B—The Daily Collegian Thursday, May 10, 1979 Saccharin tentatively blamed Donald Kennedy Raised money for Shapp's presidential bid Businessman convicted of HARRISBURG (AP) Montgomery County businessman Perch Hankin was found guilty yesterday on four counts of illegally raising money for the Shapp for President Committee. Hankin, 61, is the fourth person to be convicted or plead guilty on charges of funneling money through bogus contributors to help former,Gov. Milton Shapp's aborted presidential bid in 1976. After the jury took just over an hour to reach its guilty verdict, U.S. District Court Judge R. Dixon Herman fined Hankin $5,000. The crimes carried a maximum sentence of four years in jail and $lOO,OOO in fines. During the three-day trial, Nankin a banker, ,lawyer and real estate developer took the witness stand to deny that he knowingly violated the law to help Shapp qualify for federal matching funds. • Miami voters defeat smoking► ban proposal MIAMI (UPI) —A recount of machine votes and absentee ballots late yesterday upheld the pro-smokers' narrow victory in a referendum to ban or curtail smoking in most public places The final totals were 96,512 votes against the anti-smoking proposal and 95,692 for it a difference of only 822 votes. The outcome had hinged on about 3,200 absentees because the machine ballot count was within 1,200 votes. But the trend set Tuesday night held when the paper ballots were added up yesterday afternoon. The recount was triggered automatically by the closeness of the vote. El!r3 & BRUCE APARTMENT RENTALS We offer the largest selection of Apartment Rentals in the area. To find the apartment that suits your specific needs step in at any one of our three State College Rental Offices. An Offices open Saturday 8:30-5:00. Summer Rates Available. OFFICE 132 Sowers Street, State College 814-238-3801 • Armenara Apartments • Ambassador Apartments • Dorchester House , • Dexter - Club • Barcroft House OFFICE 478 East Beaver Avenue, State College 814-237-4619 • Park Hull Apartments • Lexington House Numerous other apts., houses and trailers are also managed from this office WASHINGTON (UPI) A Major study of actual human exposure to saccharin is tentatively reporting a doubled bladder cancer risk among men consuming the artificial sweetener, the Food and Drug Administration disclosed yesterday. The study, conducted by the New York-based American Health Foun dation, previously had been cited by saccharin backers as proving the safety of the chemical used by an estimated 40 million Americans most of it in diet soft drinks. But FDA Commissioner Donald Kennedy told a Senate hearing the study reached a different preliminary con clusion in November 1977, just as Congress was passing a law telling FDA not to ban saccharin for 18 months. He said the conclusion never was made UPI wlrephoto The anti-smoking issue was forced onto a special election ballot, costing taxpayers an estimated $400,000, by a petition driVe that collected more than 10,000 signatures. It would have required partitions for smoking and non-smoking sections of almost all enclosed public places, including business offices. Pro-smoking forces, backed by• the tobacco industry, spent nearly $1 million to convince voters the ordinance was a restriction of free choice, and spokesman John Spire said he was disappointed at the poor voter turnout 27 percent. "The people made the decision," he said. "You can't buy a person's vote. I think we turned off a lot of people OFFICE 1840 North Atherton Street, State College 814-234-6860 • Chateau Clair • Fairview Apts. • University Courts • Nittany View • Wand Court • Coyne Galen • Prospect Ave. Apts • Beaver/High Apts. • Sundown Apts. • Foster Arms • W. Beaver Ave. Townhouses • Atherton House • Circleville Rd. Apts But prosecutors charged that Nankin gave cash to four other suburban Philadelphia residents so they would say they each gave Shapp a $250 contribution. • "What's at stake here is not just the guilt or innocence of Perch Hankin, but the integrity of the federal election funding system." assistant U.S. Attorney Eric Holder told the jury before deliberations began. "These were blatant attempts to get around the law . . . the process by which we pick presidents," he said. Federal laws say a presidential candidate must get $lOO,OOO in $250 contributions, spread over 20 states, to qualify for matching funds. Widespread irregularities in Shapp's fundraising program forced him to repay the full $299,066 he got in matching funds. Shapp, who dropped out of the race after he finished behind "no preference" in the Florida HEIM 'HECKENDORN REALTORS public. ' A spokeswoman for the foundation said the study still has not been published, and the finding on bladder cancer, very preliminary at this point, is still being analyzed because the foun dation wants "to be sure the data can support this contention." Since 1971, the group has been in volved in an eight-city study 'sponsored by the National Cancer Institute to determine whether people who smoke cigarettes with reduced tar and nicotine run a lower risk of cancer. • Since bladder cancer has been linked to cigarette smoking, the group ex panded its study to look at saccharin exposure. Wayne Pines, FDA's chief press spokesman, told - reporters the preliminary conclusion is that "men who illegal fundraising because we spent so much money. But the voter turnout would have been a lot worse if we had spent less money." A spokesman for the clean air force Group Against Smokers Pollution said GASP would return with another or dinance. "We will come back to the county commission with a revised clean air ordinance and we expect the county commission to do something about it," said Charles Freefield. But he said he was pleased with the close vote. "We're absolutely amazed at the people of Dade County we thank them for their discernment and intelligence consume saccharin have twice the risk of bladder cancer as men who do not." Kennedy said he did not know why the cancer institute, which was informed of the finding in November 1977, did not make it public. He said the foundation study was one of three major ones on human exposure, to saccharin. The other two were split on the bladder cancer issue. While the foundation results would appear to "alter the balance," Kennedy said, he would not go so far as to say two major . studies now support the cancer finding. "We ought to stay away from it where possible," • Kennedy said of the sweetener. He said he would advise parents not to let their children have diet drinks unless there are other health considerations, such as diabetes or obesity. primary, has never been charged with wrongdoing. Hankin admitted he reimbursed two of the four contributors, but defense attorney Ted Flowers argued that reimbursement did not technically violate a provision that says one person cannot contribute in the 'name of another. Some political contributions in the Shapp campaign were as small as 25 cents and Some came from children, Flowers said in his final arguments. "Just suppose that was a child. . . . Suppose a parent wanted to reimburse that child so the child could make a contribution .i . . then that parent is just as guilty as Mr. Hankin is supposed to be," Flowers said. He also attacked the government for presenting flims evidence. . against all the propaganda," Freefield sahi A 38 percent turnout had been predicted for the ordinance, but driz zling weather kept voters indoors, election officials said. Forty-four per cent of Dade's 702,008 voters cast ballots in 1977's gay rights ,ordinance that Anita Bryant successfully squashed. A similar smoking ordinance was passed in Minnesota in 1975 and one was defeated by a 54-46 percent margin in California last year. County Supervisor of Elections Joyce Dieffenderfer said she had expected the recount, which began shortly after the absentee ballots were tallied, would not make a difference. 20%0FF 3 days only May 10-12 . entire stock rzg. pric2c SHORT SETS •Cotton Terry tanks or johnn matching shorts •Solid colors; many with co •All completely machine wa •Sizes S-M-L 3 days only May 10-12 NMI , 314 ' 1 , • <, %;<, ck reg. priced. EX\S •New sixteen inch leg openings •All jeans are designer or famous label •100% dark blue denim •Sizes 5-13 O%OF entire shock reg. oricec 2 oc SWI V SUITS •Stripes - solids - prints •New cross over tops with matching bottoms •All completely lined •Sizes 5-13 ~. 1; 3 days only May 10-12 NITTANY MALL