4—Collegian Anniversary Section Tuesday, April 14, 1987 COLLEGIAN 0 0 YEARS Centenn ie Special 1 . • . • . lOU 55, N 40. 'B6. •..° ' ' ' STATE COLLEGE, PA', 'TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22. 19 55 , '.. ' 0 ~ • 100 .1 odoy. .. • . • . . u. .. 0 . 1 v. V. . . . • • .. •..‘ • • c 2nd Century Storrs • e rernonies . Strauss to. v rote ed . 1... ~ • • • -or . Chapel On Briciht Oiltioos, ... . Mout... Reactor/ loday . -,.. i ... i . . . The Research 'Reactor Building will be dedicated at 3 p.m: today Syr.. oday Today the University is 100 years old. And as it stands on the threshold of a new century its future has. seldom by MT°. Lewis L'. Strauss, chairman of .the Atomic Energy Com- . . . ' • ' • mission. . _ • . • Groundbreaking' for looked brighter. 41" All-Faith Chapel will be held , the tiny Farmer's High School that was established.t 'The reactor is near. cecji tion and soon will be turned over .-e today in Hort Woods• a crossroads "near Boalsburg" has blossomed. into one ofw to the University, Robert .PlCeochran, nucle'ar project research as- at 1/ axm• near Pattee .LibrarY. • aciatei has stated. 'lt is expected the reactor should be in operation The first of the threeetiTi a t m s atioi the larg,est in in the country arid continues to grow and available for research before be constructed will la by leaps and' bounds. . • the end of the year. meditation °lapel and the con- University officials predic.t that ... • .1111" e t •Patni • President Milton S. Eisenhowei netting unit wi.tick will eventuallY the present enrollment will in b9 • lhadat INN.O • • wilt open the dedication. Follow- link 'the meditation chapel and crease by abtout6ooo by 1960 to umni. Plan • • • ing Admiral Strauss' speech, Eric the main chapel. bring the to at enrollment to ap- CO• &B • J e bratton - a *ill :Op eh A. 'Walker, dean of the • P President Milton S. Eisenhowei, proximately of F,ngineering and ArchiCteecitluergee, Judge James Milholland, presi- IStrilcing pro.o'°•rOf the Univer • will make closing remarks. dent of the Board of Trustees, and s ty's growth is evidenced on its •• • • • Admittance by. In . vliation the 'Rev: Luther N. 9 hbarger, birthdate in the form of the N.etzel 1 I'n ilwillsspeak at 'Union Building—a three million wok 4 2 , 'dies ei 'Because of the,limited faciliti9s University chaplain, .4110 •WS 11S• 'of the reactor building, admit- the groundbrea ing,' ceremony.. 111 . . , dollar strus.ture—andl nuclear attics reactor building—on y •• tance will be limited to perssins Chaplains to Participale 'Nock at the University'sune.4.7 on who have irTraegsrtaemnded invita- 'Rabbi Benjamin Kahn, Jewishtor wil ect const.rrhuecterdeaoen a unl sißyirathriday partlesat the 13niv,er.. rat office in , the lietzel ni lions forr the • chaplain, will deliver the invocaari svueerhsitPyreCampus. 11din 42 cities tonight will mark thel.ooth anniversary of the Building will get off to a busy eactoer building, containing tion; Father John O'Leary,:Romh broken today fel. slid today. Latest 'reports indi- a larege pool to hbuse the reactor, Catholic chaplain, will delvlerileve Ground will e be dedicated todayh University which. received its tate that at least 35,000 Lenten- has been under construction since prayer of. dedication; b teeerclan the chap •- faithsePwe 1:11 be free to the All-Fait pi 1 where si lo all charter as the Farmers' 'High nisi cachets have been sold: u _ A last ' spring. The controls to. be John Duley, Pres y e „cation. wors ilacia saudingi planned School 100 years ago today. used in the operation of. the re- lain, will give the a al Governor and Mrs. George Diehl MCKaII.P, chairman of the actor :were completed in Philadel-wit be among the m•-•Te Budent Centennial Committee, Ph a Others who will participate in the ceremony include John 11 . cap, the drawin boards grid in the air than Plans ler rrr e buildings are on Leader i 600 guests attending the has announce that mail deposi.t.- Installation of the reactor and Frizze.., ii chaplain emerltu, r wi a ti of the conferenceg rooms—sorority the controls will be starteLwer tna Birthday Party to be held in the . . ng, other women's dormitor ni at the•Smident Union desk in final touches have bs mer E. Rewortl3imdirecto_ 1 k i i te o : u u. s..sir Netzel Union Building,. h nge dinners and mixers lata 'Main today will receive the the buildrinege and wlierneqauire be- student lass buildings, perhaps a field :En:, a held 'n fraternities and will ei Centennial cancellation. from the tween three four months .COr sid of flegise;P ern Nueva" PnrieAsseorlciation; and Jesse Arnelle, The University con • . • • times to keep dermitories as •the students' part se University Park postal sta- completion, according to Dr. Nva. All-University. president. all, Since its origi- in the celebration. • pace educat, • . 4 . • t More than 3000 alumni attending foe.. • Liam M. Beazeale, professor of Leaders of student religrus • °r- nal high school" designa 1,1011 1 • MciCalip said. yesterdaythat nuclear ngineering,•who has c . l i on h e much of...the technical d e tail .1 ganizations will also pa .. (• frorii;.tollege,..to . cities. 18 birthday. •parties. in,,42:. • • rticipate, has ,progfess.ed '., . of thoro ou 3. ram tside the state, will re tie sale ot Centennial envelopes Chapel Q. -to Sing . university—a goal which was real planning the reactor. ceive a part of the 1113 prog and stamps.at the Student UnienThe Chapel ' is , last year. 'nr the di- ized on • • Research Usesby telephone broadcast. desic will • continue as long as' ' e collet M reactor will be available rection of Wir fes- The 'University s nine . lar there is a demand. Mutual to Carry ?silt _ for research for all colleges of the sor of music 'me and favorably with similar The national network. of the The envelopes bear the Univq- two number and offer the student in- University for instruction of grad-t Mutual Broadcasting Comp..nY ity seal, swordslica' of Old Main, (Beattie) an ]most every conceiv uate and undergraduate stude . will carry 30 minutes of the pro-, ind a few about the Urn- i Keep You: • st. 'When cornyileted, the reactor wi • gram later tonight, front. 11:30J:chi unity. The cha) • compre be the second one to be operating to midnight. Radio station ali. The new post office will be nanced h. oven from 10 a.m. to noon today, on a university campus. One is • .er- will carry a 90-rninute broadcast 1. 4 sm all now in operation at the Noyt • • ning at 7:45 p.m. for 160 accommodat first-day patsons, carulina state coUege, Raleigh, which .‘ • - • t Milton S. Eisenhower wording to • 'Robert . Miller, ...,..e. hough postmaster. Mail deposit- 1:. - in speaker at the el in campus boxes or at . the Admiral Strauss vas appoi . 'nted rninistr' • ss the Land lost office will receive the Birth- to the AEC upon its creation in main c . 'on with day_ cancellation, the postmas er persoi h 1946 and has served as a member _ , of the Naval Research Advisory arraygt Committee. lie resigned from the ..„ AEC in 1950 and was appointed __,T, VOL, AEC head in 1953. Corporation of A.merca, Ntition. \ 'Nu' •:.:. ,.. i•I ~ 61. n. PA- SA TURD AY 4. States Rubber Co., Industrial Rayi "90Rs, -.ING . ~ on Corp., Rockefeller 13rother —,f-•; ,3EPTE" (Conti•nited cm page t1____2._.....---1°) n9BER 77 AAVECtith dial 1960 !aid. President 141Tton S. Eisenhower ma Judge james 1. Alilholland, etesident of the-board ot trustees, ;131 participate in a brief cere ny at 1 a . today tnarTring\ the opening of t he postal station. The Student Centennial Commit tee is sponsoring the prograrn. ‹ • • vi tentennial Moe Piernier isloreight 'fie motion picture, "Centers !nal," will have ts-premier show 'mg, at the Birthday dinner in the letzel Union 'Buildingo of the 42 tonight. At the same time, 2 nn State Clubs through lethe Statlee,Alurrtni C which will be nays their own. birthday parties inked willhe campus via tele- One, also see the film: Within 48 hours after the ins' Within 6,500,000 Pennsylvanians ill view .he film when , eight *vision stations carry it on their Itclraills• -------------------. 1 ~ . , )...;\ , ~...,,- 3 ~....,.,ek .. 4 vo lig \ ., , , A,t.: ~.,,, att Today's Events Opening of Campus Post Office Station, Helsel Union Building. • • lor Cha p e I Dedication, Hort Woods. 3P.Mr•-.l4l.lClefli ReaCia Dedi cation, Reactor Building. SAS pari.--Exchange Dinners in Dining Salts and FlaternitieS 6 pan.-- Centennial Birthday Part!, lietsel 'Union Building 9 p.m, --Tour •of 14 1.1 B for Guests. • AIM Dance in TUB 1, 9 pan. -- West Dorm Council i:L •000 ; osiow n L oung e DOM Wes • FOR A SETTER PENN STATE . .. . • .. ,_ • • _ . • ... i , . . e still" o Pi , re • -. . ; S p - ie S t , el3,4:rt destroyed es d tr eil .. i ts l •. • A If s $ 7 OOO „.fp.. -- e ..„ .“,i . cost FOR A RE77'ER PENN StitlE . • • A raging ill bur i ap:trildnals'gtht coin- Yfj lfat b j3 a r r i. 4 :";'. t • i ((;411k :61i) jI4IIIIFIiVE±tCE:TS lA4ire,tabay, waßss, hbreoek cattle a he northeast end of • I can]pUs• esterday. 11 , it The b/aze°W.Yhedicha pane .oubyt about at 3 • .... 2 under contro/ about 6 . ~..... r : rushed to the scene with 411 units - .i ~. i i wsahmeditnlyoeshuetdrtilsokpieoinoosgsnhatwleaarndieeat;:o I. , , ~ into tthhee nflgeheetill J . , • .. five stteltcaiheettniLblawyreht: i F 1771111 , ,i .4e re ci Drer t . o R stf s e s tf u b c y . , .. ~ .. Miller head o 1 inaene dddaelp a:riet : le i, / t o an 1 s .11' a 1 hoar y estimated the; Of SeG : e ac . 1;0 Co erns are coveredp .L I zo o p r oL c b e vi d r 0 by i; 11 ;I S 7 OSt7; li r h i Po! t ! h e r : s ha, le a d i r n w e a h b le i l e r t$ Scpcaa:s.°s°- twaiis razed, bur t tfie ea f7r s e w re kept CO/ ga°c•keht3d) 11--p IS as ° t vi : bY insurance. .i iidge from the .C ongo Rd. chreettik Ave. and Short- aratfo r t h es e ici s e tr n e cee t cgen.- nist.l bUrned ds ; Threnergenlethisnpread ulna hahaed . , from Iv_ hausy, macernos,; tle barn on lqa on for a di I units. 'Lln Their advent r' I value Seventive tons of hay, valued ploit a ootholdtii: ,er $2809 60 tons of straw apnea dat ' r.ed to be er :over $OO, and s7od : worth of . aiso lost ingtahiens ci:lllee"trate were thrattlee Lunn" vanTshheadd been sl no equipment lzeihThere was dotehe lirigin of the n Valed. et Power Co ah::]einstead, bu t . it w are l: i d , The Com hire, • w, ..iled i en the hayloft. ''atePe startineeintiht John RetriDon icitpg,,,,,o",._f Lock- Hay eii, to leave on renev .„,„_ s a_ _ &item!, Fla. Toni the' new Congo/ denyl of Ifir hVnlencia, Georg e Than Cot Jos e ington and Doug asaidi,theY ma; teP Kent of Lititz ds' ev iseovered the Naze mt-er nih:ll!. ___________ when th noticed billows PaP rs 1" - - .smoke node , • _ They iirim e !, l . l g frotn the hayloftf courtyeard w h e re )/. --111 °TFIC II f% iCi y .wPeilS the caul_ eqii , m n ly to r.a n c e e a ci rbyto plead 03:..1-yorkmeonith: tures. e as recently been eia/s /e , t alg woode • c arload s The cattle h - Thre 4 C or 1960 .s t arter- A . . gartist.B brought back h• Fair in c,0,. mhom the Ohio State ()the judged lu is ti Woe ribbons.eft the S champiz where 16 were stood r .as loade c s and 19 won • ln the cour ' S • Gen L ong, in.stra said are a " le ' The Jar gest 0-steel footbeae/feadiu"eating Plani Pat mai husbandry, saidebg in ani. vie new co rrespo nd stadium in the co 8 movedeipcasne T r hews ageneY at 1:30 p.m. Y WI • officially ope n h Probably be ere today irelf .._ .eo correspon That's whe the n Penn State and ' - hares. barns and the oid teethe rse ;Zvi x embassy at Beaver Stadinin, the spankin Bos to n Univeity square off ' g netv home of the • Nutany .Lions. In the 1 .960 fo t o ball opener _-' A crane was brought i b ea tillial %request cillontrialfeeteerraa.seion, 4:,na., BeileiOnFe. Ifeusevrtrbuf•rain Pr Beaver Stadiuni has a seating ca • paezty of 44,nnn -..„ Co mpared Wth on/y 30 000 'at B MO b a *Zanies-day LI t -..".:—__ Field. n. zesafani.Lps /IL .„), B,,„nd, ._. raver tzonzgeratwaabs°4ll4.:3jnA•tini.eanfdren uvit in about commun'ist he ; I)edi CatiO 7 P.M. to was deoet apitpterde por- th e Congo. The tedium 111 part of Cfouctia, ei tiiloenseoef the buildinge' v t e h n et a,pyhetzuukt: obey I 0 /nth' P°ll°lving the Holy Cr ~ pa ir Jides di., 'a li t i.Arnov. 14, workmen beag-asticgeß • . . Rain PrediCted tire. 1 fta a. mage or spread of iivA efveewrefeiremen were temp by smoke orar Congo lyesssigancsi at p l ;4 n 4 i ! . c o mmu. whii;ne in a . big way aftea,l,lo::liTtthee v 1 pevatailit tfießaieaittleeervreaktleti- which find Pha n •th i e ne b , n ence June 30. 1909 t• 1011 S il li - t anY Lion inn Beaver Field cam ' ' n Hall and Cloudy skies • weather back e apart hk e an football win provide the At, C° . ground for the•f* tatteY but ' laze, according to " Fire Chief George .17 game of th e sea int ,_ . were quie y ret;ived ROodbi-• Or 0 Show erector set and son today, 0Y the administrationkol-f oxygen Football to a t s t to the tk was of • or east end of campus in am will begin • as the renin Ate in the di at the scene. Curtin Rd r--tr* dium Will Beaver Wi t 700 • pieces. a.ts of. ha rt ieak`.: Erection of new hacast!le barns at 7, . -• • • ‘IFF/0 old and Ethei moves another location it was reassembled b • /upward tri m the ____,__ raffle on Curtin Pt the netv this aftern eneath the G Olf t states. e precipitatie Fonsideration by th been ,veur"s7v, somewhat curtalle °tic'. M vi-- be i90900n when new suPerstructure and now tow. should contip n ang nits long-range ex Pans peamittingancodnYthe University's ball i ere 8 Pews high e gpA fach sid, Inu.h of tomer row t anight according to ivriner.P, nsion Nam:: swrtilleetni,antaetrhkeca team retUrns for the o ff. . rom goal line to leigl rtehe acinlosseads end of the i j i tl e.;: s 3 h ll o . l .: asityintitYesof the rain ItjettgthieleP°s- Y gin at Frazier lot e Pected to be opening of the new stadiUm. a .It wa er Temperature win rema, se A special Collegian a Workmen wi Rd, to encipiaogne c i a i n be found staiffinrigs Btiteh across Culirtie-firldiggingna byThgreostetnerts •Itvallirbe welcomed /...hpaslope of the stands is allation of an electrical fo°rdti•- in specyari vadifilvin the fatal ,_arbaosvut 20 degrees for - degrees. Cod a s will 111vi'lli ilighuarteCP2- f ar t li tbitt•at e. Somewiletiow will be The Collegian win riafsterietiteletliteacz morning etrnaffiiict which they wiiiiTi: d egrees fo i r t t me sseaenandctaheui 2s about 60. g t ill'ae;olairtrdait Publicatian, Puegsin introducevd in irrlierrarteuwr%itge _preclicteeadalefoectetino g Saturday. this One- ) an t• • en inieatiffic will be main Ernest a jtarletv4uaclet3;bY pFpn it P'rset3fr R.f. cnstruction4t k s eto have f/ash a ed 68e degrees, n aXpeeted high of Tuesday. n this' as possib/e. The work is expected ats etillee.,e of Physical zdaeat•ex Jae cheerin 191 o e completed di ge il li at , s . ian, and la the g'stlaecillit-711 will be jutliald . by Monday noon. n the Block S' C/u..e.el today by the • , cheerleaders wrieties and iiena/s_o have a part The Ilniversit ' • in the dedicat es that C , ()ed Fall i t? ' ilsh :to ,c tart T omorr o Kr ce_remon,.. und halftime nthee whole iob olcoenssitTurat usual lion r mdrio;citadium cost czosectiongle., tat offsoc t go e i c i i to the ning of each before the begis7-1 'rite seereboar d arid press b Fe game, all hat begin t also le and eh e,y _, s ere trans t ox, por ed fron] th form a special eer/eaders will 04 1 Re d ._a wil/ be in use 'e the 109 Phh,ers. 11°°°r Lane for / Year. ti vever the • this ering F enn s ; use ov- After the -olcii. ineliners participate have that i --ate games won't in the halftime olF),g w alk LIP to the ceremony they havee will be official guests at a recep. e/evato'r .steernliv C l e w en theY'll nos land dinner. Stadium, geeared f t he ch e r dt g ile n Cl7 13 PiaYers we schadvlee re ~ most mod ern the future is fo r f o attend the reunio eve;.y reosne o but Frank pm. (oripip.72. Ifeller o f ',argon el,'her in. are compiete clubnneset. was detainet•iuy of Ph/ade/phiaj facilitlee tebeneath the standsea•ne na and his ° pr _Y Hurricane Dn. additions rest rooms, first lid sto .e.......___y.Le.?„s_doubtful, roonis and _. e new refreshment stands: a ntil Mar Cain; Eli-e.--s lanTehs raihcnotihearntraek is eight, enAinhyeoneeen;vho has lost a bicycl thee Spruce kistiampieiVhc/aini it at mean s Cher'tf e ven fi:etoraiell fidrd thaWniintlytreirh from 2111 the oPans trol offic7""t? :theseerr th b e ic t y h c e l z . mu l Trltn e g e h ! lain, d.ip4oathreertfheeatthiree of the new sia oi to stdeseof the field.' Isice.asetsse°'nt haul (C attnucd on page fijteel s)are ~, .:,!.:••••,:.':, .::t. , .,..i . .%i: - ,:.. - :,,?%,,,.;.,....., .f>.1..";.:::`,',;.:-.-:'.-•.::!,..5... The fall sernester inforinaligroups which will visit the soror rushing program will open to- %fi %di prerluod lovfn2ov.njintlitves, morrow Wth 15 sororities par- suites' e on eh :11,, 3 of lopenishousf es. ticipating in open hotise rush- aOgnuethseorfoorriteynewh ogmrouplovriirlae tas ing. . No refreshmentswill be ser ves. ved Al, women wishing to rush this duridg open. house rushing. semester, must regdstpr fixim A semi -strict silence win be o raetlz)pitoen tiod,ay in the Pan- Learrn. b.v all_Ororities rter the An rEoPendhouse ri;sh ng. A $2 fee will be reu?i•er'tlinrecliovaclit: the cost of registration and rush. man 14calIntrasnesteeis' ef:omfreasnh; ing. of th e roman bans A mass meeting, which is re. having aZ3 /ill-University ay. quired for all rushecs win be erage and all other upperclass cortcatreckisatA/tlO. p•n~ today in transfer women from the ca in-. zgzehijovirntu. 2.401 Cit average are ' AI! for rushing and rreen ill the will be explained. fer women of a thirecith" lersar. Open houses win be held at or above ranking froinsernothe; bp lo 300 pan. to and sohoois ore o hio 10 rush Without willosnatievn ;Sept. 24 a 2.5 phresenting their average from 411 rushees 4 1 1; Le e nd vinto j7•4ll7lroliveinhg"sio.rorities will not Cente nnial al •fENCEKtt . . be rush this emester: Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Oega, Delta Del ta Delta, Delta Gamma, Xappa 11/- oho Theta and Pi Bela Plll. ' .Alpha Epsilon Phi. Sigma Della Phi Sigma 'Sigma and Delta Phi .Epsi/on will rush this semester but yi not par ticipais in open house rushing. Sororities which trill not be rushing juniors are Aloha E.Osilon A l juniors Gamma Delta Alpha Omicron Pi: De/ta Zeta. kappa Deta and Zeta Tau A/pha. student Panheltenie counsel ing program vi/I be available to :every rushee staertaing the first day of geolzo'nrfsornrlc.:llGrhe4eirvodateeils."Tlit: have yeilded their sorority iden tity tor the duration of the r u sh h 1 eTig 5t ec oAl l n s , 7: rs r f ly iI I b.e ery evening nti/ II perelerelentiae/s have been signed. Ire Was .brught c„ fists out ago ,tqed cam /o cu Mo. Ments n ight jr, -nci .3... - prep. mai getaway f l_ne effort f A n eR. "_,Fentraf ai rig th jo b e Pre. T a a a Ca Ping 4 1u P,.)et de of govniaecti Is f rom jorep fas!e ro z d a order: s t. TZ m r o T i v _stro lng ear out o toroll: turn ed Cz erh HI Me ai/ed °Mb"- ale s . covers ee et Soviet of • d " lb W i th . assy , tYa td stliteas es j e e i n . n " tk. ternorrow " lass, rc'r t he SO. I h o d : d ? 1 " said m e ecel ved . l ea esid th e eat Joseph a nno li ,, ,hras givi c d i 8 hoUrs t nB the first s'g I"ve S a !! l e IL i t is ni ti ßt I Jan. 7, 19 Dec. 9, 1941 Partners in History "or \o'n - oft 'cowl , 61 1 ° --•••••450 le 000 ••-•,• f:•• • * • • . VAV ;;;• • 4. 0 401 0 ... • `',ooaM .• ..• "` :6 46 • ':,'"••••• olL d s% •••.• • vitv - t Nt .•••• '•-•-•;.'" 0, 0 0 -;:.•••• • • q:••• „ 00. -"•'2 - • pkv • •• • -••• • • ••• ••••-• was ....;;;;••_:-..•-•„--,•••:,-.--••••-•:- .• • •*.2•::: ., • %.• •:.*••-•-•••'-.••--4 , • •••••• •••- ,0 1 / 4 0 - f- -- -- --- %7.v..:- -- -%% -v, P „,.._..----.e_• ...,..:---w ~e-,--i1.1r,-: ”. "="--;.----''.„.oo‘ .........-,-'4;--1.--.1::::'1 0 ,- .........›...,*,-,,,..,,,,,, 1 11 / 4 191 :.5.-' - .*:::.§ : t?..:.. •'-;---- :.:-..,-; - ..1%:.-5- - ;.--,..-,;,- Ilir. - 1::-• •-•=: The nation's #1 alumni association salutes the nation's #1 college newspaper editorial and business staffs for Have a great Centennial. Reunion! April 30 Serving Penn State Alumni since 1870 ••••••:. "-" • • .4,1% <1;• 1 . -:•-••••••• 44.0* •TiS"'7l. o° PO 1.0,, Orientation Sta Orientation Hatmen, Women Schedule To CounseL Frosh Announced is - -- ?7.4-1.--::•:iri-.•ar74,Erv2,,f.„-:i.:.,,, ,:,• New :---.i.:;:''''':W.-e:.k.---. Student t.i.:::i.::.'it•-::;:.:..- EisewhoYP- -!=z;:T.::::•..i..ii.'z:Z72..z:.:::::::,.;:.'i: .• • - ,`,;.5.:t2,-;:,...,•7-4-.2,, ~._.=.7.2_-=. ~.. -- „ , .........• .. „... ..27,7•7:-::?•:.:'•::: Er-:. -' ' . 7 " . 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Badge CoUggiattl -- -' -7--- -i.-- . 1 tsfor 3531 President to Speak; Dorms Will Be Full Registration To Begin :;'Wednesday Sept. 12, 1954 Slikpelui Atierte 0 e504.04/1 .fii.i-79-23; ..-,-..,....„.„- eJ Pftsrilkisiviti ptio a ii oil R 414 D. diTIEIDE47'--(;--,-..«-: . - 4181VoNnostit diqfpisoFFEß ze.kl/47.%*-7 op musrets Lire List Ivor :r.r461;:::41';?:4711. 4 , ,,,,, ,b4.44,4..,,5, • 424 t14%%3:141ZZ 44 te C't 418C.ktin. llnd 44e3C117Lan4ba°1:" it%:;474:177:- .4itht Afaine EL`lfas .en Nat. th;;kiz, .11:24*.zzzz.76`14' 4:74%:7.4, °::::::: ZA b ol u i,),?:i.::.;Peic,Zeli9ilizrzut°4937.t.:%:;l' i L i f:: 7 .7:1.;;Z5:;;;':.;:f4-1, "..-.;'::l4:4"ficil.::*s. pfs?:Ri:::t44llZty'Y'r;;:"4i4.'7:4:7::::: 14::::::::%1Z::: , ft, ::.: 4114.• :t417.417::%17.:°,76:4?",;7:'4 44 .1 1 ,;,Z4tE44;4114f:f. $;::riti?1::::;.g: '''',''::?::§%. ?..:thuZit, • . 44.4.,1 '"•-. .„4:17 .., ,:z.:,4":,z.Z::42:4 iF47.':*::lll:ti::s* ',,::::47,..kZ^7417..i,31,::Z, ~...,,f`Zrit".°l:ll: tts.BP44,: Z' iiii7,42:.`ii:ii..`ritcl,:i*N.*:,:"it:,.. 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