Kel/y-Weinberg.• the 'no platform' platform 'What do you consider the most important issue in this campaign? • ' By talking to students, I find their greatest concern is tuition increases and what can be done about them. Also how we can put pressure on the Board of Trustees and ' , where our powers lie in relation to theirs. A lot of people ' have been talking about the effectiveness of USG,, how •: much power it really does have and how does it appeal to the average student. how What is the most important item in your platform and ) wdo you intend to implement it? We don't have a platform no official platforms. The fact that we don't have a platform leaves us leeway to get student; input, to hear what they have to say and to . , see w h at their major gripes are. • Do you think the faculty should be unionized? • I don't think the question is whether we think the faculty should be unionized or not. I think if the faculty does unionize, • it's the students' concern to deal with that union. It's up to the facility whethei they want to unionize. USG doesn't have much control over that. And I think USG will hive to be a strong enough organization to get the students together to deal with the faculty if / they do unionize. Do you see any problems arising from unionization? I see' problems. If the faculty does unionize, I think it could protect poor instructors, it might cause strikes and I think it could affect our education. I think it could limit students'• roles in bargaining with the faculty members. . How do you intend to treat Old Main? • • I hope have a good rapport with them and we'll be influential in their decision making. I don't know how much power I'd want to have than the present USG president he has a lot of power. I don't think he's supposed to be part of the administrative staff of the University. Mainly, I'll set up good communications and good understanding between the administration and USG. Would you like to see any changes in USG's relationships with the Board of Trustees? Yes, we would. I would like to see the president of USG as a voting member of the Board of Trustees. He's invited to all their meetings anyway. He has a tremendous power of persuasion and given the knowledge he has and the experience he has with the student - position, he should-be given the right to be a voting' member. I don't know what his legal rights are but I'd like to see that happen. , What methods would iou take to open Trustee committee meetings? Part of ,USG's greatest ability is their power of per suasion and their influence. If there was a student demand if it showed a great many students had a concern instead of being apathetic, I don't think the administration could ignore it. I think there's a Augustine-Kelley promise open USG office USG puts in voting Joe Augustine Interviews compiled by Mike Mentrek and Marty Smith mobilization towards cut downs, I think maybe they can be influential in what would be spent, but I don't think it's a student's final decision. In working for lower tuition, do you favor sit-down negotiations or do you favor student rallies and demonstrations? First of all, I don't think it's possible to lower the tuition, to decrease it. Itiou have to understand as long as there's inflation, tuition is going to rise, but it shouldn't increase any more than the inflation rate is. It seems to me that both methods, if you're going to use any methods, you have to use both to try to be effective. Do you support NIT or the University Coalition? I'm not a member of either one. I think what they're trying to do is good. Do you support a tuition strike? No. What do you think of the present discipline system? How would you change it? It's pretty good. I don't think there's very much of a discipline problem at Penn State. I don't think I'd change it. - How would you achieve more student input into University decisions? First of all, what we should do is have an increase in publicity about what USG is doing so students would be aware it's a functioning organization. I think there should be forms where students could come in and fill out things that they'd like to see done and considered. USG should probably take away some of the president's power. The power of the hierarchy and the com munication with the hierarchy —there's a breakdown with the senators and the residence associations. They should go back to the students to find out what's going on. Possibly, they could work closer with residential life and the RA's for their information. We'll publish a USG newsletter. As soon as students realize USG is an effective and powerful organization, they're going to want to get involved as they realize the importance of it. Mainly, it's just.publicity, informing the students of what they can do and they'll do it. What changes do you foresee in USG as an organization? I'd like to strengthen the USG Senate. I'd like to get senators who are willing to put a l lot more time into it and I'd like to stress the importance of their jobs. We'd hope they'd put more time into it than just an hour or two a week and a meeting. We'd want them to go out and work with the students because it's the senators mainly that bring student input into the USG. We'd just stress communication between students, senators and the USG executives. There's probably a lot of hostility and different factions in USG. I think we should just consider ourselves students. union booth What do you consider the most important issue in this campaign? To me the most important issue is better com munication and more leadership for the students. I feel better communication is essential for working toward the goal of the students at Penn State. I feel that USG in the past has taken big steps to be a more political organization and I don't think USG should be a political organization. 'lt "should be' a stuck& organization working with' the administration in order to support the students more strongly. In order for us to do this, we have to have an open-door policy in USG and have an open mind in order to look and hear student opinion and listen to student feedback. This is essential in a better working USG for communication and understanding. USG in the past has played too much the part of the big time politician. They're out there really trying to change the whole world and they're sitting in central Pennsylvania in a college town. USG is too pi:ditically oriented. ' What is the most important item in your platform and how do you intend to implement it? I think the important part of our platform is working with the students, trying to get their link back into USG. Having our office open to have anybody come in and talk to us about problems. Not only this but we want more than our office door open we want students to feel that we're there. I mean, you can call us any time and you can ask for us any time. We're willing to and expect to work a lot with the students. Our major concern is to support the students to the best of our ability and to work with our University Park administration to better support the students on an equal basis. . Do you think the faculty should be unionized? As I've stated, faculty unionization could help or hurt the students in a number of ways. For example: if there's something the students felt was necessary, the faculty as a unionized body could support the students against the University in order to better accomodate the students. There's also another side to it the instructors might not be satisfied with their salafy and walk off the job. The students would have to go to school all their summer. As college students looking forward to graduate school or else job opportunities, I don't think we can afford to take a chance on teachers walking out on us. How do you suggest students obtain input into the bargaining process? We do definitely need a student or a number of students in the bargaining system for faculty unionization so that they can get our views across. You'd have to go through the committee set up to organize the whole unit. In turn we as the USG, we could carry the authority or power to have them put into the bargaining table just as student participants to hear what's going on. Since Penn State is for the students, we feel students should be on a lot of their committees, especially the bargaining. How do you intend to treat Old Main? I intend to treat Old Main as my advising body. I also intend and hope to work with Old Main and other ad ministrators as equals. The people at University Park as a whole don't come down on the administration that By KEITH BARNES Collegian Staff Writer A referendum question on the faculty unionization issue will appear on this year's Undergraduate Student Govern ment election voting ballot. The referendum, sponsored by the USG Department of Labor, will ask "Do you favor faculty unionization?" Doug LaLama (9th-liberal arts), the new director of the USG Department of Labor said the purpose of the referen dum is to find out student opinion and will not determine, the department's stand. But the department of Labor will consider the results of the referendum to be the official stand of the students, LaLama said, and if unionization does occur, USG will know how to react, pro or con, he added. The department also took a student opinion survey Jan. 23 and 24 at the What changes would you make in the constitution? We haven't really looked into it. There's probably a lot in it that's outdated. We have no definite plans. How will you improve USG's credibility? Well, through the newsletter. I think that would help us out a lot, if they're first aware that it's a functioning organization. Through the different programs stress the fact that USG sponsors so many programs that help the students. I think a key to it is the business manager has a great deal of potential to run programs that will ac tually reach out to many of the students. USG has many functions but a great part of increasing its credibility would be actually to do things that would affect the students such as Date Match. _ What do you think is the main problem for students in the financial area? I think too many students here are getting financial aid for one thing. I believe if they're going to get a good education and they can get it here, they. should be ex pected to pay for it. I think if they made a closer study of who needed financial aid, more students who weren't able to come would be able to. I think three-fifths of the students get financial aid and I don't think that many really need it. Do you support rent control? I do. I think the students should attempt to have as much influence on setting ceilings on rent prices as possible. I think part of it has to come through political mobilization in town and getting students to go out and register. The community would be more concerned about how the students feel if they realize we're their constituency in the elections. We should be much more politically active in Centre County. And that will have a good effect on getting rent control. What changes would you push for landlord•tenant relationships? Mainly I'd like to see the students more active in the policies because we have no choice we're out here and we have to take what we get here. I think students should have have much more say as to what goes on in town than they do. The town's centered around this university, it's not the university centered around the town.- What do you see as the biggest problem on campus? What steps would you take to solve it? I think student apathy is the biggest problem presently. I think it affects student involvement in USG and just' about every other organization. Students will participate in USG through things they're expressly interested in, but overall, there's too many students who are here for four years and don't get involved in anything other than taking their courses. I'd just like to see them get more involved in the workings of the University and in what the University has to offer. HUB, questioning 300-400 people, •LaLama said. Two unions are vying to represent the faculty at Penn State. The Permyslvania State University Professional Asso ciation ( PSUPA ), an affiliate of the Education Associations, has received "election consent cards" from more than 30 per .cent of the faculty and professional staff and has petitioned the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board to / hold a representation election. The local chapter of the American Association of University Professors is intervening on the PSUPA petition, having collected cards from at least 10 per cent of the faculty. Hearings are presently going on to determine the makeup of a voting unit that will decide whether to accept one of these two unions as a representative collective bargaining agent. much in terms of things that they do wrong. I think that the administration doesn't get credit for things they do right. Would you like to see any changes in USG's relationships with the Board of Trustees? Yes, in the past it hasn't been very good. Mainly in changing relationships between USG and the Board of Trustees theie has to be more respect and cooperation between USG and the Board. I feel ' the Board of Trustees is open to students input as long as its feasible. The Board doesn't seem to understand the students. What methods would you use to open trustee com mittee meetings? The main issue on this is to use the Sunshine Law. But in order to use the Sunshine Law, we have to pressure the administration to make a decision whether we are a public or private institution. This is the main question. If we are a public institution, we have all the rights to sit in to any meetings. If it's a private institution, they can go without letting us sit in on these meetings. It is our right as students to sit in on all meetings because it affects us as students and anything that affects students I'm going to push for in the utmost efficiency for representation in the student body. In a fight against tuition hikes, do you favor sit-down negotiations or student rallies and demonstrations? Sit down negotiations. I don't feel you can really accomplish anything by mass rallies or protesting. I think the administration seems to resent it. If you just sit down with them and reason with them, I think you can accomplish a lot more. Do you support HIT or the University Coalition? I support HIT and the Coalition for one main reason: they are a group of students who have organized their attention to fight for a common goal for the benefit of the student body. _ Do you support a tuition strike? I don't think it would work. It would only hold back a student's graduating date. It wouldn't do anything but hurt the students. What do you think of the present discipline system? How would you change it? The system as it stands is basically pretty fair. I don't see any reasons to change it. How would you achieve more student input into University decisions? The big thing here is to get more students involved in USG. That's our main plan to bring USG back to the students. We won't make promises because people don't look for promises. They look for qualifications, Students wants a candidate that will support them. What changes do you foresee in USG as an organization? As we said before, our plan is to work with the students and for the students. Right now, USG is too big on the political side. We're going to give the students and USG more unity, more cooperation, more input from students and more results. . What changes would you make in the USG con stitution? I would change it to make it mandatory for the president to have at least a 2.5 average, at least a 2.5 It's a proven fact that once you get in office your cum goes down at least one point. Sharon Kelly (left) and Audrey Weinberg A choice of "no representation" must also appear on the ballot. The hearings are not expected to end for several months yet and an election before Winter Term 1977 seems unlikely. The polling booths, open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. today and tomorrow, are at the following locations: —North Halls, Warnock Union Build ing . West Halls, Waring East Halls, Findlay Union Building —Pollock-Nittany Halls, Pollock Union Building —Centre Halls, McElwain (Wed nesday), Simmons (Thursday) —South Halls, Redifer —Fraternity; Phi Kappa Psi, 403 Locust Lape _ —Town, HUB (for sure), Willard (maybe). The Daily Collegian Wednesday, March 31, 1976 How will you improve USG's credibility? By showing students some results. A lot of times in USG things happen and no one ever hears about the results. We have to build interpersonal relationships with students. Again, it goes right back to that open door policy. Give students an internal part in USG, that's what we want. Too many students first don't know what USG is or what it does. I don't want students to read about USG in the Collegian. There's too much politics. In past USG's it's been a thing of prestige for the participants. They were politicians they weren't for the students. It's time for someone to work for the students. Do you support rent control? Yes, we support rent control. I feel this is a student's only protection against landlords. Most landlords try to rip students off for everything they can get. Students in town are at the mercy of the landlords. Students should be protected from these people, legally protected. What steps would you take to improve conditions for student workers? Each employer should lay out guidelines for what student workers are supposed to do. This should be done by the employers before any hiring goes on. They don't explain anything to the students, they capitalize on the students. Do you support PennPIRG? I support PIRG, but with mixed feelings. A Penn- PIRG could provide students with better legal representation. But with a good USG, students really don't need PennPIRG. If it wants to exist, it must act in coherence with the constitution. Do you support PSORML? I'd have to give it more consideration. People use it marijuana if it's legal or not anyway. Do you support canvassing? That's a decision open to the dorms. There is a danger to canvassing permitted in female dorms where someone might make foul advances to females. What relationship do you see between Harrisburg and USG? I plan a very slow and cohesive approach to Harrisburg with compromise and talks. We don't have any harsh plans in dealing with Harrisburg, we'll let them know we're coming. What are the main things you would like to see ac complished on the state level for the students? I'd like to see more - money got to financial aid to students. In any legislation from Harrisburg, I want more than a "no" without an explanation. I'd also like to see some action on marijuana and drinking age bills. What do you see is the biggest problem on campus? Apathy no matter where you go, it's there. With student clubs there's enough to suit and satisfy each student's desires. That's one solution to apathy. OK, that's fine. But in the meantime, tuition is going up. I for one am going to try to stop it. Anybody who doesn't show an interest, the hell with them. We can't support anyone who doesn't want to be Supported. How will you deal with the problem of overcrowding? Get rid of the temporary housing in the dorm study lounges. Don't cram people into smaller and smaller places, just tell them, "We have no more room." This temporary housing cuts down on access to study areas. Accomodate the students who are already enrolled.