Editorial opinion Is rape a cri cure? Unfortunately, ti be the case. The reported cases ht recent years, but of arrest and prdsi not kept pace. ception and not tl a rapist is tried a, in the courts. Figures provii State College Pa ment indicate.thaf of reported rapes surpassed the 11 The numbers rel ality that Happy Collegian Forum: RAPE Avoid dark areas, don't , walk alone at night, 0r... By DARLENE A. MAY Crime Prevention Specialist State College Bureau of Police In 1975, there were five reported rapes in State College. To date in 1977, there have been seven. The key word in dealing with the ongoing problem of rape and assault is prevention. Men and women walking our streets, hitchhiking, or driving an' automobile are possible moving targets for rape 'and assault. The following tips if practiced could help you avoid potentially dangerous situations. Don't walk the streets at night alone. If you must, don't daydream. Be alert, walk quickly and try to look confident. If possible, plan your route avoiding alleys, parks, vacant lots, and dark parking areas. Walk near the curb and use the safest, best-lighted routes. If you see someone following you or see a man or group of men approaching you or loitering, cross the street. Don't walk on fearlessly. If the man or men follow you, go to the nearest lighted house as if it was your destination. This action alone may convince the actors to keep walking, and if not, ask the residents to call a cab or friend to pick you up. It is a common myth .that most rapists are impulsive and motivated by un controllable desires. Most rapists have a plan you should have a plan. Hitchhiking DON'T, it's like pldying "rape roulette." You have no way of knowing if the ...you may become By JOHN RIDOUT- Community Relations Officer University Police Services "I felt no pain, but I felt filthy. I stripped down and I stood in the shower as hot and strong as it would run; I soaked and i insed and soaked and rinsed and when I could not stand up anymore, I sat down in the tub and cried. It wasn't the sex that was so bad; the worst part was the split second when I knew I had no control over my destiny. There he was, the lowest form of human being. He treated me as though I was totally worthless. That's what made me feel so dirty. I realized how vulnerable I was." —A rape victim There is nothing sexual about rape. It is a violent act, but rather than a gun or a knife, the major weapon is the penis. Studies indicate rapists use more than necessary force to subdue victims and reach their goals. Sex is the method used to humiliate victims in the process. Rapists have many times attacked Rape prevention Recently there has been a strong student concern focused on assaults and rapes in and about the University. In response to this matter, the University and some concerned students are giving more attention to insuring the safety of students. The Association of Residence Hall Students (ARHS) has formed a security committee to review and make recom mendations concerning the problem of assaults and rapes at Penn State. To create student participation in resolving the current problem, ARHS is sponsoring a poster contest on the theme, "Don't let it happen to you." Hopefully, many of you have seen our advertisement in this paper and are taking the time and effort needed to make this contest a success. The winning poster will be displayed throughout the college community. Another aspect of rape prevention we are concerned with is the lighting on campus. For the past few years this has been a major concern of those who frequent the campus at night. Unfortunately, the energy crisis has made it necessary for the University to review its energy consumption. Accordingly, many lights were "green-stickered" or shut off to save energy. In order to see these lights turned back on where they are needed, ARHS, in conjunction with the Undergraduate Student Government, is currently reviewing the lighting of the entire campus. However, let it be em phasized that this is neither a quick nor easy task. Suggestions of problem areas would be appreciated. (Submit these suggestions to either the ARHS office or to the USG office in care of Ascher Levy.) There have been many requests to once again coordinate an escort service on campus. ARHS is working with the Student Assistance Center and other student organizations and hopes to have the escort service in operation in the near future. Anyone interested in working with the security committee is encouraged to contact the ARHS office to receive information. Christopher C. Carey chairman, ARHS security committee Still the one Oct. 23 at 8 p.m., Phil Keaggy will be appearing at University Auditorium. As lead guitarist for the now defunct N N , crime without RAPE: A ime with no everything it's cracked up t0_..., 4 . 010, reall be. There have been many po- . \-: 4 \ 716..... - em A . 1 ;his seems to • tential solutions kicked ff part I number of around recently. Plans have main las soared in been tried but most of them . the a: the records failed. The Association for , . emb; ;e the have Women Students tried in vain feeling he rule It's t when he ex- to organize "people pools" to let otl . , escort women to their destina- a pr& Ind convicted thins around campus. Other the fi campus organizations have , :.),, still a ded by the tried to rally support to pro- 111\ Put dice Depart- vide other types of escort J • most Lt the number services to stop the alarming _ - futuri has already number of rapes. .976 figures. None of these programs has - ' " medif • flect the re- been successful and there is a I i •' . . and Valley is not reason for that: people don't - ' - ' , • with college coeds, who happen to be the ideal victims. The coed is depicted as being careless and embracing the attitude that "it won't happen to me." Other groups highly sought after by rapists are the waitress and the nurse, both keep irregular hours. There has been a 'general increase in the number of reported rapes and at tempted rapes on the Pennsylvania State University campus. In 1973 there, was only one incident of rape reported. In 1974 there were three incidents of rape reported on campus. In 1975, a total of six rapes or at tempted rapes were reported. State College borough, during this same time period, experienced six, seven and six rapes respectively. By the number of reported rapes and attempts there is no way of knowing what the actual number is that occur. Authorities are of the opinion that for every rape that is. reported, three go motorist picking you up has the same intentions you have in mind. Despite all warnings, men and women will still hitchhike. The following in formation is to help them screen their rides and reduce the chance of rape or assault now that they have placed themselves in a high-risk situation. Don't hitchhike alone. Never accept a ride with more than one man in the vehicle. Don't climb into a van, you don't know who might be in the back. Check the front and back seats of the vehicle for beer and liquor bottles. The driver might be intoxicated. Check the driver over too, make sure that he is all zipped up. Ask the driver his destination before you tell him yours. Keep your hand on the door handle in the event of any wrong turns or unscheduled stops. This will enable you to jump out quickly if you so desire. Keep your window cracked open, if you want to scream your chances of being heard are greater. As a final note, motorists can perform a good public service by jotting down the license number and a description of the vehicle when they spot one stopping to pick up a hitchhiker. In the event that something does develop from what you have observed, you have information that is very valuable to law enforcement officials. Certain precautions should be taken when operating a vehicle. First of all, make sure it is in good operating condition and you have enough gas to get you to your destination. A common occurrence that could turn into a disaster for you is a flat tire. Learn how to fix one. If your vehicle Letters to the Editor group "Glass Harp," Phil played to packed houses throughout the country. "Glass Harp" was a huge financial success and Phil received numerous accolades for his impeccable musicianship. Dubbed "the world's greatest guitarist" by the late Jimi Hendrix, Phil attained the pinnacle of success. However, he chose to forego fame and fortune and cast his lot with the Lord. Funny thing not many wanted to hear him play anymore. Where once there were thousands, now only mere handfuls would show for his concerts. His hymns just didn't possess the pizzazz of such inculcating lyrics as "That's the way I like it" or "I'm your boogie man." And even though he has continued to grow and improve as a musician, people still stay away for fear of a little religion. Yet they flock like geese to see the Pages, Framptons and Rund grens (et all) who can but dream of attaining the adept prowess of Phil Keaggy's virtuosity. Obviously something is amiss: either our education is sadly lacking or the Madison Avenue Boys are controlling our consciousness to the point of denuding us of our objectivity. So do yourself a favor and treat yourself to some of the best guitar riffs this side of Duane Allman. You'll be more than just pleasantly surprised. Crosby I was disappointed to find that The Daily Collegian carried only one small article on the back page about the passing of a world famous entertainer, Bing Crosby. In this day and age when headlines scream of terrorism, corruption and graft, could not equal time have been given to a man who was loved• by millions the world over? Bing Crosby and his family exemplified the American family unit, unlike many entertainers who today marry four or five times and still find no real happiness. His slow, easy-going air, his orange juice commercials, and, of course, his immortal "White Christmas" were a part of most of us, young or old. Yes, he will be missed when, this year at Christmas, his warm, friendly, familiar glow that endeared him to millions does not appear on our living room TV screen. Lorin S. Weigard, II 4th-liberal arts should, break down, get out of it only to lift the hood and tie a handkerchief or cloth on the aerial. Lock your doors and roll up your win dows. If someone should stop, roll your window down just a crack and ask them to call for help. If ybu are driving late at night, don't take the scenic route or a short-cut that takes you off the main highway. Stay on the main roads as much as possible, you'll have lots of company arid light. When parking your vehicle try to do so as close to your destination as possible and in a well-lighted area. Don't forget to lock your car. • When returning, have your car key ready so you won't have to fumble for it. Make it a habit to check the back seat of your car. Someone could be hiding in there. Once in your car, lock all the doors and roll the windows up. Another question many women ask about rape is what should they do if they cannot avoid it? • First of all, in the actual rape encounter you might be fearful, ashamed and confused. It might be helpful to remember that these feelings are normal. Tell yourself that you will see your attacker again in court, and this might help you to remain calm and it gives you something to do. During the assault memorize your attacker's height, build, age, hair style and color, eyes, nose, mouth, and scars if any. After the assault you still may have to cope with strong negative feelings. You might feel distrust and anger towards everyone; feelings of guilt, helplessness, worthlessness are also a rape victim IT W 'S NOT SAFE FOR WOMEN T ALK THE STREETS AT NIGHOT.. unreported. Rape and attempted rape on the Penn State campus have been few in number. Because of this there is little predictive statistical value. The incidents have occurred in the morning as well as the evening, in places such as academic buildings, women's rest rooms, parking lots and open areas. Furthermore, there is no significant data regarding time of day, week, location or time of year. The statistics have been too few to be of predictive value. However, over the years, rapists have established a pattern that indicates Friday and Saturday as the most frequent days for the offense to occur, with the most likely hours being from 8 p.m. until midnight. Mos,t rapes occur during July and August, while the least occur in December and January, sup porting Thermic's law of delinquency which states that there will be more crime during the hot months. • Rape occurs all over the globe, in- volves all races, ages, and people from all backgrounds. There is no immunity. Victims suffering the traumatic ex perience of rape rarely report the in cident. Fear, guilt, shame and desire to protect oneself or loved ones from ex posure to an insensitive society con tribute to the many reasons many rapes go unreported. Unfortunately, rapists are many times repeaters, and a woman not reporting the incident increases the probability that another woman will be victimized. A change in society's• attitude toward rape is occuring and the gap between the myths and the facts surrounding the crime need to be eliminated. If you are raped, please report it. This department attempts to promote an atmosphere in which rape may be controlled, victims properly treated and the offender effectively processed. With youi• help and assistance, there can be no incidents to reduce to statistics. Non-sectarian This letter concerns the upcoming Phil Keaggy concert on Sunday, Oct. 23. Please tell the critic you are sending that Phil Keaggy is a Christian. And as a Christian, he will sing about Christ, the Bible, and his personal Christian life. Phil Keaggy may even read the Bible on certain occasions. So please ask the critic to critique the music and not the man's.beliefs. Male reaction In response to "Praise that we ladies can surely do without" (Oct. 17) : I just wanted to give a male's reaction to Ms. Rozen's suggestions. The next time I see a girl with a face that looks like the, gates of Hades, staggering down the street, picking her nose, and hurling bags of garbage, I'll probably be slightly turned off and won't even give her a complimentary glance. I will admit, however, that it would "make for a good story at the next party during the obligatory discussion of urban survival techniques." Is it any wonder that "everything is getting smaller these days?" P. K. Little graduate-biology Anonymity What can American society use to motivate people, now that "the chance to become somebody" is virtually extinct? Robert Boyer United Ministry at Penn State Eisenhower Chapel Sources bared Responding to the request by Scott Martin and C.J. ,Muskas for my sources in my Heinz column: The Young and Guzzetta common reactions. It might cross your. mind that the last thing you want to do right now is report it to the police. Try to overcome these feelings and report the assault to the police immediately. You might feel dirty and want to bathe, another common reaction. Don't. Unfortunately, you are walking evidence and you have to come as you are. Perhaps many women are fearful of what happens after they report it, so a few words on that. After being raped a woman might not feel like walking to the police station or maybe has no transportation. So, our bureau dispatches a police officer to her location. Immediately after a rape the victim might not want to be interviewed at the police station but would rather be in her own home. This presents no problem for us and if it makes you feel more comfortable, all the better. If the victim wants the assault investigated it is important for her to have a medical examination immediately and the next step would be to transport her to the hospital. After the examination we like to have a police officer assist the victim in making a composite drawing of her attacker as they have proven to be a very valuable tool. Most women are surprised that they can make a composite that closely resembles her attacker. If the victim feels she cannot talk to a male of ficer, a female officer will be provided; in our bureau we have four, two of which are trained in composite drawing. ' Robin Thomas grad-ecology a cure? y know there is a prob- natural reaction on the of many victims is to re t silent. The disclosure of issault could bring them iarassment, . shame or igs of guilt. But they must :her women know there is vblem, or must live with pact that the assailant is , t large. _ _ blic awareness is the effective tool against .e assaults. Women id report to the nearest acallacility for treatment, report the incident, along a description -- of the payoffs and subsequent legionaire diesase cover-up are , revealed in a story by the Associated Press, May 4, 1977, which appeared in The Daily Collegian, May 5, 1977, page 4. t 4,,r, , The $6,000 Gulf Oil illegal contribution is an establisheeik , campaign finance fact; you can find it in October and ,, November 1976 issues of Time Magazine, The New Yorl Times, plus the wire services. 0. ,, , Other sources for my article include various 1976-77 issues o , n the Congressional Record, and the Pittsburgh PresC congressional vote synopsis of August 7, 1977, page E-Z. ao, As for why Sen. Heinz is not behind bars; perhaps it'svi because too many people are willing to challerige established', fact rather than Heinz. u.:l Don Esherick 11th-biology. dathry Collegian Jeffrey Hawkes Editor OPINION BOARD: Jeffrey Hawkes, Marty Smith, Mik4: Mentrek, Dave Skidmore, Karen Egolf, Jerry Lucci. AS; BOARD OF EDITORS: Editorial Editor, Marty Smith; News , Editor, Mike Mentrek; Assistant Editorial Editor, • Karen:* Egolf; Assistant 'News Editor, Dave Skidmore; Wire Editor;:, Judy Mesko; Copy Editors, Jay Bookman, Dave Colborn, Goldberg, Laura Shemick; Layout Editors, Sally Hef fentreyer, • Jerry Micco; Features Editor, Patty Rhule4 Graphics Editor, Mark Van Dine; Arts Editor, Julie Swindellri : , Sports Editor, Pete Dougherty; Assistant Sports Editors V; Jerry Lucti, Joyce Tomana; Photo Editor, Ken Kasper;"" Assistant Photo Editors, Andy Gumberg, Rich Hoffman;ki . Office Manager, Vicki Butler. BEAT COORDINATORS: Consumer-Business, Jay Schoni thaler; Faculty-Administration, Bob Frick; Local Govern- i ment, Paul Corbran; Minorities, John Martellaro; Politics,g; Pete Barnes; Student Government, Mary Ellen Wright. '''" , assailant, to the police.. The police, in turn, should im mediately release times, .i. places, and circumstances of f.' any reported. attacks for' the ' awareness of all citizens., 1 ' Increased lighting may ;" help, but that may only push ~ the crime into dark places. You can't light up the whole town. Escort services could " work, but the record has i shown that they haven't been well used. lIV. Women should pay attention to police reports and take them seriously. Ask any rape victim if she still feels "it can't happen to me." ~ If the victim feels she needs a friend or want's a volunteer from the Rape Crisis Center with tigt• during the investigation, this is also encouragqi, Two important things to remember are that you are not alone and that the greatest disservice you can do to other women is to not take any step toward the arrest of your attacker. Nobody can force you to file charges but at least. give all possible information to police so the rapist can eventually be caught. Rape is one of the most commonly coMmitted!, violent crimes and the least often reported: Embarrassment, degrading treatment from , police and doctors, a courtroom re-enactment of; the ordeal and the threat of a defense lawyer's; inquiries into her previous promiscuity are , reasons women have given to explain their, silence. Hopefully, this is part of the past! because serious efforts have been made to deal: with these problems. Most police and medical agencies have or are • in the process of establishing procedures for the handling of rape victims and training programs . . for their personnel. House Bill 580 has also; changed the courtroom scene for the rape vic tim. It has given rape victims the same rights as! the victim of any other crime, and is certainly: the result of the active campaign against rape which has been taking place nationwide. --. Your best weapons against rape are AWARENESS, PRECAUTION and IN-, VOLVEMENT. MT CcoPER. Mark Harmoli; Collegian Columnist:: Scott Sesleil'; Business Managet;