Rhodesia chrome boycott asked WASHINGTON (AP) - Appealing to Congress against Rhodesian chrome, Secretary of State Cyrus R. Vance said yesterday the Carter administration supports a rapid but peaceful transition to black rule in Rhodesia. “The key ,to peace lies in Mr. lan has refused to honor the boycott because Smith’s hands,” Vance said, referring to of the congressionally imposed Byrd jjthe white Rhodesian leader. Vance went amendment, which bars U.S. par on to say that a ' U.S. boycott of. * ticipation. • t Rhodesian chrome would pursuade Vance and Julius L. Katz, assistant Smith to move in that direction. ' secretary for economic and business Vance, testifying before the Senate affairs, urged repeal of the Byrd subcommittee on African affairs, said amendment and offered assurances that the United States would not take charge repeal would impose no economic of any negotiations looking toward black hardships on the United States, although rule and has no intention of becoming the price of chrome might increase 1 involved in a conflict in Rhodesia if slightly. Britain fails to arrange a peaceful Katz said a relatively new technology settlement. permits increased use of ores found in Police capture Indiana gunman INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) A gunman who held a real estate executive hostage for three days emerged last night frbm his apartment with a shotgun pointed at his cap tive’s head and demanded $5 million ransom, but was captured and his victim rescued within minutes. Moments before Anthony Kiritsis; 44, was captured, the shotgun he had been holding to the head of Richard Hall, 42, went off. But Hall was uninjured and police leaped upon Kiritsis. Deputy Marion County prosecutor George Martz emerged from the room where Kiritsis had been dickering- with police and shouted: “We’ve got him! Nobody got hurt!” Kiritsis had said his apartment was wired with 100 pounds of dynamite. It was this threat and the threat to Hall’s life which had kept hundreds of policemen at bay for more than 61 hours. But police said last night they discovered there was no Marijuana linked to CHICAGO (UPI) Police said last night tests showed four hand-rolled cigarettes found in the wreckage of Chicago’s deadliest elevated train accident, contained marijuana and were believed to have belonged to a motorman running one of two trains involved. •’A train - piloted -by’ motor man Stephen Martin, 34, bumped into the rear of another train in the Loop last Friday evening at the rush rTREfri BrlwußfivM Pizza With one or mors toppings H At the regular price n \ 'I Get Identical Medium PIZZA Bj FREE ® a tfjjjt —. ® ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER |H Utile Cacsais Pizza B B\£d€*\ "ACROSS FROM OLD MAIN" H l , i|j * "ABOVE MY OMY BAR" fig Entnnei Front ARwr (Boro PtrkiniQirifi) Hj __ Jg* 237-1481 “ expires March 9,1977 EURCPE " (800) 325-4867: : • . • * - • -