`Concert White Band to perform • A Concert in the Park will be presented by the Concert White Band at ' ' rtonight in Fischer Plaza, near Kern 1 9r,aduate Building. • . 0 The Accounting Club will sponsor talks by accounting majors who had N o'aCcounting internships Winter Term at 7:30 tonight in S-209 Human Develop ! !) blent. fp ' li "A Question of Balance," the last of "The Long Search" film series, will be shown at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. today in the lnformallounge of Eisenhower Chapel. The series is sponsored by the Depart- : ment of Religious Studies. ,17 • Elissa Levine will speak at a, seminar on "Factors of Soil Formation", sponsored by Sigma Delta Epsilon at noon today in 101 A Kern. • Bread for the World will sponsors "What Do You Say to the Grim, Reaper?" at 7:30 tonight in 319 HUB., 'c Eric Jones will speak at the forum. • The second game of the Penn State{ uctory Flights Daily • Rt. 322. W.. 9 rni. frprn downtown'S.C. ' . between Sky Top & Rt. 220 , 692-8321 S ~ i .'i, r' A~ 1.,''1 ~.1. Join the Payroll Savings Plan 10 1 1142 CURTAIN TIME 8 PM SATURDAY 2 AND 8 Cornell baseball doubleheader will be broadcast by WDFM at 3:30 today. • Pennsylvania Legal Society will hold its final meeting for the term at 7 tonight in 173 Willard. • Penn State Outing Club Bike Committee will meet and discuss the weekend trip to Ohio at 7:30 tonight in 109 Boucke. All interested people are required to attend. Collegian notes • Free U course description forms for Summer Term should be in by May 14. • Gentle Thursday lost and found articles may be ,turned in and claimed in 223 HUB. • The Micro Computer Club will meet at 8 tonight in 69 Willard. 111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 EARN EXTRA MONEY.... Il 1 -WORKING YOUR OWN HOURS! Represent 111 11 THE PEOPLE BOOK LI • in University Park A coupon book from the I merchants to the students of PENN STATE UNIVERSITY We are now taking applications for II representatives to call on and sell 111 merchants advertisements The amount 0 you can earn Is the amount you are willing to work. You can arrange N your business contacts to fit your I schedule. We will help you develop the • contacts Drop us a note today Jetting us know of your Interest. The next book Is not far off. • Groups or organizations welcome. 2 The People Boot( 3761 W. 95th St. Overland Park, KS 66206 111 (913) 648-3133 WEDNESDAY EVENING WEATHER-WORLD I U.3VE LUCY lIUINID (ID NEWS 1 JOKER'S WILD . 1 ODD COUPLE 1 STUDIO SEE 1 SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN I NBC NEWS 1 ABC NEWS I?_W_LING FOR DOLLARS WV CBS NEWS SANFORD AND SON MAgNEIL-LEHRER REPORT CID CB DAILY NUMBER DATING GAME BIONIC WOMAN ODD COUPLE MAKE ME LAUGH PRICE IS RIGHT NEWLYWED GAME CROSS WITS 7:30 CD CONSUMER SURVIVAL KIT 'Privacy; Home-Buying; Hotels-Motels.' I CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH NENEWLYWED GAME WS JOKER'S WILD CHEAP SHOW 7:58 NEWS aDCAMPUSVISIONSFIImiproduced by Penn State students. - CROSS WITS REAL PEOPLE Highlights Include: a visit to New York City's criminal courts with syndicated columnist Jimmy Breslin, a humorous look at airline attendants and their job-related hassles and a 88 year old basketball wizard. (80 mins.) (I) EIGHT IS ENOUGH Despite the family's concern and his father's objections, David Bradford teams up with an outspoken female traveling companion who is his fiancee's best friend, in an adventuresome cross-country LPfor new beginnings. (2 hrs.) LP MOVIE -(DRAMA) ***Vs "Face In The Crowd" 1957 Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal. A country bumkin is transformed into a ruthless country_western T.V. star (2 hre.) • The Penn State chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws will elect officers at its meeting at 7 tonight in 321 Boucke. • The Society of Physics Students will elect officers at its meeting at 7:30 tonight in 339 Davey. ' • The Penn State Veterans Organization will meet at 8 tonight in 227 E. Nittany Ave. • Froth will hold a meeting at 7:30 tonight in 314 Boucke. • An agricultural engineering spring picnic will be sponsored by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers at 5:15 p.m. today at the picnic grounds near the soccer field. • Overcomers Christian Fellowship will meet at 9 tonight outside 202 HUB. • A.P . .E.S:, the anthropology club, will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Anthropology Museum. itl • !4-: '•-,:"I'' 17:/0 <( 7 -4h _ 47 0,6 _' - :::.:46_ - '•0 it**-•-•70t•V°01/4'''''.•':rAl (ED GO ea SPECIAL MOVIE PRESENTATION 11:30 g ABC CAPTIONED NEWS 'The Wild Wild West Revisited' 1979 Stars: GONG SHOW Robert Conrad, Ross Martin. Intelligence Oi)THETONIGHTSHOWHost:JohnnyCarson. agents James West and Artemus Gordon are Guests: Chevy Chase, Marie Earle. (90 mins.) brought out of retirement by the Director of the (I) POLICE WOMAN--MANNIX Police U.S.Secret Service, who haareceivedguarded Woman--7rialßyPrejudice'Theaccusationsof Information that clone•like impostors may have a female prisoner nearly costs Pepper herjob. been substituted for the crowned heads of Bri- (R) Mannix--Tomes Up Rose' Sheree North fain, Spain and Russia. (2 hrs.) guest stars as a woman on the run from her 0 MOVIE -(MYSTERY-COMEDY)••• "To husband. (R; 2 hrs., 15 mins.) Catch a Thief" 1955 Grace Kelly, Cary Grant. (lIKEX22 CBSLATE MOVIE 'THE ROCKFORD On the French Riviera, an ex-jewel thief falls in FILES: Crack Back' Rockford's friend, lawyer love with awealthy American glrlandlinds he is Beth Davenport, hires himto find a man who can suspected of continuing his old thievery. (2 provide an alibi for her client. (R)'HAWAII FlVE hrs.) 0: The Young Assassins' Stars: Jack Lord, 8:30 oMERVGRlFFlNGuests:DickVanDyke,Burt James ODD MacArthur. (R) COUPLE Bacharach, Lesley Anne Down, Tony Bill, Day- 12:00 SOUND OF PROGRESS Mi Ka Ne. I LOVE LUCY 9:00 (1) DANCE IN AMERICA 'Paul Taylor Dance HONEYMOONERS Company'PaulTaylor's fameddance company 12:30 MOVIE -(ROMANCE) •• "Love Letters" performs two of his recent compositions: 1945 Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten. A female 'Esplanade,' set to the music of Bach; and the amnesiac is cured by a man's love. (2 hrs., 11 Mlmeval-sounding 'Runes.' (80 mine.) mins.) WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES (®TWILIGHT ZONE 'Hanging By A Thread' 1979 Stars: Patty Duke 1:00 t ! TOMORROW Host: Tom Snyder. Guest: ABM, Sam Groom. As high winds toss the Frank Vogl, economics correspondent for the stalled cable car to and fro above a deep moun- London Times. (60 mins.) fain gorge, the passengers recall, in flash- 0 MOVIE -(HORROR-DRAMA) •• "Assign backs,theearlydaysof theirfriendshlps. (Con- mentTerror" 1970 Michaelßennie,KarinDor. clusion; 2 hrs.) A scientist receives a message from another 9:58 at NEWSBREAK ,galaxy informing him that two reincarnated 10:00® ONCE ADAUGHTERThisProgram looks at scientists will become his assistants and women and their daughters in an exploration of togethertheyaretodestroymankindby utilizing t mother-daughter relationship. (60 mins.) ie ID NEWS their greatest weakness: emotions. (100 mins.) VEGASA beautiful princese flees her strife- NEWS torn homeland in the Middle East for a secret 1:30 NEW YORK, NEW YORK holiday In Las Vegas where Dan TannaNEWS becomes her protector. (80 mins.) I:sop i NEWS 2:00 NEWS 01:0 CB MD THE JOHNNY CASH SPRING SPEClALJohnnyCashwelcomeaspringwithan MOVIE -(ADVENTURE-WESTERN) • 1 / 2 hour-long entertainment special, featuring "Bushwackers" 1951 John Ireland, Wayne guest stars Waylon Jennings, Martin Mull, Morris. Veteran of the Confederate Army is George Jones and June Carter Cash. (80 provoked into wearing his gun again byraiders. mine.) op mins.) 2:10 UV)THOUGHT FOR THE DAY 10:30 0 BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers vs New 2:40 8 NEWS York Mete BLACK CONVERSATIONS "SeventhVell" 1945JamesMason,AnnTodd. 11:00 MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT A harried woman runs away from her family to : CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS Guest: 2:41 MOVIE -(ROMANCE-DRAMA) ••• 1 / 2 becomes pianist, and shares her life with many Sammy Davis Jr. men. (2 hrs., 19 mins.) 21(1)0102IM NEWS 2:55 11 PRAYER O SANFORD AND SON 3:30 BIOGRAPHY NEW MORNI Lasagne Supreme INGREDIENTS 4 cups tomato sauce (or more if vegetables used) 8 oz. (1 pkg.) whole wheat lasagna noodles 1 lb. ricotta or cottage cheese or tofu 1 cup grated Parmesan or or Romano cheeie 8 oz. mozzarella 1/2 cup walnuts , 234-8333 1111111101111111111111111=111•111111.01111111 INN 1111111111111111111= MN= 0•111110111=11111111111211111=11111111MMI I The Perfect Climax ::11.1;:n . '-i.,1:i.; . 11_:',.l . -P .'. AI ADULTS ONLY 10 SPARKS $1.25 A JEM Production for the USG The Daily Collegian Wednesday, May 9,1979 ' •ND SAV , Prepare tomato sauce per directions over. Prepare noodles per directions on package. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put a thin layer of sauce on the .n build lasagne ia, mozzarella, ing with a layer and Parmesan. cool a bit for to Spring Term DIRECTIONS (bean curd) available at New Morning IF YOU LIKE HEAD, YOU'll. LONE THROAT IN COLOR Fri/Sat/Sun 7:30/9/10:30
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