The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 12, 1979, Image 8

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    —The Daily Collegian Monday, Feb. 12,1979
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Shar Nawaz Bhutto (second from the left) and his brother London, protesting the decision to execute their father.
Mir Murtaza on the right, the sons of .the former Pakistani The execution is expected to take place this week.
Prime Minister Ali Bhutto, march through the streets of
Carter woos Mexicb oil interests
Carter said yesterday the United States
wants to be “a good customer” for the oil
and gas that Mexico has, but the price
must be fair.
Carter made the remarks in an in
terview with a correspondent for
Mexico’s state-run television.
He is scheduled to depart Wednesday
on a three-day trip to Mexico for
discussions on oil, the migration of
Mexicans into the United States, trade
and overall Mexican-American
Carter said he thinks that since
Mexican President Jose Lopez Portillo
took office in December 1976 relations
between the two nations “have improved
considerably.” He blamed strains that
have existed for decades on the “lack of
adequate consultation.”
Reports from Mexico indicate Lopez
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Portillo and other Mexiscan officials are
unhappy with Carter, and particularly
resent the administration’s decision to
forego a natural gas deal with Mexico in
December 1977 on grounds that Mexico
was asking too high a price.
But Carter gave no indication during
the interview of any problems.
“We want to be a good customer for
the portion of oil and gas that Mexico
decides to sell us as a neighbor,” Carter
said. “But the price must be fair and the
control of production and distribution
must be kept in the hands of the Mexican
people. So we want to be good customers
and we feel that your people and the
people of my country will benefit from
these new energy discoveries."
As for the migration of an estimated
800,000 Mexicans across the American
border annually, Carter said that before
he decides whether to propose new laws
on campus
'f *
to curb the flow, he wants to consult
closely with Lopez Portillo and other
Mexican officials “so that when we do
change our law, it will be one that will be
fair and workable and protect the in
terests and the basic human rights of
even those who have come to our country
in the past in violation of our im
migration law.”
To the Brothers and Pledges of
We had a fantastic time working on the Dance
Marathon with you. Thanks for another great
year. 1
Leaders appeal for Bhutto's life i
Foreign heads of state sent fresh appeals
to the government yesterday in last
ditch attempts to stop the hanging of
former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali
Bhutto this week.
Chinese Communist Party Chairman
Hua Kuo-feng made his second appeal in
three days to military President Gen.
Mohammad Zia Ul-Haq for clemency on
behalf of Bhutto, sentenced to hang for
conspiring to murder a political enemy.
Special envoys from the presidents of
Iraq and Syria flew into the Pakistani
capital yesterday with similar pleas.
The target of the assassination at
tempt, Ahmad Raza Kasuri, called the
pro-Bhutto appeals “an interference in
the interal affairs of Pakistan” and
asked foreign leaders to stop pleading
for Bhutto’s life.
Kasuri escaped unhurt in the Sep
tember 1974 incident, but his father died
Mystery disease claims Italian infants
NAPLES, Italy (UPI) The
mysterious disease striking down
Naples area infants claimed two more
victims yesterday with the death of two
baby boys who had been suffering from
the same high fevers and respiratory
UPI wlrephoto
The latest deaths brought the disease’s
toll to 64 and came one day before a team
of international virus and infectious
disease experts was due to arrive in
Italy to confer with health authorities
about methods to treat the disease.
Doctors at Santobono Pediatric
Hospital in Naples said six-month old
Giorgio Polito died shortly before dawn
after being admitted to the -facility- in’
critical condition on Saturday, r
Eight-month Old Alessandro Pezzullo
died several hours later, doctors
reported. He came down with the
disease Wednesday and had been ad
mitted to the hospital in a coma
The deaths left only an 11-month-old
Love, The Tri-Delts
- ;‘ ~- „ ;-v,r*R>‘ '■■';>
when his car was riddled with machine
gun and rifle bullets..
Kasuri gave reporters copies of a
letter his mother wrote to President
Carter, who has appealed for Bhutto’s
life, saying, “You did not send a word of
cheer to the family of the deceased but
have come out in support of a tyrant.,”
Bhutto’s chief defense counsel, Yayah
Bakhtiar, said he will ask the Supreme
Court tomorrow to review its 4-3 decision
last week upholding a lower court’s
death sentence.
Bhutto had forbidden his defense and
friends to plead for mercy.
The 51-year-old former prime minister
could be hanged any time after today
unless the supreme court agrees to
reassess its findings or President Zia
heeds the appeals for clemency.
Zia said late last year he would abide
by the. supreme court’s decision and
there has been no indication whether he
girl receiving treatment in the hospital’s
intensive care ward. Doctors said she
had the same symptoms Naples
residents have called the “dark
disease,” but that her condition ap
peared to be improving.
Many researchers believe the disease
is a syncital virus, whose effects are
most dangerous in the winter time and
ECO-ACTION invites you toatterid
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has changed his mind. <•:
Hua’s second appeal for Bhutto’s life;,
was made in Peking yesterday during; g-.,,
meeting with a visiting military,,
delegation from Pakistan, according tp;.-.
the official New China News Agency.
Hua sent an earlier appeal to Zia last |>
Friday. >
Police meanwhile continued theiP'
crackdown on Bhutto supporters taking ■
part in pro-clemency demonstrations'!
forbidden by martial law in the slate 8f“
Kashmir, a stronghold of support for
Bhutto, , . &
A statewide general, stride closddt
businesses and government offices
yesterday, and reports from the statp .
capital Muzaffarabad, 86 miles north
Rawalpindi, said 16 persons wercir
arrested in the police crackdown. ■ y ;i
Public demonstrations were reported!-,
in half a dozen Kashimiri towns
' 110’ 1
they believe the frequency of childrqji *
coining down with the disease, hgs;,
stabilized, they noted that more than g,
half of the infant deaths claimed by thej*
virus over the past year have
during the last month. V
Physicians also say hospital
show that about 50 percent of the
babies under one year of age have beetlf^
Dept, of Nuclear Engineering
Chief, Div. of
Environmental Radiation.
Pa. Bureau of
Radiation Protection
“Emergency Planning”
Action/Research on the
Military Industrial Complex
American Friends
Service Committee
“Nuclear Po wer and
South Africa”