11—The Daily Collegian Monday. September 13, 1976 Ford and Dole encouraged by new political polls By the Associated Press President Ford and his running mate, Sen. Bob Dole, found encouragement yesterday in the results of some new political polls as they geared up, along with their Democratic rivals, for fresh campaign forays across the nation. James Baker 111, Ford's campaign manager. claimed in a television in terview that the latest soundings show the President leading Jimmy Carter in "a dozen to 14 states," with signs of improvement in some others. Later, following ' a post-church strategy meeting at the White House, Ford and Dole told reporters the Republican ticket had taken over the lead in Michigan, which is the President's home state, and Kansas which is Dole's. "We're coming on," Ford said Viking analyzing Martian soil PASADENA, Calif. (UPI) Viking 2 took its first soil sample from the Martian Plains of Utopia yesterday and poured it into a hopper for three biology tests. Another sample acquisition is scheduled today for other experiments The first data playback to confirm all went well with the soil pickup by the scoop was scheduled for late yesterday. . . Plans also were being made to turn over a rock and dig out the protected soil beneath it, scientists said. Dr. A. Thomas Young, Collegian notes Women's Liberation ' will meet at 8:30 tonight at the Wo men's Resource Center, 108 W. Beaver Ave. New people are welcome. The Eco-Action General Meeting will be held at 7:30 tonight in 119 Boucke. Two films will be shown. ARBY'S ROAST BEEF SANDWICH ' ESTAU ED ANT "You'll see us around her another four years." , The Michigan report comes four days before Ford is to make his first official campaign trip outside Washington, a visit to his alma mater, the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. Whether by design or concidence, Carter will be making his first campaign visit to Michigan at the same time. He is to deliver what aides said will be a "major address" to the state AFL-CIO convention in Dearborn on Wednesday while Ford is speaking to the university audience some 30 miles away. Posing for pictures with Dole outside the Oval Office, Ford told the reporters the results of a new Detroit News polL showed him six points ahead, 41 to 35, in Michigan. "Before the convention, we were three or four points behind there," he said. project director, said the rocks hurled from a crater may have been in the same positions for literally millions of years, shielding the soil from ultraviolet radiation and effects of the Martian atmosphere. • The first cycle of the pyrolytic release ex periment, which- looks for carbon assimilation . by any micro-organisms, began yesterday when the soil dropped into a test chamber. The labeled release experiment begins tomorrow when a liquid nutrient is poured into a test chamber containing Colloquy will not hold its regular meeting tonight. Regular meetings will resume next Monday. The' Student Council of the College of Education will hold its first meeting at 7 tonight in 106 Chambers. Freshmen, transfer students and new members are welcome. The Penn State Folklore society will meet at 7:30 to night in 324 HUB. Modern Jazz Class will be gin at 7 tonight in the south dance studio of White Build "THINK SOWERS STREET" some of the soil The sample is incubated for 10 days and any organisms that function by metabolism would con sume the nutrient and release gases that contain radioactive carbon-14. The third experiment, the gas exchange, began yesterday when a nutrient was dropped into the chamber. It operates on the principle that living organisms change their environment as they live,' breathe, eat and reproduce. An organic molecular analysis to look for carbon molecules is to begin today ing. New members welcome. Society will hold its first meet ing, at 8 tonight in 333 Whit- Penn State Microbiology more. Men are welcome Club will meet at 7 tonight in 350 Frear Anyone interested in going out for track will meet at 7 to- Returning Women Students night in 112 Rec Hall. will meet from 12 to 1:30 today in Eisenhower Chapel Lounge. Bring a brown bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be pro vided. Chimes Junior Honorary "The Problem of Genetic Society will meet at 7 tonight Variation" will be the topic in Thompson Lounge. All of a speech by Richard C. members should attend. Lewontin, Professor of Zo ology at Harvard University, The Women's Pre-medical at 4 p.m. today in 101 Kern s Roast Beef • Arby' • Arby' • Arby' • Arby' • Arby' • Arby' • Arby' s Super Roast Beef s Ham & Cheese s Turkey s Club s Roast Beef Jr. s Jr. Ham or Turkey In fact the poll, conducted for the newspaper by Market Opinion Research and published yesterday, showed Ford leading Carter by seven points, 41 to 34, a gain of three points since the previous sampling in July. The number of un decided voters held firm at 23 per cent. Frederick P. Currier, president of Market Opinion Research, said Ford's gain appeared to be mainly among in dependent voters. Dole said a new poll in Kansas showed the GOP team leading there by three points, after having trailed by six earlier. He said the Republicans were leading in Illinois as well. Baker, appearing on the CBS News program "Face The Nation," said the Ford campaign committee , had been "quite pleasantly surprised" by the results of polls it commissioned in 18 states. "That's not to say we haven't with the second soil sample, an x-ray fluorescence experiment is to look at the com position - of inorganic chemicals in the soil. The orbiter that has been passing daily over the Viking 1 landing site 4,000 miles away was sent on an east-west walk around the planet and is to stop over Viking 2's location to pick up the communicatkon relay. The second orbiter will then be sent on a planetary walk to photograph the north polar ice cap of Mars. Undergraduate Business Council will meet at 7 tonight in 207 Business Administra tion Building. Welcome to our new super ARBY'S WALK-IN 111 Sowers St., State College Between McDonald's and Armenara Bowling Lanes been disappointed in one or two in stances," he added, naming Tennessee and Wisconsin.; Baker said the Ford camp was heartened by strength it is showing in southern states, citing only Mississippi by name but declining to say whether the President was ahead there. "He said Ford was "only four points behind" in New York and the findings were en couraging in . Pennsylvania and New Jersey. . Ford aides have named those three states along with California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin as the swing states in the election. • Both Baker and Dole, who appeared on NBC's "Meet The Press," answered Democratic criticism of Ford for staying in the White House rather than going into the field in the first week of the cam.: Congress aims for quick adjournment WASHINGTON (AP) Congress, hoping to adjourn in three weeks, •will be pushing in the next few days to complete its money plans for the coming year. They include taxes, government spending and revenue sharing. The big tax revision bill worked out by Senate and Trinidadians vote confusing election . PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad ( AP) Prime Minister Eric Williams, who has led Trinidad-Tobago for 20 years, is favored to win today's general election but political observers predict the new chief opposition will be a party that critics claim is Communist. Trinidad severed its tied to the British Monarchy on Aug. 1, but any impact from this has been lost in the confusion of nine parties fielding 270 candidates for 36 seats in the House of Representatives. A record 565,688 persons are eligible to vote, including an estimated 80,000 between the ages of 18 and 20 who will be casting ballots for the first time. Political observers fear the number of candidates and confusion among parties will keep many voters at home. $1.29 $1.19 $1.09 $1.29 Owner Jerry Nix Says: House conferees last week comes up for a vote Thursday in the House. The Senate is expected to vote soon thereafter. Both House and Senate have scheduled votes Wednes day on a resolution setting a congressional ceiling on federal spending for the.Hscal year that begins Oct. 1. Williams' ruling People's National Movement (PNM) won all 36 House seats in the last general election in May 1971 because all major op position parties boycotted it at the last minute. That election was held in an atmosphere of uncertainty following racial rioting and an abortive military coup in 1970. The voter turnout was only2B per cent. The current election is being held amid the greatest economic boom ever ex perienced by this two-island, racially mixed Caribbean nation. Natural gas finds and oil discoveries which have boosted domestic crude oil production to over 200,000 barrels a day have made Trinidad the wealthiest among the former British colonies in the Caribbean. i ;,,, ,i, , ,....,, , , ..,::... ,.... : ...t, ~, 4 1t. , .. 0- 1 ,- N%,,t .Iffa ''' .::." t IJMI ;;•. ' i "1!:1310..tr.... %.* Ilirrr; l . "" 1 " . '''' a. w '' '''. s "4 fr' ~.......--rv"- ---" ............., ..... ."- . ..., ..... .., ....... ...........0.07 tr: , .. ".. ::: FreV"l'"...... 1 :',.... " '' f # . 7... ' :-.4'';".r IZ ~-777.5.-,:..5.:- F.5. \ '' ~,,,i. ..... -i...... : '...'J, . ..,... ~, 0 ~.. 11... MI •fee AS i .• ' , Oa ......... :,„ ,', MI M11...r . ......... „ This is Sowers St.-1- East College Avenue Napbli's Bottle Shop Munchies "Now you can truly enjoy fast-food service in the comfort of our new air conditioned Arby's on Sowers Street. And we mean fast service . . . seldom need you wait more than 2 or 3 minutes for a freshly prepared meal. We're one of only two fast-food restaurants in the Garner Street-College Avenue shopping area with seating for 132 on two floors . . . never any trouble finding a seat. More relaxing, too. Come in and visit us soon. We're open Sunday thru Thurs day 10:30 a.m. to 2 a.m. and Friday and Saturday 1,0:30 a.m. to 3 a.m. during The campaign manager said the stay at-home decision was dictated in part by new federal laws restricting each candidate to $21.8 million. He implied that the spending limit favors G'lt.er because "it costs us more to travetWl Dole, who earlier had mildly criticized Ford for staying at home, said he felt it was the right thing to do and "may have been good politics," because of the advantage the occupant of the White House has "if he uses the presidency properly." Both said Ford will travel more after Congress adjourns in early October. , Dole said one task for the GOP can didates is to attempt to dispel an image that Republicans are "anti-people," and he said Ford can do this when he , sets forth a "quality of life package" that is to beconle part of .the Republican McDonald's 4, 4 rs i t: , This s '"'nrh • is US' Today the Senate takes up its version of legislation to continue the revenue sharing program that has channeled some $3O billion to states and local governments in five years. It would expire Dec. 31 without congressional action. The Senate bill would continue the program for another five years and nine months and earmark nearly $42 ' billion for distribution. The House has Passed a different version, so another conference will he required to adjust the differences. The Senate also is scheduled to debate today the $104.3 billion defense ap propriation that would delay Utility conference held,gii HERSHEY, Pa. (AP) Raising electricity rates is one way to conserve energy supplies,, the president of Pennsylvania Power and Light Company (PP&L) told Pennsylvania's first utility consumer conference yesterday. Jack Busby told more than 250 representatives of con sumer groups from Penn sylvania, nine other states and Canada that a lack of energy supplies was un dermining the country's ability to fight inflation and unemployment. "Even if the public perceives the energy problem, people i , A 1.!, ' :1 campaign Dole's schedule as the GOP point man will take him this week to several midwestern cities and the West Coast. Both• Ford and Carter attended church' Sunday, the President going with Mrs. Ford and their son Jack, 24, to the National Cathedral where the visiting Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. and Right Honorable Frederick Donald Coggan, dedicated a new nave. " ' • In Plains, Ga., Jimmy Carter atterne l d Sunday school and church and then, with his wife Rosalynn, greeted some of the 200 or so tourists who stood behind ropes outside the white clapboard church.. Spying a friend in the crowd, he shook hands and said, "It's sure good to be able to see my friends and family here. I don't see much of you these days." full production of the B 1 bomber until next February. The federal budget resolutiOn contemplates spending of $413.1 billion in the coming year, $l3 billion more than President Ford recommended. . ;) Ford's ' budget ' estimated that that revenue would be $lO billion less than Congress figured,..leaving a deficit $3 billion lower . than the congressional figure. • The tax revision bill ex tends present tax cuts for another year and changes many provisions of existing income, estate and gift tax laws. are not inclined to accept recommendations from companies that supply the energy," Busby said. One •of those recom mendations is higher eleib tricity prices, he said. The three-day conference here is sponsored by PP&L and the Conference of Con sumer Organizations COCO, a coalition of consumer group leaders. , Currin Shields, COC t b national chairman and uirector of the Community, Service Center at the University of Arizona, urged streamlining, of the rate setting process.