Report criticizes IRS tax abuse WASHINGTON (UPI) The Internal Revenue Service has carried out illegal missions for the FBI, CIA and White House in a serious breach of taxpayers' rights, a Senate Intelligence Committee staff report said yesterday. .IRS • Commissioner Donald C. Alexander, meanwhile, told a House Noting the agency receives "vast hearing yesterday he would like to make - amounts of information about the "the biggest bonfire" in Washington to financial and personal affairs of destroy 11,500 , IRS intelligence files American citizens," the report said rather than show the files to the other government departments sought Americans involved. information "for purposes other than tax The Senate report said most of the "use and abuse" orders to the IRS came from outside, but that the agency often was criminally negligent in not policing itself. Military WASHINGTON (UPI) • The Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday ap proved a two-year, $6.75 billion military aid bill which kept some provisions that prompted President Ford to ,veto earlier legislation, such as tighter controls on foreign military sales. ; The committee retained 'provisions giving Congress 'power to reject military sales 'of more than $25 million and phasing out all'U.S. military advisory, groups except those specifically requested by the president. It dropped two other Measures Ford gave as IJ WOWIK YOUR MUSIC • YOUR RADIO STATION 24 HOURS DAY • STEREO 97 FM rms.= Num mum imi ....r. IF ----s..—Ron if-... \ STARTS TOMORROW i . STARTS 79c SPECIALTOMORROW • I e ykt 1 WITH THIS COUPON I I I Isoficpe? I I I SZII\I 79 c SPECIAL I I I I ItSOl WITH THIS COUPON I_l I i I GET AN ARBY'S I I GET AN ARBY'S • 1 . 11 ROAST BEEF SANDWICH 11 ' ROAST BEEF SANDWICH .1 O FOR 79 c I I FOR 79 6 II OFFER 110011 AT I I OFFER GOOD AT I BOTH LOCATIONS I I • ROTH LOCATIONS I I,- 111 SOINERS,STREET I . I 111 SOWERS STREET I ' 400 W. COLLEGE AVE. 400 W. COLLEGE AVE. IVALID THURSDAY MAY 13tH • SUNDAY MAY,l6th I I VALID THURSDAY MAY 13th • SUNDAY MAY 16th UM Mil MN 11. Mil MN NMI NM Mili ME MOM MN Ell ME 111.11111= INN Study in Lima, Peru? Would you like to learn about the College of Business Administration's Foreign Study Program in Lima, Peru? Come and meet with students who have returned from this exciting experience. Monday, May 17 7:00 P.M. 201 Business Ad. Building Some probes were ordered on the basis of political activity and not because of tax violations, the study found. Abuses took place during Democratic and Republican administrations, but reached a peak under President Richard M. Nixon, it said. law enforcement." It led to "serious and illegal abuse of IRS investigative powers and to a compromise of the privacy and integrity of the tax return." aid bill altered reasons for his veto last week of the $3.9 billion military aid legislation that would have covered the current 'fiscal year. These would have set a $9 billion yearly ceiling on military sales and called for a six-month relaxation 'of the trade embargo on Vietnam. The House International Relatipns Committee, meanwhile, met to work out its own version of legislation to replace the vetoed bill. Members sketched out a compromise which would keep the $9 billion ceiling for all sales but modify the congressional veto power , on individual sales and provisions to terminate aid programs for violations of human rights or discrimination against U.S. government employes on the basis of religion or sex: House Committee members also said they would be willing to drop the relaxation of the Vietnam trade em bargo, a provision that would be troublesome to Ford in his presidential campaigri Both committees decided to combine bills for the current and next fiscal year because they are faced with a Saturday deadline for reporting all bills 'carrying spending authority. The report said an IRS Special Service Staff collected information on taxpayers "targeted" by the White House, FBI, CIA and other agencies by methods that included wiretaps, bugging and breakins. "In the late 1960 s and early 19705, many .. . were selected for in*- vestigation . . . initially because of their political activism rather than because specific facts indicated tax violations." Despite recent reforms, the report said the finding "strongly suggests that more effective oversight and new controls over IRS intelliegence gathering are necessary if the IRS is to be used for any non-tax purpose." . HOAGIE or GRINDER with ANY SOFT DRINK 0* 99 cents II I _ ... i I l i t 4pi Iv - 161111411040•Nrnme • olunteer. . 1 lk: •I w - It'll make you. • ', lll _betterlunnandam __A e igemp . ••• ______j Kedgelcy fried Chao® Wed. thru Sunday HAM or ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES 2 for $1.50 S. Garner St. ONLY The Colonel wants to cut YOU a break ce. 1 / • . / • ~ 4 : . .....