Panel defeats Spending plan WASHINGTON (UPD—'The Senate Budget Committee yesterday rejected a proposal that it recommend a heavy dose of additional federal spending to induce economic recovery. Cowed bv the huge deficit it already has agreed upon, the panel defeated by a 10-4 vote the suggestion of liberal Sen. Walter F. Mondale, D-Minn., to recommend an additional $4 billion for such stimulants as public service iobs.'health in surance for the unemployment, aid for home.buyers and anti foreclosureloans. In a 13-hour session stretching deep into the night Wed nesday, the committee approved a $366.1 billion spending target for the fiscal year starting July 1. This would result in a deficit far beyond the $6O billion maximum President Ford said he would tolerate. Officially, the committee estimated its proposals would create a 567.2 billion deficit, but that figure assumed that Congress would allow to expire at the end of 1975 the income tax cuts it enacted last month. i Higher prices not necessary Energy-saving WASHINGTON ot Lenahs and double end Shallow draftKeel(whifewater rno&is) tn !sdjicLri , , ~ OPElHlOtoS.jOrrDnithcii'sat 6»*.30t09 moniW&l, tJk. 157 5-BeaverAve- - , tintheparlana garage) “Because of this,” he said, “we have got to accept that the principle is the same for raw materials as i t as for oil. ” He said if a meeting in Paris this summer fails to achieve understanding between oil-producing and consuming nations, Western countries “will in crease the price of their commodities, or keep up the rate of inflation.” In that case, he said, “We are going to defend ourselves by increasing the price of our oil.” The Shah said Iran's recent move in ending its currency link with the dollar, in favor of the special drawing rights of the International Monetary Fund, would not mean an end to quoting oil prices in dollars. But he was asked if he would demand payment in currencies other than the dollar in view of the dollar’s continuing weakness. . “Probably,” Ije said. "Probably—if the dollar continues to go down. But if it stabilizes, then we shall see.” Turning to fridbchiHST the Shah suggested other nations need not doubt the reliability of America as an ally because of the ’ refusal of the U.S. Congress to vote more military aid to Saigon. “We have got to look deeply into every case.” he said. “Were the South Viet namese fighting to “the end, doing everything that was necessary for their people and them being let down by the United States? “Or from the reports that we get, 'Ma Kettle' dead at 84 Main appeared at Carnegie Hall in a Shakespearean company. She was born Mary Torhlinson Krebs at Acton, lnd„ Feb. 24,1890. She was a graduate of the School of Expression at Franklin College, studied dramatic arts at Hamilton College and, in addition to Shakespearean roles, worked iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Prevention of campus crime begins with student aware ness. Use strong bicycle chains, carry purses carefully, 1 and report all thefts to Police Services immediately by calling 865-5458. beautiful planters pottery of all kinds eskimo carvings in soapstone and weathered whalebone appalachian arts opposite cheap thrills 110 s. fraserst. The Daily Collegian Friday, April 11,1975 — evacuating three-fourths of their country in a disorderly way, running and not even fighting? So what could the UnitedStatesdo?" On the Middle East, the Shah said Kissinger’s mission failed because “Israel is much too stubborn—probably because it has a weak,government...The ISisJfelis are not being cooperative or reasonable in their demands.” He’ assessed Egypt’s policies as “practical and comprehensible, lsrael to comply with the United Nations resolutions on the return of occupied Arab lands, saying: “They have got to get out. This is Arab land—it doesn’t belong to them.” But he said there was no question of Iran exerting pressure on Israel by cutting off its oil. “We do not mix oil with politics,” he said. “We sell oil to oil companies and they take it where they want." He gave the same answer when asked if Iran would guarantee oil for Israel in return for Israeli peace concessions. On other topics the Shah: —Said Iran would begin to curb its huge program of foreign investments and concentrate more on internal development. —Reiterated his call for countries bordering the Indian Ocean to form “some sort of commonwealth of nations” and said this could include South Africa if it would make “a few changes in the direction of what would be accepted by theJJhited Nations." in stock, in vaudeville, in radio and on Broadway. She came to Hollywood in 1937 -and established herself as a sardonic ‘ comedienne, sharp of tongue, but with a heart of gold. In addition to the "Ma and Pa Kettle" seritfe. she had parts in Dead End. The Women, Meet Me in St. Louis. Harvey Girls. Egg and’ I. Rose Marie. Test Pilot, Johnny Come Lately. Murder He Says. Friendly Per suasion. Heaven Can Wait and Honkv Tonk She had no known living relatives. Funeral service will be held Monday at the Church of the Hills. Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Hollywood Hills