The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 04, 1973, Image 20

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    —The Daily Coltegian Tuesday, September 4, 1973
OSA t provides services
According to Raymond Murphy. students a friend at
the Office of Student Affairs. Murphy, vice president for
student affairs. coordinates the activities - of Student Affairs
from his new office in Boucke.
Student Affairs. formerly housed in Old Main is in the
process of moving - in - to Boucke and adjacent buildings.
Murphy said the move will "consolidate the efforts of the
Student Affairs staff who are now dispersed 'throughout
the campus."
••We are hoping to focus the service aspect of Student
Affairs into Boucke so that, if a student has:-.2,p he
can get it resolved in - one building instead,oTgoing from
building to building. - he added: .
Boucke's fourth floor will be filled with Student Affairs
offices. while the first. second and third floor,tvill contain
offices and classrooms.
Student Affairs Is composed of five departments: Conduct
Standards. Special Programs and Services. Student
Services. Student Programs and Administration.
The Office of Conduct Standards supervises the
administration of the University's discipline system. Its
director. Donald Suit, oversees the workings of the Student
Standards Boards. the University Hearing Board. and the
University Appeals Board.
Daniel R. Leasure. assistant vice president for student
services. directs the efforts of four divisions making up
Student Services,
Requests for information. referrals. general counseling
and student records are handled by the Student Assistance
Center. directed by Leasure.
If you have been busted or just need free legal advise.
Yates 'Mast is the man to see. Mast. the University's legal
counselor. can give students confidential legal advice but
cannot represent them in court.
New Students
Grace Lutheran
Beaver Ave. at Garnet St.
9 a.m. and 10:30 aim.
every Sunday
Indian madras bedspreads
Travel to The Train Station
for lunch or dinner
11 :30 A.M.
116 S. Garner St. 237-1392
!II THIN 37111011
Junction College S• Garner
Herkxher Ernerpo lst)
Moving in
A rug or tapestry would
sure brighten a dull room
Need a scholarship, loan or job? John Brugers' Office of
Student Aid may be able to help you. This office is the
clearing house for information about scholarships, loans ;
and employment for students, including summer jobs.
John J. Swords is the vet's friend at Penn State. As the
University Veterans Affairs Officer, Swords handles all
programs affecting veterans and their education.!
If you are sick, need a vaccination or feel depressed,
Ritenour Health Center and its Mental Health Clinic offer
medical examinations, referrals and low cost medication.
Dr. John A. Hargleroad directs the center.
Remember the hassle of pre-registration testing and
counseling? Gary J. Scott's Division of Career Develop
ment and Placement is the group responsible. The Divi
sion also supervises vocational-educational 'counseling
and placement counseling and services.
- Black students, other minority students and the educa
tionally disadvantaged can find help through Thelma T.
• Price's Special Programs and Services division.
Price, an assistant vice president, personally directs
the Division of Community Affairs and is acting director
of the Black Cultural Center. The BCC sponsors speakers,
concerts and other cultural activities and offers black
. students a place to meet.
Culturally and economically disadvantaged students can
find help in Stewart Strothers* Educational Opportunities
Special programs for town and dorm students are
coordinated through A. Craig IVlillar's Department of
Student Programs. The department has four divisions.
Students with complaints about the resident assistants or
the quality of dormitory programs should see M. Lee
Uperaft, director of residential life programs. Uperaft also
handles the fraternity.system. orientation, training students
for the Student Standards Boards. and independant student
• The money many student groups spend comes from the
Associated Student Activities fund, administered by Mel
cvyn S. Klein, director of student activities. Klein also
watches over the Volunteer Service Center, formal and in
formal educational programs and facilities used by stu
dent organizations.
; Watching over the religiouS needs of the University
community is the job of James A. Rhodes' Division of
Religious Affairs. International' students become
acquainted with the University. State College and the
United States through the offices of the International
Center. The Center's director. Dante V. Scalzi. has offices
in 111 Kern.
Commonwealth campuses are told what is going on here
at University Park through Merle E. Campbell. assistant
vice president for administration. He is Student Affairs'
liaison with the Commonwealth campuses.
Jane E. McCormick's job as assistant to the vice
president for administration is to provide administrative
support to Murphy with emphasis on professional
development. staffing and program changes.
109 S. Allen
Collegian I
Swimming test: an rfor Namerac
would be nice to strut on the deck in
eastern and India print clothings
Leilac of Navarac
Asst. V.P. for
Special Programs
and Services
Thelma Price,
Thelma Price
Black Cultural
Thelma Price
Stewart Strothera
Labor leaders seek control end
Hopes for an end to controls
on the economy were Meanwhile, Leonard
expressed over the Labor Day Woodcock, president of the
weekend by two of the 'United Auto Workers, also
nation's most powerful labor expressed hope that the
leaders. controls will be lifted by the
"Let's go back to a free end of the year.
economy. Let s get rid of all "You can't run an economy
controls," AFL-CIO by political reaction,"
President George Meany said Woodcock said.
in an appearance on ABC's Woodcock, appearing on
"Issues and Answers." NBC's "Meet the Press" also
Meany said 'the current commented that a UAW
wage and price controls strike against Chrysler Corp.
should be phased out over the is a strong possibility later
next six months. He accused this month unless the firm
President Nikon of refusing to changes its stand against
The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs
Vice President for Student Affairs
Raymond 0. Murphy
Director, Office of
Conduct Standards
Donald Suit
Student Services
Daniel R. Leasure
Health Services
John A. Hargleroad
Career Development
& Placement
Gary J. Scott
Financial Aid
John F• Brunel
Student Assistance
Daniel R. Leasure
Legal Counselor
Yates Mast
Affairs Office
John J. Swords
"face up to the problems of
the economy."
John W. Oswald
Russell E. Larson
Asst. V.P. (or
Student Programs
A. Craig Millar
Residential Life
M. Lee Uperalt
Student Activities
Melvyn S, Klein
Religious Affairs
James A. Rhodes
voluntary overtime.
He said, however, that he
was hopeful that a settlement
can be reached.
Meany said he would like to
see a return to the economic
conditions that existed in
August of 1971 when Nixon
first imposed wage-price
"He may 43 o t agree
publicly, but r am sure
Richard Nixon would like to
be back on the economy
where he was in August of
1971," Meany said.
In an earlier Labor Day
weekend interview with
reporters Meany said he
foresees increased rnilitancy
among American workers
next year unless the cost of
living is brought under
Brass & leather jewelry sure
registers with me
Asst. to the V.P.
Jane E. mtcorrnick
International Center
Dante V. Scala'
"The unions are not looking
for strikes," but "it will be
inevitable that some of them
are going to take the strike
route," he said.
Meany repeated his
prediction of a recession by
the end of the year, saying
that this is inevitable
regardless of what action the
government takes.
Turning to other topics,
Meany said that, by and
large. the American people
have lost confidence in the
President. He said Nixon
should be impeached if he
refuses an order from the
Supreme Court to surrender
the tapes sought in the
Watergate investigation.
However, he added. "I don't
believe he will defy the
Supreme Court."
The Pennsylvania State University
seal, a hand engraved design in steel,
is transferred on a 4Y2" spoon and
plated with pure silver to twice the
normal thickness.
Yesterday's Craft
Today's Treasure
Tomorrow's Heirloom
Each design is a delicate authen
tic transfer of the original hand
The ideal'little gift'
that will be long
remembered &treasured
Single spoon $2.00
ava.lable at
Asst. V.P. for
Merle E. Campbell