the daily collegian The Stones flounder on 'Emotional Rescue' By PAUL BOYNTON Daily Collegian Staff Writer The pretentious bad boys of rock ’n’ roll tantalized our innermost fantasies. They exploited the lust that we could only dream,- not act out. The Rolling Stones did the acting for us. They rarely tried anything fancy with their music they liked their music black, the rhythm and blues scene im mersed in a driving rock beat. Their lyrics generally told tales of hedonistic pleasures in a cruel, sexist, cynical manner. For nearly 18 years, The Rolling Stones have been the vanguard of youth rebellion brought to life in rock ’n’ roll, sex and drugs. Parents detested the decadent values the Stones bluntly thrust out in their lyrics and grinding rock beat. arts But time has passed the Glimmer Twins and crew by. Their latest effort, ‘‘Emotional Rescue,” is evidence of that sad truth. The music is bland and is generally tame, although there are hints of leering madness on the album. Mick Jagger doesn’t shock us anymore. The Stones used to be bizarre and different, one step ahead of the rest, snickering at their fans' desire to be bad and at the pressures of societal restraints. Indeed, the Stones have made being < bad fashionable. But because the Stones have conditioned us to be bad, their music has lost some of its impact. Alas, “Emotional Rescue” is too damn predictable. Even the crudest tune on the album is Mick dagger m 4= o= Student Book Store %\ L .1 POCKET {. MONEY! Get some extra cash for some extra fun before the summer’s done! Take advantage of the Student Bookstore *s book buy back going on now. Walk in with a load of books and walk out with a pocket full of cash! OPEN Monday thru Friday 8:30 - 5:00 Saturday 9:00 - 5:00 330 E. College Ave. not shocking. "... I’m so hot for her, but she’s so cold,” Jagger laments in “She’s so cold.” “. . . I’m so hot for her and cream so, Put your hand on the heat, come on baby let’s go! ” Radio censors won’t bother with those lyrics because we are inundated with sex everywhere we look magazine racks, television and the movies. But parents used to cringe, for example, when their children blared the vulgar “Brown Sugar”: “Uh, Brown Sugar, how cum ya taste so good? Brown Sugar, just like a black girl should! ” “Let Me Go” is the Stones’ strongest stance on "Emotional Rescue.” Besides being the best rocket on the album, Jagger’s cynicism is stinging. “You’re gonna get it straight from the shoulder, can’t you see the party’s over, pleeeeease, let meeeeee go./I tried giving you the velvet gloves, I tried giving you the knockout punch/. . . can’t you get it through your thick head?” Jagger shows his lack of conviction or pride or caring or whatever: “Maybe I’ll become a playboy, hang around the gay bars/and moooove to the west side of town.” Perhaps the most telling tune of the Stones’ state of mind is “Down in The Hole.” The slow, bluesy song relays a haunting truth that Jagger is frustrated, confused, scared. For 18 years Jagger has made kinky cash, lots of it, by singing sexist, racist, drug-oriented songs. But what has the money done for him? “Money doesn’t keep you from madness and sadness./Will money buy you forgiveness?/No money, no jewelry, no gold/. . . begging forgiveness, begging for cigarettes, down in the> hole.” But the rest of the album is drivel. Nothing to take seriously. Jagger has always said critics needlessly analyze his lyrics. He said rock ’n’ roll should not be taken seriously. Jagger gets his wish on “Emotional Rescue.” “Dance” is a perfect example. Nothing more than a boogie cut, the music could be heard in numerous nightclubs. Uncle Mick, we need more than that, something frighteningly fun. “Send It To Me” is a harmless ditty in which Jagger shamelessly says he will take any woman for himself. “She could be Roumanian, she couid be Albanian, she could be Bulgarian, she could be Australian, she could be the Alien, send her to me.” Cute stuff. “Indian Girl” has political overtones: “Indian girl, where is papa?/Indian girl, where is your mama?/‘There fighting for Mr. Castro in the streets of Angola!’ ” ' Jagger knew what he was talking about in the 1968 song “Street Fighting Man.” He recognized that it was time for a revolution against governments gone passive and uncaring. But how much does Jagger, a rich man, know about Cubans struggling to exist under the oppressive rule of Castro? Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of “Emotional Rescue” is that the music itself lacks sparkle. The rock ’n’ roll the Stones once churned out so well is not ■exciting on their latest album. They seem burned out. The Stones have apparently lost their high pitch energy. Someone once said the Stones didn’t piay concerts, they played riots. Now, the Stones are going through the motions or at least they sound like it. Drummer Charlie Watts is the only band member who consistently plays well bn the album. Watts has always been solid; he has held the band together. Indeed, lead guitarist Keith Richards once said Charlie Watts is the Rolling Stones. Jagger has brief interludes of ex cellence. The title cut is interesting because Jagger combines falsetto vocals with his classic throaty snarl. His shivering growls on “She’s So Cold” are also good. Otherwise, mediocrity and worse is the dominant theme of “Emotional Rescue.” No guitar riff by either Richards or Ron Wood stands' out as classic. The Stones’ rhythm ’n’ and blues just doesn’t click on “Emotional Rescue.” They sound old and tired. The album would be a sad farewell to rock ’n’ roll the music genre they once led on a fleeting path of conquest over the so called older generation and their in sufferable values and laws. We still have memories of the Stones at their best. The band doesn’t look to the past, but if you are to maintain respect for The Rolling Stones, remember the old and try to forget the present. 'Final Countdown' just doesn't add up By SCOTT DUGAN For The Daily Collegian What do you get when you cross “1941” with “Tora, Tora, Tora?” You get “The Final Countdown.” And if that sounds like a confused com bination, that’s because “The Final Countdown” is a confusing movie. First, a U.S. aircraft carrier is caught in a “time storm” just off the coast of Hawaii, and ends up in Dec. 6, 1941, just before the Japanese at tack on Pearl Harbor. Kirk Douglas is the captain; Martin Sheen, a systems analyst; and Katherine Ross, a senator’s assistant. James Farentino, who isn’t given star billing, is a fighter pilot. So far, so good. This could have been a fairly good science fiction film, either an in tellectual study of time paradox and manipulative histor or a good -y, - g' whiz action flick. But it is neither, Maybe that is because Don Taylor’s direction is so bad. Or maybe it is because the actors are given roles they can do little more than walk through. Maybe it is because there are holes in the plot the size of an aircraftcarrier. Or maybe it is because most of the shots look like Navy recruiting commercials. But for whatever reasons, this is a funny movie. Not that it was intended to be, but there’s considerable humor in places where the director never intended. And for that reason alone, I recommend it. If you’d like to see a near farce which never really in tended to be a farce, don’t miss “The Final Countdown.” There is plenty of action, not too much dramatic human conflict to slow things down,and enough hardware shots of F-14 Tomcats and Corsairs and God knows what else to keep any military buff happy. In fact, the feeling that you are in the real Navy is so pomplete that you will swear some of the bit parts were ife. BpS 1_ Monday, Aug. 18 “IC|sr Illustration by Cyndi Shoup played by real Navy men. They certainly were not played by actors, not in the conventional sense of the word. Except for the real footage of U.S. “engines of war,” the special effects are nothing to rave about. It’s downright embarassing to see an actor of Martin Sheen’s caliber in a film like this. “Apocalypse Now” it ain’t. There’s a lot of potential in the premise: the ability, and the responsibility of being able to manipulate history; playing God, with all the foresight of 40 years. But it is never really taken seriously not by the director, and not by the actors. Frankly, “Star Trek” (the television show) handled the same premise with a much better treat ment in one show more than 10 years ago, and it was nominated for a Hugo Award to boot. But there will be no awards for “The Final Countdown.” It’s ridiculous. 'Robber Bridegroom' a fairy ta/e and more By JOE MATIVY For The Daily Collegian The fairy tale is not dead. In the State sCollege Community Theatre’s Boal Barn production of “The Robber Bridegroom” it’s been up-dated, countrified and apple-pied, chocked full of tall tales, of lovable, loathable and laughable characters and set forth on a i ' frantic gallop to the sounds of bluegrass and crowing ravens. At its most basic level, the story resembles a fairy tale, but after all, what’s in a label? It’s also an adventure tale, a whodunit, a country musical extravaganza, a farce - and the most comedic rape since Harvey and Schmidt ■ desensitized the concept in “The Fan tasticks” in the early ’6os. Fair maiden Rosamunde (Elizabeth Uhler) is a wide-eyed waif who conjours up 11-foot midnight blue panthers to transport her from her monotone existence. Her boredom is momentarily soothed when her doting papa (Robert Godfrey) brings her a gift from New Orleans a dress in which she literally Elektra-fies him much to the jealousy of his second wife. She is a tall trunk of a raucous, over-sexed, lascivious, conniving, \ ' ,! \ 5 IX* ?iy . 11*1" ■' .1 * 4 I ' A muse named Kira (Olivia Newton-John) looks on while struggling artist Sonny (Michael Beck) paints her portrait in a scene from the movie “Xanadu.” He falls in love; with her, and though it’s not supposed to happen to a muse, she falls in love with him too. HE • DAT PSYCH • GRE 810 • GMAT • OCAT PCAT • VAT • MAT • SAT • TOEFL NAT'L MED BDS • ECFMG • FLEX VQE • NDB • NPB I • NLE KflPftAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 Forintormahon. Please Call ■ ELEANOR COBURN (814)238-1423 State College. Pa. [r] MONthruFRI 2:15-8:00 4 10:00 J1.50»I2:15 SAT 4 SUN 2:15-4:15-6-8-10:00 J1.50M2:15 • Air Conditioned • A PLACE WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE XANADU OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN • GENE KELLY MONthruFRI 2:30-7:45-8:30 «1.50a12:30 SAT & SUN 2:30 - 4:15 -8 ■ 7:45 • 0:30 *1.50 at 2:30 r l ■ • Peter Seder s>■ ■ : JjjSM dr.fwManebtf «s I —I THE FLICK I 1?9 S AlheMon DAILY 7:304 9:30 AIR CONDITIONED Color Sells. aggressive and all around likeable wicked step-mother (Pat Swanson). Her name is Salome (pronounced Salami) and she covers the stage like a human oil slick. Everything about Salome is despicable from her less-than-elegant word choice: “If this place ain’t spotless, I’ll kick your ass to Memphis,” 'to her cracker pie, from her love of skunk cabbage to her more-than maternal attraction to the title character, Jamie Lockhart (G. Brian Kaufman). Jamie has been contracted to marry Rosamunde without realizing they already know each other. Of course, boy gets girl, papa gets reward and step mother gets what is coming to her and how! Sawnson’s songs were difficult and atypical but she pulled them off with surprising ease; Kaufman, however, took longer to fill his role. His voice, though suited well enough to the coun try/western type musical, showed unattained potential. At first relying excessively on the debonair stereotype, he slowly worked his way into an amiable and spirited characterization. □| T.V., Stereo pi lag Broken Down? 1 OUR SERVICE IS EXCEPTIONAL! J 3 EXCEPTIONALLY "COMPETENT *FAST * ECONOMICAL We service all brands, all types of electronic equipment T & R ELECTRONICS 225 S. Allen St., State College (next to Centre Hardware) 238-3800 Papa was consistent throughout and exhibited a perfect board for Salome’s darts and Rosamunde’s loving glances. The supporting cast very literally made the show. Goat the simpleton (Ron Rager), stole the show with his rubbery face and his natural flair for comedy. His portrayal of the simpleton who glowed with the brilliance of a two-watt doorknob was undoubtably the most popular. Andy Bealer and Asa Berlin as the zanily proportioned archvillains Little Harp and Big Harp snorted and pawed like “a couple ’a pigs at a picnic.” They maintained a high level of energy which started the momentum rolling toward the middle of the first act and kept it up in the second. Tamara Hemmelburger deserves mention too, not only for her role (she played a raven) but also for her grace and style. The music never stopped. The costume changes and scene changes were done to square dance music complete with caller and squares. The supporting cast and chorus served as a Greek-type chorus, a visual distraction and a living set, becoming doors, floorboards, forest fauna and The choreography by Barbra Bruno was light and rustic, imaginative and almost perfectly executed. The small theatre in the round took on many faces with the slightest ingenious and effective set changes. All in all, the production was technically well-balanced and organized. One observation should be made, however. There is no room for feminists in this play, be they male or female. he point of view concerning the treatment of women on the whole could be offensive to some. What’s importatnt is that one realize the framework of the offense. This is, after all, a harmless musical play, not an overt statement on the treatment of women. Context, therefore, is an essential consideration. The result of the evening is loads of fun. So, if you want to see a girl who dances so hard she breaks off at the bellybutton, a talking head and a grandmother who changes the tem perature of the moon just by sleeping raw, then y’ail come down to the Nat chez Trace, ’cause that’s exactly how it’s happening through Aug. 24 at the Boal Barn. 'Xanadu' is a dream that flops By MARY JO SANTILLI Daily Collegian Staff Writer Producer Lawrence Gordon and director Robert Greenwald recycle that age-old Hollywood concept of “Making Dreams Come True,” just one more time with their film “Xanadu.” Olivia Newton-John is cast as Kira the muse, one of the nine daughters of Zeus who is sent to earth to inspire a young artist, Sonny. Micheal Beck as Sonny is pretty to look at, and that’s just about it. However, Beck does the best he can within a limited role. His character is colorless, he neither sings nor dances in this musical, he mostly hangs around and gapes at the beautiful Kira.lndeed he spends the better part of the first half of the film chasing Newton-John around on roller skates. Yes, every ’Bos gimmick is used in this film, from space-age special effects (that border on the tacky side) to the roller skating and disco craze, in order to emphasize the film’s contemporary flavor. But “Xanadu” is not merely a modernization of the Hollywood musical. It attempts to dredge up nostalgia for the “Good Old Days” in its casting of - - - . - . .-..- vs til Monday Evening 6:00 (3) WEATHER-WORLD 0 BRADY BUNCH ®®O3)(ID NEWS 0 JOKER’S WILD m ODD COUPLE 6:30 GS BEHAVIORAL REVOLUTION 0 I LOVE LUCY CD NBC NEWS QD ABC NEWS 0 TIC TAC DOUGH 03) ©HD CBS NEWS (Q RHODA 7:00 CD MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT 0 ALL IN THE FAMILY CD CD DAILY NUMBER 0(2) FACE THE MUSIC 03) TIC TAC DOUGH 0 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN SD MATCH GAME 7:01 ® NEWLYWED GAME ® PM MAGAZINE 7:30 (3D DICK CAVETT SHOW ®SD FAMILY FEUD ® TIC TAC DOUGH 0 DATING GAME 03K3) JOKER’S WILD (D NEWS 7:68 ® NEWSBRIEF 8:00 ® ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL 'Home and Away' PM MAGAZINE ® LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Mary ln gallssuffersanemotionalbreakdownafteralire roar 3 through the Walnut Grove School lor the Blind, claimingthelifeofherinfantson. (Repeat; 2 hraj GD Qffl THAT’S INCREDIBLE Tonight’s show will feature killpr plants that devour animals, a mystifying hill that detieslhe law of gravity, and anamazingcomputerthatallowsayoungmanto ■speak' with his eyes. (Repeal; 60 mins.) O OZAWA IN PEKING (D TESTIMONY OFTWOMEN Againstaback drop ol family conflicts during the period alter the Civil War, Dr. Jonathan Ferrier stands trial for the murder of his wife. Stars; David Birney, Barbara Parkins. S 3) © FLO The Castleberry Gang rides again when Flo leads a daring attempt to break Mama's boyfriend out ot an old people's home. (Repeat) O GOSSIP FROM THE FOREST This docu drama recounts the events leading up to the slgning’of the World WarlArmisticeinarailroad car in the forest of Compeigne. (90 mins.) aSSMII WKRP IN CINCINNATI Venus Flytrap is offered a much higher paying job as the pro gram director of a rival radio station. (Repeat) 9:00 ® NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC'Mysteriesofthe Mind' This program delves Into some of the intriguing research being done to unlock the secrets ol how the human brain functions. (60 mins.) ® MONDAYNIGHTMOVIE'HeroesOfRock'N Roll' 1979 Fascinating film and taped footage from the careers ol 82 ot the rock world's big gest stars-including Elvis Presley, The Bea tles, Chubby Checker and Janis Joplin. (2 hrs.) O MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) •• “Khartoum” 1966 Charlton Heston, Laurence Olivier. The story of Major Gordon and his famous defeat by Arab tribesman in 1833. (2 hrs., 30 mins.) (ED (55©) M.A.S.H. Angered by the way civilian doctors stateside are profiting from the war, Hawkeye presents the Army with a bill forhis medical services. (Repeat) 9:30 (ED(55©) HOUSE CALLS The stall of Kensing ton hospital is shocked when Ihe now adminis trator fires Amos. (Repeat) 10:00 ® DOLPHIN This film chronicles an adventur ous attempt to communicate with wild dolphins and documents a unique two-ocean effort at contact through the use of UPE music played on an underwater keyboard. (60 mins.) Gene Kelly as Danny, an aging musician who once fronted a Big Band in the ’4os. He owned his own club in those days, but he threw it all away in grief for a lost love. He spends most of his time now sitting on the beach blowing tunes on his clarinet. He meets Sonny on the beach one day, and they become freinds. Danny’s dream is to one day open up another club, Sonny dreams of being able to quit his dreary, compromising job copying album covers for advertisments to freelance on his own. They become, friends and quickly decide to join forces to make “Xanadu” the Club, a reality. This is where Newton-John comes in. She is sent by Zeus to help make “Xanadu,” happen at which time she is supposed to return to her father, only, as you might imagine, she falls in love with Sonny. .. need I go on? And there is “Xanadu’s major problem: Newton-John. She can neither act nor dance, and that quivering, breathy singing voice that catapulted her to the top of the charts just doesn’t transpose to the big screen. Her big dance number with Kelly is stilted and uneasy looking, in fact the choreography 0 NEWS QD MARK TWAIN’S AMERICA‘Young Will Rogers’ A recreation of a documented incident in the life of young Will Rogers, as he is caught in a powderkeg situation between ranchersand Indians ih his homestate of Oklahoma. Stars: Robert Hays, Jack Elam. (60 mins.) (I®(2)@lLOUGßANTABlownewBdaysudden ly errupts when an earthquake shakes the city, setsoffawaveofvandalismandcausesablack out that leaves the Trib with no way to print the story. (Repeat; 60 mins.) (D INDEPENDENT NEWS 10:30 (D NEWS 11:00 ® MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT 0 M.A.S.H. GD®Q®S3) news Q) ODD COUPLE 11:30 CD ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 0 KOJAK QD THE TONIGHT SHOW 'Best Of Carson’ Guests: Lauren Bacall, Anthony Newley, Char lie Callas. (Repeat; 90 mins.) (1) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 0 MOVIE-(DRAMA)*** "Jane Eyre” 1044 Joan Fontaine, Orson Welles. A orphan girls grows up to be a governess in a strange hou sehold A 2 hrs.) (ED @) S 3) CBS LATE MOVIE 'HARRY O: Coin age Of The Realm' Harry searches for Donald Yorkfield when Yorkfield's daughter requires transplant surgery and he is the only possible donor. (Repeat) 'DR. Strange' 1978 Stars: Peter Hooten, Jessica Walter. (D PRISONER: CELL BLOCK H 11:50 GD BARNEY MILLER Investigating vandals attacksonapornobookstore.thedetectivesof thel2thprecinctareastonishedtodiscoverthe owners aren’t wild-eyed degenerates, but a pleasant elderly couple. (Repeat; 70 mins.) 12:00 U> COMEDY SHOP 12:30 0 HOGAN'S HEROES (D TWILIGHT ZONE Tuesday Evening 6:00 ® WEATHER-WORLD 0 BRADY BUNCH GDGD(ED(B) news O JOKER’S WILD ffl ODD COUPLE 6:30 ® DIG IT 0 I LOVE LUCY GD NBC NEWS CD ABC NEWS 0 TICTAC DOUGH a® (2) (2® CBS NEWS 0 RHODA 6:58 GD NEWSBRIEF 7:00 GD MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT 0 ALL IN THE FAMILY GDGD DAILY. NUMBER 0(2) FACE THE MUSIC 3® TIC TAC DOUGH (D HAPPY DAYS AGAIN @ MATCH GAME 7:01 GD NEWLYWED GAME GD PM MAGAZINE 7:30 GD DICK CAVETT SHOW GD DANCE FEVER CD TIC TAC DOUGH O DATING GAME a® (2) JOKER’S WILD (D NEWS (2) HOLLYWOOD SQUARES 7:58 GD NEWSBRIEF 8:00 GD NOVA ‘Living Machines' Natural engineers are looking at living creatures in a new way and discovering that many design concepts we think ol as man's inventions are originally found in nature. (Closed Captioned) (60 mins.) 0 PM MAGAZINE GD MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW 3D HAPPY DAYS Fonzie finally wants to settle down when he goes to the electric company to fight a bogus bill and meets a lovely computer orogrammer. (Repeat) The Daily Collegian- Monday, August 18,1980 —1 in general is dull, seemingly held back by John’s limited abilities. Terrific dancing was an important ingredient in those old films and it just isn’t present in “Xanadu.” Even the bit of hoofing that Kelly does in this film seems to be merely token, but ap parently he had to be coaxed into doing any dancing at all, having hung up his dancing shoes at this stage of the game. Poor Kelly looks so out of place in this film! Though he still has that winning smile and easy charm, he looks anachronistic at best among the super sonic settings of “Xanadu.” ’4os romantisism just doesn’t translate effectivly into an 'Bos milieu of space age special effects, blatant sexuality, and quickie gimmicks. For all of its allusions to “Love” and “Magic,” Xanadu comes off sterile and plastic. The bloodless score, performed by, Electric Light Orchestra (which ran out of creative ideas five years ago, and have been churning out formulas ever since), The Tubes, and Newton-John don’t help either. An update of the ’4os musical is an interesting concept in theory, but “Xanadu” ’s attempt at melding the with the new just doesn’tcut it. 0 BASEBALL New York Mels vs San Francis co Giants d$(S) THE WHITE SHADOW Salami flunks a history test and is off the basketball team, until his young instructor teaches him that there is more than one way to stay eligible. (Repeat; SO mins.) (D TESTIMONY OF TWO MEN Against a back drop of family conflicts during the period after the Civil War, Dr. Jonathan Ferrier stands trial for the murder of his wife. Stars; David Birney, Barbara Parkins. SI THRU HUMAN HANDS 8:30 0 MERV GRIFFIN ® BASEBALL Houston Astros vs Pittsburgh Pir Q t eB ® la VERNE AND SHIRLEY Laverne and Shir ley boil when they discover that Carmine is working as an enforcer for a loan shark. (Repeat) 9:00 CD FLAMBARDS 'Flying High' Christina and Dorothy throwasurpriseatWilliamandSandy’a flat, while Williammakeshisintentionsknownto AuntGraceandlandsthedesigningjobhewant ed. (Closed Coptioned) (60 mins.) ® THREE’S COMPANY When an absent minded policeman leaves his handcuffs at the trio'sapartment.Chrissyand Jack get into trou ble playing with the cuffs. (Repeat) ©TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIE 'lslands In TheStream' 1977Stars:GeorgeC. Scott, David Hammings. On a Bahamian island in 1940, an expatriate American artist welcomes his three sons and reflects on the futility of life. (2 hrs.) 9:30 CD TAXI Latka Gravas meets the beautiful Simka Dahpiitz from his native country and romantic sparks fly. (Repeat) 10:00 (D FREE TO CHOOSE ‘Who Protects the Con sumer?' Free markets are the best protection for the consumer, says Milton Friedman, who relies on history to show that government regulation and agency watchdogs lead directly to increased cost for the consumer. (Closed Captioned) (60 mins.) 0 NEWS ® HART TO HART The Hart's lovable dog Freeway runs away with the murder weapon used to kill a wealthy neighbor, leading Jonath an and Jennifer on a dangerous adventure to capture a glamorous ex-convict. (Repeat; 60 mins.) 10:30 0 BASEBALL New York Yankees vs Seattle Mariners 10:40 0 KINER'SKORNER 11:00(33 MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT 0 M.A.S.H. 3D (33 a® (2) <2> news 0 AFTER BENNY 11:30® ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 0 KOJAK CD THE TONIGHT SHOW ‘Best Of Carson’ Guests: George Burns, Marvin Hamlisch, Bess Armstrong. (Repeat; 90 mins.) GD ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE OMOVIE-(HORROR)**I4 "EyeoftheDevll" 1967 David Niven, Deborah Kerr. The Marquis De Bellac abruptly leaves his wife to conduct strange happenings at ancestral castle in FranceJ2 hrs.) (E)ffl)(2) CBSLATE MOVIE 'CANNON; Murder By Proxy' Anne Francis guest stars as a Holly wood publicist charged with the murder of her former boyfriend and client. (Repeat) 'BAR NABY JONES: Copy Cat Killing' Stars: Buddy Ebsen, Trish Stewart. 11:60® SOAP 12:30 0 HOGAN’S HEROES 1:00 0 ADAM 12 ® TOMORROW 1:30 0 RAT Patrol 0 LIFE OF RILEY o(2s NEWS 1:50 (3®® NEWS 2:00 0 GONG SHOW 0 JOE FRANKLIN SHOW O MOVIE -(BIOGRAPHICAL-DRAMA) •• "ConfesslonsofTom Harris" 1972 DonMur-, ray, Linda Evans. The true story of Tom Harris^