered by many coaches across the country as one of the cleanest in major college football. The book hit some Omaha sales out lets Thursday. It deals with reports of illegal ticket sales by athletes, booster payments for game performances, ster oid use and drug use. Keteyian said he wrote the book to demystify the Nebraska football pro gram. He said he feels the book is about one of the class programs in the coun try, but one that has its share of prob lems. Agustin Dominguez of Spain and Eduardo Rocca Couture of Uruguay, members of the 1990 World Cup Organizing Committee, were at the match. "It is the rust time a team has left the field this way in a World Cup qualifying match," Blatter said. "Brazil is in the World Cup. I don't have the slightest doubt of that," Brazil Coach Sebastiao Lazaroni said. "It's a pity that it ended this way, with this setup this Chilean farce. They didn't want to play, they had it preplanned to arrange an excuse. Anything would have served for them to abandon the field." Police detained Rosemary Melo Nascimento, a 24- year-old secretary who reportedly threw the flare. "I didn't mean it," she was quoted as saying by the Jornal do Brasil, a Rio de Janeiro newspaper. "I didn't even know what would happen when I pulled the string." Police Officer Ribeiro Franco, head of the local pre cinct, said Nascimento would not be arrested because charges were not pressed and because there was no evidence she intended to injure Rojas. Brazil, the only team to qualify for every World Cup, became the first country to advance out of qualifying. It joined Argentina, the defending champion, and Italy, the host nation, which got automatic berths. -7117° • P~<~= Cl Hormel] With this coupon. purchase a topping of your choice for your large pizza and Pennsylvania Pizza wit give you another topping of your choice free! State College North Atherton for Free Delivery to Campus • 234-1188 API State College Downtown • 237-9600 I I Bellefonte • 355-8200 1 _ 1 d E arlli .One Coupon per Pizza *Customer pays applicable taxes *Expires 9-30-89 • 125 s glawas, IP. Penn State Collegiate 4-H Organizational Meeting and Ice Cream Social All majors are welcome! Concerned consumers read Collegian ads. Certain restrictions apply. FREE TOPPING The Daily Collegian Tuesday, Sept. 5,1989 7:00 p.m. 301 Ag. Admin. I 1111111 W-11111111111111111: