Editorial opinion Help Wanted WANTED A STUDENT who is interested in the University, willing to learn more about ■t and anxious to work towards improving it Wanted: a new student trustee. Benson Lichtig, the first and only student trustee, has resigned to take a position in the Office of Student Affairs. Harrisburg is seeking a replacement. But they won’t be putting a want ad in The Daily Collegian. Instead, they have given Undergraduate Student Government President Mark Jinks and his selection com mittee the responsibility of choosing three to five nominees. Gov. Shapp and State Secretary of Education John C. Pittenger will make the final selection, expected in mid-October. Those of you who would like to apply for the job can pick up an ap plication until Thursday in 202 HUB. The form requests certain factual information, a listing of job experience and University and non-University activities. In addition, you must submit one to three faculty references and a brief essay on how you view the goals of the University and its Board of Trustees and how you as Register Today is the last chance for you to register to vote in Centre Coun ty before the November elections. Do it. The only difference from last week is you need a ride. Registration is being held in the County Courthouse in Bellefonte from 9 a.m. to noon and. from 1 to 5 p.m. Call USG at 863-0295. They’ll get you there. They know that last week’s registration didn’t guaran tee that borough housing and building codes will be adequately T 09. COMING ______ MEN!-WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! No experience re quired Excellent pay Worldwide travel Perfect summer job or career Send S 3 00 tor information SEAFAX, Dept. R-12, P.O. Box 2049. Port Angeles. Washington 98362. A Collegian Classified never runs for very many days. That’s because they always get fast results ★ ALMOST 100 AMUSEMENTS ★ 5 CENTS TO 25 CENTS ★ OPEN 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 A.M. DAILY PWYIAND TRY IT, YOU'LL LIKE IT MCAT-DAT-GRE LSAT-ATGSB OCAT NAT’L. BOS. * Preparation tor tests required tor admission to graduate and profes sional schools * Six and twelve session courses * Small groups * Voluminous material for home study prepared by experts m each field * Lesson schedule can be tailored to meet individual needs Lesons can be Spread over a period of several months to a year, or for out ot town students, a period of one week Special CompactCounes during Weekends Intersesions Summer Sessions STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL CENTER 1175 Ibi Itrft Street Irootly* N V pm m-iwo s/Lm rjr PHILADELPHIA ££ (215) CA 4-5145 O»vS EvEMNGs* WEEKENDS SINCE I*3* a student trustee would work to at tain those goals. The application and essay are due 5 p.m. Thursday in 202 HUB. If the response is moderate, ap plicants will be interviewed by the committee individually beginning next week. Although it is up to the selection committee to evaluate the ap plicants, it is your responsibility to evaluate yourself before applying. To be an effective trustee you should have an understanding of the University system, its structure and organization. Or you should cultivate a strong desire to learn. Other important qualifications are less tangible. You should be outspoken enough to be heard, but diplomatic enough to be ac cepted by your fellow trustees. You should be opinionated enough to strong arguments, yet open-minded enough to consider the views of those you represent. - But much of this skill will come' from on-the-job training. In telligence and sensitivity are the only real prerequisites in this area. You also should be articulate enforced, that a consumer protec tion agency will be set up, that a functioning bus system will be provided, that On Drugs, Inc. and other social services will survive, even that bicycle racks will be set up. USG knows that last week’s turnout did not insure that candi dates for State College mayor and Borough Council will consider student interests during the fall campaign and after the Nov. 6 election. RESEARCH thousands of topics $2.75 per page Nation's most extensiye library of research material SEND FOR YOUR UP-TO-DATE, 144-PAGE, MAIL-ORDER CATALOG. ENCLOSE $l.OO TO COVER POSTAGE RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 3 2 Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 (213) 477-8474 or 477-5493 Our research material is sold for research assistance only not as a finished product for academic credit. Save Money!! You can save money by having your favorite shoes put into new condition at a fraction of the cost of repiacing them. And .where does this happen? Custom Shoe Repair 21 OS. Allen formerly under the Corner Room' do it today enough to communicate your ideas effectively. So, you think you qualify? Then it's up to you to apply. But go into the interview fully aware of one fact: you just might be selected. The position of student trustee should not be taken lightly. As a student, you would represent all students on Penn State campuses throughout the state. As a trustee, you would represent the entire University community. In addition! if you are selected as the new student trustee, you should plan on spending the next three-and-a-half years of your life at Penn State. You will be finishing Lichtig’s term of office which ends in>Ouly, and, ideally, serving another three-year term. In order to communicate student opinion effectively to the Board of Trustees, you would haye to live near the University and talk with students on a regular basis. If you still want the job, then by all means apply. If the impossible happens and you are selected, you probably won’t regret it: the hours aren't bad and the rewards are tax free. Every new vote counts, If you have your own car, it's a smooth 20-minute ride to Bellefon te. Take.- East College Avenue (Route 26) out to the Nittany Mall and to left at the fork. As you reach downtown Bellefonte, you'll see the Penn Belle Hotel on the left, so make a right on West High Street. Go up one block to the Bellefonte diamond. The courthouse is on the diamond. Register today. Your vote will make the difference. Atherton Hall )qillar z> U Letters to the Editor The Chipmunk TO THE EDITOR: I have been following with great interest the controversy between cyclists, motorists and pedestrians. You see, it applies to my own situation. Instead of using me as the butt of poor puns on monks who hawk chips, men should immortalize me as the true champion of the best nimble dodgers of all in the cyclist, motorist, pedestrian shuffle. I’ve known for a long time that, whether it be a cyclist, motorist or pedestrian, if it’s a man (barring a few), he’s out for himself, and all the laws in the world won’t change human nature. Humbly yoyrs, I remain known to you as the chipmunk. \ Joan Hardesty Graduate - English Faculty unionization TO THE EDITOR: 1 regret to say that Miss Karen Baer in her article on ’’Faculty Unionization” didjnot quote me accurately nor convey my opinion on faculty unionization in her article on September'2B. In our interview I made the following points: Faculty unionizatiom is clearly :a matter tor the faculty to decide; such a'decision should |not be made until they have studied other universities, including those faculties that have rejected unionization as well as those accepting it. Community college and state college faculties have been the most likely groups to accept unionization. Most university faculties, including thosd similar to Penn State, have not become unionized, and the reasons for this ought to be carefully examined by our faculty. I would be personally concerned with any change in the University structure, whether in administrative or faculty organization which would prevent me from working closely with faculty members in our college. These are my views and unfortunately they did not appear in the article. I'm sorry for you TO THE EDITOR: I am writing this letter in response to Ms. Serianni’s Oct. 8 letter entitled "I lost, too,” where Ms. Serianni states: “Your inability to trust a man enough to give your life completely to him is creating chaos in the world. When are you going to wake up to the fact that your real independence lies in the arms of some male who wants to dedicate his whole life to.you?” (Thid refers, I suppose, to the women on this campus.) p Why can’t a woman trust a man without giving her life completely to him? Why de you equate trust with losing your identity? I am an independent woman who is going to college to get an education so I can continue to be independent. My life is MY life and when I marry, I will share the experiences of my existence with my mate. By no means am I going to put my independence in the arms of anyone. And why do you equate a woman’s independence with frigidity? (Webster: “a marked or abnormal sexual indifference, especially in women.”) You are blatantly contradicting yourself ... mature sexuality is not dependent. To dispute another point ... ”1 do believe that love, happiness and marriage go hand in hand. I want to dedicate my whole life to making one man happy.” Ms. Serianni, can you not love someone (male or female) without it ending in marriage? My friends, who are both males and females, are most important to me and I truly love them. But they are just that 1 friends. And I don’t consider the relationships 1 have with them unfulfilled relationships if they don’t lead to marriage. . c If you'd cut or trim that's just a little bit nicer, enjoy the beauty of trying us. Call 238-5521 for appointment. Accurately detailed! The official Penn State class ring In stock for immediate delivery ig Penn Staters Since 1927 Q ZD Stanley F. Paulson Dean of I he College of Liberal Arts I Marlon Brando Lee Marvin in The WILD ONE ■ WED. OCT. 10 NEED AN APARTMENT? Leases now available for Winter Term 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units furnished:and unfurnished Including: Heat, hor water, cooking, free parking, 10 channel Cable TV, laundry facilities. PHONE 238-1443 ! PARK FOREST 238-1965 APARTMENTS i West Aaron Drive Creative? Included in the yearbook , this year will be a special section devoted to photographs, stories, artworjk, and poetry submitted by students. If you havea favorite photo or article you would like to see published, now is your chance I ! Send all such works to: LaVie, 210 Engineering "D", Uniy. Park. The deadline is Oct. 17. All decisions reserved |to editors. All items submitted become the property jot LaVie. i As far as dedicating my whole life to making one man happy ... how can ydu expect one person to fulfill every need in you, and by the same token, how can you expect.to fill one person’s every need? : I am not saying that you must go outside the institution of marriage to get happiness. NOT SO!!! But to “dedicate” (Webster: “to devote to the worship of a divine being”) my whole life to any one person sounds truly perverted. I get my happiness now from all of my relationships with a lot of people.. They all add together, to help in making me a happy person, and when I marry, there will be other relationships that add together .to help make me happy (and I’m not speaking of sexual relationships?' either.) In the end, |l would definitely agree with you in saying that you lost. You’ve missed the whole point of your existence, and you are truly “from a rib of man.” What can I say except that I’m sorry for you: and I hope you find that divine being that you're looking for. Ceramics wonts you TO THE EDITOR: I should like to correct an impression left by Diane Nottle's article in The Dally Collegian Oct. 4 concerning Women in engineering. Susan Pavolski (11th-chemical engineering) implied that ceramic science was not suitable for women because “there’s a lot of work with heavy equipment.” I can assure you that the number of jobs ceramic scientists get involving the handling of heavy equipment is insignificant, especially in comparison to chemical engineering. Miss Pavlovski might be interested tp know that women constituted 20 per cent of our June 1973 graduating class in ceramic science. Each of these young ladies has been gainfully employed in the ceramic industry and from last reports are thoroughly pleased with their work. ; There are many opportunities for women in ceramic science and they do the job as well as any man. Women are attracted to ceramic science by virtue of their interests in an applied science and engineering curriculum which offers numerous and rewarding careers. We have job openings at the present time which we have been unable to fill with women or men because the demand for our graduates is so high. And really Miss Pavlovski, that solid state (ceramic) miniature radio or tape recorder that you carry around is not that heavy, is it? ' PATRICIA J. STEWART Editor JOHN J. TODD Business Manager Successor to the Free Lance, est. 1887 Member of the Associated Press ' Charter member of Pennsylvania Collegiate Media Association Editorial policy is determined by the Editor. COLLEGIAN EDITORS: MANAGING EDITOR, Steve Ivey; EDITORIAL EDITOR, Rich Grant; CITY EDITOR, Rick Nelson; ASSISTANT CITY EDITORS, Pat Hunkele, Diane Nottle; LAYOUT EDITOR, Betty Holman; COPY EDITORS, Maureen Keely, Nancy Postrel, Terry Walker; SPORTS EDITOR, Ray McAllister; ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITORS, Mark Simenson, Rick Starr; PHOTO EDITOR, Randy Woodbury; ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR. Joe Rudick; GRAPHIC ARTIST, Jennie Atty; at Kern - the Grad Commons Rebe Dublisky 10th-education o< exceptional children Guy E. Rindone, Chairman ceramic science section 8&10p.m. still only 50 c