f, The Dailv Collegian Monday, Oct. 27, 1986 , t __ j|j »!♦!* r!S!i »!5Ti »s!< *!*T« *!*!i *!*!« rs!i *!•!« >!•!« »ai IKI ►!*!« »TST« *!*!« »!s!i »!s!t r!s!i r!5T* f 5!« f!^' Writer quits party after prostitute report 1 •—*-«•- | Student who cheated (fpfS, r JL,~ iWv B «3raSSKSBS*. ft through high school I * .?) LONDON Besl-sclling novelist | R Ojttgy | • SU6S fOi 6ClUCatlOn Jeffrey Archer resigned yesterday “I have never, repeat never, met *h* mUT VsZSBHHBEJE *IJ J IZ j Q ,l . . »)9 2»5 as deputy-chairman of the govern- Monica Coghlan, nor have I ever iMimMK Richordson S Trinity Church, >Kj By BARRY SHLACHTER diploma or formally graduate so ing Conservative Party, saying he had any association of any kind rWM * - Qnd TH© NCUI England McctinohoUSC” ?lt? Associated Press Writer Henniker High School would pay I P ARCCR / , CQ I . erred in offering money to a prosti- with a prostitute," he said. jjKg 3 her tuition at the Landmark V*#-%r»E.I-n Ull Vtt i wmii mi lute so she would not talk to report- “Foolishly. I now realize, I allow- /*' • Dr. William H. Pierson, Jr. SQS BOSTON - Karen Morse was School of Beverly, which special ers about allegations they were cd myself to fall into what lean only bMfiHlilHl iff !«: Massachusetts Professor of Rrt Cmerltus, Williams College M , voted president of her senior class izes in helping dyslexics. .. „ _ , n . . ~ lovers . call a trap in which a newspaper, m H ■ 1 1 W*'k : _ .. _ . __ . UI ,>IK and student council president and After a year at Landmark, the ZA 060111111110 Archer, 46. said in a statement my view, played a reprehensible HKH|H A AMT; " * Listfcute for Studies was elected to the National Honor special school recommended she that he never met the woman, Mon- part,” he said. M, *>, M and the ,nstftwlc ,or tho Rrts ond H,wnon,,Hc Stwd/Cs * £5 Society. She captained the girl’s spend another year there to pre ica Coghlan or had an association Thatcher aides who spoke on con- HQ| Bk' 2 n 5 soccer team and won letters in two pare for college. However, Hen wilh any other prostitute. dition of anonymity said the prime gj| mggm ■^IMF- jP other sports. niker’s school district under a Attention: Architectural, Electrical, lie said he was framed. minister felt “sadness and sympa- BH |BH ~****& /, ,« But for nine years neither her new superintendent, refused to mienuuii. wiwii , His resignation came hours after thy” because of Archer’s resigna- ■■ HH ' JBP" teachers nor her friends knew she pay for it and mailed Morse her Mechanical, and UIVII engineering ividjora the News of the World weekly news- lion. BMW W S|fu. f MP < jim ______ .. _ jg] couldn’t read. diploma last spring. oaner reported that he tried on Yesterday afternoon, Archer re- ■ PK| HI Hi UQ\ /£ UPil I Rll £-l\l( ? rail Now the young woman voted the Her family is suing the school Th* fnllnwinn nnoninas exist for cooperative Fridav to nav Coghlan $2,800 turned to his home in Cambridge '' Flllv'C I I —Jl'-A-I \lV_V_ . student with the "most school spir- for the $17,000 they paid in Land- 11 y . a ... in+ali; through a middleman. where he told dozens of waiting H {7 > / / 111 [HJ it” is suing her high school in mark tuition during the second and permanent positions With the central Inteill- Archcr, a millionaire, was ap- reporters that he felt “very sad.” HB /tSSr fil] cJy S ha'id lo CO»ie by these dai/S. ||] Henniker, N.H., to cover bills at a year, which she completed this qence Agency: Architect, Electrical Engineer, nninied hv Prime Minister Marga- Standing next to him was his wife, HJBHHh ' WBSr si enn / ./ p,‘l / /’ / / iS) y special school where she caught summer. Now she’s a freshman at c . e;„n c n ninoor QnlarioQ arp St Thatcherla™ycli? in The £t«t Mary, a scientist on the Cambridge BHHHHi W M Jlot the silence of the deaf ot dead, i up on learning. Salem state College and works • Mechanical Engineer, Ci vil Engineer. Salaries are comeback of his bumpy political University faculty. The couple met JBfk 1,,! tl„ nf nrnnb dlllnn Morse says she was labeled part-time at Landmark coaching Competitive. All interested Sophomores, career as Oxford undergraduates. They [p oul int •«/“«*• v/ .munj “learning disabled” in the ninth lacrosse, soccer and other sports. Juniors and Seniors please contact: 1 lie liad been elected to Parlia- have been married for 20 years and SSSSBk fil fonrllel sealc/lina iJlndoccasionally P] grade. But not until the end of her Ruling in the suit, the New ' K ment in 1069 as its youngest mem- have two sons, ages 14 and 12. JUBR & y 1 >' J J=ji junior year in 1983 was she diag- Hampshire State Court said mail ber, but was forced to resign five News of the World quoted Archer j9oHf§] Is} sncliiny. . . Is} nosed as dyslexic, meaning that ing the diploma was not a form of vears later because he was bank- as telling Coghlan in a taped tele- OH ~ 'yj t / / / her brain jumbled the order of due process and ordered a new Director rupt after having invested all his phone conversation: “What I’m gjtffjfijfij} P wo'is'lip based 0)1 silence P words and letters. "Was" be- hearing by the state Department Engineering Cooperative Education money in a company that turned oul saying is, would you go abroad if flMßflHi ral ._ , , C( , ~r p comes “saw” to Morse, whose of Education, which is pending. 3 - n - u ammnnf j to be a fraud financially taken care of?” UnH W, Ine (JuoKci ■ House intelligence is unaffected by Morse says the case has turned 1u 1 In his resignation statement, is- The tabloid said Archer denied gBHMwI M ?!„■>,, SwuLu'Jll ~ am dyslexia. many in her hometown against her 863-1032 sued from his London apartment, during the conversations with Cogh- HHHH tKBKBB HHHHHH P J 0 ( p J P She got as far as the ninth grade family. There has been hate mail Archer acknowledged that he had lan that he had ever met her. HSW p 6uC. n>spccl c. tiv. p only by cheating, she said without and her parents, already finan- —^^ ____ tmm ____ offered Coghlan, 35, money to go The story was accompanied by a WHHHM WMWh|' nfir-illmllnallnallrallrallmllrallialltalliKillrallTOlliriillinillinillinilliiiillinillinilllnillinillni' apology during a visit to Boston cially strapped, are having to sell abroad photo of what the newspaper said MMCjm l a <|[g J ll a 'll ßJ ll aj lP J ll ßJ ll a J||i=lll c!i ll ciJ ll B!J ll c!J Il IHi ll GiJ ll Gil ll Cii ll [!iJ Il CiJ ll t!iJ ll C!J Il Cil ll liiJ lisj from her home in suburban Bever- their home in the town of 3,100, she He said Coghlan had repeatedly were Coghlan and Archer’s middle- i— IM —1 ly. said, partly to pay legal costs. loinphnnoH uim snvitif* nowspnpors man meeting at London’s Victoria ll ! “I did a lot of taking other kids’ Henniker school officials also ' were asking her for interviews be- Station. I (f jjr In the Atrium papers, erasing their names. Just are not happy with the legal battle. cause one of her clients had told Other newspapers picked up the | w ,r||| Allen Street & Foster Ave. cheating mostly. I really didn’t “The feeling in town now is that reporters she and Archer had a News of tlw World story under I REIBIP ___ .... think about it. It was a question of the school board made a gesture, ■HBUUIMMMHBBi relationship banner headlines yesterday. HHHHHBUj AHIRTII 237"2201 survival,” said Morse, now a 20- went beyond their obligation, legal A A * _ Archer said Coghlan claimed The Mail yesterday said Archer MBHHWMHI ■HHHBHIHBB B- IPNrtIVI year-old college freshman. or otherwise, and is now being . _ _ SAn95 they had been seen together in had been “appallingly set up” by APUserphoto WI! 'V. >' ' “I was hiding my not being able burned,” said Superintendent ¥ VIV| t nnrinn’ Mnvfnir district News o/the World and that Coghlan , . , men to read more from my peers than Cynthia Mowles. y/|.M wv W W COMPLETEI woman tad been trying (0 S c„ her claim. 10 Jeffrey Archer rr.m my Caches because the “W. don’l k Cur, dysWa, ,„d Hi V COMPLETE! Tulrtuminre cenuinelv wanted to be out of the national newspapers for six weeks. , . . Jyg r J »lfcA A. rv ev judgment of your friends is more don’t cure blind children or deaf THAI INULUUtb wav of the press, and realizing that “We’re satisfied with our story,” Canadian company in which he had In another novel, First Among JTiMI " ‘ 1 TlfcMtlMi important.” children,” Mowles said in a tele- rue THE EYE EXAM fn/mv Dart anv publicity of this News of the World spokesman Ar- invested his entire self-made for- Equals. Archer tells the story of ' After school authorities discov- phone interview. “Our duty is to THAT INCLUDES THE ■ rIC CT C » kind would be extremelv harmful to thur Brittendcn said yesterday. tune of $710,000 turned out to be a four ambitious members of Parlta- ered her reading problem, she bring those students up to the point HIGH FASHION CONTACT LENStb, me W I offered her money Archer’s political career has ri- fraud. ment. One of them is threatened Cut, Wm&T complains, they did little more where they function independently cdAMC IPWQPQ/QU CONTACT LENS she could gS abroad for a valed that of his fictional charac- He turned this experience into his with having h.s political career o hamnnn than assure her she wasn’t stupid, in society.” FRAME, LENSES (S.V. Acc short Deriod and arranged for this ters. first novel. Not a Penny More, Not a compromised by a prostitute. The onampOO 1* She was shunted to a corner three She said that not only did Morse UNTINTED GLASS), CASE ' monev to be handed over to her,” He was elected to Parliament in Penny Less, the tale of how four book has been made into a tele- o R | n ,.,. WHr times a week and sat before a satisfy requirements to graduate «un CVP PYAMI CONTACT LENS said Archer 1969, but had to resign when he went ‘ people who had been swindled set vision series. His latest novel is A cx DIOW SL;; workbook, she recalled. "There before she went to Landmark, but AND EYE EXAM. em iitiamc “For that lack of Judgment and bankrupt five years later after a about getting their money back. Matter of Honor. J "~~ZT : \ * was no remedial work at all.” her aptitude test scores were good bULU I IUNO J __J j x -.. / M Her reading was still extremely enough to get her into college. I : s nn nn \J poor, but she made it into the Morse feels she was not suffi- mmhhHBBV -=n ' lU.UU National Honor Society in her se- ciently prepared for college by the Bf _i T A _JI wall He/p you isefit ■’ | W//JWrite a letter I I nior y ear because her dyslexia Henniker schools and required 188 —B 1 »4B All ll toa friend' PermS Starting At Business Hours was taken into account, along with instruction from teachers trained Hnnr hLL I \ to amena. » Mon.-Fri. 8-7 - all of her school activities. A spe- to deal with dyslexics. And the 530.00 Sat 8-4 cial tutor was called in to teach legal fight has been a bitter lesson |■H U 1 W her six days a week. in itself. Although she gave a speech at “I’ve lost faith in the judicial WBr .. her class of 1984 . s graduation, system,” she said. “It’s not what r Morse agreed not to accept her they taught us In school.” &CIBBOU WIZARDS Fall Special w&Sk '*yßoC&j£*k m *?£9 • Shampoo • Cut • Blow Dry ONLY *l4#® For Women ONLY SJQOO For Men Special Huns Mondays and Tuesdays (>nlv Get Psyched For Fall in Style 1 Hours: Mon. & Wed. 9-5 Appointments Tue. &Tliurs. 9-7 are not always Fri ::■ (234-6005)