16.- I The Daily Collegian Friday, May 16, 1975 Local filriis— a variety from blah to better By LEAH ROZEN Collegian Staff Writer "The Four Musketeers - -Richard Lester's breezy version tit the Dumas classic. It's not really a sequel to last year's tni. because he shot them both at the same time, intending to make onto one film Lester's all star cast romps through the unimportant plot. clowaibg it up. Oliver Reed, Richard N. w o rivivig:,-0n t ;1iw., ;67 .... 4.i ..- .4 . lvivil vz.: 4s ... A . 2 c m g. Kar licr f irp4meillerorer4 w aro d rAel:A. , v 44 :10 .. ....10.•.....41/... 7 1 ;:1it.0.u.0.v.:;:•,....1,....110.•.41...e.....74710.9.01,0.4110...119.•.11, .111. . 7 4 :00: 4 . 00 : 10 . 074 : 0 "••• 74 : ••• • • ~ .., 4 6: rc ~..,e, to.' .x: :. ~ Li n * It is 4ti / ) i // i ) i:e. : Rte. . - Ate. Att t t ;11F, MENS STORf. GET PERSONAL WITH DAD • • • • • • Free monograming, gift wrapping and mailing on all of our solid color neckware In 12 tasty colors at An opportUnity to give a really per sonalized - gift and you only have to pick the_color. We will take care of the rest. ONLY AT KALIN'S at Open Monday 11:00 - 8:30 r4O. 1W Tuesday through Saturday 9:30 - 5:30 i% F. ' , ..i , i \ or by appointment 1 ,., AN 41•: . ... - rier. Division of Orkus Associates • • ....W.2 11 11 ‘16 4,. ..02012;41Z,N1babri...WVV1W15.26 . 011,VV4 , 411.....••••,.....a 1......W1 1 11....Nr41....„Wa1k.....0 . D., • • • 1111....1.41 , ......411•Zi11....41016;e",....••••• • &,. • . 411.e."4111.16 6 'CV.' . :-.. ZSIZZ/7.7.O.7II4;:IIIMINMEMIPMIZZIP.7:4S.7O^IIMIMIZZIN.ZPY:II/TROIMOZZIMOZZIMIMONCIPMINCOAMIPMII;,:. ORM(leather ardiewary i / A\ g its end:of-term \ \ 'k i l ; l \ r \ r, 11) \\ jl/1" ieatbance \\, ao % ctr ai r l i i r 2 q o urß so4 e e s a• s(t'e rr w i 3 N tYle ; &viw - tzi)to now thru Wednesday, Y_ay GROK features The new for su :4- miner: ward, any purchoze in the, store of any pan) of Nature Shoes... (does r d io i =g tteeskrre, ApPY ITALIAY'PosTOS...Sc4 free with $ 5 purchaei! qOOO. Luck in n thanks for your patronage ! OPEN 10 to (0 mon .thm at, . Downtown Free monograming, gift wrapping and mailing of any of our crisp and - comfortable dreSs andspoit shirts. Chamberlain, Faye Dunaway. Michael York, Raquel Welch find yourself mon and Charlton Heston, who is surpriAingly funny. The Garden their problems. TI Theatre "The Great Waldo Pepper"- 7 Raert Redford, in all of his shining blond glory, plays a barnstorming stunt pilot of the 20s in this latest film by George Roy Hill, the man who gave you "Butch Cassidy" and "The Sting." Lots of shots of planes in the sky. Margot Kidder and Susan Sarandon also appear. Cinema Two "Lenny"—Bob Fosse's film about Lenny Bruce, the comic who talked dirty and died of an overdose. Dustin Hoffman, pulls out all of the stops as the comedian but he is too much of a nice guy. The film is in black and white and features a fantastic strip scene in the beginning. Valerie Perrine plays Lenny's wife. The Screening Room "Scenes From a Marriage"—lngmar Bergman's ex ploration of marriage, which originally ran for more than five c hours on Swedish television, has been cut to almost three On Campus hours for theater release. Liv Ullmann and Erland Josephson "Claudine"—COmedy with Dihann Carroll as a ghetto play the not-so : happY couple with astonishing skill. The movie mother and James Earl Jones as her sanitation worker is in color andfdubbed, which becomes less bothersome as you romantic interest. -A surprisingly funny comedy with good $B.OO MURg shCo more than 10 styles for men women menb leather hemp sandialo.-- women l s slims bark sandals (pLcn7d) End-of -Term BONUS: kit; CROK Leather and, jewelry Fiesta 56: basement ; t n ik 10 : 4 KISSINGER, LEONARD & HEIM REALTORS NOW RENTING FOR SUMMER AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS AMERICANA HOUSE ATHERTON HOUSE COLLEGIATE ARMS FAIRMOUNT HILLS LAUREL TERRACE INQUIRE at 245 S. Allen Street 238-4400 before 5 p.m. I need bo for packing? we've been Iceepiqthern for y 43_4! and more involved with the characters and ,e State Theatre "Shampoo"--W:rren Beatty plays a Beverly Hills hair dresser who speno , as much time in the pants of his customers as he does in thei , hair. Set in 1968, Hal Ashby's film tries for significance and isses, although it works rather welt as a farce. Julie Chris ie, Lee Grant and Goldie Hawn succumb to Beatty's charms. Cinema One "Tommy"—Whb are we •to tell you what to do with your three dollars'espiecially when Columbia Pictures has spent damn near three pr four million trying to get you to see this turkey s The Cathaiim Theatre iage"—What we assume Mick and Bianca don't really think we go see all of these s, do you? We haVe to - 4 draw the line ovies "Wide Open Ma Jagger have. Yo pornographic fil somewhere. The COLLEGE OF BUSINESS STUDENTmFACUI:TX P ICNIC SUNDAY, MAY 18 SPRING CREEK PARK FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS ALL MEMBERS OF THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS WELCOME RIDES WILL BE LEAVING THE 8.A.8. PARKING LOT AT 1 2:30 pm Cheap Thrills usagioer COntinues LOT! __ T4AST *.iwomr"Sde DAY ! * Buy two Ltem s a ve! topirtS! tarot topa ! liestern aiiirts! jeans! an d more! ‘llbOtnrit-LESAVIIICTS! fIOW off : ' chep ,iP6el VontiAL ioto acting by the leads. Gladys Knight and the Rips provide the music. 111 Forum, I "King of Hearts"—Charming mice or twice, but how many times can you see this Philippe De Proca film about how much sweeter and lovable the insane arl r ? Alan: Bates, who is always marvelous, and the lovely Ge 4 ieve Bujold star. "Reefer Madness," a film from the thirties which warned against the killer weed, also will be shown. Wal4ing "Monkey Business"—Marx Briithers' film from the days when Zeppo was still an active rOmber: Their usual inspired madness reigns, with Groucho and Harpo coming off best: Chico, howevgf, has a certain charm. Zeppo is merely in nocuous. Redifer "D" -r "A Woman Under the Influencer—How did they get this one so fast? For a dollar, you can't miss. One of this year's best films. Gena Rowlands plays the w man who is about to flip out and Peter Falk is' her puzzled husband. An emotionally tearing film, but one with movin performances by its leads. , Director John Cassavetes may have his . technical problems, but they don't interfere with the power of this movie. 105 Forum SEE MAP AT 8.A.8. FOR DIRECTIONS 1:00 PM - ?