—The Daily Collegian Wednesday, April 10,1974 -_g_ $3OO in compensatory / t / \ T damages and $9OO in punitive W lUt/ U/ # ( damages. In October, Weiner had ■ appeared before District \/\/I KI O /“"I Magistrate Clifford Yorks, If If f f KJa # asking for $9OO in damages and the return of his _ # motorcycle, which had been /j / j fjk / parked on the lawn of his V* \jf KM § home at 140 N. Patterson St. * * Dean Wagner, co-owner of D and D, said a contract he signed with S.C. Sun, the property’s owner, gave him jurisdiction to issue parking tickets over the adjoining parking lot and surrounding grounds. A University student was awarded $250 last week on appeal of a case involving confiscation of his motorcycle by the D and D Parking Lot Security Company. The Board of Arbitors, a three-attorney panel, ruled in favor Friday of Neil Weiner (9th-business), who asked for Coal mine research WASHINGTON p PQ I*o s- K <0 CA G 3 Paula Wed. 3 p.m. Bob Students and Teachers ATTENTION SOPHOMORE WOMEN interested in Junior Honorary. If you have a 2.75 cum, you must file an application at HUB desk by Wed. April 17 Questions? Call Dorrie 865-6997 Minnie 237-2873 Special Summer Rates Now Available ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS BEAVER HILL PARK HILL CEDARBROOK PENN TOWER OFFICE 340 East Beaver 237-0363 I & A Corp. meet me at the Lemon Tree brought to court for this crime and there’s no questioh in my mind about that.” In St. Paul, Minn., American Indian Movement leader Dennis Banks said he hoped to hear from the SLA some time soon. Banks said he had been asked by Hearst to organize minority groups to intercede with the SLA for Patricia to be allowed to meet with her family. “If we don’t receive a contact or a clue that a meeting is possible then I’m afraid AIM will have to with draw,” Banks said. “We can’t be involved in something like this if it is to be drawn into weeks and months.” If the legislature approves the tax increase by May 1, Kassab estimated, the department should be able to let $2O million worth of resurfacing contracts covering the roads most in need of work, before next winter sets in. “We hope we can handle $45 million in additional pothole work ourselves,” Kassab said. Appropriations Committee members indicated they favor the tax increase, which was tabled in the House on March 6. But some predict the measure will have problems because of the upcoming primary elections, scheduled for May 21.