The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 06, 1977, Image 9

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    L ocai
Collegian Staff Writer
'■ Many people believe the
early American settlers
■ripped off the Indians by
buying Manhattan Island for
$24 and bunch of beads. But
today you can have the
■country for only $50.. . . or see
it, at least.
In an effort to inject a much
needed booster shot into off
season business, both
Greyhound and Continental
Trailways are offering their
passengers a special $5O one
way fare that will take a rider
Although"both national bus
companies originally planned
to discontinue this promotion
in March, the special fare has
been extended through the
spring. $5O one-way passes for 1
both bus lines will be sold un
til May 31 and can be used un
til June 15.
“Business has increased
considerably since the $5O
maximum fare went into
effect,” said Gene Teeling,
director of public relations at
Greyhound’s ..national
headquarters in Phoenix.
.“College-age kids and
saccharin risks
A top government health
official argued yesterday that
animal tests are good
predictors of human cancer
and said it is “highly likely”
saccharin can cause tumors
in humans.
Dr. David P. Rail, director
of the National Institute of
Environmental Health
Sciences, recommended that
the widely-used artificial
sweetener be barred from soft
Irinks but said he was not
vorried about its use by
“What I am concerned
ibout is that approximately 75
per cent of the saccharin
•nanufactured goes into soft
Irinks which are freely
available to the population,”
ne said. ~
“That’s what worries me.”
' The Food and Drug Ad
ministration last month
proposed a. ban on saccharin
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bus lines offer special cross country
retired people are frequently
taking advantage of this
special rate,” Teeling said.
“Not only is it a great deal
from an economic view
point,” said Sally Vargo,
travel counselor at Con
tinental Trailways, “but most
people,, especially men, love
the convenience of not having
to drive. It’s quite relaxing to
just sit back in a big
cushioned seat and take in the
The' Greyhound ticket is
good for two months and the
Trailways ticket is valid until
the end of the promotion. Both
plans allow for unlimited
stopovers on a direct route
after a rider is out-of-state.
Is there any difference
between the . two cross
country buslines? “Not
really,” said Mike Warso, an
employee at the State College
bus terminal, which, is a
commission agency for
Greyhound and Trailways.
“One company has a big
dog on the side of their buses
and the other doesn’t, but the
rates and service of both lines
are pretty much similar. Very
rarely will one company do
and the action has stirred a
storm of controversy among
dieters and others who use the
sweetener regularly.
Rail, who also is assistant
surgeon general 'and has a
doctorate in pharmacology as
well as medicine, said the
Canadian rat tests that,
prompted- the FDA ban were
only the latest - of a dozen
studies linking saccharin with
He told an ’ American
Cancer Society seminar for
science writers that when all
the test data is put together it
indicates that even two bottles
of saccharin-containing soft
drinks consumed daily for a
long time could probably
cause cancer eventually in
some persons.
“It’s highly likely that
saccharin is carcinogenic
(cancer causing) in man,”
Rail said. “It’s clearly car
cinogenic in animals.”
Students going out of state may find their trip
a little easier on the wallet: both Continental
Trailways and Greyhound Bus Company are
something without the other
doing the same thing,” Warso
Darius Mohsenin, another
employee at the State College
Typists helpful to busy student
Collegian Staff Writer
It’s already Wednesday. You have
an Economics exam tomorrow and a
computer program due Friday.
You’ve written your psychology
paper which is also, due Friday, but
since two-finger typing is all you can
handle, you know you’ll never get
everything done. You consider
heading home while you still have
your sanity
There is another alternative,
If you’ve got some extra dollars,
but don’t have extra time, you might
want to have your paper typed by
someone selling typing services.
Many typists in the area said they
usually could have a term paper
ready the day after they received it.
Theses would take about a week,, they
said, because they are longer and
more complicated.
Marian Mills, owner of Mills
Typing Service, said they have been
doing work for students for four
years. In addition to typing, they also
handle printing and copying.
offering reduced rate passes to spur winter
bus terminal, said the special
fare was instituted several
months ago because winter
traditionally is a very slow
business season for the bus
A number of State College typists
however, are housewives who type
papers as a part time job.
But at the end of the term, State
College resident Jean Hoffman said,
the typing job becomes very much
full time. “I get up in the morning and
type until night,” she said.
All the typists said they would
correct spelling and punctuation
errors, but some said they would do
more extensive editing.
One typist, who asked to have her
name withheld, said she already edits
papers, but has just decided to start
advertising this service.
She said that if she charges for
editing, she goes over the paper
thoroughly and takes responsibility
for the editing. Otherwise, she said
she just straightens out what she can
without spending too much extra time.
Mills said she is thinking about
editing for her typing service’s next
However, Hoffman said she only
corrects minor errors. “It’s a
question of who is getting the grade,”
she said.
“It wasn’t really a question
of luring travelers away from
taking planes or trains, but
putting passengers on the
Prices the typists said they charge
for a term paper varied between 60
and 80 cents a double-spaced page.
Some said they included the price of
typing paper in their rates, but
others said they charged a little extra
for it.
For theses, prices ran between 75
cents and $1.30 per page.
Thesis assistant Rob Rager said
there usually aren’t many complaints
from grad students who are unhappy
with the way a paper has been typed
for them.
Rager said the graduate school has
a file of typists who are available and
who already have typed two theses
for the school.
Undergraduates also can use the
file to find a typist, he said, but
probably would not want to pay the
higher prices for camera-perfect
typing that some of these typists
charge. /
“I would say that in most cases, the
reputation of the typist gets him his
work, for term papers and theses,”
Rager said.
If a turntable doesn’t have aU of
these features, it’s not a real
1. Electronic track selection.
2. Remote Control.
3. Infrared electro-optics.
4. “You never have to touch it”
5. Direct Drive.
6. Computerized
buses who normally don’t
travel at all,” said Mohsenin.
Other cut-rate promotions
include Greyhound’s
Ameripass and Trailway’s
Eaglepass, both designed
especially for sightseers who
don’t want to be hampered by
strict travel schedules.
“The greatest advantage to
this deal,” said Teeling, “is
that passengers can freely go
where they want, when they
want, within the arranged
ticket period.”
The three travel plans that
Greyhound and Trailways
offer their sightseeing
passengers are almost
identical. The rates for both
the Ameripass and the
Eaglepass are: a 15-day ticket
for $165, a one-month pass for
$225, or for $325, .two months
worth of cross-country
Extra days of travel time
can be added onto either pass
at the rate of $ll a day, for up
to two months.
A child under 12 can travel
with qn adult for free on both
bus lines.
Greyhound has made its
Ameripass deal even more
attractive as the-ticket can be
used towards discounts at
many hotels, restaurants, and
sightseeing tours around the
Both companies also run
hundreds of their own
escorted tours to national
parks, historic towns and
other popular sightseeing
Teeling'suggests that when
traveling long distance via
these buses, passengers
should anticipate their needs.
“Most experienced
travelers go light,” Teeling
He advises wearing loose
clothing when taking long
distance excursions.
“One should also carry a
small piece of luggage on
board,” Teeling said, “so that
some personal items would be
readily accessible.”
Bus passengers are allowed
to check three pieces of
luggage, about 150 pounds
worth, on the buses for no
charge. Warso said that it is
very rare to find anyone
traveling with more than the
maximum amount allotted.
Although the bus companies
Marian Mills puts her 130-words-per-minute fingers to
work on a student term paper at Mills Typing and Print
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The Accutrac 4000. It’s the only
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Don’t be fooled. Let us HH H
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The Daily Collegian Wednesday, April 6, 1977
“Accutrac is a registered trademark of Audio Dynamics Corp
automatically insure checked
baggage for up to $250, there
are many items which aren’t
covered by this travel in
surance. These items include
cameras, typewriters, radios,
and other fragile, expensive
equipment. Some passengers
purchase their own insurance
since the bus lines don’t sell
any increased coverage.
Warso urges • that
passengers buy tickets at
least one day in advance.
“We order our buses ac
cording to reservations,”
Warso said. “In metropolitan
areas, all it takes is a phone
call to order an extra bus and
it will arrive at the terminal in
a few minutes. But'it isn’t all
that simple to send an
emergency back-up bus to a
secluded, rural town such as
State College.”
Warso recommends that
people who plan on traveling
cross-country take advantage
of the $5O one-way maximum
bus ticket offer while it lasts
because the $5O maximum
bus ticket fee, like a $24
island, will be but a memory
in a couple of months.
A BSR Company.