—The Dally Collegian Friday, April 11,1975 if they had sent someone out to hunt for the missing wit. As it is, we have to put up with a Search for Truth on the above-mentioned Dark and Stormy Night, and the con clusion of the film is very dull. It is redeemed only by fhe final showdown with Paula Prentiss, a scene which is almost enough to justify the entire motion picture. Almost. The whole business is a bit difficult to take seriously, particularly since it is never established why the men would want to change their wives into dull galley slaves anyway. I suspect that there is a _ message lurking here. ........ . . ‘ Indeed, the film could very work of two filmmakers, or of easily be considered pro a scfuzophrenic. feminist if it did not handle The plot, from a novel by the women’s liberation Ira Levin, is almost as cliched movement so tritelyi Early in as Snoopy s It Vitas a Dark the film, Ross refers to and Stormy Night .vet the “Maidenform bonfires" that film contains quite a few curdles the air. The "women witty a °d imaginative are-people-too” message dies sequences The characters It might have made a more fight (here. The ' body is are largely one-dimensional, it migni na\e maaea more d (d with f, but most of the performances interesting mystery sequence references iQ con g ciousness i _ _ _ _ _ _ _raising and other drolleries. www w wVVVVw w wwwW w w 9999 wWw W ww wit verv • COMMQNSpLACS afPEEHOoSe pj&SfWTS: £ provide two large and fairly X i J 2 workable roles for women mm, as • anD • • 0' • 'Stepford' movie lacks character By PATRICK SOKAS Collegian Staff Writer “The Stepford Wives" is a movie with strangely little character—it never quite decides what it wants to be. The film contains good and bad elements in such striking contrast that it seems the Impressions • ccMtfQtisMce Pisans-. * Zm APARTMENTS Now Accepting Rentals “Downtown Group” Make unit' choice of am of the abme new. close to campus, fullv furnished apartments. RENTAL ADDRESS 340 East Beaver 237-0363 are excellent, particularly those of Katharine Ross and the always marvelous Paula Prentiss. The quality of the script ranges from wooden dialogue to very witty lines. And so on. In most respects, "The Stepford Wives” 1 is astound ingly uneven. 1 j Many of these irregularities stem from the peculiarities of the story itself. And an odd little story it is. Ross and husband Peter Masterson move from grimy New York to the pristine suburb of Stepford. in order to protect the kids and so on. It quickly becomes apparent that most of the women of Stepford are abnormally!fond ot housework arid somewhat oversolicitous ' of their BEAV tKnm, CED AKBROOK PENN TOWERS husbands. The situation has wildly, comic possibilities, which only partially are fulfilled. In one excellent scene, the women of the town attend a ‘ ‘consciousness-raising’ ’ session, only to sing the praises of Easy On Speed Starch. For once, almost everything clicks Other than Ross and Prentiss, the only "normal” woman in the town is bitchy Tina Louise, the movie star from "Gilligan’s Island.” When she is suddenly con verted into another Suzie Homemaker., the suspense begins. ' It soon becomes apparent that the unusually dull men of Stepford are somehow fashioning themselves equally tedious mates, under the direction of Patrick O'Neal, a refugee from Disneyland. At about this point, most of the humor in the movie mysteriously vanishes. 188# ACorp m Apa Conditio e to Can' iv Furnishei Model apartments available for your inspection Now Accepting Rentals HAVE YOU TRIED? St. John’s United Methodist Church. W. Beaver and S. Burrowes 9:30 Morning Worship 10:30 Coffee Hour 10:45 Post -Hi Discussions John Marlyn Rimert, Pastor 237-9278 237-4404 Screening area movies Downtown “Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore’’—Ellen Burstyn just won an Oscar for her performance in, tfiis movie about a woman's attempt to capture the singing career she abandoned years ago. “Alice” was directed by Martin Scorece, who made last year’s terrific “Mean Streets.” Almost every critic liked this film and it’s turning into one of the year’s biggest hife. “Amarcord” —Fellini's nostalgic look, at his youth picked up this year’s best) film Oscar. This is a| ’lovely, wistful movie,! especially the scene in which the entire village goes out to ,watch the ship passing. “Brannigan” —John Wayne’s latest and he’s a city [ detective this time. Despite' his growing paunch and stubborn refusal to give up his ratty hairpiece, he’s still the Duke to us. “Harry and Tonto" —This is really a very nice movie. Art Carney, who just picked up his - Oscar for best actor, plays DELTA GAMMA welcomes aboard Bob Riegel # Our New MBBi Anchorman f t If you have thought abut purchasing a Penn State 1 class ring and haven’t done it because the price is too high, Balfour has some help for you* THE 10K GOLD RING •FOUR RINGS PRICED BELOW • I. Sterling Silver 2. Palladium • 3. gold • 4. Auralite Rings in any of the above metals are guaranteed fqr a lifetime of satis faction The same guarantee as our 10K & 14K gold rings, •TRADE-IN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL RING AT THE CURRENT HIGH GOLD SALVAGE RATE • FROM IARRIL Ist until April 15th Balfour will give you one of the following options FREE WITH YOURPIiJRCHASE— ' ; i • YOUR CHOICE OF ADDITIVE • encrusting 4 ’ • autograph'signature • green gold • starburst stone • starflame stone OR $7.00 CASH DISCOUNT c ßoflwr 326 East College Ave State College, Pa. 16801! a senior citizen who travels across the country visiting his mixed-up children. He’s very good, Ellen Burstyn tears into her small role and the rest of the cast is also fine. Sally Mars, Lenny Bruce’s mother, plays the woman on the beach at the end of the film. “Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York”—Taken from Gail Parent’s best selling novel of the same name, this movie stars Jeanie Berlin (“The Heartbreak Kid”) in the title role. This film has gotten bombed all over the place and Para mount has yet to open it of ficially in New York. If you loved the novel, and ap parently a lot of people did, be forewarned. Sheila gets her man in the movie. “The Stepford Wives” —Bryan 'Forbes’ film, taken from ira Levin’s novel, runs from good to bad, more of the bad, and ends up leaving you indifferent. Katharine Ross and Paula Prentiss, who’s funny, star as the wives whose husbands try to turn them into robots. This film, contrary to Columbia Pictures’ hopes, is not very popular with feminists. “A Woman Under the In fluence’’—John Cassa vetes’ movie about a woman’s breakdown is very moving. It continues to grow on you for days afterwards. Gena Rowlands is dynamite and Peter Falk is more than competent as her husband, j “Young Frankenstein” —Mel Brooks puts his personal stamp on the kind of horror film Hollywood made in the '3os. Wonder of won ders, it even has a fairly Icoherent plot. Peter Boyle is ( the monster. Gene Wilder is the skillful surgeon' and {Madeline Kahn is once again side-clutchingly funny. I On Campus I “Deep Throat”—Every body should see Linda Lovelace discover., the pleasures of love once, just so you can tell your grand children you saw it. “Garden of the Finzi- Continis"—Vittorio De Sica’s film about an upperclass Jewish family in Italy at the time of Mussolini’s rise to power. A very good movie and a beautiful one to look at. “Johathan Livingston Seagull''—What can you say about a bird who insists on snubbing his fellow seagulls? For ornithologists only. LAWN SALE Saturday April 12 fromfloon on 921 SoePugh St. appliance*, records, antiques, clothing posteriori objects, etc. 1 f j' Stay on top of the news j I READ The Daily Collegian f S OPEN 24 Hrs. I • Economy Laurrdry • # 8 lbs. wash 25' • # 16 lbs. wash 35' • # 25 lbs. wash 60' • J Dry 10 minutes for a dime J J Back of Post House Tavern J • next to Bus Station on # • Railroad Ave. • ALL 6= 9s ALBUMS / £9 --SHIRTS, qo mCIDMNC TECAL 1 70 2000Aul MUS? CORDUROY smoking /WATQ "Mr. Majestyk"—Charles Bronson has to fight some bad guys and he has to do a lot of shooting. Our favorite scene (the only one we liked in the entire film) was the one in which the bad guys machine gun a room full* of water melons. “Portrait"—Another dirty film. You get a free "F’orn is Fun” button for attending. “The Producers" “Blazing Saddles" Brooks’ first feature film. It stars Zero Mostel, a truly crazy man, and Gene Wilder as two theatre producers determined to produce a flop. Therefore, -they put on a musical called "Springtime for ftftjer." Worth seeing at least once “The Thief Who Came to Dinner’’—An attempt, a couple of years back, to make a classy crime picture with Ryan- O’Neal and Jaqueline Bisset. It was not all of that classy. Produced by Bud Yorkin and Norman Lear, the same guys who gave you "All In the Family " “Thunderbolt and Eight foot"—Clint Eastwood, with his usual wooden demeanor, stars with Jeff Bridges Satisfactory but not much more ”2001: A Space Odyssey" —Here we go again. Fasten your seatbelt. SUBSHACK Nitelv Campus Deliveries 238-1465 8:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. 3s' per delivery . S SB