Toth forbidden Soviets MOSCOW (AP) Soviet security police grilled Los Angeles Times correspondent Robert C. Toth »W more than four hours yesterday after he was Recused of gathering secret information and barred r from leaving the country. Toth said he was told to return for more in terrogation today. In a note to the U.S. Embassy, the Soviet foreign .ministry said the 48-year-old Toth "has been engaged in ... the collection of secret information of a political and military character.” While an investigation continues, “his departure from Moscow ... is not desired,” the note said. * In Washington, the State Department called the Soviet treatment of Toth “unwarranted in terference in the legitimate work of the journalist.” ‘(Based on our knowledge of the facts we see nothing in Toth’s activities that could be considered incompatible with his legitimate journalistic status and activities," department spokesman John l.Trattner said. . TI _ i After the Soviet note was received by the U.S. ] Embassy, Toth was summoned to Moscow’s I Lefortovo prison where,* he said, a KGB major in YSA conducting The Young Socialist Women United will hold a Alliance will sponsor a meeting 7:30 tonight in 321 -.‘ Socialist Forum: A Year of HUB. Rebellion in Southern Africa,” 7:30 tomorrow night Free tickets, in exchange in 69 Willard. for ushering four summer An Isshinryu Karate will be given I 1601911 HOteS I by the Penn State Karate Club “ ! 7:30 p.m. Friday in the HUB I I Ballroom j Orientation for the l Laurelton State School and : ,f Hospital will be held 7 tonight , p in 323 HUB. The Students’lnternational ;]| •abortion | || • birth control | •counseling 1 pS • pregnancy testing | pj • educational services | | «icrest | P B clinic and counse ing service B K a 2709 N Front Street fl |j Harrisburg. Pennsylvania 17110 • (717) 234-4994 i > ’ Li 11» | . 1/ to leave Russia question U.S. reporter terrogated him throughout the afternoon and told him to return at 10 a.m. He was not told the charges against him. Toth had planned to leave Moscow with.his wife and three,children Friday, ending a three-year tour here. He said he was given no indication whether this departure would be delayed. He said the interrogation had to do entirely with an incident last Saturday when he was seized on the street by five KGB security policemen moments after receiving a document from a Soviet scientist about parapsychology, the study of mental telepathy and extrasensory perception. He was also interrogated for three hours Satur day. Toth said he had been introduced to the scientist, Valery G. Petyukhov, six months ago, and that Petyukhov telephoned him Saturday to offer his article. theater shows, are being offered by Nittany Mountain Summer. Call 237-0009 before noon today or tomorrow. The document purported to prove that para psychology is genuine, but Toth said he held it for only a few moments before the KGB men appeared from a car and seized him. He said he was interrogated yesterday by Maj. 0, symposium tomorrow Meditation Society will give a lecture on Transcendental Meditation 8 tonight in 18 Sparks. The Student Advisory Board to University Health Services will meet 7:30 tonight in Ritenour lobby. Intramural entries will be taken for softball, basketball and tennis in the IM Building until noon Thursday. Call 865- 5401 for further information. § FREE U COURSES NOT YET FILLED • NUMBER TITLE OPENINGS COURSE NO_ 1 Helping the Free U 2 Printing Without a Press 3 Improvisational Movement and Music 9 Vegetarian Cooking Groups 17 Making Photographic Illustrations 19 Seminar in Silence 20 Akido 22 Creative Silliness 25 Easyriders 29 Free U Softball 31 Exotic Alcohols 33 The Seabrook Confrontation 36 Coed Volleyball 47 Home Canning Workshop 50 Physical Recycling 53 Precision Trick Rifle Drill 54 Raw Milk and Eggs 55 Hang Gliding Club 56 Jazz Club Record Coop (members) 57 Freeuforgetfinalsfreefilmfestival 58 Tennis Partners 60 Maintenance of English Sports Cars 63 Advanced First Aid 64 Basic Exercise 65 Conversant Program 66 Jazz Dance 67 Eco Action 68 African Play Production 69 Sailing A. Dobrevolsky, chief of the KGB investigating group, and that the only other person present was an interpreter from the Soviet travel agency Intourist. U. S. Embassy Second Secretary Larry C. Napper was barred from accompanying him. Napper said he was told that under Soviet law a witness does not have the right to representation during an in vestigation. . Toth emerged from his interrogation looking tired, his necktie loosened, and spoke briefly with newsmen in front of the yellow brick building before leaving with Napper and with his wife, Paula. The correspondent said Dobrevolsky discussed with him the nature of secret documents. . “I asked how parapsychology could be considered a secret,” Toth said. ‘‘The impression I got was that if you get any information about science that is not officially released, then that is secret. ’ ’ At the end of the session, Toth was asked to sign a protocol of his interrogation but refused. He said he then signed a document to the effect that ‘‘this protocol has been translated to me and I have no objection to it in its major portions. ” Arrangements will be made for the Fifth National Young Socialists conference, to be held this weekend in Philadelphia, at a meeting 7:30 tonight in 67 Willard, sponsored by the Penn State Young Socialists. The Penn State Veterans Organization will hold its first summer meeting 8 tonight at the Vets.’ House, 227 E. Nit tany Ave. The Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will meet 7 tonight information for in the informal lounge of associate degree Eisenhower Chapel. Career summer students from the Com monwealth campuses will be available 7-9 p.m. today, Monday and Wednesday in 113 Johnston Hall. The Penn State Jazz Club will hold an organizational meeting 7:30 tomorrow night in 318 HUB. Record co-op details will be discussed. Ballpoint Pen ; PARKER CIS RED 1/ DIG and he’s specially imprinted with the Penn State Nittany Lion! 4-coJ.Qra& 'Refillabte' $2.98 Only at THE 'PENN STATE BOOKSTORE On Campus Ground Floor HUB 4 Intro, to Maryism 7 Academic Barriers 12 Penn State Unicycle Club 14 The Hows and Whys of a Piano 15 Summer Marxist Study 16 Scripts II (Advanced T.A.) 18 Models of Student Participation 23 The Spring Creek Pollution Problem 26 Intro, to the BaHa’l Faith 27 Gay Cpnciousness Raising Groups 30 Movement of Spiritual Awareness 40 Overeaters Anonymous 42 The Listening Community 43 Disco Dancing 44 Association of Libertarian Feminists 45 Our Store, Inc. Workshop 46 How to Throw a Frisbee 48 Faster Reading Workshop 49 Helping the Festival of Life 51 The Abundant Life 52 Helping the Alaska Coalition 53 Percision Trick Rifle Drill 59 Eckankar u.s. u.s. u.s. u.s. u.s. Tear out this ad and put it on your bulletin board and stop by the courses on the right anytime. To participate in the courses on the left please call or drop by our office. II XK'lww Tonight is Blue Grass Night at the Westerly Parkway Hi Way Pizza Featuring at 9:00 - Whetstone Run Location: Westerl MID STATC IHVSTMTS.IKC. The Daily Collegian Wednesday, June 15,1977' Pkwy. Shopping Center Av#L M L®eEMB»,rT£ H.epsv&% Gums, SPort Md Just &™ r *"rrmG ELSE You Calder Square-eleven veryspecialstoresand two fine restaurants to satisfy nearly every need and taste. All under one roof. And someone's always open every evening at Calder Square - just for you. 307Boucke M7:30 116Boucke M6:30 Parking Lot 80 Tu 7:00 224 Chambers Tu7:3o 69 Willard Tu 7:30 144 Patterson Tu 7:00 171 Willard W7:30 265 Willard W 8:00 309 Boucke W 8:00 304 Boucke W 8:30 Call 364-1957 304 Boucke Su 7:00 415 E. Foster Ave. Su 7:00 HUB Ballroom W 7:30 204 Boucke Tu7:3o 171 Willard Tuesday, June 14, 7:00 Pollock Field M7:00 69 Willard Su, June, 7:30 Su, July, 7:30 HUB Assembly Room Tu, June 14, 7:30 233 Chambers Tu 8:00 174 Willard Wed. June 15, July 13, Aug. 3 7:30 Call 234-8790 207 Chambers Tu 7:30 The Free University 223 Hetzel Union Building 863-0038 iMTON RESTAURANT WHERE WHEN 1074