" ' '` ' " '-, r ..vt'l ~. , •.. i • ~,..4 • „ ..A . • - • • .:.. . Flayin ,'the lues:::: : '- , ::,.......,-., ,.. _, .. , . ,._ ... " Greg Ailman;'right, of foimer,AllnMn BrOehers.itand; m a de his Seiond , and• 4..nt,,the ScorPion bar: F o r a review of the.bind's hot performance in front of a . . . ,• ~, ' third 'appearanbes,in the area Monday liight'as he played With . the Slighthawhs , :2l. , packed hOuse,,sce page 3. --. ~ .., ==. = ~ '— . --- • - - , y,: , -' , .., , :,. :.•... ~- - , - ,', ' ,I , ~ , „ ~ - = k ' . ' - „ • , , .• '. , ne , ' _ 5 .i: I . 1 1 KIM funds , By MARY gLLEN WRIGHT , said he was impressed by' 'Daily.Collegiqn Staff , '• - - the , -sincerity ,of they organinitiOns A bill' which. for' the . second. time ' requesting the money and by the fact requested money to send:University, that the, groups had gone out to raise -. students te'Afrikan Liberation Day in , Money•on their own. , • - Washingten, ' , D.C.; was ,vOted down 'The 'argtinopnt against "funding thk. ,Monday -, night at the - first , official trip ' .:,becahse ,of, certain meeting of the - 1,978-70,Uniteigraditate participants ;Litieration, Student Govern ment; Senate.. - . •; : Day ,'sitclf, as, r .the' ' Palestinian. /The`: Clef ea fed-, ! • OtianizittiOn• and': " " " t be d iscussed the,;,Jazz 44' appropriated $468 for the : State ,a , semi: 6 4044,0 ‘7. - :g*•:z,..0,i'6,1 - t* ,l 4o,o l l4lCAct*tb taiiiing approximately 40 stunents,-,";.t. -t!rapist . ! reghrles,Pf cou p es , 'lsrael an~ir the nited ' Mates :..: was" to`the.Liberation'Day on similar bill - requesting ovirs9oo:for • presentedt , by senators' iie.,tiotti'tthe •-; Black. CauCtis ; to transport • -April Senate me e tin g azidllie - onebeld •, studentith two buseslwas defeated by 'he 197 . 7-78 Senate in April. `. ' • • „ 1;./East Halls Senator Takesha' • •: Dockery; the spoilsoebf the, bill, said the organizations working tqsend the , students to` the' Liberation, Day —a worldwide political, educatiorial rind', cultural, event'' .' of 'fellowship ' ; for ' persons of 'Afkicnn descent= have, raised enough money to send one bus . to the event themselves. During the debate over. the bill, South Halls Senator Jim Pfeifle and., • Town Senator Thomas Feeney said passing the approPriatiori bill could' set a precedent for all other student &ups • wanting money for, educational trips- to come to the - Senate for funding. USG Treasurer, Rod Prior warned,. the Senate during , debate en another' ;apprripriation bill that USG finances are running tight since it is near ,the • end of the term, and that the Senate ` should be cautious about how mu'cli'it spends before the'end of the term. , Pollock-Nittariy :Senator Kevin' ,Spangler, during the Liberation Day Wise ~ recommendsmore definite lam :for s uccess , o f By PATRICK KIGER Daily Collegian Staff Writer -- State Rep. Helen D. Wise (D-Centre) told Students for a Penniylvania Public • • Interest Research Group Monday-night. that they should:develop definite plans for' PennPIRG before they ask the ti University to . fund- the proposed con= „ . • iumer organization. - who is also a University trustee, .said the students Must* be' able to show !fr how a PIRG exactly will, benefit the ,University before they. can expect the' Board of Trustees to approve a funding. system for PennPIRG: ,"Before you (Students for PennPIRG) `- can get the, funding," you've got to con- , ' Vince them that a PlRG—will do '.,something that ARHS, USG or the other student organizations aren't 'already Striking news • Early morning clouds will be followed I by partial clearing later thii morning . and into theafternoon,. as temperatures kise. into the upper, 60s. The season's first thunder-showers late this afternoon will • Herald ' cooler weather tonight ,and • tomorrow, with temperatures ' fallingto .hear' 45 tonight and rising to only 55 Weilnesciay under , variably cloudy skies. SMIM MIMI -I . ' . MEM ain re ects capital trip for Monday night: • " ' • - ntoiere :a • bunch of,, fucking racists,'' past Black Caucus president .Butch ,'RandolPh:said to 'the 'Senate' after the bill Was defeated.' - Black dtucua • president , Charles Kennedy' said he .Or the black , students': 'presentation ; , had been, - rational-and logical. He added he felt. • the reason. the bill was defeated both, times' , was because ,some ' , senators' "harped" on ":the Political questions - involved with the bill. ' , - "I think the USG is afraid, to face. world issues,'.' he said.. , • The: Senate's .r7B-79 ‘officeri•were als6 , ;•elected - it „the :meeting.., Town Senator Molly New serve las • Seiiate president. , • ' •The new • stabding• committee ' chairmen are: Pfeifle, rules; town ,Senator Jim Neely, governinent, • relations:, Hal Shaffer, from t town, appropriations; • Mike, Baker.. .from town, 'Programs • and S ervices;; and . North Halls Senator, Sabdoe,; - programs and services'; ' , , doing," Wise iaid. t'You've . got to show how it Will benefit the students."- • _ Wise said she favors the! concept of organizations, could - continue, to build PennPIRG, statewide. • -student support tiy publicizing the achievements ' ' organization Which , Would; employ of PIRGs in other states. • , professionals to , investigate'consumer "People want to hear what' PIRGs issues. HowevO, Wise said she believes . 1 have actually done eliewnere," Hickton that at pregent most of •: the • • ••other 31, said. • ' ‘,;‘.-, • • ' trustees oppose PennPIRG. W Wise" said Studentsfor PennPIRG ”If we went before the-board With a shouldalSo consider looking to the state PIRG proposal. tomorrow; we might get , • legislature' for possible' support. ' ,eight or nine votes;" she said. ' • At Wise's suggestion, Students for Student._ trustee Dave Hickton, who PerinPlßG decided to postpone efforts to also attended the meeting, said that arrange a - meeting - r' with University instead., of - -concentrating onz, funding • ; President John Vt , T. 'Oswald 'to discussthe . plans, Sttidents for PennPlßG , ' should-''possibility of .'funding PennPlßG ' ,instead work to establish credibility with - through the University's' tuition billing ' the University ' 'Administration, and system. Oswald has declined on several 'students. • ' ,occasions to meet with the students and • Hickton; also a PennPIRG 'supporter, has said „he „he , opposes - 'the proposed said most University' s students, 'are .+ "refusable-refundable" PennPIRG fund primarily, interested in local 'issues and ing plan. • . , • ilmay be,diffictilt to enlist their support ; ; One 'member of Students for Tenn for.- an - organization ',With a statewide _" l ,' PIRG, ' howeVei; • felt - a meeting should • 'foci% such as PennPIRG. •`. still be • arranged with Oswald • fOr . "You've got to convince people here another reason. • that they should look ,at "something= `.'l've.Only seen him once —freshman beyond just whit's going on at Penn convocation and ''that was at -a . State," Hickten said... • ' • , distance,". Toni Little (13th-community Hickton 'said Students for PennPIRG, ' development) said. "Pd be reassured to which has alreadY 'received en- knovv that he is a real walking, talking dorsenients from the Undergraduate person and that he speaks English." „ . . .. .. :: . ' '-'''':' I .* : : 7- ' --; : . ,:•,- -' • - , . , . , , , . ... . - . - , • ,- %, • , -',, ,4—; T • i ... ' . ' .• ''- - I '''t ' .'. ' •.' ' alli •••` .. • A . . . . • .• . - • 1 , ..... . . - .. . . ,:':.!•' 't: ~'' '.. ' • -,„ '.' -. • .0 1 , 0 _ 1 11r 11:11. .., - ,• , . - ~. . , „ , ~, - - - •'..'.7 • ;'' s • '',. • „ • • . . . . ' ' ' ..• •- . ' • ''• '• ' -'° t. '„, - 1 • .--4. -' ••"''' .' ' :. . . .. . . . , . . . . the =ENE ME I "t - . ' , . •By TONY GRECO - •-, ..• , „ , , . ; • •,, • for contractors will remain at $2.50 per day and loadin g. munity, and you rap him $3 orss; you're cracking his `';Daily Collegian Staff Writer ",,-,I•.; • , .: . . ~." permits will be discontinued. - , - knuckles," Addison said, "but when you charge him $5 • '•1 , If -will soon , cost more to plik 'in downtoWn State ,: The new • meter rates will take effect - as soon as the , and $7, you're breaking his arm." ~ • College at borough-owned facilities. ,-. . , ?-, meters are adjusted, Borough Manager Carl B. Fair- The cost of each ticket, including printing and postage -`•• 'The • State' College Borough - -Council .last night: •._ banks said, and the new garage . rates will -take effect, and before it's placed on a car, is 51 cents, Fairbanks . . unanimously overrode a veto b3'? Mayor Arnold Addison :- July 1. .- ~ ~ -' .• ' •'. • , . • said. ' • . , . and increased parking rates andayerniglit finee. ~ ' ' Fairbanks said the meters will, be changed 'by a Addison said he had no objection to the increase of • :''An' estimated $73,000, 'could be, collected annually by "phaie-in" operation; with a few meters at a time sent parking rates and thanked the council for deciding not • the • borough from' the rate increases, according to a'- away for adjustment. He said for a period of time some to increase overtime fine rates. . • , •• report given to the 'State College Parking Task Force in ' meters will be on the new rates, while others will still be Chief of Police - Elwood G. Williams Jr. said between ::• r .; , December by James; , H. Miller -of: the Pennsylvania: • 'on the old rates. ' •c ; - • • • . - 600 and 800 overnight parking fines • are issued every transpOrtation Institute at the Uniiergity. • , •! .• j' Changing 'the' meters will cost : the berough betwen , • month. He said overnight parking is mostly restricted ';; •', :: Under ' .the. a mended ordintince,', tiarkingy at;' all •.' $12 , 000 and sl4,ooo;Fairbanlis said:: - ' , ' .." , :', in residential . zones "where people really have ;-- suf- r • ,_ ~! facilities, including 'the:Pugh 'Street' Parking . Garage; . ',' : , Miller ' s, , :report ; said; assuming . no- decrease ,in - .ficient- room to get off the street, but don't want to' take the time." .:- -..-';'-'-• ' • •• , '; - .4. -,••• •---•: •,.,. -... --,-,, • -'' , 1 r 'i' , -Wilf,l*-25,:eenti - atihanr, ,- which , ,is 5 cents forl2,niinutps* „ ptili*tipri• - 'of , the :Parking' facilities,. the parking rate , r ., , " r al a iiieteiiiWittl_a;niaxiiii*.rate-,054:-**.:4ilhe._4...inCivillie:viill brinikthe borOughan estimated additional' : I* * i 3 Otri,s,saijObi.,Lbarougli, See — ms,; to )ie "'getting ~, , 7,• . garage..: , ., ~:;- ',?.,' -ile''.4'tv-..t.‘,..4-1, ..: 4,.. , 2:'-s-ic,.', , f . ' , 1• , -, , :''.,;;;:. 1 ,--- • 11 : ,:',s7•3444,iiiiitiallii.,, -4 , -. ~..--,-.: '• , „ ' ' -, • - nowhere with 'the $3 fine. The laseinereaSe; from $2 to •I'lie fi fo r overnight parking will be increased ; 4 , The. rationale , for' the• rate increase is to increase , $3, had no effect on the number of fines issued, he said. ' ' ; $:3 , to $5; and from $5 to $7 if the fine is paid4B ho - uis after: ~, ' revenue , arid Ito look _ahead to 'providing - parking five ' - ,•••• it's issued: Overtime parking fines, will remain at $l, • years' from new; Addison Said. The increased overnight . . "The . piktilic' has'!oun - d' . th'it $3 is a very cheap Over night parking rate , . . he said. • ' , -'. andPlif , Paid'after 48 hours. It - was originatly,proposed . fines,will . cover increased costs` of printing new tickets, , to raise overtime fines to $2 and $4, respectively. •,. .. ~< . and postage and will be !inore severe" on offenders; he Councilman Ronald F. Abler said he favors the fine ' .l The rate for a rental space,in•the garage will-be in- said .. - . . ••. • , increase because the• "pocketbook nerve •is pretty . sensitive." . Council' member Mary Ann Haas said the • ' creased - from $l7 to $22, with alO percent discount if the' • . Addison said he vetoed the ordinance mainly because rental fee is paid a year in adyance. - ' . .. , '' ' ' .Of the increase in overnight fi nes. He said the ticket cost increase may remedy the problem of crowded streets. Also under the the new ordinance, all loti • will.; have a is'covered,bY the present rates, and the increased fines "Anything we can do to keep streets open for moving -• inciaximuin th ree-hour parking limit, overnight:parking will be an "overkill," especially to 'visitors. , - traffic is a priority," she said. "Overnight parking is rates forlots•will be discontinued, meter'capping rates "When - you have a violator in any part of your com- one of the biggest pains." - • . • , • .. Kissinger urges` jet sales WASHINGTON - '(AP) ,— Former assume' something was going to hap ' : Secretary of State Henry A: Kissinger pen." :' .- , ,' • - arged on - - Monday • that ' the ad- . DOpite'jndications that a compromise •:, ' ministration- increase salei to Israel in.' was in the \offing; White House press its ',Mideast jet fighter package amid -secretary Jody Powell said at a:briefing ,-_ growing- signs that a compromise was ' that 'President Carter "made it quite ' under discussion.' -' ' ..: -* . clear that the proposals before Congress - k Kissinger' ppeared before the Senate will not bealtered.' ' - Foreign Relations Conimittee, which ••'' But- .he added: - "What is passible decided to delay4until Tuesday a planned , outside those limits remains to be seen," ~ closed session fOr further discussion of- an indication the administration does not 't, , the adMinistration plan to sell fighters to ,preclude commitment for an additional ' Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. ' sale of jet fighters •,,tó Israel separate • - / , -*Asked , about - the significance:- of ~ t he' ' from the sales proposals already before o postponement . of . the private session, Congress.. Senate;' Minority Leader. Howard H. 'At . the State