Forecast gives 'spring' to diets By PATTY EHULE I , Collegian Staff Writer | Dieters weathering the fstorm of a weight problem ■will be relieved to know that |the forecast for spring is staUstically good for losing wfeSght. .Anthropologists have found seasonal variations in weight for all ages, possibly corresponding to differences iirtemperature. iAn investigation of seasonal variations in' weight by fMynolds and Sontag,. ap pearing in the Journal of Pediatrics, found that the period of maximum weight gain for children from one to five years old was, from October to December. | 3rhe minimum weight gain pfof children of that age was jjfrom April to June, according Reynolds and Sontag. The jfvariations were similar for |both sexes, according to the finvestigation. , | Although this study was idone on children, similar ipatterns of weight fluc tuations have been found in !A study by W.F.F. Kemsley .op. adults aged 14 to 60 years found a “pronounced” seasonal variation in weight, w},th the peak in January and | the low in July. According to Kemsley, | weight for both sexes was approximately one pound above the expected weight for January and one pound below inJuly. £t*art, but not all, of this rdjgviation could be attributed 'V the difference in weight between summer and winter cjothing, Kemsley wrote,- because the, subjects were weighed with their clothes on. according to Edward Hunt, professor of anthropology and health education, “My hypothesis would be that you’re going to find a difference of five or six pounds, with the minimum weight in the spring and the maximum in November.” "“This is a real (Shenomemon,” Hunt said, although there is little data on tljp subject *The causes for this, variation in weight are uftknown, but according to Hunt, they could be due to the (,seasonality of exercising or the body’s response to tem perature changes. Oswald to visit USG [ .University President John W( Oswald will speak and " answer questions at the USG Senate meeting 7:30 p.m. tonight at 225 HUB. No general format -is planned, but questions will come primarily from senators, according to Bernie Campbell, USG senator. Oswald’s appearance is part of a program to hear and talk to University administrators, Campbell said. MA congratulate their new little sisters Nancy Firmstone Chris King Jki) | CLOTHING 5 STATE COLLEGE. PA L THREE PIECE SUIT l SALE l Three piece vested suits are now on sale C ... just in time for interviews. L All remaining fall and winter suits reduced h to at least one half of the regular price with p alterations at no charge. p Suits starting at $50... Don't Miss It. C Open Mondays 11 until 8:30 L . Tuesday thru Saturday 9:30 until 5:30 L 128 S. Allen St. £ \fohmteer. The National Center fixVJuntaiyActicn JG jS tuwme U.2.A.,., j O 127 So. V Pugh St. N B GOOD THRU MON., MAR. 7 ONE PER CUSTOMER PLEASE | Vi tbsp. tartar sauce, orange, 1 glass skim milk. MONDAY’S DINNER: roast lamb, peas, whole wheat roll with Vi pat margarine, mandarin orange sections. TUESDAY’S LUNCH: mostaccioli with Vi tbsp. parmesan cheese, dessert cut pears, 1 glass skim milk. TUESDAY’S DINNER: roast beef (no gravy), broccoli, poppyseed roll with Vi pat margarine, pineapple chunks. WEDNESDAY’S LUNCH: chicken noodle soup, crackers, cottage cheese, banana. WEDNESDAY’S DINNER: french fried flounder with Vi tbsp. CaChili sauce, mixed vegetables, 1 slice bread with Vi pat margarine, plums. "* ESTABLISHMENT by STEPHEN E.SCHLARB THE HISTORY BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE A 6000-year horror story of Establishment domination, exploitation & even mass murder in the blind pursuit of power. Progress is an illusion. Political systems change, but the Establishment remains the same our master. $6.50 VANTAGE PRESS, 516 W. 34th St. Now York, N.Y. 10001 Committee examines POW conduct code WASHINGTON (UPI) A Pentagon committee that reviewed the Code of Conduct for prisoners of war said yesterday charges .of collaboration with the enemy in future wars should be in vestigated and punished under military law. Documents released with the com mittee’s report indicated that dismissal of charges against nine Vietnam POWs may have been prompted in part by concern about bad publicity such as that received in connection with the My Lai massacre and Green Beret murder case. The committee of four civilian Pentagon officials and seven military officers, in cluding three former POWs, interviewed 50 persons last year, including two return ees who were charged with collaboration. The committee suggested only one * JACK HARPER JACK HARPER JACK HARPER JACKHARPEP JACK HARPER JACK ® ARBY'S Si 1 11 $.99 Reasff Beef I 1 SANDWICHES | | o|| WITH THIS COUPON | | fl | VALID AI BOTH ARBY'S I | VALID AT BOTH ARBY'S l B 400 ¥f. COIIEOE AVI. g | 400 W. COUEOE AVE. J| 111 SOWERS ST. | I IIISOWERSSf B Valid Mon.&Tues Feb 14&1S H ■ «11 MJFftKS SI. I 1 nndThurs.-Sat. Feb 17-19 I 1 Valid Mon. » Tuoa. Feb. 14 Al 5 hbi raoßnaaaiMutHi sn ua dh dfa an and Thu,, ' s<,t- Feb-17 ' 19 The Daily Collegian Monday, February 14. 1977 minor change in wording of the Code of Conduct, which is designed to give cap tured American servicemen guidelines for behavior. But the panel recommended that servicemen get better training. ' "All servicemen should learn that their behavior in captivity or detention is fully accountable under U.S. law,” the report said. “Further, the committee recom mends misconduct in such status should be the subject of disciplinary proceedings upon the return of United States control of POWs who are believed to have violated the Univorm Code of Military Justice.” A summary of an interview with Rear Adm. H.B. Robertson, the Navy’s chief legal officer, said the military services had consulted with each other under Defense Department guidance about what to do with accused collaborators. JACK HARPER JACK HARPER JACK HARPER JACK HARPER JACK HARPER JACK > an - ' n 1 | for beach bums^tCTj^ J going south i Even this little dude could score \ HR Vjfl | points on the beach in these life- j ' B / T 3 guard swim trunks heavy taft Hm/ J J > cotton twill, button tly, cinch V V 8 strap with dee rings, curved- B B | seam double seat. Add whistle, ■ B g shades, and nose cream. 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