The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 02, 1976, Image 1

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Doin' what comes natura
Sournalism graduate student, Tom Eberhardt, takes time out during registration
to catch up on news.
New bus route schedules
in effect for Centre lines
Remember the times and places when
and where you've caught the town 1
rises? Forget them at least some of
William Barrett, transit manager for
the Centre Bus Line, has released new
bus schedules which are effective im
„ Route changes have been made on the
40., RE, W, and Evening Shuttle routes.
Additional changes may be consideYed
later this month.
The schedules shown here indicate the
routes which have been changed.
Separate schedules, yellow in color, are
now available on board each bus, as well
as in the municipal buidlings of College;
Olarris and Patton Townships and State
College Borough.
Additional orange and white bus stop
signs have been placed on all routes.
Passengers are asked to board and
alight only at designated stops.
The evening shuttle bus, formerly the
,)3N route, is now a regular Centre Line
Oswald says rapport with students has improved
* Editor'S note: University President John W. Oswald was
interviewed in his office yesterday by Collegian reporter Mar
ty Smith. The following is the transcript of that interview.
How did you keep the tuition increases for this year to a
Minimum? Where were the cutbacks, if any?
'There was.a gap of about $9 million between the proposed
budget and the actual budget. We were able to increase the
,revenues by $600,000 and cut out funds within our present
141Sudget equalling $1.4 million. These represented general,
University-wide budget items, such as academic equipment,
library support and physical plant projects, which were per
inanently in our budget which we cut out. This simply
means that we will have to get these funds on an ad hoc basis
rather than having them firmly in the budget. We reduced $3.8
million in the proposed increases that we had, and this left us
then with a $3 million gap which we made up through the
`i 'tuition increase. This helped us confine the increase to $54 for
students at University Park. My commitment all along was to
keep the increase to a minimum.
Why is it so hard for the University to get appropriations from
the state?
'lt's not just tough for the University, but for all governmental
services. In a sense, it gets back to the problems that state af
4,er state has run into with providing the necessary revenues
through taxes to provide for the escalating costs of the ser
vices. The whole area of ' welfare, health care, roads,
education all of these costs have gone up very high with in
flation. The state, unlike the federal government, con
stitutionally has to come up with a balanced budget. The
federal government can project a deficit and borrow more
money as they need it. The states can't do that. Another fac
'Aor is that higher education doesn't have the same priority now
'that it did ten years ago. I Dave heard from the legislature
that, if they have to make a choice between raising taxes and
raising tuition, they will raise the tuition.
c )
• Get up and cheer because the skies will clear! Morning
cloudiness with a possible shower will give way to mostly sun
ny skies by afternoon with refreshingly cool temperatures and
a gentle breeze. High 70. Clear and cool tonight under star
lit skies. Low 48. Cooler in the outlying areas of town. Mostly
sunny Friday with deep blue skies. High 74.-
' •
. ~; ,
route requiring 25 cents exact fare or a
current transit pass. Annual, term, and
monthly passes are available and can be
purchased at the Municipal Building, 118
South Praser,-State College. Passes are
available for all routes.
See map on page 8
The specific route changes are as
R—The return route from Waupelani
Drive apartments will be via South
Atherton rather than South Allen Street; '
• RE—The return route from Waupelani
Drive will be via South Allen rather than
South Atherton;
W—The route will use Burrows Road
rather than Shortlidge Road;
- Evening Shuttle There will be no
service to the Laurel Glen Apartments
or to the fraternity district on Hamilton
Avenue. The new hours will be 7 : 45 p.m.
to 12:35 a.m.
Carter-Ford debate 3 weeks away,
WASHINGTON (AP) —Jimmy Carter
and President Ford will argue domestic
and economic issues before a national
television audience Sept. 23 in the first
face to 'face presidential campaign in 16
years. ,
The League of Women Voters and
aides to the two major contenders also
announced yesterday that the second
debt would be held on foreign policy
and defense matters with a third and
final session open to any issues. Dates
for the last two debates were not set
It was also agreed that Democrat
Carter's running mate, Sen. Walter F.
Mondale and Ford's vice presidential
choice, Sen. Robert Dole would meet in a
single debate. Again the date was not
Rita Hauser, co-chairman of the
league's organizing committee, said
each of the debates, including . that
between the vice presidential can
didates, would last 90 minutes. She said
they would be performed before
audiences drawn from the general
public; as well as those watching and
listening to the broadcast. ' The
audiences, she said, would be en
couraged to refrain "from applause or
Why do you think that education is not the priority that it used
I think that is due to a number of factors. It was presumed by
a number of people that a college education was tantamount to
getting the job a person desired. During this last recession
that we had, it has becoine quite clear that a college education
does not guarantee a job. I think that has reduced the value
at least in some peoples minds of a college education.
Another factor goes back to the late 60's and early 70's when
some people got turned off to higher education as a result of
the turmoil that took place on college campuses. The pressure
of college is also less because there are going to be, from here
on out, fewer high school graduates. Higher education hasn't
so much lost priority but other areas have gained, such as
health care and welfare.
What is the status of the Teamster contract talks?
Let me just say that, as has been said before, the University
made what we felt was a fair and equitable offer. As you know,
the offer was rejected by the Teamsters. Now we have moved
into the next phase, which is one of mediation. Beginning
tomorrow, the two parties, together with a mediator, will be
back at the table in good faith on both sides. Any further com
ment on this matter would not serve the purpose of the two par
ties involved.
What progress has been made in choosing a replacement for
Provost Russell Larson, who will be leaving soon?
There has been a very active University committee in
volving faculty, administration and students, who have been
reviewing the applications for nominations. They have now
come to me with a short list of names they consider qualified.
The trustees have a small committee that is working with me
and we are considering the names recommended by this
University committee. We are hoping for some kind of an
nouncement during this Fall Term.
Some student leaders feel that they are not trusted by the ad
ministration. Do you feel that you can trust students and
student leaders?
First of all, I don't agree with what you've heard. I have had
no student leader express that to me. lam approaching the up
coming encampment as a very cooperative arrangement be
tween my office and the students. I have already set up
meetings with the Student Advisory Board, a group of student
academic leaders and a third group called the Activities Ser
vice Group. I meet with these and other groups at least once a
term and I have had no indication of distrust.
first topic to be domestic issues
Although no locations were set, it was
learned that St. Louis is a prime
possibility under discussion. But league
officials said the debates probably would
be spread around the country.
The announcement followed a day
long bargaining session between the two
camps and the league. William
Ruckelshaus, chief of Ford's team, said
there had been "a lot of give and take on
both sides" as to the subject and format
of the debates. But, "the overriding
Difficulties found before clashes begin
New kit smoothes out roommate wrinkles
Collegian Staff Writer
For most incoming freshmen, life' in
University Park can be a harrowing
experience. - '
The size of the campus, the large
student body and, for the most part, just
being on one's own may be
disillusioning. And, often eough, tensions
get taken out on roommates.
This year, however, all residents will
have a chance to overcome any serious
roommate problems - they may en
counter. The chance is called the
Roommate Starter Kit.
Mary Ann Sagaria, assistant director
of Residential Life Programs, said the
main purpose for designing the kit is to
help students_ discover personality
clashes with their roommates before
problems develop.
The kit itself is divided into four parts,
each containing questions in specific
areas,, such as home life, habits, goals
and more personal questidns such as
religious feelings, drugs, alcohol and
C ir I I 111
Thursday, September 2.1976
Vol. 77. No. 30 10 pages
' " Pr' Ilvanlr
purpose," he declared, "was to .have
these debates come off."
Jody Powell, press secretary and top
bargainer for Carter, said "they got
their way on some things we got our
way on others." -
Powell said that Carter would have
preferred all the debates to be open
ended. Ford, meanwhile, had pressed
initially to start the series on the subject
of defense.
Not since 1960, when John F. Kennedy
met Richard M. Nixon in a series of four
broadcast debates, have the Democratic
and Republican nominees argued
directly with one another.
Carter already had disclosed,
following the first meeting between the
two camps last. Thursday, that tentative
plans called for a series of three debates,
75 minutes long, beginning the third
week of this month.
But the topics, apparently, still were
open to considerable wrangling in the
session yesterday. Ford wanted to open
the debates on the subject of defense, an
area where he feels he can score in light
of the Democratic attempts to cut the
Pentagon budget. Carter, on the other
hand, wanted to open up over the issue
presidential leadership.
The importance that both sides at
tached to the opening debate doubtlessly
reflected the lesson of the Kennedy-
Nixon meetings. Then, according to
most analysts,'Kennedy came off best in
the opening session and Nixon never
quite recovered despite doing well in
subsequent programs.
The League of Women Voters got
clearance Monday from the Federal
Election Commission to sponsor and
finance the debates, which could cost
Sagaria said it's extremely important honest.
that students be very honest with each Dan Peterman, Mental Health Center
other when asking these questions. She psychiatrist, wrote the kit in cooperation
said she, feels most students move out of with Sagaria, the resident assistants and
their dorm rooms when they fail to be assistant coordinators in Residential
What has been your experience with the so-called campus
radical groups?
First of all, I'm really not aware of any radical groups that
are active right now. Certainly a university is a very diverse
place, and with a campus this size, there are going to be many
points of view expressed by many students.
Are you satisfied with the reputation Penn State has in the eyes
of your peers the administrators of other universities across
the country?
One of the most significant things to happen this past term
was the accreditation review of Penn State that comes every
10 years by peers from universities all around the East. They
looked at the whole of Penn State, including the branch cam
puses. This review gave us our official accreditation and we
are not subject to review again until 1985. 'The review deals
with the governence, faculty invlovement, the relations be
tween the Commonwealth campuses and the academic
program review. By no means was it all lauditory. There
were comments and criticisms and suggestions on the state of
the University. This report is a very good indication of what
our peers think about Penn State.
What about your thoughts on USG sponsoring a student
I don't really know how serious they are so I don't feel I
should comment on it. I will say that an important function of
the Collegian is to become aware of the criticism they receive
and listen to the groups that may be dissatisfied with their
coverage. The role of a student newspaper is to be responsive
to the needs of the students.
What do you think of the recent revisions in the membership of
the Student Advisory Board?
I approve of these revisions. Of course they were recom
mended to me by the Student Advisory Board, and they met
with my approval
Do you feel . that by being away from the campus as much as
you are that you may be losing contact with the students?
Whenever I leave the University I do so as a representative
of the University. I am the chairman of the American
Association of Universities and spend much of my time
representing Penn State through this organization. I don't sit
on the board of any corporations, and I feel this is very im
portant. But if I ever thought that the trips were interfering
with operations at the University, then something would be
How do you think you can become more accessable to stu
While his representatives were at the
bargaining table, Carter, at his home in
Plains ,Ga., acted to remove a potential
obstacle by asking the Democratic
National Committee to withdraw its
legal challenge to a related Federal
Communications Commission ruling.
The FCC held last year that debates
and presidentital news conferences were
exempted from the equal time standard
that requires broadcasters to treat
separate candidates with virtually the
Ford criticizes Carter
WASHINGTON (AP) • President
Ford _ yesterday sharply criticized
Jimmy Carter's proposal to gradually
withdraw some American troops from
Korea saying "We cannot lay down our
arms in the simple hope that others will
follow our lead." .
The President also said in effect that
Carter was wrong when he questioned
the combat readiness of the National
Guard and criticized proponents of
reduced defense spending.
Ford's statement drew strong ap
plause from the audience of 3,000 per
sons attending the National Guard
Association annual conference. His six
minute speech was interrupted with
applause 12 times and he received a
standing ovation at the end.
Ford did not mention his Democratic
presidential opponent by name but
sai&There are . those in this political
year who want to withdraw our troops
from their positions overseas.
University Park. Pennsylvania
Published by Students of the Pennsylvania State University
Tan cents per copy
Where there are 50,000 students, 3,000 faculty at 22 different
locations, there are physical restrictions placed on my ac
cessibility. I try, through programs like encampment and con
vocation, to keep in contact with students. I try to schedule
my time where it will have the most impact. I am proud to say
that I never get a letter from a student or a parent that goes
Have the wounds healed since a group of student leaders sent
you a letter asking for your resignation just over a year ago?
I have had many of the students that signed that letter come
to me, and our relationships seem to have returned to be unaf
fected. At my first meeting with the students after the letter
was sent, which was encampment, I immediately asked the
students how the lines of communication could become more
open. The response was great and our working relationships
have been going well. Yes, I would say that the wounds have
John W. Oswald
same coverage.
The Democratic committee had
petitioned the Supreme Court to disallow
the exemption on ground that it would
give the President free time during a
campaign. But while Carter said he
agreed that the decision on news con
ferences is "inherently unfair," he
asked that the complaint be withdrawn
because that issue and the proposed
debates "are so intertwined that it is
impossible at this time to distinguish
between them."
"The voices of retreat talk about a
phased withdraw!. They talk as if our
defenses won't be weakened if we only
dismantle them one brick at a time.
They are wrong.
"The world is still still a dangerous
place ... we cannot retreat from the front
lines of freedom if we are to preserve our
freedom here at home," Ford said.
White House officials said Ford was
referring specifically to Carter's
proposal last month that most U.S.
troops in South Korea be withdrawn
completely over a four or five-year
Ford, in his speech, opposed
"unilateral phased withdrawl."
As for denfense spending, Ford said,
"Cutting the muscle out of America's
defenses is not the best way to insure
peace. It is the best way to destroy it."
Carter has said "improved
management techniques" could cut $5
billion to $8 billion from Ford's record
defense budget of over $lOO billion.
Life. Petermanlaid the kit was designed
as an extension of his IFS 16 class, which
concerns personal skills.
"The kit is mildly threatening to some
people," Peterman said. "Some people
will take it (the kit) lightly, who won't
answer the questions seriously."
Peterman said he imagined the
highest frequency of use will be among
freshmen females. He added, however,
that once students who have already
tried the kit report favorable reactions
to their friends, more students will be
willing to try the kit.
• Sagaria said the kit was tried in the
spring on 12 couples, 11 transfer students
and one freshman.Sagaria said all 12
couples felt they had benefited froin the
kit and thought other students should use
Sagaria said that because the dor
mitories have more double and triple
rooms this year the kit has extra value.
Sagaria. said the kit takes about one
hour to complete. "It's not a heavy kind
of thing," Sagaria said, "but students
can learn about each other and them