atirist Buchwald talks about art of being funny P i; [J^DENISELAFFAN Daily Collegian Staff Writer [' it’s sort of funny how Art Buchwald, is probably America’s best known satirist, claims he is a very serious man. ; “You have to be serious to be funny,” Buchwald said at a press conference following his speech "at Rec Hall last night.. t This statement would probably strike [most of last night’s audience as strange. [From the moment that Buchwald [walked on stage with his arms extended ii£the famous Nixonian victory gesture, jhj*« kept the audience laughing as he fieflfertaihed them with a plethora of pQecdotes. HSuchwald, however,' ; s very modest jgaSjMt his ability to make people laiugh. py’ljswear I can’t make up anything,” he jlfeud. ‘‘What is on the front page is far jpWßder than anything I could make up.” p (JBut Buchwald said he finds it pfigiturbirig “when I make something up jfe'gji it comes true.” ‘g-Cjo illustrate his point, Buchwald Jjirientioned a column he wrote about a fighter plane that flew so slow it could is#iot be shot down. “Two days later, the j&Pentagon called and said I violated Isecurity,” Buchwald joked. iri'Many of Buchwald’s other stories also with either politics or the 'T Washington scene. Buchwald poked fun 91 Carter, but qualified his BcJkes by saying, “I have great respect lor Jimmy Carter. I worship the very quicksand he walks on.” While Buchwald did make fun of both ~the president and his family, in his plolumn Buchwald later said he would |not pick on people “who can’t defend jC themselves.” He added that he saw no 1 Fourth Annual Secret Valentine Sale r Sponsored by AO and AX ■' Where: HUB table downstairs; FUB, PUB, Redifer and Waring Dining Hall. Will sell Monday, Feb. 5 thru Monday, Feb. 12 , Will deliver Tuesday, Feb. 13 and Wednesday, i Feb. 14 Options: Message with lollipop - $.50 Singing Message with lollipop - $l.OO All proceeds go to the HEART FUND FROM YOUR HEART TO THEIR HEART UNIVERSITY CALENDAR SPECIAL EVENTS Friday-Sunday, Feb. 9-11 Friday, Feb. 9 Jazz Festival ’79. Workshop with Matrix, 2 p.m., HUB Ballroom; Matrix Concert, 8 p.m., Eisenhower Auditorium. Hetzel Union Board Folk workshop, 3 p.m., HUB Main Lounge, France-Cinema, Kings of the Road, 7 p.m. only, Room 112 Kern. Model RR Club, work meeting, 7 p.m., HUB Club Room. SjFO film, The Last Detail, 7,9 and 11 p.m., Room 102 Forum, if Wargamers meeting, 7 p.m.-midnight Sunday, Room 101 EE East. „ Commonsplace Coffeehouse, 8 p.m., Room 102 Kern. .! University Theatre, H.M.S. Pinafore, 8 p.m., The Playhouse. t ' penn State Brass Chorale, 8:30 p.m..Music Bldg. Recital Hall. Saturday, Feb. 10 .Sports: women’s fencing, vs. Jersey City State, 10 a.m.; men’s and women’s bowling, vs. Drexel, 1 p.m. men’s fencing, vs. Navy, 1 p.m.; women’s swimming and diving, vs. Slippery Rock, 1:30 p.m.; women’s basketball, vs. Cheyney, 2 p.m.; men’s basketball, vs. Navy, 2:10 p.m.; men’s volleyball, vs.Rutgers-Newark,7p.m.; wrestling, vs. Lehigh,7:3op.m. jhzz Festival ’79. Jazz dance workshop, 1 p.m., White Bldg; workshop with Bill Lewis, 2 p.m., HUB Ballroom; Bill Lewis Concert, 8 p.m., HUBJBallroom. '-Friends of India film, Koshish, 6:30 p.m., Room 101 Chambers. France-Cinema, Dear Inspector, 7 and 9 p.m., Room 112 Kern. Graphic Design students, Film Follies, 8 p.m., Walnut Bldg, i'!University Theatre, H.M.S. Pinafore, 8 p.m., The Playhouse. Sunday, Feb. 11 " Alliance Christian Fellowship Worship Seryice, 10:45 a:m„ HUB Assembly 1,., ; Hall. b'niverstiy Chapel Service, 11 a.m., Eisenhower Chapel i; „. Lutheran Student Parish, speaker. Sports: men’s bowling, vs. Penn State-Capitol, 1 p.m. i ,I/iterlandia Folk Dance performance, 2 p.m., Room 132 white. Commonsplace Theatre, Fantastic Animation Festival, 2, 7 and 9 p.m., Room tiir| 112 Kern. Artists Series, Mummenschanz, 8:30 p.m., Eisenhower Aud need to apologize for what he wrote since he only “picked on the people in power.” As far as humor goes, Buchwald said Nixon was his favorite president. ‘Watergate was like Camelot to me,” Buchwald said. Buchwald did not dwell only on politics, however. Buchwald said he found today’s society to be made up of many uptight people. “And for every uptight person, there’s an uptight organization to back them up,” Buch wald said. One of the most uptight organizations, in Buchwald’s opinion, is the National Rifle Association. “I’m for gun control and with me it’s a very personal issue,” Buchwald explained. “My neighbor has a gun and he can’t even water the lawn straight.” While all of Buchwald’s stories were received with much laughter, response to one of his more serious points con cerning student apathy was also quite favorable. “There was a period where students were saying something that needed to be said.” Buchwald added, “I wish students would get a little more involved because not one of the problems has really been solved.” Buchwald offered his own solutions to problems plaguing society today. For instance, instead of finding a substitute for saccharin, Buchwald suggested the companies look for stronger rats, and not ones that "keep getting sick whenever we give them too much to eat.” When J. Edgar Hoover was director of the FBI, Buchwald wrote an article claiming Hoover did not exist but had been created by Reader’s Digest. John Wenzke, Everyone’s man in Washington, c olumnist Art Buchwald, entertained a Rec Hall audience with his rapid-fire but soft-spoken wit last night PENN TRAFFIC . Q DISCOUNT ON EVERYTHNG! TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT VALENTINE'S DAY IS FEBRUARY 14TH i 0 /fej'J -K £ vyO /> , V 'A*-* • / V r ,V OUR VALENTINE GIFT TO YOU, AS WE ENTER OUR 125TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR, IS A 10% DISCOUNT ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! COME IN . . . MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS! AND, ON EACH AND EVERY PURCHASE (LARGE OR SMALL) WE'LL DEDUCT 10%. YES, THIS YEAR WE WILL BE 125 YEARS OLD . . . A FAMILY STORE, THINKING YOUNG AND LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT FUTURE. CUSTOMER BONUS DAYS . . . OUR WAY OF SAYING "THANKS" TO ALL OF YOU! WE CARE ABOUT OUR CUSTOMERS. PENN TRAFFIC HAS FOR 125 YEARS! SHOP PENN TRAFFIC NITTANY MALL 9:30 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH It'^ p y, `•~-~, Y'•?•x (fit '. d~ ..mot: 'VV-'-’Y 1 1 1 *s'' / ''*i ‘ u ~ r \ r /ft' l ;|l M, MB ' w*; MWMi - ' '4f k;.’--} -■ .ffii ARE *f i 'A /&Tv ~!;,, 1 .,:, ' . r , *V*V,*. \ l v’’''> /sfß+tUT*~s 'iV-rr^ — The Daily Collegian Friday, Feb. 9,1979 — C3l