The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 13, 1983, Image 9

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    16—The Daily Collegian Thursday, Jan. 13, 1983
Assembly members criticize Collegian
Collegian Staff Writer
The Daily Collegian does not cover campus news as
effectively as it should, members of the Undergraduate
Student Government's Academic Assembly said last
"I feel that the Collegian has lost its perspective on
covering student academic issues which are of great
importance," Academic Assembly President Chris Hop
wood said.
"The Collegian has been neglecting student issues which
could produce very harmful affects, especially when
student needs are concerned," Hopwood said.
He also said the Collegian deals too much with national,
world, and state issues and not enough with immediate
student concerns.
"I don't like to read the Collegian to find out about
national issues. If I wanted information of that type I
would pick up a USA Today. Most students read the
Collegian to find out about campus and local issues," East
Halls Senator Darnell Daisey said.
Hopwood said the Collegian is too much like a miniature
Centre Daily Times or Philadelphia Inquirer, rather than
a campus newspaper.
Daisey agreed: "Last year when there was much more
student and campus issue coverage, the Collegian re
ceived the award for the number one campus newspaper
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JANUARY 19,1983
The Masonic Temple
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This is an organizational meeting
All DeMolays and Masons invited
in the country."
Several complaints about Collegian coverage of the
University's Commonwealth campuses were made.
The assembly also discussed the possible creation of a
semester transition hotline. Students could use this device
to receive information or get help with any problems.
Some colleges do have handbooks which state semester
requirements but this varies. Hopwood recommends that
students seeking help go straight to the office of the dean
of their particular college.
White was concerned about the visibility of the Academ
ic Assembly among students and the way in which the
assembly is perceived.
"The assembly's name is only as good as the people in
it," Daisey said. "The individuals must make themselves
known to the students in their colleges. If the students
become more familiar with their reps they will then begin
to seek help from them."
In other business:
• A student trustee is soon to be appointed by Gov. Dick
Thornburgh. Any student is eligible for screening by a
board which will then submit two names to Thornburgh.
• The Faculty Senate is considering a proposal to
change the pass/fail requirements. A grade of A, B, C or D
is considered passing under the current system. The new
system would change this so that a grade of D or F would
receive the status of failure. The committee that is
working on this is also trying to make a grade point
average of 2.5 a prerequisite for taking a course pass/fail.
ABC taking action in video case
Collegian Staff Writer
Attorneys for ABC are determin
ing a course of action, as well as the
parties who may be involved, in an
alleged violation of federal copy
right laws involving video cassette
recordings of the Sugar Bowl.
James T. Scarpello (7th-comput
er science) was allegedly selling
video casette recordings of the
Sugar Bowl game for $5O each after
placing classified advertisements
in The Daily Collegian.
RoAnn Levinsohn, director of
public relations for ABC Video En
terprise in New York, said yester
day "some type of action will be
taken" in the case, but it was still
undecided. A decison will be
reached before Monday, she said.
According to reports in The
Centre Daily Times, Scarpello was
selling the
.tapes from his apart
ment, listed as 623 Beaver Hill by
Thursday, January 13 .
CDP,C seminar, Resume preparation, sth period, Room 312 Boucke;
Interview Skills, 6th period, Room 312 Boucke.
Campus Crusade lecture, 7 p.m., Room:S - 311, 312, 314 Boucke.
P. S. Wingers meeting, 7 p.m., Room 108 Forum.
GSA social committee meeitng, 7 p.m., Room 305 Kern.
Liberal Arts Student Council intership preparation meeting, 7 p.m.,
Room 137 Sparks.
Marketing Assoc. Distinguished Speaker Series, Barn bergers, on "Op
, portunities, Marketing, and Logistics," 7:30 p.m., Room 105 Forum.
Army ROTC Lion's Guard meeting, 7 p.m., Rooms 318-319 HUB.
P. S. Undergraduate Entomology Assoc. meeting, 7 p.m., Room 204
Beta Alpha Psi meeting, 7 p.m., Room 209 Hum. Dev. South.
IFC Dance Marathon meeting, 7 p.m., Rooms 102 & 105 Forum.
College Republicans meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 169 Willard.
E.M.S. meeting and lecture, 7:30 psh., Room 112 Walker.
P.S. Advertising Club film and lecture, 7:30 p.m., Room 67 Willard
Microbiology Club meeting and film, 7:30 p.m., Room 317 Willard.
Sports: men's basketball vs. West Virginia, 8:10 p.m.
Delta Sigma Pi rush meeting, 9 p.m., Rooms 320-322 HUB. -
Penn State's Artificial Hearts
be demonstrated during a
Bioengineering Open House
Thursday, Jan. 13, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Tours begin in Kunkle Activities Center
(or go directly to Room 24 Hammond Building)
0 051
the University registrar's office.
Scarpello, a Philadelphia area resi
dent, said the tapes were manufac
tured by his uncle, a store owner,
the , report said. Neither the store
nor the uncle was identified.
However, Scarpello said yester
day The Centre Daily Times' report
was inaccurate, and denied any
. "I did not sell any tapes of the
Sugar Bowl, and I have no further
comment," Scarpello said.
The advertisements for the tapes,
which appeared in the Jan. 7, 8 and
10, issues of the Collegian were
discontinued Tuesday.
David E. Leibowitz, an attorney
at the Library of Congress general
counsel's office, said Tuesday the
Collegian nay be liable for running
the ad, especially if intent can be
proven. A concept in the copyright
laws says that if an ad may encour
age someone to act against the law,
by purchasing the tapes, the news-
paper may be considered as a party
in legal action, he said.
"Really, it's only a 'maybe' that
the paper will be liable," he said,
although he made it clear that he
was not offering any legal advice.
Statuatory damages from $250 to
$lO,OOO may be awarded to ABC,
depending on circumstances in the
case. Actual damages suffered by
ABC, which could include the prof
its that the Collegian made from
taking the ad, could also be
awarded, he said.
Paul Rudoy, business manager
for the Collegian, said he did not
think that the newspaper was liable
for running the ad.
But he said, "I think by us pulling
the ad we took the proper action."
The ad was scheduled to appear in
yesterday's paper.
H. Denning Mason, the Colle
gian's ; attorney, said Tuesday his
office has not been contacted by
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Be choosy. Sell your goods
to a captive audience through
Collegian Classifieds.
Room 126 Carnegie