The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 05, 1976, Image 1

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Says no pressure involved
I Butz resigns from Ford's
WASHINGTON (UPI) Agriculture personal friend, who loves his country
Secretary Earl Butz handed President and all that it represents.’?
Ford his resignation yesterday, saying it Campaigning in Denver, Democratic
was the price for “gross indiscretion” presidential candidate Jimmy Carter
racial slur that was becoming an issue said Ford should have fired Butz “a long
in the 1976 presidential campaign. _ time ago” and his failure to do so showed
j Butz apologized for his remarks about the President lacked leadership ability.
vill| blacks and said in a statement, “By “Instead of making his decision on
■’s cR taking this action, I hope to remove the what was right and best for the coun-
I. appearance of racism as an issue in the try,” Ford waited and assessed public
Swl Ford campaign.” opinion until pressure from his own
•'npil sa *d his decision was entirely campaign aides got too strong,” Carter
and there was “no pressure” said.
Jar/ rom *h e White House. Presidential press secretary Ron
71 ', F°rd said his decision to accept Butz’ Nessen said Ford had not yet chosen a
Si resignation was “one of the saddest” of successor for Butz, a former Purdue
V his presidency. He praised Butz’.work fn , University professor who was appointed
| agriculture secretary in 1971 by Richard
1 r ™ Nixon. Agriculture Undersecretary John
Knebel said Ford asked him to serve as
acting secretary.
Ford reprimanded Butz Friday for
“highly offensive” remarks made in a ~, ~ , „ ... „ . „
conversation with former White House By United Press International Republican Party,
counsel John Dean and actor Pat Boone Black S™- Edward Brooke said But Knebel, who becomes acting
on a plane from the GOP National Agnculture Secretary Earl Butz’ secretary until a succfessor for Butz is
Convention resignation after making a racial slur chosen, said m Mansfield, Ohio: “It’s not
Dean reported the remarks in was “B°°d for the country,” but a happy day for American agriculture.”
“Rolling Stone” magazine, attributing Undersecretary John A. Knebel called Oregon Gov. Bob Staub, a Democrat,
them to an unidentified Cabinet mem- yesterday a sad day for American called Butz “a bigot,” and said his
ter agriculture. resignation was entirely appropriate.”
D '„, . , ...u.. „ a , Some farm groups said they were “Nobody in a prominent position has a
0 vnn ' SolT y to see Butz 8° —racial slfir or no right to'malign a large part of the people
because they liked his farm policies and and get away with it,” he added,
did not thiii the Cabinet member was Sen. Robert Byrd, the assistant
expressing his-true feelings when in Democratic leader, said Ford should
a warm Pt ace to shit. That s August he repeated a comment about the have fired Butz the moment he learned
a . sexual and bathroom preferences of of the offensive statement, instead of
His language was so coarse that most blacks. trying to ride out a wave of public
newspapers and broadcast stations did Brooke, the Massachusetts reaction and acting out of “political
not use his exact words in reporting Republican who is the Senate’s only expediency.”
the reprimand. black, issued a statement saying, Sen. Jacob Javits, R-N.Y., said he was
Teary-eyed after meeting with Ford “Secretary Butz’s resignation is good for i “gratified at the vindication of the
yesterday, Butz read to reporters his the country, the President, and the American system.”
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Guerrillas murder advisor to Spanish king
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MADRID, Spain (UPI) Basque guerrillas gunned
down a.close advisor to King Juan Carlos in front of his
home yesterday in a submachinegun that riddled 15
cars with bullets.
Police sources said Juan Maria de Araluce Villar, 59,
amember of the powerful Council of the Realm, was hit.
by 15 to 20 bullets in the lunchtime attack in the
provincial capital of San Sebastian. Three of Araluce’s
bodyguards died, his .chauffeur was seriously wounded
and fitnesses said 10 passersby were hit by bullets or
cut by flying glass.
The chauffeur died hours later following a long
The attack was the most serious guerrilla action in
Spain since - the assassination three years ago of
Premier Luis Carrero Blanco. The Basque Homeland
and Liberty claimed responsibilty.
Following 'a 50-minute emergency meeting of the
government, Interior Minister Rodolfo Martin Villa told
the nation in a television address that the government
will call in army units to back up police in tracking
down the killers.
Martin Villa said the government will act with “every
firmness” to maintain public order. At the same time,
he said, the government will press ahead with its plans
for democratization.
As Martin Villa spoke, Premier Adolfo Suarez met
with King Juan Carlos.
Earl L. Butz
Premier Adolfo Suarez called an emergency meeting
of the government and Spain’s top policeman, security
chief Emilio Roman, flew to San Sebastion to take
charge of the search for the killers.
Araluce’s oldest son, Juan Maria, 24, told reporters,
“We were eating when the incident occurred. We heard
the shots and went out on the balcony, that faces'on
Spain Avenue right where the attack occurred in front
of our house..
. “One of my brothers went down immediately to at
tend to my father while we took care of my mother
•and made sure she did not go out into the street.”
Araluce was driving from his office in the local
parliament to his hillside home overlooking the Atlantic
when a gunman jumped from a car and opened up with
a submachinegun. He was on his way home for lunch
with his wife and two of his nine children.
Three bodyguards riding behind Araluce’s car in a
police escort car died in the volley of gunfire.
Shortly after the attack, an anonymous telephone call
to the San Sebastion newspaper Voz de Espana said
ETA claimed responsbility for the death of Araluce and.
“his guard dogs.”
ETA recently vowed its determination to continue
“armed struggle” on behalf of the fiercely independent
Basque minority, which has been pressing for aut
onomy from Spain’s central government.
resignation letter saying, “I sincerely
apologize for any offense that may have
been caused by the unfortunate choice of
language used in a recent conversation
and reported publicly.”
Besides his letter of resignation and
his oral statement at the White House,
Butz issued a written statement saying,
“This is the price I pay for a gross in
discretion in a private conversation. The
use of a bad racial commentary in no
way reflects my real attitude. ’ ’
Then Ford, his face grim and aides
shielding him from reporters’ questions,
entered the room and said Butz was wise
and courageous enough “to recognize
that no single individual... should cast
a shadow over the integrity and good will
Resignation stirs reactions
of American government by his com
Butz had been reprimanded once
before by Ford in 1974 after he repeated
a joke about the Pope’s position on birth
control, causing an uproar in the Roman
Catholic community. Ford told him then
to apologize for commenting: “He (the
Pope) no playa da game, he no maka da
Ford had valued Butz in the campaign
because of the secretary’s influence in
traditionally Republican Middle West
farm areas, where some falling prices
resulting from last year’s temporary
foreign grain export embargo weakened
the President.
Police immediately set up road blocks throughout the
region and virtually sealed off the nearby border with
The assassination came as problems mounted for
Spain’s difficult transition from the authoritarian
.Franco system to democracy ...... •, .....
The Suarez reform program has come under fire
from both the right and left and the killings gave new
ammunition to ultra-conservatives who claim that
democratization means chaos.
The attack followed the pattern of ETA slayings. The
separatist group has killed dozens of political enemies
since 1968, usually J»y submachinegunning them from a
car. .
Carrero Blanco, however, was slain by a bomb which
ETA guerrillas buried under a Madrid street.
Araluce, a Basque region native who was also
president of the parliament of Guipuzcoa Province, was
considered a political moderate. He was criticized not
only by Basque separatists but also by right-wingers
who opposed his support for limited Basque autonomy.
Police sources said at least one gunman, who was
dressed in a brown leather jacket and dark jeans,
dashed into the street and fired first on the police escort
car, then on Araluce’s vehicle.
Carter, Ford ready for
Ford, ready to square off with Jimmy -
Carter in tomorrow’s second round of
their presidential debates, flew to
California yesterday for the start of a
six-day campaign swing, his longest of
the general election.
Before departing, Ford signed the
largest tax revision law ever approved
by Congress and accepted the
resignation of his controversial
agriculture secretary, Earl L. Butz.
Carter also flew west yesterday with a
stopover in Denver to address the
Catholic Charities Convention, where
many participants.are unhappy with his
position against a constitutional
amendment to outlaw abortion.
But’he got an enthusiastic reception
from 1,500 delegates and hit at the
Republicans for promising prosperity
but leaving behind “empty speeches and
broken promises and WIN buttons.” He
said, “Our leaders have spent too many
years wandering through Washington’s
quiet corridors of power or strolling
President approves bill for
Ford yesterday signed the largest tax
revision bill ever' passed although
Congress did not approve his proposed
$lO billion in extra tax cuts and included
many provisions he found objectionable.
“On balance, however, this legislation
is sound, positive and long overdue,”
said Ford in signing the five-inch-thick
bill in an Oval Office ceremony. .
The legislation continues current tax
cuts, thus leaving the witholding rate un
changed, but makes thousands of other
tax law changes that will benefit working
parents, the elderly, farmers, some cor
porations such as railroads and airlines,
and many other segments of American
It will increase taxes on some cor
porations and on~ the wealthy who have
been using shelters arid tax-free
preference income to avoid tax.
Ten cents per copy
Tuesday, October S, 1976
Vol. 77, No. 52 8 pages University Park, Pennsylvania .
Published by Students of The Pennsylvania State University
low melon
Even though it looks like the landing site for Viking 3, it’s
a melon, soaking up some of that Centre County sunlight.
Court dears way for deal
Court yesterday cleared the way for the
resumption of executions for murder
and agreed to decide whether the death
penalty is constitutional for rape.
The justices refused to reconsider
their decision of last July 2 upholding the
death penalty laws of Florida, Georgia
and Texas, and ruling that, in general,
the death penalty is not a con
stitutionally prohibited punishment for
In the same order, they set aside a
stay issued July 22 by Justice Lewis F.
Powell Jr., which had held up executions
while the request for reconsideration
was being weighed.
In a separate action, the court agreed
to hear an appeal by a Georgia rapist in
an effort to settle a question which it left
undecided in its July 2 opinion: is the
along the plush green fairways of
During an Oval Office ceremony, Ford
signed the five-inch-thick tax bill which
included many provisions he objected to.
“On balance, however, this legislation
is sound, positive and long overdue,”
Ford said.
The measure continues tax cuts now in
effect, but makes thousands of other
changes that will benefit many
segments, including working parents,
the elderly, farmers and some cor
porations such as railroads and airlines.
Ford’s running mate, Robert Dole, de
veloped a new line of attack against Car
ter yesterday and it was a possible
prelude to the Ford-Carter foreign policy
Dole told the American Bankers
Association convention in Washington
Carter “is downright frightening” in
discussing nuclear weapons.
He said Carter’s foreign policy is one
of “weakness, uncertainty and , con
fusion,” and that if the Democratic
Ford said he would propose a number
of new tax changes next year, assuming
he is re-elected, including an increase in
the personal exemption of $750 to $l,OOO,
and “integration” of corporate and per
sonal income taxes which could lead to a
tax cut of billions for either corporations
or their stockholders.
He also said he would propose a form of
accelerated depreciation for businesses
which open new plants or buy new equip
ment in high unemployment areajs, and
would propose a program of broadened
stock ownership for low and middle in
come Americans.
Ford was particularly critical of
Congress’ failure to approve an extra $lO
billion in personal income tax reductions,
a plan almost totally ignored by
lawmakers after Democrats claimed
most of this extra benefit would go to up
per income persons.
death penalty an unconstitutio
cruel and unusual punishment for a
in which no human life is taken?
In New York, a spokesman foi
Legal Defense Fund said the fund "
bring new legal actions in lower fe<
courts in an effort to prevent execu
in the Georgia, Florida and Texas c£
There are 79 prisoners on death r<
Florida, 48 in Texas and more than
Florida Deputy Atty. Gen. Jam<
Whisenand said it would be at leas
months before any executions coul
held in that state. Texas Atty. Gen.
Hill said it could be as long as two 3
before executions are resumed ther
Georgia, the sentencing courts
either reset execution dates or sta;
sentence, depending on the indivi
round 2
candidate “is less than reassurinj
discussing how he might use them.”
The Kansas senator cited a Ca
statement that said he would use nuc
weapons' if the nation’s security
existence was threatened. “The limi
words ‘our nation’ naturally ere:
anxiety among our allies around
world,” Dole said.
Ford and Carter responded to nuc
arms policy questions put by. the A
Control Association and relea
On whether the United States woul
the first to use nuclear weapons, Ca
said: “Unfortunately, we car
renounce the first use of nuc
weapons in those limited situat:
where vital and essential United SD
interests may be threatened by milil
aggression against our allies.”
Ford said: “The nuclear capacit;
the United States will be used only w
it is seen as absolutely essential to
security of the United States and
tax revision
But he said he was pleased
provisions to close tax loopholes and
“gratified that the Congress has adoj
the program of estate tax relief whii
proposed at the beginning of this year
The bill “does go a long way tow
providing common sense and equit;
our tax system,” he said.
In its first full year, 1977, the b
“loophole closing” amendments
crease taxes on certain groups’ by
Early morning fog will give way
sunny skies and warm temperatui
High near 75. Increasing cloudiness 1
tonight with showers developing-
Wednesday. The low tonight will b<
and the high tomorrow 68.