The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 29, 1976, Image 10

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    10—The Daily Collegian Wednesday, September 29,1976 ' «
Phillies' SssHE Will Lasorda succeed Alston ? r
m the day-by-day support of his I “ A '
WIX/QS Ch ™ ren - j,, .. n LOS ANGELES (AP) —Tom Lasorda, than that. hitting and so-so pitching. Hd won the Aw*
vv■ v ww we prayea, saia uwain a member 0 f the Los Angeles Dodgers He had been under some severe first-ever World Championship with the
■ I a ~, , ~ . organization for 27 years, drew the most criticism this season as the Dodgers, club in 1955.
fp| I +QI AA n \ ve prayea, ecnoea sister attention yesterday as the possible sue- nant winners in 1974, fell behind the Cin- In Los Angeles during the 60’s the team . i.r
Lwll LulUO chnrtcnn cessor to Walt Alston as manager of the cinnati Reds in the NL West. didn’t have much hitting but superb J\ I *
PHILADEI PHIA (AP) - Bmva’s mother in Sacrmnen- National(League baseball club. Alston said he will accept an offer of pitching, featuring Sandy Koufax and
Now lean he tnlrf (he wi fn ” Then Lasorda mana B ed seven masons in the another job with the Dodgers. Don Drysdale. Hil final pennant came
an<7 other
Philadelnhia Phi 1H« nlavers “You can’t believe what we his clubs won five pennants, including Dodgers to manage in 1954 at Brooklyn standingreliefpitcherinMikeMar-
Philadelptua Phillies players You can t believe what we 1972 at Albuquerque when many of the and then the club moved to Los Angeles shall.
suffered just as much as the went through. My husband curren t young Los Angeles stars were in 1958. In this California city he has ..... , . . ..
team did until they pulled out was having a complete fit p i aying there outlasted seven Ram football coaches, ao L™ SJJT
of their ternb e slump and every time they lost When the ** alt | r O’Malley, chairman of the six from the hockey Kings and five from
inally won the National Phillies were 15% games board, refused to speculate except to say the basketball Lakers. S-iin,
League East title ahead he packed his suitcase select , on wil f be ma de shortly - Some thought there might have been
“During the slump,, they for the trip to the playoffs before the World Series. It could possibly trouble communicating with present-day
weren’t so darling to live “Then when they started come before the end of the week. players, but Alston answered that by
wlth '” / aid Jean Luzmski, losing he got an awful ribbing Lasorda, 49, has been the holler guy saying, “They still can understand d ,° t^ ° th r £ S ™LSJSSSSS
proud Monday that it was her from the guys at work and for ith the norieerc a far different ner- Fnelish pan’ttw?” - although Lasorda is most mentioned and
slugging husband, Greg, who a joke he started taking one sonality than g 64.year.oid “quiet And when asked if a younger mahager J“ s w tu S®J d °™° t !!r °PP° rtunities to
slammed the three-run homer item out of the suitcase man » ston who managed the team 23 would benefit the club, Alston quipped, stay with the organization.
Sunday that led the Phillies to every time the Phillies lost—a years . 6 “Yes, if he can hit.” President Peter O’Malley, A 1 Cam
-3 I lu V u Dry over Montreal pair of socks, a shirt, a tie. The “I just thought I had enough, and told Alston managed teams have won sever) panis, the Dodgers’vice-president and ■
an ..,,r r Ch ? mpiol i S , P’ „ suitcase was almost empty c i u b President Peter O’Malley that I was pennants and four World Series and they general manager, and Alston will sit
We feel complete yrespon- before they pulled out of it. retiring,” Alston said. He gave no weren’t the same type of clubs. When he down to make the decision on the latter’s
sible for the title, added Sue Boone, wife of the specific reason for his decision other first joined the Dodgers, he had power successor.
Rosemary Lonborg. It was Phillies catcher, said
Jim, her husband, who pitched “there’s no way” the team ■
the beautiful four hitter. won't beat Cincinnati in the _ //_
“Behind every great man is National League playoffs and T nil Cl TilG LjfjilS * # r*i , «>
a great woman and we’re move on to the World Series. w [\]r ! SldilOlilClS
bore 1 o We en f^i ai a d s M s r trongl , y team aSgood ««th£one S " she PITTSBURGH (AP) - With three wins, no losses, and the
about each other as we do said. ’ pfttshureh
about the men.” Darlene Ozark said her Pittsburgh coach Johnny. Majors figures his team is right on Eastern Division Eastern Division
Debbie Hutton, wife of out- father has been waiting 33 C »wp-£ a hn„t where «,* wanted tn he at >' Maim-* Balt 21'0mi 82 70 wash' 30 0 1000 70 «
fielder-first baseman Tommy, years for a championship “but a P oat .^ nar ® a ” n ’ a^ a ?®’. NEng 2 1 0 .667 73 68 st. Louis 2 1 0 .667 83 67 V
said "We stnnd behind the it was a helnless feeline said following the Panthers 21-7 win over unranked Temple Miami 2 1 0 .667 60 51 Phila 1 2 0 .333 44 54
said, we stood Demnatne it was a neipess ieenng j astweekend Buff 1 2 0 .333 38 51 ny Giants 0 3 0 .000 34 63 /
guys all the way,” and Mrs. during the slump.” »Tt was not a thine of beautv but it was a win” he added NYJcts 030.00020100 central Division f
Luzinski added, “we helped “So many times I wanted to a vtv. lk U a . W f S 3Wm he add , central Division Minn 20 1 .800 60 28 I
put up with the pressure.” be.there helping them, to give Templ f led 7 ‘ 6 at the half - and l ( hat a *° ne wa V"? d 8 h ‘° cine, 21 0 .66 72 « Chicago 21 0 .667 38 25 I
Manager Danny Ozark was them moral support,”, she pi l o ™ wtu ? 2 0 .333 m 75 “ ! ] S S2l as V
thp target of the critics as the said “There were times when Panther s would probably lose ground in the pollk. cieve 1 2 0 .333 66 92 Western Division
.. target 01 'C" 1 '®® as “ e saia.inere were umes wnen But second-ranked Ohio State was upset by Missouri, western Division l.a. 2o i boo « » n .
Phillies saw their 15/2 game I cried when they lost, tt was a makin g room f or pitt and giving the Panthers their highest s Diego 3 0 01.000 96 40 sanFran 2 1 0 .667 75 54 BOWIMQ StditS
edge over second place Pitts- very emotional thing. ZwUriiMn 8 6 Oakland- 3 0 01.000 09 62 N.orieans 12 0 .333 52 ai «**«»»«*
ranxmg since 196 d. .... . . . „ Denv 21 0 667 97 34 Atlanta 12 0 .333 34 63 _ .... , j
■ mm' mg £§ g , “It s nice, but you 11 notice nobody is jumping up and down, Kan City 03 0 .000 54 8i Seattle 03 0 .000 52 si Tryouts begin for men s and
l/l/P/31/pr //In C // naCT said Heisman Trophy candidate Tony Dorsett, who led the Tampa Bay 03 0 .000 957 women’s bowling Tuesday
v v v lIIIW ** H"*' c second-half surge. (Oct. 5) at 1:00 at the
BALTIMORE (AP)—Earl nouncedyesterday. “Now the shoe is on the other foot,” Dorsett added. “A few Sunday. oct.3 ' North Lanes in Rec Hall. Don
Weaver has been rehired by Weaver, now completing his years ago, Pitt had no ranking and no respect. I remember Oakland at New England Detroit at Green Bay Ferrell is the coach of both the
the Baltimore Orioles for the 20th season as a manager in how it was always easy to get mentally fired up when we . phSadeShfa a at B At f i f anta men’s and the women’s teams
1977 baseball season, General the Baltimore organization, played teams like Notre Dame, Southern Cal and Oklahoma. Cincinnati at Cleveland Los Angeles at Miami and he can be contacted in
Manager Hank Peters of the again signed a one-year con- “Now the other teams feel the same way about us. Beating Tampa Bay at Baltimore San Diego at Denver White Building. Regular
American League club an- tract. Pitt can make their season, and they all come after us.” Washington at Chicago season competition begins
( Mufflttl 6lAsslFlEt> ADS
CUSTOM SHOE Weed a roommate ? I ( j^QCT IKS
REPAIR J&w a Find one the fast and easy way lfc>»iwd
JVsVjtv\\ luilk .n LOST: gold st.
All the products you need in shoe care Wlin 3n 3Q in tne medal at \.M. fields, sen-
- laces, polish, Insoles, waterproofing. /■%! ACCiriEn A M?k e e n Loren V z a 2 U 37.78?i eWard ' CaM
210 Allen I I L l" I LOCK, Sears heavy duty chrome
— ■ —— padlock lost near McClanahans.
COINS, STAMPS, paper money, GE WASHER-dryer, 3 station 1079 n A T c,, N M9nn , nnnri rnrli Wm Wm S 5 A PIECE! For any Junior or FOUND BROWN bi-focals, IM i"AmFS uuatrh'
political items. Herb Bladk's intercom, ’6 inch 3 speed bike, '^oo, good con W Senior football tickets to any fietds, front Beaver stadium Caravelle °bv S Buiova W npar
SS!",-sis7*P Shop - 119 S - Fraser ' child's blkeyeat. covered car top 75^'° n ' 36 mileS per gaL Ca " 466 ‘ W W homegame. Call collect after Um ' Carnet'Calip'am^ nMr
238-783 J ■' carrier. 238-/185 cr , pr , , p , ... c repallS 9:00, (215) 867-2289 - ;
DlSCOUNT'merchandise at over 1? o i YA 2^in H aduls T mTef'"wint 8-track tape, new Diehard USED VWS fOT Sale 2 needed E f OIIRI FT D. | L UnTversit S y, L wf athletic ring
55 downtown merchants with „°H., Y „„ 2200 e 00? U eS battenes, inspected and excellent 3077 bet^een 10-11 p.m. if you I iUDLtI Rh.| with blue stone. Reward offered.
. Inflation Fighter 111. Availablefor condition. $395. Call 238-3445. condition. 238-1256 1 block from CaiTIDUS haveticketsavailable »- Call Karen,B6s 6935
52.00 from OTIS, Nittany News evenings 1959 pORD pick-up - excellent _ , i cist- nnp male nranoe strined
andWMAJ nr ,„,, nrr |,.,; r , rr | ri-.-n bodv. needs engine, must get rid A WANTED USED VIOLINS. TWO ROOMS to sublet beginning hoii rniiar an,»sr, tn
!•=«= «« of, make offer. George, 237-1555- /IllfllUW Playable or repara be. Call 865- winter term. Pets allowed. $BO c llr jlHinprai Mail'll
FOR SALE 1969 Triumph Spitfire 62" 40 Noncustom _case, $75. or, maxeorjer. 4525 , per month; utilities. Call 237-5114 Sunshine. Call 238-1531
new tires, paint clutch. Phone Brush hnw 46 40 No. 525. Bundy MUST SELL 1968 Ambassador, ; ■ a THREE-QUARTER lenath tan
238-5947. Best offer fhile. silver, like new, $ll5. Call automatic, good running con- f 4 RESERVE SEAT tickets LIONS GATE, 2 br, winter and ■ rainrMt was taken at X<t>
NOW GARAGE SALE, Oct. 2, R|M 2 ' i ' ) -- 8726 dition, 5250 oi; make an offer. 237- , 237-6666 (preferrably together) for spring terms. Cheap! Call now, September 17- |, you have ff
9:30-4:00, 645 E. McCormick INSURANCE FOR auto, ’3*!2 51SCIavLane r=ii aC ii , lnrt,y V m„ p 2 38 14 — please call Donna, 865-5890. I need
AVe. Queen-size mattress, desk, motorcycle, personal 1971 TOYOTA Mark 11, 4-door DIDV/layuane rom 9 noon EFFiCJFNTY. fijrnishfd aot
card-table and chairs, baby possessions, hospitalization, sedan, one owner, automatic, 1 — ■ ■ and 1-sat 355-5513 near campus Available Oct 15
swing, toys, household items accident, valuables, fire, bicycles, qpod mechanical condition, good " ■ .-yy- " 11 THE FOOP. Sunday, October 3, Call Aly 237-8378 after 5 p.m. $165: f hmAAHI I
SALE TRUMPET with case. Fast service. 238-6633 tires, current inspection, $995. 1819 all day, The Cedars, Spring month I rCKoUNAL V'fX
Trumpet in good condition. rent ATV Anv lenath of time can 234-_2/4/ n , Mills. Foopers, can you bring: nMP Tmpn nf 0 herironm fur.
73R k 9463 575 ' 00 ° r beSt ° ,,er! Call Economical rates. Television 1972 DATSUN 240 Z, 63,000 miles, SltfTu B baboo'll 6 munch?es 'veMovv Da?nt' nished apartment, $BO mo., nefd ATTENTION? The office
2 Service Center. 232 S. Allen asking $2,300. Call 238-8611 MKJKWWM 3 baby oil, munch les, yellow pa nt, corner CoMege and Athe rton, N NT ION? The office
’’condition 7 " G?e| a on P gls G B°e°s < t INSURANCE FOR' auto, WANTED: 6 volt VW Squareback clofh'esUnes, cooking 9 cauldrons! clean recently painted. Carol, tw ° 0 f p ü b l fc it yWo r ksho p s atthl
offer Ca 11234-2686 9 motorcycle, personal or FastbacK Good body and EmHU (LttUCrtt musical instruments. Bring a 234 !f 048 TT — HUB tonight and tomorrow night.
rv--. ..... .... possessions, hospitalization, transmission. Ive an engine. 234- blanket and a friend. Call Foop SUBLET WINTER or winter- seedisplay ad for details
FOR SALE Doctoral gown with accident, valuables, fire, 36T1 Headquarters 422-8181. Come. spring, Park Hill efficiency,
cap and hpocL excellent con- - bicyc | es . fast service , 2 3 8 -6633 „„ „„ Take the moon bv the teeth. SlOO.OO a month. Call 234-2486 after ECLIPSE ECLIPSE eclipse
dition Phone 466-6179 — 1 6V VW 514.8i5.. excellent con- ‘ 6PM prlinse erllnse ecliose eclipse
FOR SALE DOUBLE bed with FOR SALE: male dorm contract dition, SB5O. Ray, 238-7676 nltes, 466-6241 SINGER LOOKING FOR ver- FEMALE TO SHARE one-fourth eclipse eclipse eclipse eclipse
two matching bedside tables, at discount- 234-8261 237J376 "SKESCTGECWCHnJtfS* f,.?urp Huh'wTrk ran of ,wo bedroom apt. winter, eclipse eclipse Skip 234-0702
s9oand one cradle, $l5. Call 234- , 70 RENAULT excellent con- ‘'' m, erested call sp r]ng ter ms. $B2-month. Call 237- N , have . dancing
i | dition. Must sell!!! Best otter On Ihe Diamond in Boalsburg f 8641 Satnrrlav at Brewerv? Please
FOR SALE: Kingspoint SC-40 1 I over S6OO. Call after 5:30p.m.,355- Wednesday Night Special MOV'NG TO Chicago Need a cnn L et• WINTER through wrife Pa“ Ave. Pgh. Pa.
calculator same as T.l. SR-50. 1357 m„i— largp truck to help. Will pay. bUBLti. win ItK inrougn *»''■= r -„H„ J,S b truck
New condition. $35 234-3422,_eves . STEEL BELTED RADIALS 2 ° d Potato Please cal 1 238 6384 apt t people < ) d on o |East U Ni!tany =
SUNN SPEAKER cabinet 2-15 inch ZXI6S-13 Michelins. Good balad. Baked Potato IrOF 2 bedroom apt. available A^ e , hiScks from camous $195- HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Lansing speakers 200 watts condition, $35 for both. Call 234- $4:25 winter and spring 2'? blocks month inelurtina utilities 235’.0901 "BREWERY". I'll be at your
RMS cost S5OO, bargain, $225. Vox- 58J8 I—from campus Call 737 3917 -L,.. — v —jr- fifth birthday party on Monday,
rov » l gau /c ds , arr| p |i,ier 158 '69 MUSTANG good interior. 250 6 ~ ■—WANTED TICKET or two for bedroom T Beaver Hill apt* Prober 4
watts RMS 3 channels, reverb cyl. 3 speed. Call 234-0465 f fl||rv|/> pilnhnlus, October 29. Will pay All "tlli*'»S WANT TO WIN $100.00? Be
1 AUDIO J ££*.'**'*•.,**. ggftAaar ■rr ““
'7l TOYOTA CORONA Mark 11, 4-
door sedan, 4-speed, air
conditioning, am-fm radio, steel
belted radials, engine recently
overhauled. Call after 6, 234-0564
FOR SALE: electric guitar and
small amp, S5O. Call 237-5539
after 5:00 p.m.
FOR SALE '74 VEGA GT white, 4
speed, 'mmaculate condition
Call 237-5731 9-5 a.m. Ask for
Linda. Price negotiable
organ, very good condition, S5OO
or best ofler. 238 0335
STEREO BSR changer, 8-track
tape, AM-FM stereo, excellent
condition. 5125.00 or best offer.
Jim, 865-4048
VOX SUPER-Beatle, S 100; Craig
cassette tape recorder, $100.00;
early Fender stratocaster,
5250.00; Elac Miracord turntable,
S 100.00; Fender twin-reverb,
5250.00.0 r less. Brad, 234-3796 _
W ;e
LL TRADE, 2 junior Syracusi
tickets for 2 North Carolina
Stale tickets.23B-5327
KALSO original Earth Shoes.
Ladies 7-8. 3 pairs to sell. Call
Bonnie after 6:00, 238-3419
DORM CONTRACT for sale. Call
Dan 865 1064
FOR SALE ONE Panasonic tech
ROO AM FM PSB mobile radio
and nne Panasonic cassette tape
recorder player. Call 234 0636
aft or 6pm Ask tor Mike
PIONEER CT-5151, Stereo
cassette deck, Dolby system,
full auto-stop. Call after 10 p.m.
238-2202 ___
windows we have seen. No air
leaks! Humphrey tension sealed
storm windows and doors.
Quality l At Tomash Paint and
Glass. 422 8191
twice, size 9.5, male, 525.00.
Gerry, 865 6976, dorm contract
West Halls
Selmer DeVille and 1 Olds
Student model, must sell. Dan,
MARSHALL sp-cab. w-4-12's,
AMPEG V-4, 100 watt amp,
LESLIE 147 2-spd wood. Terry or
Tom, 238-7425 or 238-7841
1964 OLDSMOBILE Dynamic 88
and 1964 Triumph Spitfire, both
inspected and in qood condition.
238 8750
FOR SALE' female dorm con
tract at discount. Call Pat 865
Election Issue
Also: Kepone update,
Scott Harper, drug anal
ysis results, comix, ecol
ogy, concert reviews
and schedules', news,
views, NO BOOZE!
25 c
On sale everywhere!
Scorpion Lounge
\ Downstairs\
Disco With Morris
Wed., Fri. & Sat.
L 119 S. Burrowes St.
Hundreds ot Party, Wedding
t\ & Bridesmaids gowns
rtt $29.95 to $2OO
4rC\See us before you decide
W V'\Marie’s Bridal Shop
ff\ \ V > Op«n Ito sTu«*., Thurs., S«t.
Ev*nlng*Mon., W«d.,Frl. 6too
FOR SALE 1965 Ford van. Fine
condition. 5525. Call 234-5217
afters p.m.
1968 BARRACUDA, 225 Slant 6, 25
m.p.g., new paint. 5395 or best
offer. Tom 234-3591
1976 FIAT 128 sedan, S2BOO or best
offer. 7500 miles, radials, 32
miles per gallon, leaving country,
must sell. 238-6659
1959 FORD Pick-up - excellent
body, needs engine, new tires,
new battery, Sl5O negotiable.
George, 237-1555
Bent Ip, AM FM stereo; yellow;
nnnd condition. 234 1840
69 MGRGT new radials, batteries,
brakes AM FM, qood motor.
Needs hody work, S9OO. Jeff, 5-9276
used, rebuilt - VW parts at low
prices. 238-7676
MARSHALL spkr. cabinet -4-12" s
5325, AMPEG V-4 100-watt amp.
S3OO, LESLIE 147 2-speed wood
cabinet 5350. 238-7425 or 238-7841
DOKORDER 7100 still under
warranty. New 5360, now $260.
Also microphone, headphones reel
unopened tape. Tape deck has
sound on sound, sound with sound.
Entire package $3OO. 238-2342 or
238-0779, Jim Hamilton
research 60 watts-channel max.
Clean simple powerful $l5O. Call
Rick, 238-1590
STEREO system includes am
fm radio and automatic turntable.
Excellent for small rooms and
tight budgets, $9O, Mike 865-5771
receiver with Navy speaker, six
bands from 1500 - 18,000 khz, $5O,
any quoted price in the country.
Call Rick: 238-3570 or 238-9911
DYNACO PATS preamp kit
$145.00, FMS tuner assembled
$135.00, TEAC model 2 mixer
$225.00, Soundcraftsman 20-12 A
equalizer $220.00, Sound
Workshop 242 reverb 5300.00,
assorted microphones and stands.
Call Pete, 237-5016 .
PIONEER PL-12D turntable with
Shure 44E cart, like new, $75.
Also Electra AM-FM stereo 8-
track with Garrard 408 turntable,
all for SlOO. John or Ariel, 865-6140
AKAI 4000 DS 3 head reel tape
deck. Year old. Cost $3OO. Mint
condition. $2OO. Larry, 865-3894
UNIVOX GUITAR amplifier, 50
watts. Has reverb, intensity,
good sound for practicing, $5O.
Jerry, 238-7527
FOR SALE: Ampeg V-4 guitar
amp, 100 watts, R.M.S. 2
cabinets with 4 12 in. speakers in
each cabinet, 5600.00. Call Bill, 1-
944-8768. Must sell!
RIDE NEEDED to Pittsburgh-
Monroeville. Friday 10-1
anytime. Call Susan 863-0191.
Share expenses
wanted for work in Math
education lab. One or more
evenings per week, 7-10 p.m.
Monday through Thursday. Calf
Carol Reich at 865-6321
10 x 50 NEWPORT, two bedroom,
new carpet, air conditioned,
excellent condition, bus service,
lowa reserved tickets together.
Call Dave after 5:00, 238-6102,
WANTED: homecoming football
tickets. Price negotiable. Call
collect 215 822-9265
COINS, STAMPS, paper money,
political items. Herb Black's
coin-stamp shop. 119 S. Fraser.N
238-7833 1
Need information
on contraception?
Peer Contraception
Education Program
Hotline: 863-0461
7 -10 p.m. Sun. - Thurs.
FEMALE needed for efficiency
apartment one block from
campus. Ambassador Apart
ments, $95.00-mo. & electricity.
Nine month lease. Call Sue, 234-
ONE FEMALE roommate needed
to share two bedroom apart
ment, good location. Call 237-1256
share of large two-bedroom
apt. close to campus. Reasonable.
Available immediately. 234-9698.
Keep trying
107 £». geugVerdve/- 3.3q-33i
DESPERATE: need to sublet one
bedroom apartment winter
spring terms. Andrea, Anita, 238-
FEMALE TO SHARE room in two
bedroom house. Near campus,
cheap, nice roommates. Call 234-
hndrnnm. University Towers.
Very clean, convenient. Please
rail Karen, 237 0843 (correct
to share one-third of spacious
two-bedroom apt. Located at 1013
South Allen Street. For further
info call: Jennifer 237-3588, Ellen
MATE winter and-or spring
terms. Efficiency, 2 blocks from
campus. SB9-month. 238-7801
own room, $55 plus utilities.
Near Park Forrest, 234-0897
TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished
Bellefonte Townhouse available
Nov. Ist. Rent $205.00 month plus
electricity. Has gas heat in
beautiful quiet residential area
with large play area and private
backyard. Call 355-9363
WANTED: MALE needs fur
nished efficiency to rent or one
bedroom apt. to share starting
winter term. Around $lOO-month.
Call 234-4833
Fieldwomen blank
Millersville, 2-0
Penn State’s field hockey team yesterday lent some
credence to the old saying the best defense is a good of
fense with a 2-0 shutout over Millersville.
Indeed, the Lady Lions were so successful in keeping -
the ball in their opponent’s territory that goalie Lee Stang ~
was called upon to make only six saves. At the other end of ’’
the field, Millersville goalie Joann McVeigh was busier,
having to handle 21 of Penn State's attempts.
"Our offense was so strong we were on attack most of
the time. This is what we’re trying to do —keep control of
the game by using our offense," Penn State coach Gillian
Rattray said afterward.
The Lady Lions did not wait long to get the upper hand.
Becca Garwood tallied an unassisted goal at 1:49 in the
first quarter. Sue Ward picked up a rebound from forward '
Charlene Morett at 14:50 in the same half for Penn State’s
other score.
Morett, leading scorer last season'was listed as an im
probable starter because of a bruised right ankle, and was
replaced after the half by Nancy Deal,' who had been/.*
playing center halfbafck. Jo Shelly came in the game at '
Deal’s former position.
The Lady Lions will try to follow up their successful
start Tuesday, in their home opener against Bucknell.
Penn State’s junior varsity duplicated the earlier team
effort with a 2 : 0 victory. Sharon Scott and Theresa Ferrer
were the scorers for Penn State.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Rolls Royce hub cap AXE-ASA
scavenger hunt
fellow sisters of' Chi Pttl:
everything is hunkie-dorie in "Our
Chi Phi Kingdom." Love always,
your new little sisters (chiclets)!
Court yellow, $2 a can, The
Racquet Shop, 129 W. Beaver
organizations. I can save you
money! Custom printed T-shirts,
ierseys, jackets, shorts. Gar
ments premium weight and
quality. Domestically made and
beautifully silk-screened. We do
not use transfer papers. Fast
service! Wearhouse Inc. 1857 N.
Atherton, 234-5077
PROFESSIONAL Tennis Clinics.
Learn the forehand, backhand,
serve, or volley from an ex- FREE ADVERTISING? Do you
perienced teaching professional know the many ways to get free
for little as $3-hr.!! Student rates advertising on campus? ... or of
for private lessons also. Uncon- the many budget minded publicity
ditionally guaranteed satisfaction services available? Come t* the /
or money back. Call 234-7013, 8-5 publicity workshop in the HUB '
PM, AAon.-Fri. tonight. See our ads for details.
Siv.,-LL REFRIGERATORS for Office of Student Activities
rent. $24.00 for 3 months, 536.00 MUST SELL dorm contract in
for 6 months, $42.00 for 9 months. convenient Pollock area. Winter
Unlimited Rent-Alls, 140 N. and spring terms. Call Jeanne,
Atherton St.. 238-3037 865 8725 - ,
jquick weight loss program from available New Years or oiher
Florida. Call Lori, 237-4200 -* occasion. Phone Dußois, 371-7345,.
details. No hard sell - it works! or Houtzdale, 378-8477
SUBLET WINTER, spring: 2- IBM correcting-selectric
bdrm. Parkway Plaza, fur- typewriters for rent. $45.00 per
nished, including utilities, month. Also, regular selectrics.
Parking space, bus pass, TV Unlimited Renf-Alls, 140 N.
cable, etc. Call 234-8047 Atherton St„ 238-3037
S 3. Delivered every Tuesday Thursday. Please order by
and Friday. Say 'Cheese' Monday. Lemont Grocery, 908
Photography. 111 S. Allen, 238-4262 Pike Street. Lemont, 234-5200 ,'
Nov. 20.
Tonight’s TV
will feature Rich Mauti apd',
Dave Stutts. The show will ve*
aired from 8:00 to 9:00 on
channel 3.
/MILLS TYPING service.
Professional work, fast,
dependable service. Pickup and
delivery, twlcedally. 355-7351 it' '>
PASSPORTS, I.D.'s, weddings,
groups, engagements. Beese,.-
Studio, 200 W. College Ave., 2nd.
floor. Phone. 237-6647
faculty Juniata College, 14 -
years teaching experience. John ■*.
/Mitchell, 238-9429 ■*
machine, thesis and-or papers, jr
Call after 5:30, 238-4715
DISCOUNT FILM processing, .
fast service, quality Kodak film. ? '
The Candy Cane, 128 W. College
Ave. 237-4253 '
DAN BRODY Studio offers no ■"»
waiting, no appointments for
instant color passport pictures. T7‘
106 S. Fraser, lall 237-6708 for '
FINE GOURMET coffees, exol(',!
teas, imported confections,
brewing and serving accessories.
Largest selection. The Candy f.
Caned 28 W. Col lege Ave. 237-4253 ,
TYPING CALL ROSE 238-9693 ••'
CEDARS, Spring Mills, Sunday, ■
October 3, all day from sunrise.
Beer, pig roast, hot cider, “
ratatouille, live music, movleSirs
and celebrations. Tickets two for.V,
55.00 available Nittanv News until
October 1. Your contributions will .
help pay for festivities
papers, manuscripts in all fields.
Free estimates. Call 234-3631 --
student or reserved. Also,
looking for small sofa bed. CalV [
234-3259 •
DRUM LESSONS - experienced
teacher willing to teach
beginning or advanced students.
Call Ken, 237-3088
N.F.L. FOOTBALL every Monday "
at The Scorpion. See our giant T
television. Open at 8:00 PM r•»
country, rock, 54.00 hr. Call
Steve, 238-4181
TYPING: theses, term papers,
manuscripts, etc. Experienced,
accurate, reasonable rates. Sue, -7.
237-7392. Sharon, 238-1737 -
and Sony products. Quality work. P
Television Service Center, 232 1 *
South Allen St.
rentals. Long or short term ■
rates. Easy to install and use. ;
Free delivery available.
Unlimited Rent-Alls, 140 N. *'
Atherton St., 238-3037
FRESH SEAFOOD weekly. Order ;
by Saturday. Lowest prices ij>, i
town! Dandelion Market, 304 S.*-v ,
membership card and save at
over 55 merchants. Available at
the OTIS office
THE CENTRAL Pennsylvania
Dance Workshop is adding more
classes by popular demand, in
cluding beginning classes. If youii 1 /
missed out before call us now. 237-
2784 Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Fri., 11 a.m.-Sp.m.
reasonable rates. Call 359-2648
after 5:00
NOW GARAGE SALE Oct. 2,9:30-
4:00, 645 E. McCormick Ave.
Queen-size mattress, desk, card-.
table and chairs, baby swing,
toys, household items - A
LIVE JAZZ! "Silent Way" a jazz
experience this Thursday at The
Scorpion, 117 S. Burrowes St.
NSA MEMBERS in State College?
I just arrived. Call Ken 234-8808^