State College: “From now on, I don’t want anyone to come in to see me while I’m here. Is that clear?” Major Major, “Catch-22.” The idea was.simple: a photo survey of local desks that belong to people of some note. All I would have to do would be to make appointments to see people when they weren’t in. It would be convienient for everyone Ha. While the pictures may lack social significance, the process of their collection was a valuable lesson in what makes the .world go 'round secretaries, mostly. Fact of the matter is that in most cases the desk comes’with the job. Univesity Pro vost Edward D. 'Eddy’s is a third generation hand-me-down provost-desk. Some of the desks seem impeccably neat. There’s a reason. Secretaries. X’s secretary shuffles all the important papers and boils them down to stuff to read, stuff to sign and stuff to throw away. X comes in, reads, signs, throws away each respective (and neat) stack and then leaves to do whatever it is X really does. Though I tried to make each visit unan nounced, in some cases, appoinments had to be made. Joe Healey, Undergraduate Student Government president, said I could stop by in about a half hour, he was in a U»J« f (lo r r^f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J tates 'AirForce 1 5 *| ) ; • !!!!!1 ; -i'p'iy ■ ' ; > ■ '■ f; • , 4-‘ : - : ;v • •' V 1 is§s '* «V v> „ I|fil '/ y ( : .' f )f ■ •'» /' / ’ fllgip wwS mr meeting. I suspect the time was used to ready up the office. State College Mayor Arnold Addison's secretary offered to mess up the mayor’s desk, but I declined. Sidney Friedman, local real estate developer, has an electronic secretary who processes all his stuff on a green glowing terminal (she says the rest of the day, it makes her see everything with a pink tint. How pleasant.). Hence, his desk was bar ren of paper save a copy of The Wall Street I ' I 1 A i.... ” ’"' ■■ ■ behind closed drawers Journal Rene Portland, Penn State women’s basketball coach, has the distinction of be ing the only desker to answer her own phone. The only deskers I met were Portland, Friedman, Bill Welch, editor of The Centre Daily Times, and The Daily Col legian’s editor, Betsy Long. Welch said he only has one third of a secretary (she must have come from an average family of 2.3 children), so while Welch does not answer his own phone, he does return his calls personally. University President John W. Oswald owns something of a stealth-desk. He is effi ciently guarded by two ranks of secretaries (his secretary has a secretary) and they are formidable. After several calls, which went unreturn ed, and as many days, I was finally able to get through to Mary Lou McCorkle, Oswald’s personal secretary. She informed me that Oswald does not work at a desk, that he handles his business from a large table, but that he was quite busy and even ate lunch in the office. I was excited. Something new! A table! She would ask Oswald if it was OK. Two days later, after again getting no reply to my calls, I was able to get through to an underling secretary. She said she had been told to call me and tell me that “Dr. “n'/ ~< i Oswald would be unable to participate” in my project. If Oswald's desk is stealth, the Col legian’s is just plain invisble. Midden under layers of clutter that would give an ar cheologist nightmares, it is something of a community locale. Let’s face it, Betsy has the nicest typewriter in the office. Paterno's desk was my first, and proved invaluable later in giving my project credibility. “Well, if it's good enough for Joepa ...” Dick Harter’s secretary set something of a precedent. She watched me every mo ment I was in the office. Here was a reac tion I had not expected: suspicion. Other deskers found my project amusing or interesting, but this was the first time I was viewed as a subversive. She must have caught wind of my plan to photograph a naked woman in red spike heels leaning against Harter’s desk. Politicians' desks are easy to spot they have U.S. flags. Addison’s desk curiously contained several pieces of taxi parapher nalia. Taxi ash tray, taxi model and mat ching taxi mug. Rep. Gregg L. Cunningham’s work sur face had a stack of five by seven glossies of, guess who, Gregg L. Cunningham. Brian Gamerman is a llltli-term graphic design major and a writer/photographer for The Daily Collegian. If.' • ROSES ARE RED/ Disc drives are blacker/ I miss you, Sean/ You cute little Hacker! I love you! -Kidge (p.s. only 191 days left!) mti # to HADI, DARLING MUSICAL baby- Fm mad with passion. Freuliche Valentine’s Day. Older woman KEN-1 NEED you, I want you, and Fm always going to love you! Hilary ’BERT HERE’S YOUR loveline, Happy Valentine’s Day. Love Sue ] Fir' \ ire CAROLINKA IS IT true that Slovac are more fun? I guess Til find out in the South Seas. Love Bruce Wasp } fey it m ,< > f® P i i STEPHEN A.-1 love you. Susan SWEETHEART, HAPPY ! i VALENTINE’S Day! I sure will miss you when I leave here. Love you, P.J.D. f iJU , ¥ ¥ cir ¥ m Jiappy m Z Valentine's ▼ ¥ • 2 ¥ , ¥ c.//// »m love, . SJ3dh l s ue , l T -L'oVC you today, V Unno’i’iow and always. j df Loppy j y Valentine’s y f Way. f> f> Won ? »»»*>»>»’»> FILLE CZECHOSLOVAK, A chaque sanit valenti vous savoir que Je vous aime plus toujours amoursement. David TO OUR SPECIAL men: Panda, Dubbsy, Babber, and Slug. Roses are red, violets are blue, sometimes the urge is to kill but right now, we send our love to you! Kim and Sue DAN, OUR DIFFERENCES make our love stronger. We can make it honey! Love, Lynn . LOIS, LOVE IS caring, Love is true, Love is sharing life with you. Happy Valentine’s Day. Chuck ALPHA SIGMA PHI even though I am not there, I am always thinking about you. Love ya all, Lori HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY, C.J.! Thanks for making it the best yet! Looking forward to the years ahead! Love always, Anita D.A.K. I HOPE we both find what we are looking for. Happy Valentine’s Day. M.F. A S>- -kto h —Ll'oi once Jl don I luiiv the liyhl wolds to say how much you mean to me. a iJ'iom thiowiny my cap a oivj the lail to nackiny my ©8 haek, you ue made me ©» happy. <_ ily J. ove lo you on la/entine's Way and ■_ Hlways. iP iane (tijtl Com»litU’ ‘Menibels J. of L JlteMu-kSUies g K. t ( l{t'nv ®§ n;; (ir £g 4 Mfh/ Jlcipi.nj i s . ( J\ui /jiiamlti — ißlai'k iSltulii's A w s<“[<), V Something shall and hue: dJ jCove C lJou! t|© SCappg Valentine '$ Wove e-Jllways, JOHNNY FOREVER AND today it will be just you and me and extasy. Love always, Deanna LYNNE THROUGH ALL the joy and sometimes painful self-discovery, the caring ever deepens. I love you always. Chuck A.J.N.- SO GLAD that the prettiest Theta is my valentine. Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, J.M.G. RS A SPECIAL friend, bright and beautiful too! Just a reminder that we love you! BVNB ELLEN- LOST THE Mizpah; don’t worry. Our love will always be a perfect match- Aaron DEAR STEVE G., A special wish for a happy Valentine’s Day! Love, CUDDLES I’M SORRY that I was crowding you. Fll try not to now. Love, Hank ROB GABOO! YOUR tennis partner misses you! Happy Valentine’s Day. Love the Little Prep LITTLE DICTATOR, MY time as a pilot will someday end, but I could fly with you forever. Have an outrageous valentine’s day. Love, Paladin CHERYL, YOU’RE THE sweetest and greatest Valentine I could have ever wanted. Thanks for a Super year! Love, “Big Guy” DEAR LITTLE ONE, you are a very special person in my life for not only are you my, closest friend but I love you. Stand behind me now and forever for I need you! Love, Loser HEY MIKE! YOU are a very special valentine. I love ya! Susie-Q c fffappy 50th Sweetie uMy love is with you even if JJ am not ? * J2ove, ? m y JOE, MAKING THE bed and leaving a cigarette was nice. Friday night was even nicer! What do you think of waterbeds? Happy Valentine’s Day. Love, Bicycle DRB' “WHEREVER WE’RE together: that’s my home” Love, MGJ PAT HOPE OUR years ahead are filled with good times. You’re the best. Happy Valentine’s Day ILY Sue TO ALL MY very good friends:Michelle Mary Anne Carolyn Jenifer Jill Erin and Alyse, have a Happy Valentine’s Day Sherri LOVE IS A tender have thee still stand there, remembering how I love thy company. Tam, Tm your sweetie-ple-schnookle-ookems! jMappii ’s m £)\ai to some ivu’lt/, m I'eiOnj tewiffic bud ajL dies! QJott ’ve tuna’ fwieuils v ¥ ¥ V t' '' LHiuhlij'' if mill ¥ OUR SLUMBER BUDDKS in west cave a Valentine’s Day slumber party sure sounds good to us-your cave or our web? Happy V-Day Spider Girl and Web Woman PJ- YOU’RE MY one and only for a real long time. I think you know what grows tons every day. Love always, Robs JEFF H., NICE “C”ing you! Now I'd like to meet you! A blonde regular MIKE, WHEN FM with you Tm always flying! Tree-c YICKO, JER THE bestest boyfriend ever! You make my belly extremely gootchiable. Love ya muchly! Jer amucko girlfriend (P.W.) ANNE IT’S BEEN a year and Fm still having a bash. Dave c , T Weak OnooKs, m U hank s /<>) making the V tainhow hiiqhtei. JL V ¥ ¥ JSove always, ¥ ¥ rS/ePC ¥ f - ¥ §> i>- | Paul— ▼ T "%u\e £Jfl&L>e - ▼ Uyou’u3u ( mer JHappy fta Valentine 's w Way! ©a Jewess Who /Hint: Who loves you iPaul? always does things right. Your the very best! The best you and your drinking new Fizz Lite! See ya Pally! Love, Cheryl and Jennifer MITCH CANDLELIGHT AND hot chocolate, dropping wine glasses, and headless snowbabies are great just like you. Round faced blonde ALAN-1 LOVE YOU. Will you be my Valentine...forever? Sarah JAMIE NO ONE can tell me that Fm doing wrong because your My Smiling Face. Love Michael LINDA I LOVE you, Always Carlo WEB- YOU’LL PROBABLY beat me up (bummer) for saying this, but FU say it anyway. I love you . Happy Valentine’s Day, and thanks for being you. Sweetie HEY DENISE M. you’re still beautiful Tm sober and Happy Valentine’s Day! Go to the hockey game Friday? The Italian leer v c, y Oteve, ©p HVc bolt] / i'll , /in/ ini/i/ ?one way fait yooil. C on- gw» //iiue luliny u’i //i //u* /i»>»»> V r . v f . «»• i/tVM down t»ld a lifetime of lovin ’ to go. fj® l/c/i '/)<)/ ((i»i»' J ove. ;n :... ~ ~wr, STEVE,- OUR BROTHER who J2ove, W e£ ? jL dJ’m still finding waus to JL, 2 „u 2 y ' 'Seventh Sleaven ' ’ v Jlove, eJlmbi »»>»*#>»>»>»* DEB V. A Valentine for my sweet. You’re a cake in a sea of icing. Love, Howie JULIE, JULIE, JULIE remember cock-a-bugs are great for neck pains HVD HUG HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to my snooter face love SRK STEVE (CUTIE) YOU “tickle” my fancy! XXX OOP my love, Lee STEVE- YOU DEFINATELY put an edge on my winter. Now my heart is “hot” despite my cold hands. Racers do it in the course-let’s do it!! Happy Valentine’s Day! Love always “Pickles” RANDY, ITS GOING to be a great Valentine’s Day. I can’t wait, can you? Love, Nicki DOODLE, YOU GAVE me 21 kisses, true friendship, dirty wash, noodle soup, afternoons in the tall grass, fried eggs and lots of love. Now and forever, Mo LIL’ SCRO HAPPY Valentine’s Day I love you very much Love Big Scro SOME UNCOMMOM ENGINEERING lad likes enginerering’s nicest lady and may be endeared regarding thee 808, THANKS FOR being a very special big brother. M.C. BETSY ON THIS special occasion I want you to know I love you. Love Gary DEAR CAREY, YOU are wonderful!! Everyone knows how much Move you, do you? Our future looks so bright. Who knows what next year will bring!? I love you more and more each day. Love, Kent X2o i ßiothe’is of X eJllpha Chi ~R-ho, JJiappy (-[Valentines & ¥ She SittleSisiels ¥ f ? DENISE GASPER: HAPPY Valentines Day, I love you, Tobi ANN S. YOU’RE WELCOME, but I still have a bottle of champagne that would like to meet you! Happy Valentine’s Day C. (i.e. Rich) REBECCA TO MY motivation and our new beginning- Love Rob MICHAEL WILL YOU be “my funny valentime?’’ I love you Jamie BUGGER- WE HAVE a treasure between us that we’ll never lose. I love you -Snoop SETH ALL MY love across the miles- Always JRK MARYJANE YOU ARE the greatest Happy Valentine’s Day. I love ya Mark Uh past has been )tally special. J. et s make the Jjl Y lutuic just as worthwhile- Y ¥ ..‘Happy Valentine's SJ\iy. ¥ ¥ - Cove, ¥ ¥ ' 'She £Blute '' ¥ ¥ ¥ MY DEAREST BRAT (Joe) to the worlds greatest billpayer (ha ha) Happy Valentine’s Day. Love Kathy SU, I CLOSE my eyes so I can be with you. 1 love you, Tommy BEAR- HAPPY VALENTINE’S day to my very own “Main Squeeze” Always, B. J. BETA SIGMA BETA Happy Valentine’s Day. We love you. The Little Sister Pledges * PETER,HEAVEN IS the moment when I look into your eyes. I just fall In love again. Pam ' MARK GOOD FRIENDS are few and far between. THanks for being one of them. Donna BARB: YES BEARS do like that, it just takes a while. Love, a bear C’laigo’is, W f * . , f c J ll always love you to pieces ▼ ¥ V young, Ran, V ? young Cun, ? f f 3give all >itj love to \j you. * V K . c c ? t J\im, Ooon.Oam DEAR FLASHER: CAN I be your valentine? Love, Your Earringless Bunny C.K. YOU ARE everything in the world to me and make each day brighter. Fm so in love with you. Your my number one and only one! Love always, Babe ROSS HAPPY VALENTINE’S Day. I love you now and forever. Val JILL: KNOW WHAT means more to me than you? Nothing! I love you. Pat TO MY FAVORITE Delt Pledge, thanks for all the great times; I hope we can have more. Love, Beth Sove, ¥ TIM, NO DAY is over if it makes a memory. Here’s to many more memories. Love, Kath CHUBPUB, HAPPY VALENTINE’S Day, sexy! I love you! (always and forever) Duffy J, I LOVE you twolly, twooly I do. Happy Valentine's Day! Love ya, N V ? w m gtaa k. Hlllwuijh it s all in I lie jC v' /Mist thanks Ini /.Hittiiiil ii/.> V u'ilh that ’ 'same nltl . . . " M /It'll he a L mtj sunwm, Inti /I t/alla keep i/nu tittessitui Y • love, malic dHappg Qdalenline s So iKeg Tiding: is! &© SColme's f© ?' Shanks foi caiinq. SL f T X, ~.Kuka, f Slip pel, & JHalfpint oAttt 30p, tArt , 4,ylW r PI/ ;7717,PAAC1 111111 pH |si fa PI &ooit Jlux>, *Wez S v The Daily Collegian Friday Feb. 13, 198: KATHY- BE MINE? Hmmmmm, well then,... maybe for the weekend? Love ya, Frank 808, OUR 3rd Valentine’s Day, Please don’t send me flowers or candy. Send me coke; It’s the real thing! 1 love you, Shelly 1 ANDY, LOVE’S SHARING a bitesize chocolate covered cherry - without spillin’ the juice. Love and kisses Nora DEAR STINKER, YOU make my teeth retract! With love the fat model P.S. Gold Chain VICKI “HAPPY VALENTINE’S Day!” I love you! Phil JK THANKS FOR nine very special months. Can I be your valentine forever? Love CB “NICE CATCH!" You're right! KARA- But I don’t mean the frisbee! Silliness and windowsills forever lotsa love, Chick NITZ- OLD VALENTINES never die their knees just get bigger...and their hearts Steve, Chick TOM FOR FIVE weeks we’ve celebrated good times. Laughing, talking, sharing. Sixteen just can’t compare. Je t’aime. TTM. Dana 8080- GEEP DE boo! Gop geep gee bop. Gee goop boop. Bee bop geep. Ammy BONNE (MISS ES herself): Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Alan Quartermaln P.S. Have fun with your new roommate. She’s a nice girl! Why don’t you give your heart sis a call! E.K. WHERE THERE’S SMOKE there’s fire. You can light mine anytime! Happy “VP". Love, M. J. DEAREST DAVE, HAPPY Valentine’s Day. I love you very much. Love always, Emily C.R. WATSON- YOU already know the answer but Fit ask you again: you know what? See you tonight for dinner. “Art” ZULU LULU, PICKLES and yogurt, Moogooguypan—Sczechuan, D ominos and Mountain Dew and us— forever, Ya-hoo! Love, Oscar. JOHNETTE: I MAY not be your Valentine, but the ball is in your court. Chris. i* ki.-* «~*»* Ks» y w J ? 1 ///ini' ti/untl the Jbc>l of l - V l lijs lit loom. .* I/h/j, mull, until. 'He *'»i time. V r v $$ - Love ’ £,) %U 1 cuwed iSanny $$ Sv &V 9k> ,%■* is &tS»' O'" V-JV' tis-* V** w-' V,ir* KAREN, YOU’RE GONNA be a great future roommate. Happy Valentine’s day SweetieiLuv, Your Coz EKG HAPPEST VALENTINES day. Hope it is one to remember. With fondest of heart love CDC DALE D. 2nd MEFUN thanks for the ride. Your five grateful ladies CHRISTINA MARY TO my new friend. Dinner again my place? PLease be my valentine. Love, Mike VAL, TLL ALWAYS be ready for you, I love you, Ross T BIRD: I WANTED to send you a singing telegram, but I was afraid of the “consequences." Happy fourth valentine’s day together! All my love, the future Mrs. T-Bird V j Veal SCmmJ, t CM-} %>u ale the clock foi the lone of iny life! dl 'll Live gv» V you an J „*«/ you V v always. y f r ' m .. V -Love, Jxobtn