20—The Daily Collegian Thursday, Aug. 28, 1986 Oilers Coach Jerry . Glanville "The man in black" restores Houston's winning attitude By MICHAEL A. LUTZ AP Sports Writer HOUSTON The personality of Houston Oilers Coach Jerry Glan ville, "the man in black," is starting to come into focus and the team's victory hungry fans like what they have seen. Glanville wears black on the side lines not to reflect his mood but to be seen by his players. He teaches "smash-mouth" foot ball that emphasizes toughness. "We have to be healthy and not fragile," he said. "If something hap pens, like a finger in the eye, you've just got to keep going." He lightens the mood during heavy Workouts with nicknames for players such as "Bula Bula" (Allen Pinkett), "Captain Video" (RObert Lyles) and "Cornbread" (Frank Bush). Best of all, he's given the team a winning attitude. Houston has a 3-0 record going into Saturday night's exhibition finale against the Dallas Cowboys. A victo ry would give the Oilers their second unbeaten preseason ever. The victories don't count toward a championship, but any success brings applause for a team that hasn't had a winning season since 1980. Glanville's favorite color is black, but he has a different reason for his all-black, game-day attire. "I make some of the calls and I don't want the players on the field Get off your butt. imeas having a hard time finding me," Glanville said. Glanville never is hard to find dur ing practices. He's in the midst of the action, praising, chiding, joking. "The best thing I can say about Jerry Glanville is that he's a hands on coach," General Manager Ladd Herzeg said. `A coach has to be himself. If you try to put on a front, the players will see through it in five minutes.' Jerry Glanville, Houston Oilers Head Coach There is nothing aloof about Glan ville, in his first pro head coaching job. He doesn't coach from a tower or leave the on-field instruction to his assistants. But Glanville is at a loss to describe his coaching style. He didn't plan a style and there is no mold for the Glanville model. "I didn't sit down and think for one second what a head coach should be like," Glanville said. "A coach has to be himself. If you try to put on a front, the players will see through it in five minutes." Glanville, the Oilers' defensive coordinator last season, has earned praise for his organizational Skills and his knowledge of offensive philos ophy as well as defense. "Sometimes he'll say something to a quarterback or running back and we'll step back and have to say, 'He's right,' " running back Stan Edwards said. "He knows Roth sides of the football. Because of his defensive background, he knows what will hurt a defense." Glanville stresses a muscular run ning game •and a big play passing game. He's taught Mike Rozier the art of blocking for running mate Larry Mo riarty, and the pair have teammed to give the Oilers a strong running at tack. A block by Rozier cleared the way for Moriarty's 1-yard touchdown run against New Orleans last Saturday night. Glanville also likes the strong arm of quarterback Warren Moon and the speed of receivers Drew Hill and rookie second-round draft pick Er nest Givins. Players have noticed the organiza tion and direction from Glanville. "I don't think it would be possible for any team to be more organized," Moriarty said. "No matter what situ ation comes up, he knows what to do." FREE SEX Information Need to talk to someone about a sexuality concern? Want the facts about AIDS and other sexually transmissable diseases? Call the SHARP Talkline, 865-TALK or Stop in the SHARP. office, 234 Ritenour Health Center All Conversations are completely confidential The Sexual Health Awarness Research Program ~h, . 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If you can put your finger on a scientific calculator that gives you more power at any price, by all means buy it. CASIO Where miracles never cease The Daily Collegian Thursday. Aug. 28, 9-5:30 MON., TUES., THURS. 9.3:30 WED., FRI. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT.,S, 1986