The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 06, 1974, Image 2

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    Editorial opinion
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~, i , , : , . The many ideals that the letters chapter of the Penn State KKK."
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I. 1 KKK and the letters PSU sym- The student who distributed
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0 ... . bolize should be so opposite that it these cards says it was a practical
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• • , is shocking to see those two joke. But this "joke" may have
r groups of letters associated with caused a black student to drop out
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each other, of Penn State. Even more im
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. 1- The letters KKK stand for hate portant, such "jokes" may mean
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1• 1 and terror and closed minds. The the loss of many more potential
•1 letters PSU should stand for open minority students at Penn State.
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i -- r..-...' - ' ' 1 minds and acceptance and The percentage of minority
, iffrisllll7
I I . I freedtm. students enrolled at Penn State
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i ... I Unfortunately, several students definitely needs to be increased.
1 f...: .OK utla.E TOMIGS T • seem to have forgotten the im- But if PSU is associated with KKK,
I . . i:;'i. • . ult.E mtivos. ,
,( 4 , 1 I ' portance of what PSU stands for. minority students would shun all of
i During the past year three KKK-- PennlState's recruiting efforts.
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type incidents have occurred on All I of the incidents were
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. campus. Last fall a cross was probably "practical jokes." But a
--A w io , - 4 • 4,4. s , burned in West Halls. It was not joke is supposed to be funny. And
ye -y - • • , • Halloween when two persons a joke that results in giving Penn
'Aw laugh it up. This is just a good, clean college prank.'
The real issues facing students a
d the dy Collegian
Undergraduate memberot University Council
Over the past term, students of Penn State were
victimized by a red herring of gigantic proportions.
While the Undergraduate Student Government wallowed
in an insurance - scandal" that generated resignations,
Accusations. and a virtual collapse of student govern
ment. many important items were being ignored.
Though efforts were made in some critical areas, in
cluding landlord-tenant relations and the calendar
change referendum, the student body remains, by and
rarge unaware of some critical issues that must be
dealt with.
I present these issues to you with the belief that
students must be aware and involved in these areas,
Collegian forum
n d that the resolution of these issues will determine
what course the Penn State University will take in the
years to come
Faculty Governance. Generally, the Faculty Governance
Report (or the Friedman Report) may be looked upon
..,rith some degree of favor by students. After all, are we
not kindred spirits seeking the same goal: a slightly
larger chunk of the decision-making authority on
campus' ) But .the report is conspicuously lacking in
tudent interests. True. it is a facultylreport seeking to
further faculty .aims. but will the heightened ef
fectiveness that this document recommends for the
(acuity lessen the visibilty of ',student needs?
Recommendation 13. for example, would emasculate
he University Council and would virtually eliminate the
Letters t• the Edi
It was apathy
TO THE EDITOR What happened on Election Day past- for
democratic candidate Yates Mast and his bid for Represen
:alive of the 23rd Congressional District was not a sin, it was
not a crime. it was not a shame; it was apathy.
There is a very disturbing formula which creates apathy in
this district. It is the unawareness and lack interest of the
district resident and the lack of care and concern of the
student Those of you failing to register.and those of you
failing to vote lost your chance to help government for yotir
own benefit. You had the chance for good representation, now
^.'e will have to struggle for two more years. The excuses giyen
'or not voting in this election by the students were just as sorry
s the students themselves. The people of the district had no
ideas for the issues and in some cases didn't know the issues
involved The students and the residents have remained on
their buttocks and believed they would have the system
crumble beneath them. You are mistaken. You have bartered
incentive for dole and have nothing. You have traded freedom
for benefice and dignity for all of the handouts which are so
seemingly available in our society. Unfortunately, the hand
outs have been disguised, and your ignorance has kept you a
humbled citizen unable to see the light.
The representative of this district does not represent this
district. He has supported the vested interests of the elite few
and has not represented the interests of all. This is a rural
district of 10.000 square miles, not ten square blocks of Wall
Street in downtown New York.
Please go to Boston
of the Collegian Staff
Jim Crow supposedly was buried by
the dramatic "Brown vs The Board of
Education" Supreme Court ruling of
1954 Of course, the 'fact that white
American justice happened to be in a
giving mood changed 'very little. The
progress that has been' made in
American race relations over the course
of the last 20 years is chiefly the result of
the valiant struggle waged by Black
people for their Civil Rights.
Nonetheless, racism, rooted as it is in
the development and decay of American
capitalism, lingers like the odor of
rotting garlic. Jim Crow, segregation_as
law. reflected segregation as a way . of
life Now, for the most part, we are
simply minus the legal assertion of the
sociological fact.
Busing has aroused an inevitable
storm of American passion. Bigotry has
remained submerged like an_ emotion
i.vhich occasionally. and 'far too
frequently, rises and explodes on the
surface of the national personality.
Therelcre what took place in BOston, the
old cradle of abolitionism, was
shamefully predictable. "We are not
opposed to the colored, just to forced
busing." declares the white community
of South Boston. That is a cheap and
disgusting lie which sullies every thread
and fiber in the hypocrite-fabric of Irish
Catholic morality. Their actual beliefs
are scrawled in chalk or spray paint at
night and read: "Nigger meat for sale
most balanced example of student-faculty
administration interaction that exists on this campus.
Rather than vie for positions of greater relative
'power." shouldn't faculty and students align them
selves with the administration in a real system of shared
responsibility for governance? It has worked elsewhere;
it can work here.
Unionization. What is the PSUPA2 What is the AAUP? It
is appalling that students know so little of the collective
bargaining effort underway at Penn State.
From a student's standpoint, it does seem that an
organized faculty would have the balance of governance
tipped in its favor, which Would make any type of shared
governance unlikely. (Particularly, given the nature of a
currently unorganized faculty that insists on limiting
Student involvement in its Senate to a mere 10 per cent.)
Students' Role in University Governance. Perhaps as a
reaction to the loss of credibility of the USG Senate and
very definitely as a reaction to the faculty's recent at
tempts' to enhance their effectiveness, a subcommittee
of the Stident Advisory Board is presently working to
determine what role students should play :in University
Governante. The rationale for and the benefits of Change comes slowly in any large bureaucracy. It is
student input in governance today are widely accepted: attained through constant study and work. Most change
It is time for students to demonstrate their potential; It is not accompanied by splashy headlines and scandals
'is time for this subcommittee to embrace a philosophy blown up into Watergate proportions.
and implement a system by which students have an To be listened to, you must be respected. And
equal share in governance —as equal members of the respect is earned, not taken. Support those student
academic community.
leaders who have earned respect and are quietly
The Buckley Amendment. On Nov. 18, a federal law working for major changes. They need your attention
went into effect giving college students the right to and con ern.
inspect and review any and all official records, files, and Stude&ts have a right to the very bese•education
'data directly related to them. In its study of the im- possible. But each one of us also has an obligation to
plications of this act, the University Council has noted contribute to that education's excellence.
There are people who know where they are, others who think
they know where they are, still others who don't know where
they are and finally Others who don't care. It's when you know
where you are, you are not; and you don't know because you
don't care.
know there is noVenough concerned people and students in
this district. The people just don't care about who or what
governs them. Yates Mast is the best man for the job, but he is
not representing this district and it's constituents. Un
fortunately, he is not representing you.
Ritenour Board
TO THE EDITOR: On Monday, Oct. 28, 1974, the Un
dergraduate Student Government Senate elected me to assume
the position of USG Representative to the Ritenour Advisory
Board. This position has been vacant since 'early 1974 and
virtually inactive as far as I can perceive since it has been
In a memo received from USG President George Cernusca, it
was stated: "As the Undergraduate Student Government's
Representative to the Ritenour Advisory Board you ha)e as
your responsibility insuring that the student body is 'not
subjected to unfair and immoral practices at the Health
Center.",i want it to be known by the student populus that
have accepted the responsibility of this position and that by
being the USG Representative, I am their representative, and I
here," "Kill niggers" or "Niggers go
home," Their most profound sentiments
are expressed in the showers of rocks,
spittle and vile invecve hurled at Black
students who, softhow, in some
horribly strange and undefinable way,
are "unfit" to enter the halls of South
Boston High School.
The baseness of such people reached
an animal zenith with the attempted
lynching of Jean-Louis Andre Yvon, a
Haitian immigrant dragged from his car
and savagely beaten while brutal, insane
and indistinguishable white-mouthed
faces screamed "Get the nigger!" "Offer
him up!" The white man's burden is a
heavy load to bear these days.
The political maggots of the Far Right
know instinctively where there is
sustenance. Nazi, Klan and Birchite
station wagons ascended upon South
Boston in droves. David Duke, Grand
Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, arrived in
South Boston and spoke to an en
thiisiastic audience of several hundred
zombies. Nazis materialized to recruit
and peddle their repulsive toilet-paper,
White Power. Of course, these vermin
received a far more polite reception than
do the scores of Black bus and taxi
drivers who daily risk their lives driving
through Sduth Boston. At any rate,
South Boston's belated bigotry quickly
found itself some fitting friends.
What is at stake in Boston is the right
of black people in America to attend
quality. desegregated schools. The
racists are opposed to busing precisely
Gary David Romanic
Bth-environmental resource management
because they are opposed to the right of
black Americans to receive an education
equal to that of white Americans. The
President of the United States, a former
Department Store window mannequin,
declares that he is opposed to "forced
busing." Poor Kennedy emerges from
the bootleg-millions of his own crucible
offering to ... pray! Rockefeller is too
occupied, Christmas shopping on Wall
Street for the Congress to say anything
of substance on the question. The
Supreme Court sits in its guilded,
elegance, ready in a moment to
acquiesce. Leather-Brain Ford has
virtually gotten away with fanning the
flames of racism. Madison Avenue has
convinced him that 60 per cent of white
America consists of TV-robots culturally
aroused by flag decals ,and Grand
Canyon bumper stickers. It is another
Racism is no more innately human
than any other disease. One has to pick
up the germs somewhere, and there are
various means of innoculating ' the
A National March Again Racism will
be held in Bostdn on Dec. 14. 111 is
sponsored or enddrsed by a wide variety
of trade union, black and sttdent
organizations. t 4 mass rally will
assemble and demonstrate to the
nation's bigols tilat they are isolated,'
alone and defeated; that their backward
and medieval conceptions. are now
utterly beyond the Scope of human
intelligence, ,that their civilization is a
barbarism. Please go to Boston.
draped in hooded KKK garb visited
the Black Lounge. And last term a
student distributed cards inviting
students to join a "newly formed
that the Penn State administration's policy on record
6 .•
and accessibility to those records is generally W
in accord with the new law. Still, there are records on
file to which students do not, and perhaps, should not Editor
have access, for example: confidential letters of
reference and psychiatric and medical records.
But certainly each student is entitled to know what
records ,are kept on him or her and which the ad
ministration says are available for inspection.
Student Participation in Academic Affairs. A student
faculty-administration,committee dealing directly with
President Oswald's executive assistant has been
workifig for more than a year assessing the level of
student participation in academic affairs throughout the
University and is now embarking on a process of en
couraging SPAA and developing new avenues for it. Are
you tired of senseless requirements? Would you like to
sit on departmental committees that deal with fatuity
and course evaluation, course design and advising
programs? This group is functioning toward those
tor of the Collegi
am willing to work in their favor.
I have no personal committments to anyone in USG or the
University administration and feel that my only committment
is to the student body of the Pennsylvania State University.
If anyone has a legitimate complaint about the University
health services, I hope they will forward that complaint to me.
My address is: 710 S. Atherton Street 104, State College,
Penna. 16801. My phone number is: 238-2147.
Matthew M. Gura
10-biological health
For the term system
TO THE EDITOR: I was wondering how well the University
Calendar Commission's arguments against the term system
will stand up when President Oswald goes to Harrisburg to ask
for the money it will cost to make the transition? Of course this
isn't a fair criticism of the UCC because their job is to weigh
the academia considerations. I feel that they have not done
this but rather acted as an ad hoc committee to abolish the
term system. The first sign :of this attitude was the UCC's
dropping the term system right away. If this system has no
merit, why did the University ever adopt it? The second in
dictment stems from the commission's character
assassination reply to the first wave of student opposition to a
change away from the term system a paraphrase of which is:
students_ will vote only for what they know.
I feel that there is quite a lot to be said for the term system,
primarily the versitility it offers the student. What will happen
to all the two credit courses (20 class meetings) that are meant
as sidelights, etc.? Are they to meet once a week for 15 weeks
if there really isn't enough material to warrant 30 class
meetings? Or what about the student - who changes his or her
major and needs 24 extra credits? Do they have to go two extra
semesters (one year)? Personally I am looking forward to
Spring term, my twelfth, when I will be able to pick up a few
courses that I always wanted to take, but would hate•to be
stuck in for 15 weeks.
1 ,
o i
N. l ' i --
'Y'know, it's getting more and more difficult for me
to believe that you're honestly trying to stop inflation.'
State a bad reputation, .not only
among minorities but also in
Harrisburg, is about a funny as
filling a squirting flower with
Editorial policy is determined by the Editor
Opinions expressed by the editors and staff of The Daily Collegian are not necessarily
those of the University administration, faculty or students.
Editorial Staff: 865-1828
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White; NEWS EDITOR, Jerry Schwartz; COPY EDITORS, Steve Auerweck, Jean LaPenna.
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Joan Kirschner:
There are many more arguments for and against the term
system, but I feel everyone will lose something in a change to
Ever wonder why this issue came up? Go ask your advisor.
Rumor has it that it's faculty dissatisfaction. Did ybu ever hear
of a faculty member paying a fee for the privilege of teaching
hydrochloric acid
Neither it is not funny . when t
three incidents are thrown
together and called indications that
a KKK chapter is budding on cam
pus. The three incidents were un
related and cannot be added
together, just as elementary math
teachers will say apples, oranges
and bananas cannot be added
together. And even if they could
be added together, they would
equal stupidity, not KKK.
Both the students who par
ticipated in the incidents and those
who claimed they were the actions
of a Penn ,State KKK are guilty of
the immaturity of not considering
the ramifications of their actions.
The "jokes" and the rumors
must end now before all the prin
ciples PSU stands for are injured
any more.
Successor to the Free Lance, est 1887
Member of the Associated Pressr
Charter member of the Pennsylvania
Collegiate Media Association
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Pro-abortion stands
TO THE EDITOR: I would like to make public my protest
against the inclusion of an official position in favor of the
legalization of abortion by the organizations of such leftist
social and political movements as women's liberation and
I feel that these and other leftist organizations by their of
ficial pro-abortion stands are losing an important block of
support by their inflexibility on this controversial issue. I
personally am in basic agreement with the socialist theories of
Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, and have been unable to uncover any
conflict between their theories and my anti-abortion con
victions. Yet I am unfree to join in the organized efforts to
promote a socialist order through such organizations as the
SWP or the YSA because of this conflict.
Similarly, my sentiments are strongly behind all of the many
efforts and endeavors of the women's liberation Movement,
except for those - involving the legalization of abortion. But
once again I am prohibited from becoming a member of one of
this movement's organizations such as NOW and AWS,
because of consequent disagreeable implications that my
membership would signify unspoken approval of their position
in favor of legalizing abortion. I would not consider the
"illegalization" of abortion to be an infringement upon my
rights as a woman, but rather as a means of protection of the
rights of the living fetus as a potential human being.
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