Letters to the Editor Apartments still available for spring & summer rental KEYSTONE TOWERS 238-1771 MALE 31aro wS-feDITOR: 'Your paper on-'April a iwa6 clearly in bad taste. In ithis issue the male body was shown throughout the paper (especially in the sports pages) in such a way as to exploit their bodies as sex objects. We are presently presidept and vide president of MALE (Men Against Legalized Exploitation). MALE is an organization-composed of men who are sick |and tired of being used by females for "one night stands." iWe are tired of women picking'us up at parties and then almpst forcing us to commit' illicit sex with them (even though vie aren't married!) We are tired of women using us and then bragging to all their girlfriends how “easy" we were. We are tired fo girls trying to get us drunk at every party just to use us to fulfill their sinful physical desires. No longer will we let girls justj think of us as sex objects. Yes girls, boys are not just pretty faces, they Inave minds too. MALE! members are men who look for girls with good looking minds. We don't want girls with big are these girls good for? We want our girlfriends to have IQ’s over 130 and an All U Cum of at least 3.5. This is a type of girl who you can go! to bed with and have !a good intellectual conversation instead of illicit sex. We|do not believe in premarital sex because as everyone knows, a man is impotent until he gets married. We are totally against the Human Relations Ordinance now before the State College fiorough Council,because we believe it was conceived! by hoiffiy females whojwant legalized for nication iih their own apartments. If this law is passed no man will be safe from seductive females who want him to room with them next year. Please State College Borough Council, on the sacred ness of Mom’s Apple Pie! —Defeat this immoral law. If you are a man and you are tired of being used by females, and would like to be a member of MAIIE, please take the following action: Send two unused Trojans and a dictionary to your girlfriend telling her you are "no longer that type of guy" and instruct her that if her All U doesn’t risfe appreciably within the nextjterm, you will-no longer wish to court Tigr. Micrtael C. Pagano 6th-accounting . Timothy J. White 6th-civil engineering ’Grjassy knoll ' TO EDITOR: I and six other local people attended this last Saturday a conference on the CIA held in the Yale law school. Throughout the day there was continuous reference to the "grassy knoll.” I did not understand the reference until later in the afternoon. At about four in the afternoon Bob Groden, Bob Salzman, Col. Fletcher Prouty, and Mark Lane made a presentation on political assassination centering on the assassination of President Kennedy. They presented many facts which I will not go intq lor the sake of brevity. At the end of the program The Zapruder film was shown.. This is the film taken of the assassination that was shown to the Warren Commission and most recently on TV. In thebeginning we see Kennedy come around! the corner and pass behind a sign. While behind the sign, li£ is hit in the back with a bullet that went in so little that it Jvas knocked out during cardiac massage. After he came out frojn the sign another bullet was fired,'taking off part of his head, knocking him back and to the side. It is obvious that he was shot from the front and not from the back as it would be in the case of where Oswald was supposed to have shot him from. Then Connally is shot. We see people running towards a grassy! knoll in front of the President’s car, not toward j the warehouse behind the President’s car where Oswald is sup posed fto be firing from. When the picture of the grassy knoll is blown jup we see a man in a hat in the military prone position holding a rifle. j ' Cojnmission from the very-beginning assumed that Oswald was the only assassin. In' the beginning they divided up into committees the first of which was Why did CAMP COUNSELORS Camp Lindenmere in the Pocono Mtns. Beautiful coed camp needs: General Counselors Athletic Director .Group Leaders Specialists tennis, riflery, water sports, go-carts, dance, gymnastics, archery, pioneering, etc. (Male counselors especially needed) Mike Sharff will be interviewing on campus Saturday, April 12th. Sign up at 105 Boucke Bldg. Oswald do it? There are‘s,ooo ways to view the film, frame by frame, blow ups and such. Yet the Warren Commission only viewed 21, some of-them not pertinent to the case. I could go on but in the name of brevity, again, I will not. It Is hard for me, after seeing the film, to believe that the Oswald theory is true. It is equally hard to believe what I must if the Oswald theory is false. That is that, at least, there was a massive cover-up. of the second assassin by government agencies such as the FBI and the CIA, by the Warren Com mission, and the press. The even more fearful question is why did they do it?. * The seven of us who went to the conference are willing to talk to anybody about this and other things Covered in the conference such as CIA involvement in Chile, Vietnam, Por tugal and Africa, its job as an instigator and provocator, and so on. Here are our names and phone! numbers. Joshua Rubin stein, 692-8568, Ellen Dressman and Paul Belz, 338-4127, Frank Calahan and John Brown, 238-3680, Ann Arbogast, 237- 0689, Roger Davis, 865-6649. One more important fact is worth mentioning. The second ranking member of the Warren Commission was Rep. Gerald Ford, now the first unelected president of the United States. Joshua Cady Rubinstein State College resident Peaches and cream TO THE EDITOR: I’d like to thank Earl Davis on such a pessimistic outlook on life. I can understand how he came to ‘ his conclusion when the only newsworthy material is about anger and-frustration. Rarely does one see an article ori love and understanding; they are not "hot” items for news. It is terribly unfortunate to see people become victims to anger and frustration. However, a little understanding and love could have prevented the incidents. Call mean optimist, but I just can’t see the world revolve entirely on anger. Man was not created by anger. Not many can say they were conceived by angered or frustrated parents. It all depends on where one looks. Even on one of those rare, sunny days here in Happy Valley, one| can .see love and understanding, just look at the people’s faces; you don’t see too many frowns. I just can’t see anger when’ people are playing baseball, flying kites, throwing frisbees, orjjust sitting out on the grass. j Maybe love doesn’t conquer all, but it sure doesn't hfirt v A! little love and understanding may make life a little easier Jcr bear, because even I have to admit life, unfortunately, is not all "peaches and cream." Defense fund TO THE EDITOR: Joanne Little, an indigent 20-year-old black, will go on trial on April I.4th in North Carolina for first degree murder for the alleged slaying of Clarence Alligoodj 62-year olcT-yvhite prison guard. Little had been held in Beaufort County tail -for three months.pending an appeal on a breaking and entering conviction. It is reported that Alligood entered Little’s jail cell on the night of Aug. 27, 1974, not wearing shoes, and carrying the ice pick he normally kept in his desk drawer. Later Alligood was discovered stabbed to death by the ice pick and naked from the waist down. The county Medical examiner found clear evidence of recent sexualactivity. ' Little claims that she stabbed the jailer while resisting a rape attempt. Her bond, set at $lOO,OOO, was haid by a national civil rights group and she is "free" awaiting trial. A first degree murder conviction carries a mandatory death penalty in North Carolina. The Southern Poverty Law Center reports that the state medical examiner was prepared to support Joanne’s story but was not allowed to testify before the grand jury. _ Contributions can be sent to the Joanne Little Defense Fund. Incj, P.O. Box 1003, Durham, North Carolina. Patricia Kohn president Centre County NOW POLITICS IS NOT A DIRTY WORD It has an effect on almost every thing you do. Shouldn’t you be a part of something that can change your life? Register To Vote. Territorial claim By RIAD AJAMI graduate-business administration Mr. Falk's statement in yesterday’s Collegian, about the possibility for a “Jordanian-lsraeli" dialogue to resolve what he labeled as “the-territorial claim of the Palestinian people,” is a sad comment on the state of the art of political literacy. For Jiis statement representative of Israeli arrogance —and more basically the unfolding recent events seems to call into serious question the capacity of the Israeli’s to Collegian forum learn from their previous mistakes, and to chart new paths and alternatives for a viably peaceful Middle East . Repeated victories for Israel on the battlefield have not, and never will, produce the security and peace that Israel should want. War and the preparations for wars inevitably per meate all aspects of combatant society, such as the Israeli state, thus distorting its morality. A society that makes war one of its fundamental concerns eventually caves under, succumbs to arrogance, and inevitably becomes morally numb. The editor of New Outlogk, an Israeli journal, wrote “over the years, we have become much stronger militarily. But have we at the same time become weakeFmorally?” In time the Israeli population has learned to rationalize the displacement of a people and a nation, the bulldozing of Arab homes, and the denial to Palestinian? Arabs of the right to nationhood, and self-determination on' their own land. The quest for "security”—meaning all Arab lands * — becomes an obsession requiring expanding boundaries, imperial posture, and military domination? Annexationist 1 and officii Israeli circles deny the existence of the Palestinian and their right to their homes. Mr. Falk’s statement is a reflection of this arrogant attitude and mentality. The future for Israel, in a democratic secular form, lies in peace with her neighbors. Effective as her armed forces might be they can never bring an entire nation to its knees. Its only hope and guarantee is an Arab people that are Mary Beatty 3rd-liberal arts sColleg JERRY SCHWARTZ Editor Editonal policy is determined by the Editor Opinions expressed by the editors and staff of The Daily Collegian are not necessarily those of the University administration, faculty or students. secure in peace, so that they will be able to reciprocate with the same. The central question that has yet to be resolved in the Middle East, and in which the Israelf in particular, have a vested interest can be simply put. Will tha future prevail—a radically different one at that from the one envisioned by the present military machine of Israel? Or will it be irresponsibly, nihilistically and arrogantly sacrificed? Can the Israeli people, and government if it is possible, construct new visions and relationships so as to see the rights of the Palestinian people? Survival and justice for all in the Middle East are dependent upon the extent to which the,lsi;aeli can visualize ■these new alternatives, sever their ties with the and engage in creative discourse which hopefully might unleash their humane tendencies. However, Mr. Falk’s statement suggests that my hope is ill-founded, for I might be asking a lot of the Israeli society. Some simple yet important lessons are in order for Israel; to ignore them is to once again court disaster. Military solutions in the Middle East are misnamed. They have so far failed to solve anything. This is a lesson that the Israeli ought to have learned by now. An imperial and colqnial posture on the part of the Israelis is. dangerous and self defeating. Domination 1 breeds resent ment, hatred and rebellion. No one can acquire other people’s territory by force and then expect a peaceful existence Though recent diplomatic maneuvers and events relegated them to the peri phery, the Palestinians are still there and any meaningful and just settlement must address their rights and future. An engineered peace—Super K scheme included—that'forgets the 1 is inevitably doomed; more basically it would be unjust and unrealistic. If a Palestinian state is what the Palestinians want, a legitimate and viable state ought to be at the core of a future settlement. Puppet regimes (Hussein included) acceptable to the Israelis will not do. By the nature of things, the Resistance .movement is the embryonic Palestinian state. This is a priori for a peaceful and viable Middle East. Israel better take notice. The Newly Formed PUBLICITY COMMITTEE of the. Hetzel Union Board needs you! Interested - call 865-8651 ian ROBERT A. MOFFETT Business Manager