The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 11, 1975, Image 6

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    •i—The Daih Collegian Tuesday, November 1 1, 1975
Bag your plants
over term break
Collegian Staff Writer
You're leaving soon for term break, and you just don’t know
how to break it to your green roommates. You’d like to take
them with you. but it was tough enough securing a ride in the
first place the d-iver didn’t say you could bring your fronds
If you don’t do something, your lovely greens will turn a
deadly shade of brown during your absence. They’ll suffer
from your ignorance, and as Mark Twain once observed,
"ignorance is a crime "
Maybe you can hire a plant-sitter. These fine folks haven’t
organized yet and still work for reasonable rates. Find
someone you can trust, and make sure he or she isn’t leaving
town. A really nice stereo may provide impetus to someone
who might otherwise be reluctant to visit your empty apart
If you have no friends or you live in a dormitory, you can
still keep your plants happy while you’re gone. Construct a
mini-greenhouse around them.
Israelis kill 4 Arab
Israeli forces hunted down
and killed four Arab guerrilla
infiltrators in an apple or-
chard near tlie northern town
of Metulla yesterday, then
crossed the border into
Lebanon to arrest two men
who watched the fighting
iroin the other side, the
military command said.
A spokesman said the
Israeli troops tracked the
intruders all night and wiped
them out in a close-range
gunlight in the orchard in the
rocky countryside south of the
Chile says invasion thwarted
SANTIAGO. Chile il'PI) -
The Chilean government
yesterday said it had detected
and trustrated an invasion of
Chile by more than 1,200
guerrillas lrom Cuba and
Reports by the Chilean
secret police, known as
DINA, said that the invasion
was to have been’carried out
on Nov 15 by 40 guerrillas
trained in Cuba s and 1.200
more from Argentina
The government said 14
persons iiad been arrested in
connection with the invasion,
code named "Boomerang 1-
Accurding to DINA 40
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He said the guerrillas were
members of the Arab
Liberation Front, an Iraqi
backed group responsible for
t he Kfar Yuval attack June 15
in which three Israelis and
tour terrorists were killed.
Military sources said troops
followed footsteps leading
lrom the scene of the fighting
to the border fence, 1 where
they, arrested the two other
The command spokesman
called them "suspicious
Lebanese civilians.” The
persons. all identified,
arrived in Panama from
Cuba on flight 466 of the
Cubana airlines Four of them
continued on to Lima on flight
977 of Branift Airlines "to
proceed to infiltrate Chile"
lrom Peru
The secret police said that
security services also -had
discovered that 1.200
guerrillas were also
As strange as it may seem, plastic can be a plant’s best
friend at least, when you’re not around. Clear wrap from
the kitchen or closet will indice a humid, tropical feeling for
which your plants will surely thank you.
Before you begin bagging, water heavily. As soon as the
excess water has seeped out and been disposed of, surround
individual plants with a sandwich bag and then pinch the open
end between the pot and the saucer.
A large plant ( or several small ones) may need a full-size
bag from the cleaner's. Try not to let the plastic rest on the
leaves, and be sure the bag is free from rips and perforations.
If there are tears, seal them with rubber bands or the
‘twistems’ that came with the bags.
Green Thumbs
Place your bagged buddies in a little less light than ustlal. If
too much direct sunlight hits them, the temperature inside the
tent may become uncomfortably high.
Speaking of temperature, it might be wise to check with that
shifty landlord and find out if he’s going to try and save energy
while you're gone. The bags will hold in some heat, but if it’s
going to get below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) for long periods
of time, there may be complaints from some of the weaker
leaves. If the owner’s going to, move those plants to a
warmer clime.
sources said the pair were
being interrogated to
determine if they were part of
the guerrilla mission.
The command spokesman
said mortar fire was directed
from Lebanese territory at
the Israeli forces as they
combed the area during the
day, but there were no Israeli
The guerrillas wore civilian
clothes and sneakers and
carried grenades and Soviet
built Kalachinkov sub
machinegiins, the spokesman
said One of them had a tape
preparing to infiltrate Chile
from the southern Argentine
resort city of San Carlos de
The guerrillas "were to
have used different means of
transport, especially on
horseback," to cross
numerous Andes Mountain
passes in that region, DINA
recorder, something never
seen before on Arab in
A Palestinian guerrilla
group spokesman in Lebanon
said one of its suicide units
stormed a hotel and a resort
house in the settlement of
Kfar Jelaadi in northern
A communique distributed
by the Palestine News
Agency in Beirut said the
guerrillas “engaged with
enemy forces there at dawn
yesterday in a battle under
difficult weather conditions.”
It gave no further details.
A Lebanese military
spokesman said 15 Israeli
soldiers and two vehicles
crossed over the border into
southern Lebanon near the
town of Marjeyoun but
Lebanese artillery drove
them back.
It’ll make you
a better human being.
Glum Moroccans retreat
TAH, Spanish Sahara (UPI)
Thousands of Moroccan volunteers who
poured cheering into the Spanish Sahara
last week on a “march of conquest”
streamed glumly back across the border
yesterday under orders. from King
Hassan 11.
A few marchers tried to move on the
Spanish defense lines but,were turned
Hassan, threatened with war by Spain
and Algeria, called off the march Sun
day in a dramatic radio-television
speech. 1
He said, without explanation, that the
march had “attained its objective” and
said Morocco would now switch to
diplomacy in its bid to take over the
mineral-rich territory in Africa's north
west corner. j
Press reports said Spain land Morocco
LUANDA, Angola (UPI)|
Saying it had nothing to:be
ashamed of, Portugal pulled
out from divided Angola
without ceremony yesterday,
ending five centuries l of
colonial rule and leaving
three black independence
movements to fight it out for
control of the mineral-rich
West African country..
Portugal’s last high
commissioner, Adm. Leonel
Cardoso, ordered the Por
tuguese flag lowered for the
last time at dusk and trans
ferred power "to the
Angolan people” before
sailing for home in a frigate.
would shortly announce a compromise
under which the United Nations woufd
administer the Spanish Sahara until a
diplomatic solution could be worked out.
But Hassan made no mention of the
United Nations in his speech.
The 200,000 volunteers folded their
tents at dawn and clambered onto trucks
for the trek back to their tent city near
Tarfaya, 25 miles north of the frontier.
A contingent of 300 cadet national
police arrived along the route of the
withdrawal to guard against possible
trouble among the disgruntled volun
Spanish news agency reports said that
during the night a group of Moroccans
tried to enter Spanish lines but were
chased away by Spanish soldiers and
swooping jets. One youth was captured,
the reports said.
divided in independence
All Portuguese troops were
ordered to sail and be out of
Angola’s territorial waters by
midnight the official time
of independence.
“In the name of the
President of the Portuguese
Republic, I solemnly
proclaim, effective from zero
hours of the eleventh day of
November 1975, the in
dependence of Angola and its
full sovereignty, rooted in the
Angolan people, who shall
decide the forms of its
execution," Cardoso said at a
news conference some 12
hours before the deadline.
In 10 months of bitter
>*A<• ' A s ■
one three two south alien street
fighting between the rival
armies, an estimated 30,000
persons have been killed
while 300,000 of the half
million white population fled.
The Soviet-backed Popular
Movement for the Liberation
of Angola, which controls
Luanda, said it was assuming
power and declared its
revolutionary poet leader,
Agostinho Neto, 52, first
In the areas under their
control, the other two
liberation movements
planned similar proclama
Only hours before formal
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Other small groups approached the
defense lines yesterday morning, the
reports said, and this time Moroccan
national police headed them off.
There were no reports of any shooting
or any casualties.
In Madrid, Prince Juan Carlos de
Borbon won public acclaim for his
handling of the Spanish Sahara crisis,
his first test of leadership since
assuming power from the ailing
Generalissimo Francisco Franco.
Most of the volunteers listened in glum
silence to the speech over loudspeakers
mounted on top of vehicles in their
sprawling camp.
“I’m afraid we look like idiots to the
rest of the world,” a Moroccan journalist
The main line of 200,000 marchers had
stopped six miles inside the Sahara
independence, Popular
Movement troops yesterday
fought an artillery battle
near Quifangondo, 12 miles
north of Luanda, with forces,
of one of the rival liberation
movements. In the process
Luanda's main water supply
lines may have been
damaged because water taps
in the capital dried up at
midday. City engineers said it
could take a week to repair
the damage.
"Portugal leaves without
sentiments of guilt and
without having to be
ashamed,” Cardoso said.
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